• Member Since 26th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen 5 minutes ago


I write about horses and other creatures kissing. The gayest of kissing


For Flash Sentry, the night was simple.

Take his boyfriend, Sunburst, out on a date to a fancy restaurant.

Lavish him with love and affection to make him blush, smile, and, most importantly, giggle like a schoolcolt.

And, finally, go home for some well earned snuggle time.

What could possibly go wrong?

Written as a super duper late entry to the May Pairings Contest.

And also because I need Flash in my Boy Repertoire.

Also pre and proofread by the impeccable Bicyclette :raritystarry:

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 4 )

This is a very sweet story, I really enjoyed reading it.

I thank you greatly, and am glad you enjoyed it!

Parker #3 · Jun 3rd, 2022 · · 1 ·

This was really cute. I love super buff Flash being a big goof. Other favorite parts: the instant obedience to Sunburst's command, the ruffling of Sunburst's [allegedly] well-groomed mane, hay1 sauce (haaaah!), and being happy going out for hayburgers.

Super, super cute.

Sunburst could immediately tell that the heavy step was Flash’s, the weight of the pegasus near-threatening to put a dent in the hardwood flooring every time he took a step.

hell yes big Flash Sentry

Standing awkwardly on the landing, Flash gave a grin down at his boyfriend. The tan suit he wore stretched tightly across his wide, muscular chest in a way that threatened its structural integrity with every breath he took. It took Sunburst more than a few seconds to realize that Flash’s tie tying left a lot to be desired, leaving his lime-green tie more crooked than anything.

tan and lime-green, oof! got a lot of work to do here!

The entire suit was like this, of course, not just the chest. But it was the chest especially that threatened Sunburst in several ways. A hot blush quickly spread across his face.


He was quickly disappointed to find that the fabric of his suit was rough, and not for nuzzling. As such, he pulled back with a sound of soft disgust.

oof, same

“Well, when they’re artifacts or blindbags maybe, but I’d prefer to have a menu to peruse a few days beforehand. I mean, what if they only serve Caesar salads, or they slather all of their mushroom steaks in that terrible Hay1 sauce. Or even—”

oh yeah the menu anxiety is relatable! also the "Hay1 sauce" is a great pun, which i know because i hate it

Flash grimaced slightly at the mention of price, but shook it away to nuzzle Sunburst instead. “I’ve got it handled, babe. Covered all the ups, downs, lefts, and rights, so don’t worry about it!”

such a dorky Flash line i love it

He quickly got to work readjusting Flash’s tie so that, while still a bit crooked, it was much straighter than either stallion.


His task finished, Sunburst breathed a sigh of relief. “S-sorry, that’s just been bothering me for a bit.”

yeah i would not have been able to resist either

“...and that’s pretty much why Cadance and I aren’t allowed near the Human Portal without supervision from Twilight or Spike.” Sunburst sighed as he finished his explanation, shaking his head. “I didn’t know Love Magic would echo like that through them and cause that big a problem, but that’s what experiments are for, I suppose.”

raising my eyebrow at this. now THAT is a story!

“I dunno why you’d wanna go back to that human place anyway. It all seems super freaky.” Flash said, a cold shiver running down his spine. “I mean, walking around on your hindlegs everywhere and being stuck in high school forever? Meanwhile another you is hiding somewhere and ready to kill you.”

Sunburst blinked. “Why would they want to kill you?.”

“That’s what clones do, Sunny. They kill you, take your place, and make out with the ponies you love.” Flash explained, rolling his eyes just a little bit.

love Flash's internal logic, and he does have a point about eternal high schooler universe

Sunburst thought for a moment, the scariest moment in Flash Sentry’s young life, but came out of it with a chuckle and a shake of his head. “Not even close, sweetheart. He was, uh, a bit twinkish anyway. Nowhere near as handsome as my favorite pony hunk.”

so true that is the difference between pony Flash and EqG Flash


Dorsia? how did Flash swing that?

Sunburst giggled hopelessly, throwing himself against Flash and wrapping his hooves around the large pegasus. “They’re so impossible to get though. How'd you swing that?”

oh hey that's what i said!

For Flash, pizza night with Princess Luna was nothing.

now that's a friendship i want to know about! i guess both stallions have an unusually close relationship with at least one of the princesses!

“What about Spearhead?” Flash near-shouted, causing the griffon pianist to produce a discordant chord in response. Blushing, Flash carefully scratched the back of his head with a hoof. “He’s the guy that got me this reservation, so maybe he made it under his name instead?”

aaaaaah, that makes sense!

“Well, there is a reservation under that name,” the maître d' began, immediately getting Flash’s hopes up. “Or, I should say ‘was’. They were made for last week exactly, and it seems the party never showed up. We did call, but no answer there as well.”

“I was busy modeling a week ago.” Flash breathed sourly.

oof, was this all because Flash didn't quite know how reservations worked?

“Just give me a sec, Sunny. I’ll take care of it,” Flash told Sunburst with a grin before turning back to face the maître d'. “Listen man, what’s it gonna take to get me and my boy a table tonight? Do I need to, like, bribe you or something?”

i can just see the headline now about the Royal Guard pegasus who got caught in a bribing scandal

“Don’t you dare ever talk about my boyfriend like that,” Sunburst growled. “He’s a sweet, thoughtful, and adorable stallion who always tries his best.”

Flash blinked. “Uh, Sunny? I’m your boyfriend.”

perfect Flash reaction, and awwwwww

Flash nuzzled back eagerly, peppering Sunburst’s cheek with quite a few kisses. “You know, you’re kinda hot when you get intense like that,” he crooned, a loving grin crossing his face.


“You’re not a screw up, Flash.” Sunburst sighed, continuing to pet his boyfriend’s mane. “Maybe a bit spacey, and a bit of a doof sometimes, but that’s part of why I love you.”

“That and my hunky bod,” Flash mumbled, nuzzling up against Sunburst’s hoof.

Another giggle from Sunburst, who cupped his hoof under Flash’s chin and gently raised his head. “Yes, that too. That and a million other things that a dumb fancy restaurant would never change.”

augh i love these two

With a soft growl, Flash broke away from Sunburst to fully face the group, drawing a gasp from them.

He breathed in deeply, drawing all the air he could into his chest. Then, with one flex of his forelegs, his suit finally gave up the ghost as the sleeves tore off completely to reveal the small, muscular tree trunks Flash called forelegs.

Upon seeing this, the rich ponies scattered. They ran too and fro through the streets of Canterlot, leaving the entrance of Dorsia empty and lifeless.

ehehe nice! take that, fancy rich ponies!

Sunburst stood wide-eyed, staring at his boyfriend with a blush that turned his entire face a bright red. His nose began to tingle, indicating a nosebleed was about to be brought on.

“Y-yeah. Hayburgers.”

augh, adorbs! and now i have a craving for hayburgers.

super cute, fluffy stuff! it was nice to sit down to read this and enjoy it as a reader. can't believe it's only been a few months!

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