• Published 25th Dec 2011
  • 30,807 Views, 269 Comments

The Last Crusade - Paradigm Shine

Apple Bloom has one last crusade with her friends as a little white filly struggles to say goodbye.

  • ...

The Last Crusade

Apple Bloom held her breath as she gazed out the clubhouse window. The sun was beginning to dip below the tree line as the sky turned a soft, beautiful orange. Night began to creep its fingers across the sky, silently snuffing out the day.


Apple Bloom rushed to the other window, facing Sweet Apple Acres. They told her they'd come from the Apple family barn this time. And the time was right - Apple Bloom had already attempted the math in her head several times over to confirm that. She had always been an impatient filly - well, perhaps not as impatient as Scootaloo - but when something was on her mind, she just couldn't let it go. Nothing would change that.

Her heart beat feverishly, and she began to feel as if she were breaking into a cold sweat. Although she felt no moisture, just the sensation. She remembered that feeling - it meant anxiety. She'd felt it often enough before, whether it was from her sister Applejack's annoyance with her from some clumsy mistake, or perhaps just a bad feeling before one of Scootaloo's ridiculous cutie mark crusader schemes.

The filly smiled softly. They'd been through so much together, the three of them. Just the thought of Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle made Apple Bloom's heart skip a beat in joy.

Her thoughts turned to her sister, Applejack. Oh, how Apple Bloom wished she would come to the clubhouse tonight too, but the filly knew it couldn't be. Applejack was just too old for this. She was too mature for "mumbo jumbo", as she would call it. It saddened Apple Bloom to think about it, but she knew too well how stubborn her sister was. She just couldn't see things the way her friends could. But at least she had them. Being a blank flank, the fear of loneliness had always plagued Apple Bloom, the fear of being shut out, having nopony to talk to. Initially, the growing pain had been a curse, but it was because of that very curse that she had befriended Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle in the first place. And they were incredible friends, the best anypony could ever ask for. Apple Bloom knew for sure, these days more than ever, that they would never ever leave her.

The sound of hoofsteps broke Apple Bloom away from her thoughts. She sniffed, and quickly wiped her eyes with a hoof. It was still habit, and she certainly wanted to do as much as she could to look strong in front of her friends. They had to see that she was alright.

She looked out the clubhouse door again and saw two small figures making their way along the path. Apple Bloom could barely suppress the widest grin she'd made in a long time. The filly quickly sidled herself up against the wall, ready to jump out at any unsuspecting pony to open the clubhouse door.

A knock resounded from the door, and it opened slowly. "Applebloom? We're back, are you in there?" Sweetie Belle's voice was as sweet as her name.

"Of course she's in there! Where else would she be, huh?" Scootaloo's voice, though rough and blunt, was just as sweet to Apple Bloom's ears.

"Well I don't know, maybe she's - "


Apple Bloom leapt out of her hiding place, all the while scrunching her face up, trying to look as terrifying as possible. Sweetie Belle screamed and shot out of the clubhouse like a bullet. Scootaloo's eyes went wide, but her eyelids soon dropped, unamused.

"That's original." The orange filly dead-panned, a smirk creeping on her face.

"Oh shut it, Scoot! Ah'm mighty scary!"

"Ya call that scary? I'm ten times more scary than you, and I'm not even - " Scootaloo's voice trailed off. She looked to the side and cleared her throat. "Hey, Sweetie Belle! Come on, stop being such a scaredy-pony, it's only Apple Bloom!"

There was a silence. Then, there was the clambering of hooves and a white filly burst through the door, embracing Apple Bloom with her outstretched forelegs. Apple Bloom threw her strong-pony facade out the window and returned the hug as best she could, dry tears running down her cheeks as she pressed her head into Sweetie's soft mane.

"Ah'd be lyin' if Ah didn't say Ah missed you two like heck!" Apple Bloom sobbed into Sweetie's mane. "Ah know you guys had that trip ta Canterlot, and Ah really do hope ya had fun. And Ah know y'all can't stay here twenty four seven, but sometimes, Ah just dunno what ta do! All Ah got is mah thoughts ta keep me company! Ah can't do this, Sweetie! Ah can't..."

Apple Bloom looked up at her friends to see her own feelings reflected on their faces. Even Scoot's eyes were welling up with tears. She didn't like seeing them like this. Not for her sake.

"Ah'm sorry guys, Ah don't wanna put this on you." She sniffed. "How's Applejack?"

Sweetie's voice cracked. "Sh-she's great, Apple Bloom!"

"Yeah, almost as cool as Rainbow Dash these days!"

Apple Bloom smiled at the mention of Dash. As always, she was still Scootaloo's hero. Apple Bloom hadn't been in Ponyville much in the last couple months. She really wanted to go back into town, but it was just too close to...the Spot. She'd gone as far as Fluttershy's cottage, and it was nice to see the kind yellow pegasus again, but she really just didn't see everypony else anymore, except for those that stopped by the farm every now and then.

"Why don't you go back into the farmhouse?" Scootaloo asked. "I mean, at least you could see your family more often."

Apple Bloom shook her head. "Naw, Ah can't. Ah tried to a couple times but Ah think Ah cause them more trouble than anythin' else. Ah think they can hear me, and Ah always cause a racket. Ah don't wanna bother them. Or worse, scare 'em."

"How could they be afraid of you, Apple Bloom?" Sweetie Belle frowned. "You're the nicest pony I've ever met! We're not afraid of you! Nopony should be!"

"Well...y'all can see me, can't ya?"

"Of course!" Sweetie said matter-of-factly, but her face soon darkened at the sight of her friends' faces. "What?"

Apple Bloom sighed heavily. Scootaloo looked down, but her face soon hardened with a determined anger.

"THAT'S IT!" Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle jumped at the orange filly's sudden outburst. "I can't take this anymore! We're showing you to Applejack, come on!"

"Scoot! Yer crazy! Ya know what'll happen, they'll think you've gone bonkers! Please - "

"No, okay? I'm not just gonna let you stay here all alone and see you like this all the time! You're really lonely, Apple Bloom, and I can't just sit and watch!" Scootaloo shut her eyes tight as a new stream of tears was beginning to form. "I can't..."

Apple Bloom trotted up to her, and placed a hoof around her shoulder. "Look Scoot, Ah know how ya feel. Gosh, Ah'd feel the same way if Ah were in yer situation. But it just ain't happenin' that way, and you know that. Ah know you guys care about me, and, in the same way, Ah worry about y'all too!"

"I just..." Scootaloo's voice was weak. "I just don't know what to do anymore...I worry about you all the time, and it just makes me feel empty inside."

"Well," Apple Bloom's voice became hard. "Ah've been doin' a lot a thinkin', girls. Ah've had a lotta time ta think. Maybe Ah've taken too long ta make up ma mind, but Ah know it's gotta be done." She swallowed. "Now."

Sweetie Belle's face was a mess of worry and confusion. She didn't know what her friend meant by all of this, and a part of her didn't want to find out. She realised that Scootaloo must've known better, as tears began to blind the orange filly's sight.

"The Spot? No, Apple Bloom..."

"Ah gotta, Scoot. Ah think everypony's gotta at some point. Please don't worry about me." Apple Bloom looked out the clubhouse window. Although the night had settled in, a brilliance of light, more spectacular than anything Apple Bloom had ever witnessed, sparkled in the distance, down in Ponyville. "Ah've been avoidin' that place this whole time, but Ah'm not afraid of it anymore, Scoot. Ya see, Ah've heard her talk ta me. She's been talkin' ta me a lot lately. She tells me it'll be okay, a-and Ah believe her, with all ma heart. The Princess wouldn't lie."

Scootaloo wiped her eyes and blinked at her friend. "Princess Celestia?"

Apple Bloom nodded.


"Ah really don't know. Ah was as confused about it as you are. It's hard ta explain, but Ah just know she's down there, waitin' for me."

Sweetie Belle, who had been silent throughout Apple Bloom's revelation, looked at the yellow earth pony with wide eyes. "I don't get it, what's going on, Apple Bloom?"

Apple Bloom opened her mouth to speak, but as hard as she tried, no words would come out. She looked at her friend sadly, stuttering. Scootaloo managed a soft smile and cut in.

"We're going an another crusade, Sweetie." The orange pegasus gathered her friends into a group hug. "One last crusade."

- - -

The three fillies trotted on the country road in silence. So many times had they taken this route - the route from Sweet Apple Acres to Ponyville. So many times they had galloped down the path together, laughing, playing, and acting outright silly. They had gotten into so much trouble then, and the route would often make use as somewhat of an escape from an angry adult, or worse: an angry older sister.

Now, they were travelling it again. But there was no laughter, no playing, no angry sisters to hide from. Only memories. But they were memories that the three would share together.

Apple Bloom trotted between her two friends. Her very best friends. Nothing would ever change that. A soft smile blessed her face, and her eyes were closed. She didn't need to see. She could already see everything within herself, all at once, past, present and future. She had travelled down this road so many times before. Her heart knew the way.

Sweetie Belle glanced at her friends. Even Scoot now had a nostalgic smile on her face. She didn't understand. They were so sad before - so was she. Why were they smiling now? Where were they going? What did Scoot mean by "one last crusade"? Should she be smiling too?

But as hard as the little filly tried she couldn't. Apple Bloom was her friend, and she just couldn't help but worry about her. Something was going to happen, she was sure of that. Something was already happening. But like before, she was still afraid to find out.

Her thoughts turned to the past. Everything had become so strange after Hearth's Warming. Apple Bloom had stopped coming to school. She had stopped coming out to play. Rarity had said she was home sick, and needed rest. But days turned into weeks. Sweetie grew angry as everypony eventually stopped talking about her. Even Scootaloo grew quiet. They wouldn't tell her where Apple Bloom was. They wouldn't tell her anything.

Then, one day after school, Scootaloo came bounding into Carousel Boutique. She had found Apple Bloom; she was hiding in the clubhouse. Sweetie followed, and sure enough, there she was. They played, they laughed, they made mischief; it was just like before. But Apple Bloom would never want to go into Ponyville, and always stayed around Sweet Apple Acres. When Sweetie asked why, the old apple family stubbornness in her surfaced, and the earth pony would say she just couldn't. Sweetie had eventually stopped asking.

The strangest thing of all was that nopony really mentioned Apple Bloom. Applejack talked about her on occasion, but it was very strange whenever she did. She'd always wear a sad smile, and have a twinkle in her eye. The others would too, even Rarity. But whenever Sweetie would mention her new adventures with her earth pony friend, she'd get a weird look from her sister, and, on occasion, a stern one.

Then one night, Rarity had a talk with her. She had told her Apple Bloom was gone, and couldn't come back. Sweetie had entered a furious temper tantrum and cried herself to sleep that night. The next day, Sweetie frantically begged Apple Bloom to come to Carousel Boutique, but she wouldn't. Sweetie remembered how angry she had been at her friend. Even Scootaloo just looked at her sadly and shook her head.

But now, they were all going to Ponyville together. Sweetie Belle would have felt happy about it, if not for the lump in her throat, and beating of her heart. What was going on?

As the fillies entered the town of Ponyville, Apple Bloom opened her eyes and looked around. She wanted to take in every detail of the place: the colorful houses, the beautiful flowers, even the well worn dirt of the street beneath her hooves. She wanted to remember it. She wanted to remember everything.

The sparkling light was everywhere. It may have been night-time for Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, but to her it was as bright as day. Soon, they would reach the Spot. Apple Bloom took a deep breath.

As the three fillies rounded a corner, Apple Bloom stopped. She looked ahead, but the fear in her heart that she had expected didn't come. In fact, she felt happy, really happy. The earth pony smiled, her eyes sparkling beautifully. Scootaloo let out a sigh, accompanied by a single wet tear. Sweetie Belle simply looked at her friends, wide-eyed.

"What is it, Apple Bloom?" The white filly asked, confused. "Why are you staring like that? You look like you've seen a ghost. Well, if ghosts were really pretty, I guess." She followed Apple Bloom's gaze and pouted in confusion.

Ponyville Hospital. Was this the Spot?

"They are pretty, Sweetie Belle." Scootaloo's gaze went to Apple Bloom, and then back to the white filly. The orange pegasus smiled. A thousand thoughts suddenly went through Sweetie Belle's mind as she pieced together the puzzle that had stumped her for so long. At last, she began to understand. But she wasn't sure she liked that at all.

"No..." Sweetie Belle sobbed as her eyes grew watery. "Apple Bloom, t-tell me it's gonna be fine. T-tell me you're still okay..."

Apple Bloom looked away from her invisible wonder and turned to Sweetie Belle. "Ah am okay, Sweetie. In fact, Ah'm great!" Apple Bloom's grand smile softened as she realised the sorrow in her friend's eyes.

"Look, what yer thinkin' about me right now, Ah'm sorry Sweetie, but it's true. Ah was sick, Sweetie, real sick, and...well..." Apple Bloom struggled for her voice again.

"I know." Sweetie Belle sighed. "I think I always knew, it's just... I wouldn't believe it. Oh, I still can't, Apple Bloom!" The little white filly threw her arms around her friend, realising for the first time how empty the space really was. But she knew it wasn't truly empty, and so she grasped tighter.

"Sweetie Belle, Ah don't wanna say goodbye either!" Apple Bloom cried. "But it's not really goodbye! It's more like a see ya later if ya think about it!"

"I just don't want you to go, Apple Bloom! I don't know what I'll do without you..." Sweetie Belle cried into Apple Bloom's transparent mane. "M-maybe I can convince Rarity! Or Twilight! Or the Princess! Yea, sh-she can probably see you, th-then she can tell everypony else and you can stay! It'll be like nothing changed, we can try really, really hard, and..."

"Sweetie, Ah have ta do this, and Ah'm sorry it's gotta be so soon, but, well, one day you will too." Apple Bloom wiped her dry tears away and her eyes hardened. "Ya just gotta trust me."

"And me, little one." This was not the voice of her friend Apple Bloom or Scootaloo, but a motherly voice as old as time that spoke now. "Your friend Apple Bloom is wise, and what she tells you is true. It is her time, Sweetie Belle, and you must learn to do what is best for her, and let go."

Sweetie Belle was in shock of the disembodied voice speaking to her. But she wasn't afraid of it, it was a loving, caring voice. Eventually, the little filly managed to gather up her strength and spoke. "I-I guess Apple Bloom would do the same for me. I know she would." All three fillies could hear the voice, and her friends smiled at her. "A-and if I have to do this for you to be happy, then...then okay, Apple Bloom."

"I will take care of her, as I take care of all of you, little ponies." The voice continued. "And you will see your friend again, Sweetie Belle, I promise you." Although Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo could not see the owner of the voice, they knew that she was smiling, for a brilliant essence of warmth encompassed all three fillies, and they couldn't help the powerful urge to smile. The three fillies joined together in a group hug which seemed to last forever. Their tears had dried, and none of them were crying now, not even Sweetie Belle. They just held their loving embrace. No words were spoken as they all told each other their feelings. In that instant, they were not three little fillies anymore, but one union, one soul. An eternity passed before the friends finally let go of each other.

Sweetie knew what was coming, but she didn't feel sad about it anymore. In fact, for the first time, she felt happy for her friend. Apple Bloom turned to Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo and looked each of them in the eyes. "See ya later, guys. Ah love ya."

As Apple Bloom's eyes once again transformed into those beautiful orbs of light, Sweetie Belle could've sworn she saw the form of Princess Celestia reflected on their glassy surface. And the Princess was smiling.

"Take it easy, Apple Bloom."

"S-see ya later, Apple Bloom. We love you too."

Comments ( 269 )

You had me at the title, sounds great, and looks very temping:rainbowkiss:

Aww, I just finished it, how sweet. I love the way you used the type of mystery to push the story along. I kept asking myself "What was The Last Crusade?" and in the end I fully understood it. Well done, bro, well done. Take my five starts:pinkiesad2::twilightsmile:

Wait. What the fuck happened? :rainbowhuh:

#4 · Dec 25th, 2011 · · ·

oh my god...:fluttercry: you evil son of a bitch :applecry: this is so.....:raritycry:

:rainbowhuh::rainbowhuh::rainbowhuh::rainbowhuh: What was the last crusade, I didn't pay attention... :twilightblush:

Awwww Apple Bloom :applecry:

#7 · Dec 25th, 2011 · · ·

This is lovely, it was quite well done, btw were you inspired by Gaiman Sandman character for your version of death.

#8 · Dec 25th, 2011 · · ·

87083 Lets just say Applebloom is now in a better place

#9 · Dec 25th, 2011 · · ·


It was a nice, sad story. :fluttercry: didn't even realize what had happened til' near the end of the story.

wow cool story

Ah jeez. Manly Tears, manly tears. >:C

I knew what the story was getting at as soon as Applebloom asked is sweetie belle could still see her.

... Huh... Good story i guess..




87083 Thanks! :scootangel: I was trying to reveal subtle hints as the story went on, without making it completely obvious until towards the end. I'm happy it worked! It's my first fanfiction, so that means a lot! Thanks again, man!

87086 Oops, sorry, that reply was for AProfessionalBrony. First time using FiMfiction's comments. :twilightblush:

Btw, if you were wondering what the Last Crusade was, it was Apple Bloom's final outing to Ponyville with her friends, and towards the great white light she was seeing. If you've read/watched anything about near death experiences and the like, you might be able to guess what that means for her...

87078 Thanks! :scootangel: I was trying to reveal subtle hints as the story went on, without making it completely obvious until towards the end. I'm happy it worked! It's my first fanfiction, so that means a lot! Thanks again, man!

87256 Actually, I never read those comics. But I just googled that version of death, and I can see what you mean. I guess my idea is similar, where death is more a loving and caring thing, rather than one to be feared and dreaded. :scootangel:

You bastard, you just broke my heart. I was looking for fanfiction when I saw this one. It was similarly titled to another story I had read, so when I saw that it was a oneshot, I was confused and wanted to know what was going on.
I found out.
.........DWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *breaks down into a sobbing mass*

This is so sad,, even as I writ this Tears are rolling down my cheeks. Good job. and thank you for writing this.

Alright, being honest? I read the comments beforehand. Then I got halfway through, and I had to bail out, it was just too sad for me, and today has been a bad day for me, so I will just have to say, beautiful story, and I know the ending was good


no manly tears were shed from me...in fact i laughed a little...i don't know why

:raritycry: WWWHHYYYYYY

Fillies dying always makes me sad ;_; Manly tears, manly tears.

*sob* This.... was.... beautiful! *sob*

I hate it when the CMC die in the fanfics. But this was a sweet and really well written fanfic. Id love to see a sequal that takes place years later though with them finally going to see each other again.

watched it with the lon lon ranch song pplaying... :fluttercry:

A very interesting idea, and well executed. I liked it.:twilightsmile:

Nothing short of completely, absolutely brilliant. Five shattered skulls out of five.

I'm note gonna cry... :rainbowderp: I'm not gonna cry.... :unsuresweetie:

I'm not gonna.... :raritydespair:


I'm just gonna have to be the one to say it:
When I clicked on this, I was expecting an Indiana Jones crossover.

Joking aside, though, ALL OF MY TEARS DAMMIT. :raritycry:

Try as I might to uphold my persona of a callous, Irish man I must admit

Manly tears were shed.... I curse you Paraderpy for this wondrous work!

Oh, this is beautiful, and very subtle. I really love the different ways in which the children and the adults deal with this. Very moving.

getting linked here from your DA pic "With You Forever" I was able to figure out fairly quickly what was going on. However, that just got me crying that much sooner :raritydespair:

Beautiful work paraderpy, the last fic that got me to cry this much was "Final Dream of a Filly"/"I couldn't wake you because you can never wake up again". the manly tears won't stop flowing! :raritycry:

God dammit :fluttercry: I don't think I've cried this hard since "Bittersweet". :applecry: I won't lie, it's a wonderful story, just, a sad one as well.:fluttershysad:

Nicely done. I'd like to say I cried, but sadly I can only cry once in a blue moon (Don't ask me how that works. Even I don't know). I can learn a lot about writing from you my friend. I can't wait to read some more of your stuff.

But... She... she... never got her cutiemark... :applecry:

233586 Thanks a lot, man! I plan to write more in the coming months when I have more free time. :twilightsmile:

That was really, really good. Very good job! ::fluttercry:

i was worried at first cuz i thought this might have been a sequel to another story, but i'm glad i finished it, if you thought this was sad, try reading "final dream of a filly" i was a blubbering heap after that one...

very well written, i liked the mystery, and that only made all the sadder when i realized what was happening, thank you

271547 Thanks, glad you liked it!

272567 YES, "Final Dream of a Filly" is my favorite sadfic. Very powerful. And you're welcome, I'm glad you enjoyed it. :scootangel:

My goodness, this was a amazing story. The way that the plot was unexplained until the end really sealed it for me. I don't reall believe this should be in heartbreaking, as it has a bittersweet ending (to me at least). But anyway, very nicely done!!!

301055 Thanks a lot, Hodd! I wanted it to be a bittersweet ending, where the reader is sad for Apple Bloom, but happy for her as well, because they know she's going to be okay, and well looked after. :scootangel:

I have my 'I'm about to cry but no tears are forming' face on right now.
Wait...now I'm crying. :fluttercry: :raritycry:
Well done. *applauds*

That was very heart touching. It was well written and I very much enjoyed.
Not sure on words to describe this feeling but all I can say for now...
...is good work

(weep weep) how sad :fluttercry::fluttershyouch::fluttershbad: but yet so sweet:rainbowkiss:

Man, this was great. Sad, but a sort of happy kind of sad in a way... yes I cried. hahaha.

this was great but i am so confused. was Appleblooms ghost really there or did Sweetie Belle go crazy from the lose of her friend. :unsuresweetie:

442453 That's actually an interesting theory! When I wrote it, I didn't realize that they may have been just imagining Apple Bloom the whole time. But my original intention was that she really was there as a ghost.

all i can say about this amazing story is well done well done indeed :pinkiesmile:

Well you've convinced me in that thread in the Sad group. I've put this on "read later."

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