• Published 17th May 2022
  • 395 Views, 4 Comments

The Power Ponies: Ken Tucky robs Maretropolis - Stalin with Da Spoon

What happens when the greatest gas station robbers of Los Santos wind up in Maretropolis? Crime and chaos ensues of course. Follow Ken Tucky, Jerry, Dan Dan, Fingle Dan, and Anne Droid, as they rob and plunder this new city. Or at least, try to.

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3: Ken Tucky robs Sneaky Style

The Bitches Brand New Top Secret Hideout

As the Fingle Mobile slowly pulled into the desolate warehouse, it became clear how shit it was. Cobwebs everywhere, dust out the wazoo, old boxes of junk and scrap, piles of rat shit, broken glass, and oh mother of god, the smell! To anyone else, it would be a horrible place to set up shop, but to the Bitches...

It was perfect. And as he looked around and took in both the smell and the sights, Ken grew a wide smile.

"Smells a bit shit, but eh, we got some air fresheners in the back, should fix the problem. Alright boys, let's get to work!"

The gang proceeded to all pile out of the Mobile, and got to work. Ken pulled out a broom and began to sweep the rat turd and broken glass, while Jerry grabbed junk boxes and sorted through them, taking out anything valuable before tossing them outside. Fingle got out a can of Fee-breeze and sprayed it into the air, putting up a couple air freshener trees for good measure, as the bad smell slowly dissipated. Dan used a duster to cleanse the buildings of cob webs and dust in the hard to reach places, while Robot used a vacuum to clean up the floor of the building.

Then, they noticed there was a second floor, as they set to cleaning it too. There was more junk to sort out, more rat shit, and a big ol rat nest, which Jerry cleaned out with a good ol 1911. Soon, the building was fully cleaned out and the stench was eradicated, as the gang admired their work.

"It looks great, gang." Ken said in confidence.

"Yeah, but we don't got anything to put in here. Heck, we don't even got a damn door!" Jerry said in frustration.

"You have a good point, Jerry, were gonna need to acquire some funding so we can buy stuff to spruce up the place." It was then Fingle had a genius idea.

"Why don't we go hit a gas station?"

"Genius idea Fingle, that's why your on this team, Robot, you stay here and guard the hideout, and maybe put up some blinds up on those windows, don't want anyone peeping in." Robot saluted while the rest of the gang piled into the Fingle Mobile as it pulled out of the warehouse and back onto the harbor road, as the sun was now fully down, and they slowly drove out of the harbor and into the busy nighttime streets of Maretropolis.

"We gonna get the mad bucks!" Dan yelled out triumphantly.

"Actually, as that nice superhero lady said, Dan, the currency here is bits, so the term would be 'Were gonna get mad bits'."
Fingle said as he corrected Dan.

"Ahh, that makes sense."

Meanwhile, high above the city on top of one of the tall skyscrapers, a lone man stood, cloaked in his black jumpsuit and mask, as he looked down upon the city. Suddenly, the roar of jet engines surprised him, as he ducked down to see a large jet fly right by him.

"Who in the bloody hell...?"

The jet was completely jet black, obviously meant to be a stealth craft, as it slowly flew overhead, before coming to a stop, as its jet engines pointed downwards in VTOL mode, as it slowly descended onto the roof of one of the nearby skyscrapers, as the masked man watched from out of sight. Out of the jet emerged a small group of around seven figures, each dressed rather eccentrically, as the masked figure narrowed his gaze and watched in intrigue.

"Ah gotta say, that jet of yours is pretty neat, Humdrum." Mistress Mare-velous said, looking to her draconic teammate.

"Hey, Matter horn and Zapp helped design it too, I just designed the electronics!" Cue Zapp striking a boastful grin, while Matter horn, while still proud, concealed it more, as she simply smiled at Hum Drum.

"Still wouldn't be possible without you. Now then, let's see where these 'humans' are..." Matter horn then used her super sight to scan the streets below, before asking Zapp for a description of the vehicle. "So what did their car look like?"

"Well, it looked like a big van with monster truck wheels and was painted pink and... Teal?" Meanwhile, Fingle felt a tremendous amount of satisfaction flow through him, as he sensed that someone finally got his car's description right. After a few seconds of looking, Matter horn quickly locked onto the vehicle in question.

"I see em, and wow, that is a weird looking vehicle..."

"Told ya so." Cue Fili-Second also caught sight of the strange vehicle, as she began to rapidly rub her hands together in excitement.

"Oh boy, this is so exciting, we're gonna meet some aliens!" Cue Radiance lightly giggling a bit.

"Here's hoping they don't go abducting and probing us." Saddle Rager just face-palmed.

"Pretty sure they aren't those kinds of aliens... It looks like there going to that gas station." Saddle said, as she pointed to the Fingle Mobile, which was now parked in front of a small gas station, as the Bitches now dis-embarked.

"I call dibs on first contact with the weird aliens!" Cue Fili-second zipping away, as Matter horn appeared defeated.

"Dang it, I wanted to be the one to perform first contact, I had a whole bunch of questions!" Zapp just simply chuckled to herself.

"Alright, let's scope this place out, Fingle, stay in the car. Jerry, scope out the back. Dan, with me, we goin' in front." Everyone nodded, as Jerry sneakily made his way behind the station, at least as sneaky as his body armor allowed. As Ken and Dan walked through the store, they noticed a small sign on the counter.

'Out to Lunch, be back in 10 minutes.'

"Well, that's real convenient for us ain't it." Dan said, chuckling a bit to himself.

"Well yeah, that's why they also call a gas station a convenience store. Alright Dan, I'll cover you, go crack that safe all quiet like."

"You got it." Dan then quickly ran into the back room, closing the door behind him, as he then located the safe, which was currently locked, and he proceeded to try and guess the code. "Uhhhh, one one one... One. Fuck! One one one... Two. Dang it, alright, time to just break it." Cue Dan pulling out a damn fire axe as he began swinging at the safe. Meanwhile, Ken was currently leaning on the counter, singing some unknown tune. Fingle was already fast asleep outside, that is, until a certain pink blur appeared right next to him.


"AHHHHH- Oh, sorry, you scared me..." Cue Fingle holding his chest, breathing heavily as Fili-second chuckled to herself.

"Sorry, just excited! I ain't ever met a alien before!"

"Oh, you must be one of that nice pegasus ladies friends, nice to meet you." Fingle then extended his hand out of the vehicles window. "Names Fingle Dan." Cue Fili-second shaking his hand so fast he swore it was going to be torn off. "Woah, your fast!"

"Yep, they call me Fili-second for a reason!"

"Wow, you got stuck with a pun for a name?"

"Yeah, but it's hilarious! So whatcha doin sittin' out here in your car?"

"Oh, I'm waiting for Ken and the others to get done shopping. They're inside if you wanna go meet em."

"Okie dokie lokie, thank you!" Cue her zipping inside the store, and stopping just shy of Ken's face, as her beaming smile caught the man off guard, as he flailed like crazy and fell to the ground.


"Ooh, sorry, didn't mean to spook ya like that!"

"Ah, it's alright, pony lady- Wait, you one of those power ponies that Zapp girl mentioned?"

"Yep, names Fili-second!" Cue her helping Ken up off of his ass as he dusted himself off.

"Ken Tucky, nice to meet you." Cue Fili-second looking behind Ken to see the distinct lack of a cashier.

"Hey, where's the guy who runs the place?"

"Oh, found a sign that said he was out to lunch, so I'm keeping watch for him." Ken said, gesturing to said sign, as Fili-second nodded.

"Ooooooooh. Okay then, that's very nice of you!" Just then, she swore she overhead the sound of angry yelling, and some kind of object being smacked against a hard surface, as she pointed to the backroom. "Uhhh, who's back there?"

"Oh, that's Dan, I had him watch the backroom. He's a little weird, if you couldn't already tell."

"C'mon man, get the FUCK open!"

"Yep, real weird." Fili-second slowly nodded, a tiny bit suspicious, but not really liking to judge, as she just shrugged and smiled.

"Well, were all a little weird in Maretropolis, so it's great to have you here!"

"Appreciate it, ma'am." Fili-second nodded, and as she turned to leave, she was suddenly met by a heavily armored and honestly terrifying man.


"Oh, uh... Hi!" Cue Ken chuckiling.

"Stand down, Jerry. Fili-second, meet Jerry. He's a big fellow." Cue Fili-second perking right as she shook Jerry's hand happily, who had a blank stare.

"Nice to meet you, Jerry!"

"Pleasures mine, Madam."

Suddenly, the door to the back room swung open, as Dan slowly walked out, holding a large bag. "Way hey hey-" Upon looking to Ken, he quickly gestured to Fili-second, who was luckily turned away, so he stashed underneath his shirt. "Oh, hello miss lady."

Cue Fili-second turning and happily smiling, as she dashed over and shook Dan's free hand. "Hiya Dan, nice to meet ya, whatcha got behind your back?"

"Uhhhhhhhh... Pringles."

"Huh... What are Pringles?"

"Uhhhhh...." Cue Ken clapping his hands together, as he turned to Fili-second.

"They are a delicious snack from our homeworld, one that comes in many flavors and satisfies thy tongue with glorious flavor. They are truly a delectable snack, and we have discovered some in this store, so we shall pay for them and go." Cue Ken slapping some money on the counter, and smiling.

"Oh, that's neat! Well, I hope you enjoy it!" Cue her waving goodbye, before vanishing in a pink blur, as the gang made a audible collective sigh of relief.

"Alright, we got the money, let's go." As the gang exited the store, they boarded back into the Fingle Mobile, as they celebrated. "First gas station of the week!"


"That's how we do it baby!" Fili-second watched closely as the vehicle pulled away, as she narrowed her eyes.

"Hmmmm... Very suspicious... They forgot to get gas!"

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