• Published 1st May 2022
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Book 2: Operation Black Abyss - efug25g

Luster Dawn is sent up to the northern sector of the galaxy to intercept the evil aliens that threaten to bring all of Equestria to its knees with a doomsday weapon.

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Chapter 3: Another Victory against the FSC

At the starboard gun battery, the UFF personal are struggling to keep the FSC soldiers from the gun crews as they are entering the area from hangar in droves. The FSC soldiers are hurling EMP grenades that went off in small, electrical explosions. The gunners that got caught in the blast felt a painful shock that made them scream in burning agony before they fell off their seats before they even had a chance to fire upon the FSC cruiser, while others are getting shot at in the lower side of their abdomens.

For the UFF engineers and the UFF marines, they struggled desperately to defend the gunners with their blasters and shotguns in driving the FSC soldiers away from the gun battery. Unfortunately, they are slowly losing their ground as more shuttles filled with FSC soldiers are breaching through the gun ports before they disembarked, overwhelming the gun crews and the gunners.

Of course, Willis' started to hurl blind grenades at the disembarking FSC soldiers as they blew up in their face, rendering them unable to see what was happening before the UFF captain shoots them down. However, it wasn't long before one FSC soldier shoots Willis' hand when he raised another grenade up above his head.

"ARGH!!!" Willis screamed in pain as his hand burned up from getting blasted by an FSC soldier's blaster rifle, forcing himself to drop the grenade.

As soon as the grenade hit the floor, it blew up right in front of Willis, forcing him to cover up his eyes before turning his back away from the encroaching FSC soldiers. Just before the FSC soldiers are able to shoot him down, Luster appeared right in front of them.

The moment Luster comes face to face with the FSC soldiers, her horn lit up to the fullest before the unicorn unleashed another one of her powerful spells at them. Before they could see what was coming, Luster fired an electrical beam of lighting at the closest FSC soldier hitting him squarely in the chest.

As soon as he got struck by Luster's spell, he screamed in pain as electrical currents started to enrapture him, burning his skin from the inside. Just when it couldn't get any worse, the FSC soldiers who were too close to him also got struck by multiple tendrils of electricity. Even though they didn't scream in pain, the enemy soldiers all fell on their backs totally burnt and reduced into charred husks.

Seeing this as another opportunity, the rest of the surviving UFF marines ran past Luster before they secured the remaining starboard gun batteries that haven't been damaged yet.

Luster came to check up on Captain Willis before doing anything else.

"Willis, are you okay?!"

"It's just a flesh wound, Luster. I'll be fine. Get on one of those guns. We need to take down that enemy cruiser!!!" Willis grunted as he wrapped his injured hand with a dress bandage that he took from his medkit.

"I'm on it, sir!!" Luster acknowledged as she climbed up to the seat attached to a gun battery behind her.

During the first days on her voyage with Captain Willis, Luster was also taught on how to operate a gun battery onboard his ship. She may not be a soldier or a royal guard, but Luster was still able to fit right in as part of Willis' crew members out on the battlefield. Since Luster is able to do almost anything with her magic, she had permission to help take part in defending Willis' ship by participating in target practice with the gun batteries everyday when they're not in battle yet. Despite everything that Queen Twilight taught her in the School of Magic, Luster still has yet to learn more about the UFF and the weapons they use to fend off Equestria's enemies.

In this case, Luster is reminded to only use one of the gun batteries if told to do so first. After all, she already kept in mind to do whatever Captain Willis or Admiral Zeck says, at the request of her mentor Queen Twilight Sparkle.

As soon as she gains control of one of the gun batteries, Luster keeps her eyes onto the interface while aiming the bombardment at the Cruiser's weak points. While learning on how to use the gun batteries onboard Willis' ship, Luster was also given a datapad to use in scanning data and information about the enemy ships that her friends will likely encounter. For the FSC cruiser, Luster used the datapad with her levitating magic to pinpoint their weakness. With her knowledge in reading, writing, and observation, Luster aimed the gun battery at the FSC cruiser's hangars, which is where the enemy transport shuttles are coming out from.

Using her hooves to steer the cannon at the hangar and using her magic to squeeze the gun trigger, Luster fired the bombard cannon at the shield generator protecting the hangar's interior, destroying it in the process. Once the shield generators are gone, the ship's crew was forced to shut the hangar closed with their blast doors, ensuring that the vacuum of space doesn't suck whoever is inside the enemy cruiser's exposed areas.

However, Luster isn't done yet as she aimed the bombard cannons to the far left, reaching for the Cruiser's engines. Smirking in triumph, Luster fires the cannon at one of the engines, destroying it in the process. Just like that, the FSC cruiser is slowing down to a halt, forcing the enemy crew to fall under sitting ducks.

"Captain, their engines are down!!!"

"Good work, Luster. Let's finish this!!!" Willis grinned with another opportunity as he took out his intercom to issue another command to the rest of the gun crews. "All gunners, the enemy ship is disabled. Shoot that cruiser down!!!!"

Upon hearing the UFF Captain, the remaining gunners all opened fire with their bombard cannons as their shots are constantly smashing down the FSC Cruiser's side hull facing them. In just several seconds of constant cannon fire, the Cruiser blew apart in two as the front half came falling downwards while the rear half leaned back as it made several explosions that erupted from the inside of the destroyed ship.

For the boarding FSC soldiers, they disengaged their fight with the UFF marines and Ironwings' Royal Guards as they used their teleporters to recall themselves back to their remaining ships in the FSC fleet.

After seeing their enemy defeated once again, the UFF have all cheered for another victory in their latest space battle. However, Willis suspects that they're still not out of the woods yet since there is still the FSC battleships to deal with from behind his ship. However, because half of the gun batteries are destroyed during the boarding party, Willis makes another order to withdraw from the battlefield.

"Don't celebrate yet, men. We still have our mission to take the alien artifact to our destination. Send word to the other UFF starship captains. Tell them to have one of the other battlecruisers cover our retreat." Willis said, announcing his next orders to his crew.

"Yes sir!!!" One of the UFF crewmembers saluted as he went to relay Willis' orders.

"Helmsman, take us out of here!!!" Willis' said, using his communicator to give out orders to the command bridge.

As he sees the UFF marines take the wounded to the infirmary, Willis walks up to Luster who had just got off the seat attached to the bombard cannon.

"Well done, Luster!! Now, go help the others treat the wounded of their injuries." Willis said, congratulating the young unicorn as he patted the top of her soft head and mane.

"Sure thing, Willis!" Luster smiled as she went towards a UFF medic who is already treating a UFF marine of his leg injury.

As Willis' ship flew forward away from the battlefield, two more UFF battlecruisers came towards its rear as they helped "Deliverance" flee the area while readying their guns at the FSC Battleships.

Just as the UFF ships fired their weapons at the FSC ships, Willis' ship immediately went into hyperspace, disappearing at once as Willis, Luster, and their friends survive another battle to fight another day.