• Published 24th Sep 2012
  • 12,157 Views, 234 Comments

'Till Death Do Us Part - DbzOrDie

Cutesie wootsie AppleDash wedding story

  • ...

This day is going to be perfect

It was a bright and sunny day . . .

Ok, so it was raining like crazy outside. Just imagine the sky less cloudy and the clouds more.. sky-y? That's a word right?

Anyhow, this is the story about how I got to marry the most awesomest mare ever.

Trampling hooves, rapid-beating heart, and enough sweat to fill a swimming pool. When the future generations sing their epic tales of glory about me I'd rather not have them know that the Rainbow Dash could get nervous.

But here I was, hiding in my room instead of getting ready for the wedding, and looking as if I’d hidden a body in the closet and was desperately hoping nopony would find out.

A knock on the door. Oh Celestia, there it is. They're coming to say that AJ bailed on me, that I'm going to die alone, and I'll be known as the loneliest Wonderbolt who's ever lived. Maybe if I jump out of the window now I can still avoid this.

"Rainbow, are you alright?" A gentle voice came from the door.

"Of course I'm alright! I'll just get some more turtles to keep me company for the rest of my life!" I snapped at her whilst trying to determine the correct rate of velocity needed to smash through the window.

A few seconds of silence. "Rainbow, I'm coming in."

My head turned just in time to see Twilight close the door behind her. I tried to crack my biggest smile but she wasn't buying it.

"I understand that you're nervous, but you have nothing to fear. In half an hour you'll be happily married and you will realize how silly it was to be nervous."

That calmed me down a bit. "Nervous? Who's nervous? Me? I'm not nervous."

"Come now Rainbow. I haven't seen you this nervous since you and Applejack asked me to perform the spell that granted you two your foal."

Part of me wanted to keep denying it, and state that someone as awesome as me couldn't get nervous. It's impossible for coolness and nervousness to mix. I kept glancing between Twilight and the window. I could still make it. I could take off before she realized I was gone, and I'd be out of sight before she recovered enough to use magic.

"Rainbow?" she cautiously asked. She moved a few steps closer and I decided to throw the escape plan out the window. Heh, no pun intended.

I figured that since I didn't have any more escape plans that didn't involve knocking Twilight out with a Daring Do book, I might as well just spill the beans.

"I'm nervous." It flew out of my mouth before I could stop it.

"But why? You have absolutely nothing to be worried about."

"What if she doesn't show up?" I asked, and kept going before she could reply. "What if she was walking to the wedding, and a hydra dropped out of the sky and crushed her? Or even worse, what if she decided that I'm not cool enough for her?"

"Dash, I saw her just a few minutes ago. Everything's fine and she's getting ready as well."

"Oh." Well, that eased the tension a bit.

"C'mon Dash, I sense there is more to it than that."

Damn, foiled again. Maybe I can still get to that book. Ironic, getting knocked out by the very thing that she made me read. No, focus.

"Fine, I admit, there's more to it."

Twilight was about to say more but this seemed to shut her up. She looked at me, motioning me to go on.

"This day is perfect. I'm getting married with the mare I love and we have a foal to care for together."

"After this, it will only start going downhill. Getting into the Wonderbolts doesn't even come close to the joy that I would feel from getting married to Applejack. And that scares me." Yes, it's true, I used the s-word. Even athletes get scar-..., s-word sometimes. Pay attention to the story.

"Oh Dash, that's not tru-"

"IT’S TRUE! And that's the problem! How will we live together if every day with her will feel less awesome than the day that I got married to her?"

Twilight seemed to reflect on this for a moment. "Dash, what are your plans after this day?" She asked, cautiously.

"That's easy. Audition for the Wonderbolts, move in with AJ, care for our little filly together-"

"There! That's what I'm looking for!" Twilight suddenly exclaimed.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Dash, what does your foal mean to you?"

"She's the most important thing in my life right now. I mean, she's me and AJ combined. She was awesome before she was even born!"

That's true you know. She is awesome. The way she giggles when you give her a raspberry. How she pouts and keeps pouting until you give her what she wants. That kid is destined for great things. One day they'll have to invent a competition worthy of her awesomeness. Best Young Iron Pony.

I kept staring forward, lost in thought. Apparently Twilight noticed because she gave me a slight nudge to get me focused on the matter at hoof again.

"And what do you do when your foal is that important to you?"

"I don't know, you spend time with them, you support them in their choices and you watch over them like a good parent I guess?"

"That's exactly what I mean, Dash, think of all the great moments you'll share with her. Today is just the tip of the iceberg. After today you and your wife can look after your foal together as a family."

She was right. The wedding was just the gateway to a life with AJ and our little filly. While today was going to be perfect, our life together afterwards was going to get even perfecter. That's a word as well right?

I hesitated a bit. Admitting someone else is right never did quite fit for me. "I guess you're r-r... right."

"Of course I'm right! And by Celestia, you're going out there even if I have to drag you with me."

"Speaking of Celestia, do you think she's mad at us for not wanting her to give her blessing and just have a regular wedding?"

"Oh, Dash, what would make you think that?"

Yes, what would make me think that? The fact that she wasn’t present in the audience? Or the fact that she looked like she was going to smite us when we told her.

"I don't know, she looked so disappointed when we made our intentions clear. I thought she was going to force us to have her act as our officiator."

"Why would she be mad about that? She did point you towards your current one."

"I guess you're right. But I just can't get used to her name. Atec Seli, what kind of a name is that?"

"Strange name or not, she's waiting for you and AJ to finally come to the altar," Twilight replied with a slightly raised voice.

"Right, just help me get in that tux over there and I'll get ready!”

I look so cool in a tuxedo. Like Con Mane. NO! Like 00Dash. They probably wouldn’t have noticed if I did a few rolls and pretended to have a gun.

No, Dash. This isn’t about you being awesome, it's about you and AJ being awesome, together. Just keep walking down the aisle and you'll be fine.

I saw the officiator first. Strange how she looked so familiar, even though I’d never seen her before. Celestia insisted that they’d handle all the stuff themselves. In fact, she reminded me a bit of Celestia, only pink, and much smaller. But she had the same loving look the Princess always wore. Maybe she was a relative?

I tilted my head slightly to the left and there she was. Looking as beautiful as always and smiling softly at me through her wedding veil. I spotted a hearty blush adorning the area around her cute freckles. I guess she was a bit nervous as well.

As I came to a standstill at the altar, I raised her veil and cast a loving glance at her face. One look at her and I forgot all about the quivering nervous feather-pile I was just a few minutes before.

I nodded at the officiator to start the ceremony.

"Mares and Gentlecolts, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union between Applejack Apple and Rainbow Daring Awesome Dash. The couple has written their own vows, who will begin?”

"I will!" I said, determined. "Applejack Apple, the day I first met you is the day that's etched in my memory forever. We saved the world together, we got to make lifelong friends and we met each other. From that day my love for you has only increased in size and in time I just had to let you know how I felt."

I stared into her eyes and kept going. "I couldn't have expected you to like me the way that you did. The day that you said yes, my heart didn't belong to me anymore, it was given to a better pony. One who I knew would take care of it, and make sure to never break it.”

I inched closer, restraining myself from touching her too soon. "Our love continued to grow as we went to our favorite nerd because we needed a hoof in getting the little filly that to this day is the very symbol of our undying love for eachother and for her. I'll forever stay loyal to you and only you. I stand here before you today, saying yes, I want to share my life with you. And it will be an awesome life, as long as we have eachother."

A few choked sobs went through the crowd. Nopony would've expected that Dash, the same mare to not ever do anything girly, could speak with such love towards her partner.

The officiator motioned for Applejack to begin.

"Rainbow Daring Awesome Dash, I can't say I could ever be happier than I am now, with you by my side, ready to start our life together. We've had our rough edges throughout our relationship, but keep on grindin’ them rough spots together, and they'll grow smoother than silk."

She smiled that smile of hers, and my knees grew weak. "The day Twilight used that fancy magic spell and I found out that I was pregnant with our little filly, I knew that I wanted to share my life with you, and nopony else but you. The pregnancy was hard, ‘specially since it was magical and all that stuff. I half expected you to run off a few times... but you didn't. You stood by me, through everythin’ that life threw at us. I can honestly say that I love you. That I'll keep on lovin’ you, as long as the wind keeps blowin’, and life keeps blooming. I stand here today, ready, to start our life together."

The few ponies who had managed to hold back their tears during my vows could no longer do so, and tissues were passed around rapidly upon hearing the warmth and love in Applejack’s words.

"Please bring forth the rings," The officiator instructed.

Big Mac approached from the side, bearing the goofiest grin and the teariest eyes I've ever seen him with. He's holding the pillow with our rings. A rainbow and an apple adorn the side of it. The rings are part of a small golden necklace designed to easily be worn by anypony.

He holds the pillow between me and AJ as we get ready for the final part.

"My dear ponies. Your words are true and your love is pure."

"Rainbow Dash, do you promise to stand by Applejack's side, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, 'till death do you part."

"I do," I respond as I put the necklace around AJ's neck.

"Applejack Apple, do you promise to stand by Rainbow Dash's side, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, 'till death do you part."

"I do," she responds as she puts her own necklace around my neck.

"Then I now pronounce you mare and mare, you may now kiss."

One kiss, to seal the deal, to a lifetime of happiness...

Comments ( 234 )

That was beautiful. :fluttercry:

:ajsmug::ajsmug::ajsmug::ajsmug::ajsmug: / :rainbowdetermined2::rainbowdetermined2::rainbowdetermined2::rainbowdetermined2::rainbowdetermined2:

5 AJs out of 5 Rainbow Dashes

DbzOrDie actually writing something? I didn't think I'd live to see the day! I quite enjoyed this and would like to see more from you. In particular, the thing with Celestia intrigues me... I'm wondering just what happened there.

Beautiful, funny and sweet. I would love to see more from you, Mr. Author! :ajsmug:

Cool. It managed to keep a smile on my face the whole time. You are now being watched by me. :ajsmug:.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure each other is two words. And there are a couple of instances where it changes tense randomly....

Other than that, very good! I like it and I will fave!


Oh my Celestia! DbsOrDie, you wrote a fan fiction, and it is about AppleDash. Instant favorite and like!iambrony.jsmart.web.id/mlp/gif/132603980888s.gif?1327826490

I'll be sure to read this later!

The Pic alone is worth it getting featured. The writing makes it worth 10 features.
4.5 Mustaches out of 5, because one of those sentences looks really weird.

A seriously great set of vows there.

WOW! That was MUCH better than I thought it would be! Favoriting this one!

:ajsmug::heart::rainbowkiss: FOREVER!

:flutterrage: MOAR:fluttershyouch: i mean if thats ok

I got here BEFORE IT WAS FEATURED, because this shit will get featured,
If you dont mind, im going to run off and cuddle with Derpy
*Scampers away*

My heart, I'm not sure if it exploded or melted from love :ajsmug::heart::rainbowkiss:

Appledash? Insta-fav.

Tis beutious :fluttercry:

You know? for a kids' show you bronies really like to think of them as lesbians...:facehoof:

for a kid's show, with 90% female ponies, how could they not be lesbians :pinkiehappy:

1328661 YEEEAH that's it! I mean, I though it was because it's a show for little girls and little girls are not interested in romance stories BUT the belief that they are lesbians makes much more logic:twilightsmile:... ....


What do you mean, little girls aren't interested in romance stories? Doesn't Rarity's 'prince charming' tale sound familiar to the dreams of every little girl? And even though it's a children's cartoon, most bronies are not. :pinkiehappy:
And we like our romance
and since we can't give one stallion nine mares, and since the Mane six are all mares, Lesbianism was born :pinkiegasp:

What if you just happen to think that certain characters are gay/bi? Are we allowed to do that? :applejackunsure:

1328867 O...K...
Look I already have several weeks with an arrow on the knee from these stories, so I let you get away with it.:ajbemused:

it just bothers me that seems that on this fandom heterosexuals romances are seen as something stupid, pointless AND unnatural

It's not unnatural, it's just that there's only one stallion for every 9 mares.
And there isn't nearly enough Mane 6 / stallion interaction to build a convincing relationship on.

The few ponies who had managed to hold back their tears during my vows could no longer do so, and tissues were passed around rapidly upon hearing the warmth and love in Applejack’s words.

I managed to resist till these lines. Then manly tears were shed. :fluttercry:

Here, pal, get a moustache or two :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:

You know, I already commented on this, but have another notification because I have a question for you.

What did you hope to accomplish with this post? You saw the cover image, so you could have guessed that people reading this fic don't have a problem with lesbian ponies. So was that comment supposed to convince someone to stop? Make us/DbzOrDie feel bad for it? Make some author somewhere rush out and write a het ship to fix this gross discrepancy? Why post this observation here, on one particular f/f ship fic?

I'm seriously curious what makes people post stuff like this on fics.

Oh Luna, you made a fic! this is so awesome! It's so friggin funny to see so many bronies thinking the same thing I was thinking (Oh No! DbzOrDie actually stopped reading and started writting! We're doomed, get to the life-boats!)

JK, Love the story, and love your reading and supporting Dbz, keep on rocking.


My friend, let it go. Haters gonna hate, we all just gotta love and tolerate. This is a happy story, one that should not be sullied with an angry debate or accusations.

To you sir author. I salute you. The feels, they were great. The vows of Applejack and her Mate were poetic. and RD's reaction was indeed normal for a groom (After seeing a brother in-law, and several friends get married off to their wives i'm familiar with the sight.)

You sir earn a triple stache. wear it proudly. :moustache::moustache::moustache:

I saw the officiator first. Strange how she looked so familiar, even though I’d never seen her before. Celestia insisted that they’d handle all the stuff themselves. In fact, she reminded me a bit of Celestia, only pink, and much smaller. But she had the same loving look the Princess always wore. Maybe she was a relative?

"Atec Seli, what kind of a name is that?"


After reading this story, I feel a very special song is needed to add even more sadness and daaaaaw-fulness to such a delightful atmosphere:

Atec Seli. Cute. Not many good anagrams for Celestia, I suppose.

Atec Seli... I don't get it. :unsuresweetie:

No one denies Celestia. No one :trollestia:
On a slightly different note, I seriously think you could write the events leading up to this moment and make one heck of a fanfic.
"science ponies isn't about asking why. it's about asking why not!"

D'awwww :ajsmug:

There is a great deal of potential in this shipping

try reading the letters in this order:

A t e c S e l i
8 6 2 1 5 4 3 7

This is good. Not perfect, but very good. Dash feels very real.

Alright, you caught my eye. I've read a few paragraphs, and will be back tomorrow sometime to drop you some advice on stuffs and shit. LMK if you want a new post or just to edit this one (affects if you get a notification or not)

doesn't really matter
whatever floats your boat works for me :pinkiehappy:

each other is the correct one but eachother reads better and is pronounced like that :pinkiehappy:

1328425 That .gif is just fantastic! I wish to use it for many occasions such as this, but how? Please, enlighten me, good sir!

A wiseguy huh?
Why I outta...

Just trying to help someone who didn't get it. Besides, I didn't outright say where her name came from. ;-)
If you want, I can delete the post.

I completely blew over that Atec Seli part, then scrolled back to look at the letters when Dash mentioned she looked like Celestia. Had the biggest 'I see what you did there' face when I figured it out.

Atec Seli, yeah right. I wonder how she convinced Twilight not to tell on her.:twilightoops::trollestia:

As a matter of fact, it's 64,8% Female Character (60 of them) and 35,2% Male Characters(48 of them) in the show.

The male ones are just so rarely spotted it feels like 90% Females.

Its Celestia's name jumbled up

Atec Seli. .... Clever Girl.... >_>

1328661 very true and My Feels.... You Have Found Them! Good Show!

Celestia has learnt a few tricks over the millennia, it seems... such as having a 'mortal' disguise (that looks startlingly similar to the off-model Princess Celestia toy that makes all the Bronies laugh.

Awww, this was soo cute <3
It almost dawwwwed the shit out of me and the fanart matches the story perfectly (=
One of my favourite oneshots so far!
Rainbow daring awesome dash.......hehe...
I prefer "smith" as applejacks last name, but to each his own.

Meh....now the guys at work are looking strange at me because i cant stop smiling xD

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