• Published 17th Sep 2012
  • 4,034 Views, 50 Comments

Goodnight, Everypony! - Hot Blooded Hero

After years of bad television, the Warner Siblings find a safe haven in a little girl's cartoon.

  • ...

We're Baaaaaaack!

Yakko was sitting in front of the TV in the built-in living room of the Warner Studios Water Tower. He sighed as he flipped through the channels once more, hoping that something good would finally come on. Maybe another rerun of Looney Tunes on Boomerang, something to connect him back to his roots. As long as he didn't have to watch any of the garbage that they were putting on now.

Wakko opened the logo-shaped, vault-like door to the tower and walked in. Noticing Yakko, he made himself known. “Hey, Yakko. Whatcha watchin’?”

Yakko grunted and threw the remote down in frustration. “Garbage! Absolute garbage! There’s nothing good on anymore!”

“Whoa, whoa, buddy! Take it easy there! If there’s nothing good on, then just don’t watch. Besides, there’s plenty of good stuff still on TV!”

Yakko sighed. “I know there are some few good things, but they’re either too bluntly vulgar, too ‘real’ or just too stupid for my tastes.” He sighed again. “What happened to the good old days, when the creators were smart enough to use well thought out tactics to let even the raunchiest jokes slip under the radar? Where censors were much less strict about their jobs and were okay with letting a few things slide? Where we didn’t try to aim for a certain audience, but aimed for making our shows the best?”

Wakko patted Yakko’s shoulder. “I think it started dying out once Toonami got cancelled. And even before then, they did that awful mascot change.” Wakko looked around. “Hey, where’s Dot?”

Yakko scoffed slightly. “She’s on Facebook again. I swear, that site is like a parasite on today’s productivity levels. That and Youtube.”

Wakko nodded and left into the bedroom, where he found Dot sitting in front of the computer at one side of the room. “Hey, Dot. Whatcha-”

He was cut off by a loud shush from Dot. “I’m waiting for Channing Tatum’s reply! I’ve sent him 400 messages within the past hour, but he hasn’t responded to a single one yet!”

Wakko raised an eyebrow, but merely responded with, “Well, would you please hurry? Pinky apparently found something that he thought we might enjoy, a link to a video.” He shrugged. “He said it was some new cartoon. It had a girly name, but I wanted to try it for myself.”

Dot made a gagging noise. “A girly cartoon from this decade? I thought you knew better, Wakko.”

Wakko shrugged again. “He just kept pestering me about it saying, ‘Don’t knock it ‘til you try it!’ So I finally agreed to watch it when I got here.”

Dot groaned and said, “Fine, just hurry it up will you?” She slid out of the chair she was in to allow Wakko on. “This better not be something stupid,” she muttered.

Wakko pulled out a piece of paper from under his hat and unfolded it. He read the url, typed it in, and hit enter. Moments later, the video started to play.

A few hours later, Yakko decided that he had wasted enough time on TV and thought to check on the other two. He walked to the bedroom and opened the door. “Guys? What’s going on in here?”

The other siblings turned to Yakko slowly. They had joyful tears rolling down their cheeks with wide grins blessing their faces. Simultaneously, they spoke.

“It’s beautiful. Our genre has been redeemed.” Their voices were soft, as if they were messengers from God.

“Um, Guys? You’re freaking me out here. What’s going on?”

Then the two siblings spoke alternatively.

“It has character development,” Dot swooned.

“Classic slapstick!” Wakko continued.

“Cute design.”

“Mental instability!”

“A moving plot.”

“I think I might’ve noticed a few well-hidden mature jokes in there as well!”

“Guys, what are you talking about!” Yakko cut in.

The two other siblings then spoke the name of the cartoon together, as if talking about some hot celebrity crush.

“My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.” They both proceeded to literally melt to the floor.

Yakko was silent for a few moments, contemplating the name of the show that he was just given. He then burst out into laughter, holding his gut in hysterical pain. The other two looked offended but just let him laugh it out. Soon enough, Yakko got over his laughing fit but was still giggling a bit.

“Heheheh, alright. Show me. Show me this new age, little girl’s cartoon that somehow manages to pull off what creators couldn’t do for years now.” Of course, he spoke with sarcasm and skepticism, but the other two were still ecstatic that their brother would give it a chance.

Wakko turned to the screen, still grinning, and went back to the episode they opened from the url. Again, after seconds of impatient waiting, the video loaded up and began to play.

It was early in the morning, around 3 AM. The Warner Siblings had their eyes glued to a computer screen, watching the pastel ponies go about their everyday lives. Finally, the second season finale had ended, and they sat in silence for a few moments. Wakko and Dot looked to their taller brother for an opinion.

“Is... Is there any more?” Yakko asked.

Dot looked through the related videos. “No, that was the season finale.”

“Well, did you like it?” Wakko asked him.

Yakko stared at the screen in silence before a tear came rolling down. He sniffled and wiped it away. “They did it. Somehow, someone finally managed to create something beautiful after all these years.” He sniffled again. “Who- Who created this?”

“A woman named Lauren Faust, but she’s not involved in its development anymore,” Dot replied.

Yakko immediately abandoned his overbearing emotions and adopted a thoughtful looked. “Hmm... How big is the fanbase?”

Wakko answered. “Enough to have a term for them.”

“You mean like a Trekkie or a Whovian?”

“Yep, they’re called Bronies.”

“Hmm...” Yakko was silent for a few more moments. The other two could hear the gears turning in his head. He finally widened his eyes in comprehension and snapped his fingers. “I got it! I have an idea!”

“You’re leaving!?”

“Yes indeedy, Mr. Plotz. We’ve found an opportunity and we’re taking it.”

The Warner Siblings were standing in front of Thaddeus Plotz’s desk in his executive office. They were just telling him of the plan Yakko had come up with last night.

“But Yakko, you and your siblings are the Warner Brothers-”

And sister!

“You can’t just leave the studio! You’re company property!”

Yakko then pulled out a document and some reading glasses from behind his back. “Actually, the contract only had us signed on ‘til the movie ended. We’ve only been staying here because no one bothered to check. Heck, I don’t even think we’re allowed to be called 'Warner' anymore. We need to find new names.”

The Siblings ‘hm’d’ for a comical period of time, while Thaddeus just put his face into his hands and sighed.

Then Plotz thought of all the trouble that they’ve caused, all of those years of the chaos and destruction they brought upon the studio. And now he finally had a way to get rid of them with no legal repercussions whatsoever.

The Warner CEO slowly lifted his head, a manic grin spread on his face. The Siblings took notice of this and looked a bit disturbed.

“Uhh, Plotzy? You feeling okay?” Yakko asked.

“Oh, I’m just fine. No, better than fine, actually. I’m very happy for the three of you right now!”

The three children blanched. “You are?”

“Oh yes, very happy for you! In fact, I’ve already taken the liberty upon myself to pack all... of... your things!” Thaddeus brought out three dusty, humongous suitcases, bulging out of the cracks with various clothing. They hit the floor with a resounding thud, some of the dust falling off. It was as if they’ve been prepared years ago.

“Gee, thanks, Mr. Plotz!” They all said.

“Oh, no need to thank me. Just be sure write from Iquincera or wherever it is you three are going.” Thaddeus began pushing the three towards the door of his office.

“You mean, Equestria?” Yakko corrected.

“Yes, yes. Quinceanera or something. Have a nice trip!” Plotz slammed the door in behind them as they left. He then ran behind his desk and opened a secret compartment on his desk. The secret compartment contained a button, which he pushed. Just then, a siren blared as confetti and balloons began to fall from the ceiling. Celebratory marching band music began playing and a banner that said ‘THEY’RE GONE!!!’ was unrolled and displayed. “YES! FINALLY, HAHA!”

He proceeded to call Dr. Scratchansniff, Hello Nurse, and Ralph the Security Guard to tell them about the good news and that they were going out to celebrate.

Meanwhile, the No-Longer-Warner Siblings heard his whoopings from just outside the door.

“Wow, he must be really happy for us,” Yakko said.

“How sweet of him,” Dot agreed.

As soon as they left Warner Lot, they stopped.

“So, how do we get there, Yakko?” Wakko asked.

“The same way we get to any place we need to go: A Scene Transition!”

(Cue whatever theme song your head can come up with)

In the small town of Ponyville, a rambunctious pink pony was racing around town square, setting up a large ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ party for somepony new. No one had heard of a new pony coming into town, but no one ever questioned Pinkie’s motives. They just assumed that they must not’ve heard of the newcomer, and hoped the party wouldn’t be too crazy.

Twilight however, always the rationalist, was curious as to who this new pony was. So, she decided to ask her directly.

“Hi, Twilight! Do you think you could help me set up the cupcake table? Thanks! I just hope they still love cupcakes! It’s been ages since I’ve seen them! I hope they’ll recognize me! OOOH, I can’t wait!”

“PINKIE!” Twilight shouted over Pinkie’s rambling.


“Who’s coming today?”

Pinkie’s eyes widened and her voice went down to conspiratory levels. “Well, that’s kind of hard to explain. In fact, it’s a really long story. Do you think it could wait until after the party?”

“But then how will I know who’s new to town before the party.”

Pinkie giggled. “Because it’s a surprise, duh!”

Twilight was about to groan, but the air just above town square had done that for her.

A portal began to open just above where the party was located, and three dogs/cats/children holding extremely large suitcases fell out and onto the ground with a comedic splat. They peeled themselves off of the ground and took in their surroundings.

Everypony within sight had stopped what they were doing to stare at the newfound oddities that had fallen out of the sky. The tall one then spoke and waved to the crowd.

“Hellooooo, Ponyville!” He then stopped after he noticed his hand. “Oooh, Flash animation. Very classy.”

The shortest one then pulled out a mirror, examined herself, and gasped. “I look even more cuter than I did before! I didn’t think that was possible!”

The medium sized one immediately noticed the spread of confectionaries (Good night, everybody) and made a beeline straight to it. “CUPCAKES!”

The other two noticed second and followed the middle one’s lead. The three then proceeded to commit mass confectionicide. There were no survivors.

Pinkie Pie then picked up all three of them with her front hooves hugged them. “Yakko! Wakko! Dot! You made it! Although you are a bit early.”

The three of them hugged back despite being covered in chocolate frosting, but Pinkie didn’t mind. “Pinkie Pie! You’re our favorite pony!” They said.

She released the group hug. “Well, of course I would be. Don’t you remember me?”

“Of course we do. We’ve seen every episode,” Yakko replied.

“You don’t remember? Here, maybe this will help!” Pinkie suddenly turned into something of Movietone quality. She began to dance, making a tap-dancing sound effect with her hooves. After her short jig, she stood upright on one hindleg, threw out a blast of confetti from her other hooves, and shouted, “Let’s party!” The Movietone effect ended and just left Pinkie posing in the awkward/slightly painful position.

The three siblings (along with the rest of Ponyville within sight) were gaping at Pinkie’s display of 1930’s animation. Finally, Wakko found the right words to say, “A-Aunt Party?”

“That’s me!” Pinkie said, now back on all fours.

The three children then gave Pinkie another large group hug while jumping in place at the same time. “Aunt Party! It’s you! It’s you! It’s you!”

“It’s me! It’s me! It’s me!”

As the three siblings and pink pony were doing their odd display of hyperactive affection, Twilight, as well as everypony within seeing distance, had the ultimate question on their minds.


A/N: This idea had been eating me alive ever since I thought of it. Mostly because no one else did before me (Well, maybe they did, but they didn’t write it). So I thought, “Dammit, this is a good idea and it needs to be made!”
And so it was made.
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