• Published 22nd May 2022
  • 387 Views, 7 Comments

Paradise in Limbo - Undome Tinwe

In Limbo, a Gardener cultivates a place of peace for a Lost Princess.

  • ...

The Lovers

"And then this lout says to her 'Well could ya at least fix my shovel before you blast us out of here?'" The Legionnaire smirked as he patted his companion on the back. "Anyways, that's how we found out that the Nightmare's Fortress isn't actually impenetrable and won the bet against the Sorcerer."

"Aye, but that fella won't ever admit it," the Mighty Helm replied. "You know he'll find some way to talk himself out of giving us our victory."

"But we'll know, and that's what matters." The Legionnaire chuckled jovially. "And besides, it's been forever since I've had to make a daring escape. It's good for the soul."

"For you maybe, you daft fool." Despite the words, the Mighty Helm smiled back, and the Gardener grinned at them both.

"I've missed you two, and your insanity," she said, trimming away at a hedge while her visitors told their tale. It was simple, mindless work that kept her hooves busy while still leaving her mind open to enjoy the antics of her old friends.

How old, she didn't know, only that they were tied to the Pony of Shadows as well by the same tether, along with some old sense of camaraderie that implied they'd worked together before. Regardless of their past, the Gardener could always count on some liveliness when these two chose to visit her garden.

"We've missed you as well, Gardener," the Legionnaire said warmly. "It's always good to know that no matter how far we roam, there will be a place waiting for us to rest in."

"Not too much rest," the Gardener replied with a smirk. "After all, there's work to be done." She shot a glance at the Mighty Helm. "There's still a few plots left to be dug for the new expansion. Would you be so kind as to help a lady with your trusty shovel, my friend?"

Snapping her a quick salute, the Might Helm grinned. "It'd be my honour, Gardener."

"And I'd be honoured to take over taming that hedge for you," the Legionnaire offered.

"Thank you," the Gardener gave the shears over to her friend, and he quickly got to work as she supervised, though she knew that all would be well. The work would also give them time to think and process their latest adventure, which was why the Gardener ensured that there was always something for them to do when they came to visit her.

She sensed another presence approaching her garden, and turned to see the Lost Princess trot through the pearly gates that marked the entrance.

"Hello, Gardener," the Lost Princess said, giving her a polite nod. "I see you have visitors." She nodded towards them as well. "Legionnaire, Mighty Helm."

"Well met, your majesty," the Legionnaire replied with a bow.

The Mighty Helm trotted over and reached out to take the Lost Princess' hoof, giving it a quick kiss. "It's good to see you again, lass. The Legionnaire and I were just helpin' out with the planting while we're here. The Gardener can be quite the taskmistress."

A smile played across the Lost Princess' lips. "It takes work to create such beauty."

"Aye, that's true," the Mighty Helm replied. "Feels good to be able to just dig."

"There's peace in simplicity," the Lost Princess said. She turned to the Legionnaire. "And even more in working together. It would be faster if you planted while your companion dug, I think."

For a moment, the Gardener nearly protested. This was her garden, and she knew what was best for those in her care. But then the Lost Princess shot her a pleading glance that froze her heart, and the determination burning within was something she'd never seen before from the wandering mare.

So instead, she simply smiled at the other two. "That sounds like a lovely idea." She took the shears back from the Legionnaire and returned to pruning the shrubs as he moved to help the Mighty Helm in the other corner of the garden.

A moment later, the Lost Princess was by her side. "My apologies for being presumptuous." she murmured, quiet enough that the others would not be able to hear.

"It's quite alright," the Gardener replied diplomatically. "But I do wonder why you decided that such a thing was necessary."

"Watch," the Lost Princess simply said, and watch they did.

As was to be expected, the Mighty Helm and the Legionnaire worked perfectly well as a team. Their movements were synchronised and efficient as they fell into the rhythm of digging and planting, each helping the other out whenever there was a free moment with one task.

They were talking too, and while the details were lost from this distance, it was clear that they were exchanging instructions and suggestions in between gentle ribbing and banter. The Gardener was confused. "They have always worked well together," she said to the Lost Princess.

"They have also lived a life of excitement, creating new trials to face when there were none left to conquer," the Lost Princess replied. "Only here do they allow themselves peace, and that is in your presence. But now, they are alone, in a moment of quiet, where they can finally speak their feelings."

"What feeli—" the Gardener's words cut off as she felt the shift in the two souls she was observing.

She wasn't sure what words had been said, but they looked very serious now, and after some murmuring, the Legionnaire reached out a hoof to caress the cheek of the Mighty Helm.

And then they kissed.

"Oh," the Gardener whispered, smiling. "That's wonderful."

"They were almost there," the Lost Princess said. "All that was needed was the right set of circumstances to make them realize. And once they did, when they saw their love reflected in each other's souls, all that was left was the confession."

"I never saw it." The Gardener shook her head. "Two of my closest friends, and I never knew they harboured such feelings for each other." The first kiss had finally ended, and after a few more tender words, the second one began in earnest.

"Neither did they." The Lost Princess smirked.

"How did you, then?" the Gardener asked, giving the two lovers some privacy as she turned her full attention on this new mystery.

"I..." The Lost Princess paused, looking unsure. "I just sensed it. I've always been able to sense love, and I think... I think this might have been a part of who I was before." As she said the words, her eyes widened. "Yes, I think I used to tend to hearts, as you tend to your garden!"

They were both grinning now. "I can think of no greater purpose," the Gardener said, overjoyed at seeing both two of her friends finding love, and her other close friend rediscovering a facet of her past.

The Lost Princess spared a glance at the Mighty Helm and Legionnaire. "Their souls are so beautiful," she whispered.

"So is yours." The Gardener could see how bright the Lost Princess' soul was now, and how it dazzled her to see it! Truly, she must have been someone very special in her past life, to have cultivated such a captivating spirit.

Awash in the joy of the previous few moments, the Lost Princess barely reacted to the comment except for a vague "thank you" as she allowed herself to stare unabashedly at the new couple.

Eventually, the Gardener gave up her own attempts at discretion. She could sense that they were standing at the precipice of something new and exciting, and that thought warmed her heart as she sat down by the side of the Lost Princess and enjoyed the fruits of their labours.