• Member Since 14th Jun, 2012
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I like big ponies and I cannot lie.

Comments ( 20 )

However, the pony only speaks horse.

I thought it was Ponish


Bendy #3 · Jun 15th, 2022 · · 1 ·

How is he supposed to know if all he hears is neighs from her?

Nope. Chuck Testa.

Rats! Foiled again!

sykko #5 · Jun 15th, 2022 · · 1 ·

I think this story goes by the logic: Why would a clearly sapient non-human species speak a vaguely human-like language? Outside of being able to communicate very simple things non-verbally, like "Me hungry, we want eat", or "Me hurt, me need doctor", as they would have completely different structure to their vocal organs. The resonating chambers in a sapient pony's head would mean that a percentage of the phonetic sounds they make would be too high and too low for us to hear.

Then throw in the typical Bendy tropes of horny, big booty ponies.

I think he's done a similar story before where the human who wound up in Equestria lacked the ability to communicate complex concepts.

Bendy #6 · Jun 15th, 2022 · · 1 ·

Initially I wanted to explain why she only speaks horse. But would kind of take away the mystery. Sometimes I feel something should be left to speculation.


“Neegggaa!” she neighed...

I don't know if I'm laughing at this or if I'm crying because I'm apparently a racist lmfao.

upvoted because i got exactly what was described and my regrets are many.

Reminded me of this to be fair :trollestia:

Racist zombies? XD

I guess it could be read that way. But I assure you it was not intentional. I trying make her neigh, not say the other thing.

Here is a good story (not clop) about language dilemma: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/238757/the-children-of-planet-earth

Legally distinct Bookhorse.

Nice story

Sequel Idea: Luna tries to go to his dreams to solve that communication problem... too bad, even in the dream, they are still just horse sounds

Or... the pony's point of view. All they hear is chimpanzee sounds from him.

With a big butt.

Thanks. I got Grammarly premium to help me with it. So, my stories should be a little better from now on by some degree.

*Ahem* Simlish, thank you.

“Neegggaa!” she neighed while flapping her wings erratically.

And here's what it sounds like to humans when the ponies do a musical number.

So, I haven't really been around in a while, at least not in a serious capacity, and I decided "what the hell, I'll check out a Bendy story, haven't read one of those in years."

Good to see that you've grown considerably as an author, Bendy.

I still write some of my bendy classics. But I do venture out.


tbh, it makes more sense that they don't understand each other.

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