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Some Leech

I...I am a monument to all your sins...

Comments ( 34 )
Toon #1 · Jun 8th, 2022 · · 3 ·

Haven't read it yet but I know Leech is not one to steer you wrong!

Send word to the Anti-Villain-Victory-Division. We gonna need the Black berets to take this one down.

Toon #3 · Jun 8th, 2022 · · ·

Leech how dare you! The cliché of it was all a dream, THE AUDACITY!

Hope its gonna story like this but with Cadance where she also have Body Modification (Breast Expansion), Mind-Break and impregnation

Can we get a mind control fic?

Like a detailed induction and steady decent into being a cute loving cuddle slut, ya know?
Different from mind break.

What do you say?

Wait, it was all a dream? Dag nabbit, not again... Alright everyone, stand down, it's a code 26, repeat, code 26, fictitious victory. And to think we were about to false nuke Sombra, though honestly, cunt deserves it.
Anyways, good story.

Luna is cool enough to not kinkshame.

The ending surprised me. And you answered indirectly a question for me, that sombra should have an impressive size, similar to how corruption mostly sees bigger as better

Dangit, I need more submissive Celestia

I haven't written mind-control, but I'm not opposed to it!

This reminds me. I really need to get around to finishing that Sombra x Celestia subjugation fic that's been in my incomplete stories tab for like... two years.

Eventually, I swear.

Anyway, excellent work as always, Leech :scootangel:

And don't feel bad
I've got like 25 unpublished stories and an anthology I've been chipping away at for the better part of a year!


Me when daydreaming about nasty, filthy Sublestia scenes vs me actually trying to write them:

Glad to see more of your fantastic work, though we also need more Celestia dom in this fandom

Lol, I like the implication that Luna had been watching it all along from the side, and only when other stallions started mounting Celestia did she decide that she'd seen enough. I can just imagine her standing nearby, shaking her head as Celestia's dream gets more and more perverse. But she still kept watching, which says something about Luna as well, I'm preeety sure.

"Admit it, sis, you've enjoyed the show." :trollestia:

You look after ponies' dreams for a few hundred years, you start becoming a bit voyeuristic

Imagine Luna's reaction if she'd found Nightmare Moon dominating her sister.

Imagine Luna's reaction if she'd found her sister dominating Nightmare Moon. B-b-but why not meeee???

The cover art interests me. Is that the full image?

Love the twist.
Although that kinda ruins possible sequels with Luna, Twi and Cadance...
Or does it?

Does it?
Does it really?

*Grins wickedly*

Oh now, that is quite interesting.

Does this mean that we're seeing a follow-up?

Is that cover art posted anywhere?

Derpi ID 2885692

Thanks! I saw you just posted it a few hours ago!

I absolutely loved this.

I'll be honest with you, I have a bit of a weakness for dommy Sombra.

Me too! It’s one reason why I love him so much! He’s the perfect dominant!

Tell me about it!

And I think you write him really well in your stories. You do a good job portraying him as being powerful and dominant!

Mission accomplished!

I think I orgasmed two or three times from this.

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