• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Prelude: Family of Conquerors

Following the battle with Raditz, a victory for someone with no experience, Twilight found that her father ordered the rest of his force to get ready to depart from the planet, as they were done with whatever they had been doing before her arrival, while she found herself in the training area. The reason was due to the fact that Vegeta and his fellow Saiyans had been ordered to help her learn all of the basics of fighting, because while her first attempt was nice, and she knocked Raditz out for a time, such a thing wouldn't work against the more experienced foes. Of course the found that he didn't seem to like her all that much and left her to either Nappa or Raditz, which she was fine with since both of them seemed interested in teaching her, even if they might be feared of what her father could do to them if they ignored his orders. Vegeta, on the other hand, she figured got special treatment like Zarbon or Dodoria, since he was roughly near their level, based on what one of the others told her, hence why he got away with his actions.

While they were doing that, however, she overhead one of the soldiers talking about someone named 'Elec' and figured he was speaking with her father at the moment, though it wasn't long before her father gave the order to depart and she took a break to watch as the ship took off, leaving the planet behind.

"We're heading to Planet Frost, our home planet." Frieza stated, as he knew that Twilight had to be interested in what was going on and this was his way to stop the questions before they erupted from his daughter, something he needed to get used to thinking about, "Father should be there, waiting for my return... hopefully we can avoid my brother, the prick."

"Yay! We going to meet father and uncle!" Twilight said, reminding Frieza and the others that she was still only three years old and, while she was likely far smarter than most of the children that were age, she had no memories to speak of, save for what had been created within the last day, so this excited her to no end.

Frieza wanted to tell her that he and his brother weren't on good terms, in fact both of them hated each other, with him hating Cooler far more than his brother hated him, hence why he was hoping to avoid his brother, but, after seeing how excited Twilight was, he decided to hold his breath and say nothing. Of course he also noticed something else, she was a little sad about not having a mother, something he wouldn't be able to remedy at all, in fact most of the ladies in the rest of the universe would rather stay away from him out of fear, knowing if they disappointed him he might end them. Due to that fact there was no way he could give Twilight the one thing she might desire more than anything, not that he was even bothered by such a thing, but he knew it was going to bother her for some time and might strain their relationship more than anything else. Fortunately it looked like she was more interested in learning how to fight and it took her mind off of what might be going through her mind right now, allowing Frieza to focus on his own problems, namely what he might find when he reached his home planet.

One thing Twilight discovered was that Vegeta and the other Saiyans weren't present, rather they departed in spherical ships, meaning they were either heading to the same destination that they were or her father had another mission for all three of them to focus on, causing her to focus on the journey they were on.

Fortunately, in the grand scheme of things, the planet he had just attacked and sold was only half a day from his home planet, a planet that had been missed by his father's scientists and map makers, how he had no idea, but now the race that would be moving in would be under their thumb. From space one could see that it was a planet that had advanced far more than most of the ones in the same star system, in fact the same could be said for the rest of this portion of their galaxy, as there were cities that dotted the landscape and no pollution to speak of. The Capital, as it was called, was one of the most advanced and largest of the cities, befitting the domain of an emperor, and whenever the people saw him they stopped what they were doing and bowed their heads, often kneeling to avoid annoying him. Since he had to speak with his father that meant they would be heading for the palace, the large structure that rested at the highest peak, where he knew a landing pad was located, though as they did so he made sure Twilight was looking out at their domain from the main viewing chamber.

When they reached the palace, a place made of special marble that was far better than the material used to craft all of the outposts his forces set up across the planets they took control of, the landing gear extended and they touched down on the landing pad. Sure enough Frieza found that a number of his servants, a mixture of Frieza Force soldiers and a number of palace servants, came out to greet him and his entourage, so it wasn't long before his personal security, as in those who usually traveled with him on his conquests, disembarked first. Once the lesser soldiers joined the ranks of the servants, and formed two lines that stood at attention so they could bow as he passed, his higher ranking officers flanked him and his hover pod as he finally made his appearance. As his servants bowed their heads, while Zarbon and Dodoria stood on either side of him, many found Twilight walking behind the hover pod, though because they feared him no one dared to open their mouths and simply waited for the group to walk by.

As they did that, however, Frieza spotted his father standing in the doorway of the palace, a figure who was two to two and a half times as tall as he was, with purple skin that was covered by the black force armor he wore, with a red cape, all while he had white bracers on his arms and legs, though he preferred to remain in the shadows and those here were the only ones who knew of his existence.

"Frieza, it seems that you've returned from your conquest." his father remarked, where he had a smile on his face, as that meant that more wealth was being added to what they had and meant their influence was spreading all over the vastness of the universe, all while noticing the odd addition that was walking behind his son's hover pod.

"Another planet has been conquered and sold, father." Frieza replied, as the only ones that didn't use his titles were his father and his brother, both for their own reasons of course, though his statement was true, he and Elec had talked about the planet he had found Twilight on earlier and it had been sold without much delay, "Along with an unexpected prize. Father, meet Twilight Sparkle, my daughter."

Sure enough that shocked everyone that hadn't heard the news, in fact many seemed to wonder if he stole her and made her his daughter, but their fear made them keep quiet as Twilight focused on the figure in front of her, who stared down at her for a few moments. Twilight wondered if her grandfather disapproved of her, as he didn't seem happy at all, though she said nothing as he beckoned for the pair to follow him, leading to her father ordering the others to tend to the ship before returning to their various duties, causing them to bow as he departed. She discovered that the palace was neat and tidy, meaning the servants did a great job cleaning everything and ensuring that nothing was damaged or out of place, or whatever their tasks were, but she was still worried since her grandfather wasn't saying anything. The area that the three of them stopped in, as all of the other servants were dismissed as they entered the palace, seemed to be the dining room, one large and fit for a king based on what she was seeing, and the table was set for six people, even though there were only three in her family, four counting her.

As they entered the room, however, Twilight found that one of the chairs was larger than the rest, which had to be the one her grandfather used, and sure enough he turned and sat down in it, where she found that he was smiling as he drew out a Scouter and placed it over his left eye for a time, no doubt reading her power for himself.

"Let's see here... ten... eleven... twelve... thirteen thousand?" her grandfather remarked, confirming that he was reading her Power Level, something that seemed important to the Frieze Force based on what she had seen so far, though as he said that she found her father taking a seat nearby, no longer sitting in his hover pod, "My son was right, you were something we weren't expecting to find."

"It's because of my Power Level, which is far stronger than what a child of my age is supposed to have, isn't it?" Twilight inquired, because that was what she was able to figure out on her own, from just observing the people around her and listening to what they were saying, or how they reacted to things that happened, "It might also be because of the fact that I'm far smarter than most children my age."

"A genius in terms of intelligence and power, how wonderful." the figure said, as he wasn't too surprised by her talking, in fact he had suspected that she was either too young to speak or had been waiting until they were alone to say something to them, to which he smiled for a moment as he removed the Scouter and then picked her up, letting her sit on his knee as Frieza watched them, "She certainly takes after you, Frieza."

"Who takes after who, father?" another voice inquired, where Twilight turned her head for a moment and found another figure standing in another doorway, who was taller than her father, but not as tall as her grandfather she noted, and had deep purple colored skin, different from what the other members of her family had, though while he also had white bits of armor, a natural occurrence for the family, he wasn't wearing the Frieza Force armor.

"Ah, Cooler, I was about to call for you. Allow me to introduce Twilight Sparkle, Frieza's new daughter." her grandfather said, where Twilight focused on the figure in question and found that while her grandfather and father had horns, even if they were a bit different from each other, her uncle didn't have any to speak of and he had red markings near his eyes, yet another thing to help tell them apart.

"Daughter? Dear brother, I do hope you didn't steal her from someone." Cooler remarked, confirming that he didn't have a good relationship with her father, though her grandfather seemed fine with that, as he didn't say anything to that, where he took the seat to her right, placing him across from her father.

Frieza told them exactly what happened, he was busy overseeing the conquest of another planet and Twilight slammed into the nearby area, like she had been riding inside an Attack Ball or something, where he found her, took a reading of her power, and then, after being asked if he as her father, took her back to the ship. He then got into his meeting with the female figure who turned out not to be her mother, something that had disappointed her and still did right now, though she did find that her uncle was amused by the story. They were then surprised to hear that she had bested Raditz outside the ship, because he clearly underestimated his opponent due to the fact that she was only three years old, even though her Power Level had started at ten thousand and was now thirteen thousand. Cooler also learned that Frieza intended on making her into a member of the Frieza Force at some point, no doubt when she was old enough, though he said nothing to that, choosing to think about what he was learning before speaking his mind.

It gave Twilight a chance to learn and remember their names, as she knew that her father was Frieza and her uncle was Cooler, though it was thanks to her uncle that she learned that her grandfather was called Cold, often King Cold by those who served under them, before finding that her grandfather chuckled.

"You know, this means that she's 'Princess' Twilight Sparkle." Cold commented, his tone showing that, while he might be more like Frieza to some degree, he approved of her joining the family and that such a thing meant she had her own title as well, something that surprised Twilight when she thought about it.

"Yes, but that doesn't solve the problem that my brother forgot to address: she needs a mother." Cooler stated, because while he knew that he had turned out alright and his brother hadn't, due to the fact that he had spent a good deal of time with their mother and his brother didn't, mostly due to her dying after his little brother was born, a few years after he was born anyway, he felt that Twilight needed such a figure as well, least she turn out like his brother.

"I might be able to assist you in that regard, my Lords." a voice said, something that caused the four of them to turn their heads for a moment as they sought out the speaker, especially since no one else was supposed to be in this room, where they found a figure standing near the door Frieza and his father had passed through earlier.

The speaker was a blue skinned individual who was clearly female, it was hard to mistake her after hearing her voice and seeing her form for the first time, especially since her red suit had a V shaped cut that exposed part of her chest and had silts that exposed the bottom of her breasts. She had what looked like a golden infinity sign accessory on the back of her hair, like a hairpin in her white hair, the right side longer than the left since it hung a little in front of her chest, and she wore a golden brooch near her neck. Frieza found that she was wearing a white open leg cape that started from her waist and stopped near her ankles, which ended in jagged points, before noticing that she was wearing red high heels, which was why the cape didn't touch the ground. After taking all of that in he found out one more thing, that she was beautiful in her own right, especially with her curvaceous and slender frame, and that was including her purple eyes, and she seemed to have a strong personality that resonated with what his family was well known for.

Frieza had to admit that he might be smitten with the figure, while his father raised an eyebrow and his brother simply watched what was going on right now, though Twilight, who was the subject of this discussion, seemed interested in the figure while keeping her distance. It made sense when he thought about it, the last lady she thought was her mother just turned her down before disappearing from his ship, so she wasn't doing anything in the off chance that this one decided to break her heart as well, though he felt that she might be overthinking things, given what they had heard. There was also the fact that she had gotten in here without any of the servants reporting anything, so she had figured out some way to slip into the palace without the alarm being raised, something he would have to address at some point in time. There was one thing he wanted to know, the lady's Power Level, because if she wanted to be Twilight's mother, which meant being known as his wife to most of the known universe, she needed to be strong, otherwise people would think he was going soft and question his judgement, leading to a lack of fear and respect.

He tapped his Scouter and it started to read her Power Level, though he wasn't expecting it to fizz out and blow up, which was the device letting out a small bit of smoke before it shattered into pieces, though such a thing caused two of them, as in him and his father, to smile as his brother remained silent.

"What did you say your name was?" Frieza asked, because the Scouter breaking was a good sign, showing them that the lady was strong, likely incredibly so since she had the bravery to come here and speak to them about becoming Twilight's mother, and he was eager to learn more about her.

"I didn't, but allow me to correct that error. I am Towa." the lady replied, where she bowed her head for a moment, which showed them that she understood who they were and was treating them with all the respect she could muster, since she had been a little rude with her sudden and unexpected arrival.

Frieza opened his mouth to say something else, since there had to be more to Towa than just her name, though he closed it as Twilight was let down, as Cold realized that she wanted to do something, and she stared at the figure who had told all of them her intentions. For a moment it looked like Twilight might abandon the idea entirely, especially after the first lady shot her down before leaving, though in that moment Frieza noticed that the newcomer smiled and made herself look like she understood what the young girl was going through. He wasn't sure what to think of that, but it caused Twilight to tear up for a few seconds before she rushing over to where Towa was standing, who lowered herself to her knees so she could embrace Twilight, as she came in for a hug and she did her best to calm her down. In the end he guessed that this was the best they could do right now, he wasn't about to go out and let some powerless person become his wife, even though he knew that Towa would have to prove herself before he reached that point, but at least she could deal with Twilight, which was fine for now.

He was looking forward to what the future held, now that someone would be watching over Twilight while he focused on his empire and making sure his brother didn't get in the way of things, especially since there were more planets to take over and sell, causing him to smile as he eagerly awaited what might happen next.

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