• Member Since 18th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


Open for Art Commissions. I write horror. I write gay. I write gay horror. GAAAAAAAAAAYYYY


Sunburst tells Spearhead how much he hates him.

An entry in the A Thousand Words Contest under Angst.

Preread by The Sleepless Beholder

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 6 )

For a second I thought maybe Sunburst had an imaginary coltfriend, but that ending... :fluttercry:
I'm tearing up at work from this, not easy to do in a mere 1,000 words, and my gosh you made Spearhead a full character in so few words!
Have a fave and an upvote!

It did remind of that song :fluttershysad:

Saw it coming. Didn't make it hurt any less. Great way to convey a relationship quickly, effectively, and heart-wrenchingly. Thank you for it and best of luck in the judging.

Sunscratch, he used to call it.

augh, love that little detail

“I wrote a list, Spearhead,” Sunburst said, “ten things I hate about you.”

No reply came.

“Fine, don’t answer. I always do the talking for us anyways.” He coughed into a hoof to clear his throat, an abrupt sound within the silence of the area.

oof, can guess why Spearhead is not replying...

Whenever I asked you to come down, you’d always just give me that damned smile and tell me you preferred being there. It was easier to watch out for me.”

augh, i love that! that combination of it having a heartwarming reason and being annoying in another light, really nails it

“That actually segues into my third point! You never talked about your problems with me! I never even knew you were injured until I would accidentally hold you in the wrong way, because of course I screwed up hugs.”

augh, that self-blame that permeates the piece, so good

Sunburst clenched his jaw as he recalled how peacefully he always slept. How comforting it was to hear the steady sound of his breathing as they cuddled together.

and of course ramping up the adorable fluff like this just makes it hurt all the more

“Why did you even think to cook the bottle?

ahaha, that is Sweetie Belle levels of kitchen mishap

A strange hobby he still kept up with as he’d learned to love cooking his own food.

augh, and even in this Spearhead has given him a gift to carry all his life, that will remind Sunburst of him every time he cooks

Mainly due to Sunburst’s anxiety and panic attacks. He had seen it once and never wished to be absent if it happened again. He cared too much.

oof, so loving and caring

“And finally, and most importantly, I hate that you made me love you.”

this reminds me of the perspective on dating i had when i was younger. not one that i had deliberately, but more a fear of actually finding that relationship that felt perfect and wonderful and a fulfillment of everything i had ever hoped for. because then i would have something that would have hurt so very much to lose.

but as heartbreaking and awful having that and losing it is for Sunburst, the good things that Spearhead left in him, and being able to at least be in remembrance of that precious and all-too-fleeting time that they had shared, augh, what a wonderful thing! a bittersweet smile, indeed.

a beautiful piece on love and loss, painting an entire picture of the most wonderful of relationships starting from a blank canvas, with all the little details and broad brushstrokes that make the chemistry and compatibility between two characters work, all in just a thousand words. thank you for it!

Placing a hoof on Spearhead’s gravestone, he admired the crystal work. Beautifully carved quartz made in honour of the hero that fought back the wendigos that had threatened the Empire.

You mean a windigo. The wendigo is a different type of creature who has a very different nature from the one in the show.

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