• Published 8th Jun 2022
  • 114 Views, 0 Comments

Duality - WainbowHedgie

Starlit Harmonic already has a hard time finding work as a freelance musician, his main source of income at the local radio station is about to get an awful lot hairier.

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Chapter I: The Gala

Author's Note:

Thanks for taking the time to read! There are song links in the story but they are not necessary to enjoy the story.

Breath Star. Just breath. It's only the Grand Galloping Gala. Grabbing my cup I take a few gulps and continue the breathing routine. This isn't my first gig, nor will it be my last and it's only one song. Rubbing down my face with my hands looking over myself in the mirror I notice my wings twitch as the door behind me opens up to reveal the lead singer with a furrowed brow.

"Can you get a fucking move on you pansy. We need to be ready to perform soon. I can't get another stand in this late if you break down." He slams the door shut allowing my thoughts to return from the disruption. Taking a long breath, I grab my bass - ignoring the slight shakiness to my hand - and move to the exit. Gulping down the rest of my drink with a slight sting in my throat I enter the vast halls of the castle. Canterlot is quite the sight to behold when your not overwhelmed with negative emotions. Not that our resident jackass of a boss is helping ease things with the band.

A quick stroll down the hall finds myself with the rest of the band in the hall just away from the stage with most members just looking past me as if I were a ghost. This was for the best after all. Jackass ahoy. "Seems like Mr Silent has finally left his room to join the band. I know your type. Stick with the script batty and you'll recieve your pay no questions asked."

"My 'type'? The name calling I can ignore but what the fuck do you mean by that?" I say with a slight wobble in my voice.

"Oh my Faust, he speaks!-" He makes a faux shocked expression "-Look, you've already pissed me off more than enough with that damned electric bass crap even with that little tissue paper and playing style your doing to make it sound more acoustic. You Thestrals always push the tech that you have made with regards to music along with the shit you call music up in Hollow Shades. Rock I can abide by in some ways, but metal is a joke to all musicians in the world! The only reason I didn't look straight past you is because of the good word my colleague put in for you due to his absence."

I give him a glare, electing to ignore his idiocy and make sure my bass is in tune. To put it bluntly, he wasn't a fan of my lack of response.

Our Glorious Leader shoves me with a hand getting right in my face. "Dipshit! Fucking look at me when I'm talking to you. Did they not teach you to respect you're superiors when they're talking to you in that backwater town you call home? You don't even deserve to be here with us you fuckin-"

"That's enough berating for one night! Leave the poor bastard alone so we can do our job." Thank the Mistress herself that one of these band members has some decency. That fucker's breath could choke out a dog, so much for the class and decorum of Canterlot. Taking a breath once again I apply my small modification to help dampen my bass and look towards the mirror to my left. I'm not a particularly strong stallion by any means, enjoying a more secluded lifestyle much like the majority of my Thestral bretherin. Being shorter than your average Pony really doesn't help my case lumping me in with the scrawny-nerdy type. I'm gonna need a strong fucking drink after this one.

I adjust my bowtie, untwisting one of my bracers and throw my bass strap over myself. The current band finishes their piece to go on break while we perform a small interlude. With a small breath I leave the hall with the rest of the band and get plugged into the amplifiers, checking over the settings to make the softest tone I can. The crowd was large, talking away without a care in the world while we set ourselves up. Princess Celestia herself comes to the stage to giving a small announcement making our presence and purpose known.

"While the orchestra takes a small break, we have a guest band here to play during the interlude before we have Octavia Melody for a Cello piece. Please enjoy them as a small change of pace for the evening." She gives us a calm smile with a nod to Jackass before leaving the stage. The drummer gives us a small stickbeat in to initiate the song. The world around me ceases to exist, as we perform.


We begin to approach the instrumental section and I begin to see opportunity for a bit of fun as much as it will piss off my employer. This section could be way more interesting with a bit of slap, not only that, but impressive too. Seeing opportunity I give it my all. I walk forwards on the stage and alter the tone knob to bring more attention to myself. This alone earning a glare from Le' Cunt which soon turns into a scowl as I perform despite it only adding to the music more and bolstering the solo section. This small moment of fame remains just that as I back off for the vocals to come back in. My wings flitter as a grin graces my face for the first time this evening. The drummer - my earlier saviour - gives me a smile with a nod as we come to a close.

The crowd gives us a round of applause while we quickly dismount the stage into the backrooms. I smirk with the approach of my oh so gracious employer. This is gonna be good. "I would have half a mind to dock your pay for that little stunt you pulled. The job of the bass is to hug the drummer and remain in the background, not take a lead position! That is MY job." He sighs with yet another scowl on his face. "You did a good job with it however, just take this-" He hands me a bit bag. "-There is a bonus in there too for your work." With that, he leaves with the band. The drummer gives me a fist bump.

I stand there staring out the window for a moment. I suppose he can be decent after all. With no other visits to disturb me, I head off back to my room content with my performance and the payment.

It takes relatively little time for me to gravitate to the bar after the performance. A few ponies complemented me on my playing, even as far as saying it made the section a whole lot more lively and entertaining than the record itself. Others were keen to berate my playing as typical Thestral behaviour, ruining a perfectly fine song for a live performance. They all had a common theme however, all were brown-nosing nobles who almost always know next to nothing about music opting for either more traditional orchestra's or swing or a more modern approach with hip hop and dubstep despite the initial disdain for the two genres. No sense for taking risks to make something sound better with some creativity on the performer's behalf.

I pull out a cigar as the barkeep hands me a whisky tumbler - on the house mind you - for the performance. If i toned down on the drink and smoking maybe I would have more spare cash for once in my fucking life. Fuck doing that though when life gives you the kind of shit I had to deal with earlier as a freelance musician. A few nearby nobles look at me with disgust as I light the cancer tube. My response? Stick a finger at 'em. Tuning out the chatter nearby to listen in to Octavia combined with a puff of tobacco lifted my sour expression considerably. The scotch went down silky smooth too. Trust the princess' to invest in only the finest spirits, I suppose it makes sense when they deal with these twats all day everyday.

The stool neighboring to me is pulled back a little as somepony sits next to me. "Not quite my tempo, but still enjoyable nonetheless. Can I have an Old Fashioned barkeep?" I turn to face my new company to see a fellow Thestral has taken my side giving me a small smile.

"I take it you want to talk to me. What do you need? A stand in for a bandmate?" I ask annoyance clearly worn on my sleave.

"No, nothing quite like that. My name is Vocal Forge and I'm in need of a bassist for my band you see. Your little performance was remarkable and I would love skill like that for my band. I can also tell by the way you were playing that you are more metal inclined like myself."

I take a good look at the stallion noting his more dapper appearence, a simple yet elegant black pinstripe suit with a bowtie. He was skinnier than myself and shorter to boot. Not to toot my own horn but I am above average height compared to most Thestrals. His mention of metal however caught my ears tickling that sense within, me lifting the scowl to a much brighter smile. "I'm listening. I am in need of a more permanent job so I don't have to balance freelance work and working in the radio tower in Manehatten."

"Good to hear Mr?" Mr Forge asked.

"My apologies, I'm Starlit Harmonic."

"Well, I don't wish to keep you long but I can explain a bit about the band now and give you the single we have released containing two tracks from the upcoming album so you can make your choice. I do most of the recording work myself as of right now but I'm open for that to change. The band will be almost entirely anonymous with the musicians performing merely as 'Nameless Ghouls' in a concealing attire while I play the role of a Satanic Pope Papa Emeritus and perform solely as the lead singer. The whole 'Satanic' appeal is just that, a peformance. Not one of us in the band are really Satanic despite how common it is back home as I'm sure you are aware." I nod back to him. "While metal is usually frowned upon Ponies, I do want it to be more accessible for those interested, so while we will not be the heaviest of bands out there, it will still be metal-" He hands me a small seven inch record along with a small contact information slip. "- Take this and have a listen to what we have to offer. You would take the role of a touring musician and get some payment for the record sales themselves. We can hash out the contract if you accept."

"This seems interesting but I will need to think on it Mr Forge. Thank you for the offer and I will get back to you on this as soon as I decide."

"Thank you for considering the offer Mr Harmonic. I hope to hear back from you soon." We shake hands and he takes his leave. I look down at the record in my hands, 'Elizabeth with extra prototype song Death Knell', reading the lyrics on the back I can see 'Elizabeth' is based on an old foal's tale to keep them cautious around strangers. The whole tale is much more gruesome than the foal-friendly version. I take another puff, placing the record in my jacket. The crowd was just as lively as ever with the orchestra taking the stage once again to continue the classical drone. Thinking over my options, this opportunity was simply too good to just pass off as a concept that would never work.

Giving a small sigh and looking to my watch I see the time is starting to get late. I finish my drink and grab my bass with the intent on leaving the Gala a little early so I can catch the train with some spare time. I give my thanks to the barkeep and toss him a tip from my new earnings. He gives his thanks before moving onto the next person, a drunkard sprawling across the bartop having passed out and placing a small pillow under the poor sod's head to he was somewhat comfortable. Glad I didn't end up becoming a barkeep in the end. Seems like such a boring job until someone makes a mess of your station. I nod to the Guard at the door as I walk to the train station bound for home. I have work in the morning and I certainly don't want to be late.

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