• Published 10th May 2022
  • 670 Views, 16 Comments

Kamen Rider Utopia: Sunset Shimmer! - SunsetShimmer222

One night whie riding around the streets of Canterlot, Sunset Shimmer finds a strange device falls from the sky. When monsters start to terrorize the city it's up to Sunset and her friend Twilight to stop them.

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Crimson Shadow/ Utopia vs. Armor Shadow Ninja (Part Four)

Episode 5: Crimson Shadow/ Utopia vs. Armor Shadow Ninja (Part Four)


"Seriously," Utopia comments. "Out of all places, you pick the cities power substation." Utopia crossed her arms.

"You did say that I could pick where we can fight." Kaze retorts.

"I'm now having seconds thoughts about y–" Kaze grabs Utopia's arm and throws her into the side of the substation. Kaze lunged after her not letting her get back up, he grabs her armored foot and slams her onto the ground.

"That's so going to hurt later..." Utopia groans. She jumps back on her feet and skids away from Kaze.

"Ray Buster!"

Two golden beams of energy shot out from Utopia's arms. Kaze takes out a two handed sword and reflects the beams sending them to hit the ground behind him. "What happens to all that fire you had earlier? Don't tell me that was your only attack." Kaze taunts. Sunset grits her teeth under her helmet and starts rapidly firing at Kaze who swiftly dodged her attacks. Annoyed, Utopia lunged at Kaze surprising him with a fire infused fist to his helmet, he skids back and holds the bottom half of his helmet.

"Didn't like that now did ya." Utopia says, Sunset smirks under her helmet.

While Kaze is distracted, Sunset swings at him again with her fire infused fist. "Fire Fist!"

Kaze is launched onto a powerline and feel a surge of electricity run throughout his body. He falls to the ground with steam and sparks coming off of him.

Worried Sunset walks over to him. "I didn't kill him did I?" She lightly pokes his head with her foot. "......"

Kaze's hand shoots out and takes ahold of Sunset's armored foot.

"Want to know why you'll loose to me?" He says. Sunset's eye's wide under her helmet, her wings open up from her back and tries to take off. Kaze slams her back down on her side, the ground breaks beneath them. "I'm not afraid to hurt people to get what I want." He throws Sunset into the side of the Substation, she drops to the ground on her hands and knees. Kaze raised his sword ready for the finishing blow. "Anything left to say? No more jokes?" Sunset looks up at him.

"Here's one, you can suck my–" Sunset stops when lights shine down on both her and Kaze. She looks up and sees two Canterlot news4 helicopter flying around them. Inside one of them is the same newsreporter from yesterday.

"Smile kid," Kaze says. "It looks like this'll be a public execution." He looks from the helicopters back to Sunset only to be met with a sword swing to the chest. He jumps back away from her and growls. "Yeah, there's no way I'm going to get humiliated by you infront of everyone." Sunset says and flies at him.

"Make sure you get this!" The news woman says. The camera man nods and focused the camera on the fight below. "Good afternoon Canterlot city! This is your newsreporter Cotton Sweet, and we are now live witnessing Kamen Rider Utopia battling what seems to be a armored ninja in Canterlot's power Substation."

Streaks of red and turquoise bounce off each other creating small energy waves. Four police cars lined up outside of the battle zone. Shinning Armor is the first to step out of his vehicle, he motioned for the five other officers to follow his lead.

"Remember, stay close and stay hidden."

Sunset gets smashed against one of the generators, she screams as electricity surge throughout her internal systems. While being electrocuted, Kaze drops back down and takes his sword. As he goes for the final strike, bullets bounce off his armored back. Kaze turns around and see's Shinning and five other police officers behind him.

"This Officer Armor, from the Canterlot police department. Put your hands in the air now!" Shinning orders. Kaze just chuckles and slowly starts walking towards him. "How cute," He says.

Sunset drops to the ground using whatever energy she had left to make sure not to transform out of her Kamen Rider form. 'Sweet Celestia everything burns....' She turns on her side watching Kaze walk away from her and towards the police force who started firing. 'He's wearing armor you idiots! Stop shooting!'

Sunset's earpiece starts buzzing before a voice speaks. "Sunset, are you okay!?" Twilight's worried voice rings out. "Hey, Twi..." Sunset grunts out, Twilight sighs in relief hearing that her friend was alright.

"That's good, when it showed you on the news channel and you didn't get back up, I got worried."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine right after I beat this guy." Sunset says and gets back up to her feet.

"Try using the number 17 memory. I upgraded your Henshin belt for it." Twilight suggests.

"Alright then," Sunset takes out the Leviathan dragon memory. "Hey, armor ninja!" She calls out to Kaze. The officers stop shooting, and Kaze faces Sunset once again. She inserts the USB into the side slot of her belt buckle and emits a dark blue light covering her entire body.

Her armor changes to a midnight blue color while her breastplate remains turquoise. On her right shoulder in yellow is the number 39 and on her left shoulder pad is the number 17.

"Get ready to face the wrath of.... Utopia Lightning!" She hits Kaze in the chest with a electricity infused fist sending him flying into the sky. She looks over at the police officers. "You all might wanna clear the area." She says. Shinning opened his mouth to speak but she was already gone.

"Just because you got an outfit change doesn't mean you'll be able to beat me!" Kaze yells, red and black flames coat his blade.

"Crimson Twister"

He sends a funnel of flames towards Sunset as she flies towards him, Sunset thrust her hand forward and conjurs an arrow completely made of out pure lightning. "You seriously need to come up with a better name." Sunset says and powers through the flames and throws the arrow piercing Kaze's armor.


An explosion of blue energy hit Kaze tearing his armor apart leaving him in his civilian attire. A red glowing USB leaves his body and floats into Sunset's hand. "Are you okay?" She asks him.

"Yes, I'm fine. I just didn't expect to be in one piece." He says. "I didn't mean for this to happen, when I found that thing I couldn't think straight. It was like it took control over my mind." Kaze explains.

"It's alright," Sunset says. "It wasn't your fault. What matters is that no one else got hurt."


Sunset lays down on the couch as Twilight wraps up her arm.

"Who knew being a superhero would mean being in a ton of pain after every fight." Sunset says.

"That's why you need to start training as soon as possible." Takeshi walks in with some tea and sets it on the coffee table. "But for now, relax. You did alright for a rookie."

"Wait, what happened to Kaze? Did he turn himself in?" Twilight asks. "Do not worry, he is now working for me at my tea shop." Takeshi sips his tea.

"Tea shop?" Sunset and Twilight say confused.

Comments ( 2 )

I like the idea but it feels like it going a hundred miles pre minute,Like there no breathing room to let it sink into the world you building.

So what is next?

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