• Published 24th Jun 2022
  • 422 Views, 12 Comments

TimberTwi Tales: Timber Spruce's Weekend - CapNTilfy

Timber Spruce has a weekend like no other... TimberTwi Tales #3

  • ...

A Doozy of a Day

Timber opened his eyes to sunlight.


Timber turned over to look at his alarm clock, only to find that he had woken up five minutes early. He frowned, disappointed that he missed out on five minutes’ worth of sleep. Well, there was nothing he could do about that now, so he might as well just get out of bed.

Timber made a sputtering noise, then got out of bed and turned off his alarm clock. He got dressed, then went to the kitchen for breakfast.

As he entered the kitchen, Timber noticed Gloriosa, who waved at him. “Morning,” she said, fully awake. “Sleep well?”

Timber nodded. “Looks like you did, too.”

Gloriosa smiled. “Yeah. Gotta take what I can get. So what do you have planned for today?”

Timber cupped his chin in thought for a moment, then shrugged. "Pretty much nothing, really."

"Well, that's not necessarily a bad thing."

No," Timber shook his head. "It's not… but I don't want to be cooped up in here all day."” He said as he gestured to the whole of his home. “I might just jog around the camp, then cruise around in my car a little.”

Gloriosa raised an eyebrow with a smirk. “But not before eating breakfast.”

“Right.” Timber smiled sheepishly.

After breakfast, Timber exited his home, then started doing some stretches to limber himself up. He took a deep breath, then exhaled and cracked his neck. He closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them and started his run.

He approached the gazebo, where he first laid eyes on Twilight…

Timber glanced offstage and noticed Twilight. She blushed, and his heart skipped a beat at the sight. Maybe he should get to know her. Nobody ever made him smile just by looking at him!

Where he first spoke to Twilight…

"Yeah, but they're mostly blue. That's why they're named after the Latin word 'sapphirus'."

Past the dock…

"I know I'm charming, but you don't have to fall for me."

Past the tables…

"You think that's crafty? You should see my macaroni art. I'm like the Pintocasso of noodles!"

Timber continued his jog around Camp Everfree, and everywhere he went he was reminded of every last interaction he had with Twilight that week. By the time he returned, he was a sweaty mess in serious need of a shower.

Timber sighed as he walked back into the house, wiping some sweat off of his forehead. He made a beeline to his bathroom, then jumped into the shower.

As Timber showered, he wondered what was going through Twilight’s head. Her openness and flirting… wait, was she flirting? Ugh, he didn’t know! He wished he did. At least then he’d know whether or not he’d feel safe telling her he loved her!

“Why does romance have to be so complicated,” Timber muttered under his breath as he started washing his hair. He wished his parents were still around to give him some advice on how to deal with this situation. It’s not that he wasn’t grateful for Gloriosa’s help or anything, he just wanted help from someone who’d had actual experience with romantic relationships.

Timber got out of the shower and rapidly shook his head, which flecked the shower curtain and mirror with tiny droplets of water. He chuckled, then sighed contentedly, feeling refreshed and cleansed.

As he dried himself off, Timber wondered where he’d go. He certainly wasn’t going to go to Downtown Everton. He hadn’t been there in years! Besides, he’d told Twilight he’d take her there. Provided that they were still a couple…

No. He shouldn’t think like that. There was no solid evidence that she wouldn’t still want to go out with him!

Timber pushed the thought out of his mind, then internally debated where he’d go up until he was fully dressed and standing in front of his car. He now had a destination in mind: Canterlot City. Odds were slim that he’d meet someone he knew there, and he felt like blending into a crowd.

Timber got into his car, then drove off.

Timber arrived in Canterlot City, thanking his lucky stars that he found a decent parking spot with minimal driving around. He got out of his car, then took a deep whiff of the city air. As he exhaled, he became keenly aware of the sounds around him.

Cars passed him by, with the occasional honk of an impatient driver sounding off. The music of a street performer gained his attention, and he decided to follow his ears. As he neared her, he sighed dreamily at the soothing tone of her voice and soulful strumming of her guitar.

The performer glanced upward at Timber and smiled as she continued her singing. He returned the smile, then stayed until she finished her song, feeling her passion flow through her lyrics. Once she finished, he applauded, then put a five dollar bill in her guitar case.

“That was amazing,” Timber said as he put his wallet back in his pocket. “Keep on doing what you’re doing.”

The performer gave Timber an airy laugh. “Thanks. I will.”

Timber gave the performer a thumbs up, then walked away. His stomach growled, and he took out his phone to see the time. He nodded, then pocketed it.

Yep. It was lunch time.

Timber found his way to a nearby cafe, then ordered lunch. He sat outside at a table, which was holding an umbrella in the middle to shade him from the sun. He placed his elbows on the table, holding his chin with his hands as he watched people pass him by.

He saw people minding their own business. People listening to their music. People staring at their phones. People waiting at the stoplight. Timber saw all those people, but he swiftly turned his attention to a specific sort of people: couples.

Straight couples. Gay couples. Lesbian couples. Engaged couples. Married couples. Couples without children. Couples expecting children. Couples with children.

Timber couldn’t help but smile and sigh dreamily. Like nearly every other thing, seeing those couples reminded him of Twilight. He fervently hoped that one day, they would hold hands. They would acknowledge each other as a couple. They would kiss… and they would tell each other that they were in love.

The clatter of a plate on the table snapped Timber out of his thoughts. He turned to see the waitress, then thanked her. He sighed again, then ate his lunch as he continued to watch people. Once he finished, he took out his phone.

He held his phone in his hand and stared at it, hoping to hear from Twilight. He lowered his head, gently bumping it on the table with a frustrated grunt. “I have got to get a grip,” he said to himself, then swiftly raised his head back up.

Timber and Twilight poured their hearts out to each other.

Timber made a sputtering noise. His fantasies had started up again… those fantasies of what he’d hoped his future with Twilight would be like. They were both a blessing and a curse to him. A blessing because it could happen, but a curse because it hadn’t happened yet.

Timber and Twilight gazed lovingly into each other’s eyes, having finally laid bare their feelings.

Fortunately for Timber, he’d gotten used to those fantasies. They’d been happening regularly since his first date with Twilight, and they almost overwhelmed him the first time around! His heart would always flutter every time he fantasized.

Timber and Twilight kissed, and their hearts thundered as one.

Timber smiled, then flagged down the waitress. She handed him his bill, and he paid for it.

Timber and Twilight walked side by side, holding hands with fingers laced together as they reached their destination for their date.

Once Timber left the restaurant, he stretched, then cracked his neck. “Okay,” he said to himself. “What next?” He looked around, eager for something new to do. For a brief moment, he regretted not looking up the goings-on of Canterlot City. Next time he came here he’d definitely take a look at local events before leaving!

Timber had his arms wrapped around Twilight’s waist as she laid on top of him, caressing his cheek as they watched a romantic movie.

Timber ran a hand through his hair as he thought where he’d go next. He had plenty of time before dinner, which was when he’d return home. With a shrug, he simply walked forward. Who knew what he’d find? The thought excited him a little.

Timber grabbed the covers of his bed, then draped them over himself and Twilight as he scooted over to her. He gently caressed her stomach, adding to the warmth he had just deposited inside her. They kissed, then fell asleep.

Timber had been walking for a few minutes, but unfortunately found nothing of interest. He wouldn’t let that deter him, though. Maybe he needed to move in a different direction… He turned his attention elsewhere, then crossed the street.

Timber wiped some sweat off of his brow after taking the last box out of the moving van. Twilight gently hugged him from behind and pecked him on the cheek, then opened the box and started unpacking her things.

Timber continued his walking, and he began to hear a crowd murmuring. His curiosity was piqued, and he picked up his pace. He turned a corner, and his eyes widened.

Many tents of varying colors and sizes filled with local foods, wares and merchants were all set up as people mulled about. The sound of a live band playing music resounded over a sound system that was perched somewhere out of Timber's field of vision.

Timber grinned. "Now we're talking!"

Timber's vision became blurred by tears as he got down on one knee. He heard Twilight sniffle as he spoke those words he had wanted to say to her for the longest time. He heard the one word he had hoped to hear several times over as he was telekinetically thrust into her arms.

Timber walked around and took a deep whiff of the air. He was greeted with the scents of various meats, vegetables and baked goods. He rubbed his hands eagerly, then took out his phone and sent a message to Gloriosa.

Dinner’s gonna be on me tonight! - Timber

Timber stood across from Twilight. Tears of joy fell from their eyes as they were finally pronounced husband and wife. They immediately embraced each other in a passionate kiss.

An hour or so later, Timber held some bags of food that he had purchased. Yeah, he had one hell of a haul! He was so going to enjoy cooking dinner tonight! Pleased with his findings, he returned to his car.

Timber and Twilight walked along a Marediterranean beach, holding hands as the sun set. They both held each other close and kissed as the first day of their honeymoon came to a close.

Timber put the bags of food in the backseat area, then buckled up as he turned on the radio.

Timber stood still in shock and disbelief as he gaped at the positive pregnancy test Twilight had presented to him. Slowly but surely, their emotions caught up with their brains and they shared an emotional embrace.

Timber got out of his car as Gloriosa greeted him with a hug.

“So,” Gloriosa said eagerly. “What’d you find?”

Timber grinned as he opened the passenger side door. “Follow me into the kitchen and I’ll show you!”

Timber gently pressed himself against Twilight’s back and admired the view of her heavily gravid abdomen. With a blissful sigh, he rubbed her belly and whispered sweet nothings in her ear.

After Timber showed Gloriosa all that he brought home, he ran to his room to look up some recipes online. He still had a couple of hours before dinner, so that gave him some time for research.

Timber sniffled as he saw a thoroughly exhausted Twilight shed tears of joy as she held their newborn child. He couldn’t believe it… h-he was a father now!

Timber had a recipe in mind. He was now a man on a mission! With a cracking of his neck and knuckles and the rolling up of his sleeves, he went to work in earnest!

Timber and Twilight sat on the porch together as they looked on, watching their children play with each other. Neither of them could possibly ask for anything more in life.

Shortly after dinner, Timber wiped some sweat off of his forehead. He was exhausted!

His phone rang, nearly startling him.

Now Calling: Twilight Sparkle

Heat immediately rose to Timber’s face and his heart pounded. He swiftly accepted the call. "Twilight?" He asked. "What's up?"

Twilight heaved a sigh. "I just had one of the longest days of my life, and I figure talking to you about it would help."

"Well tell me all about it. I'm all ears, Twilight."

Twilight took a deep breath. "Well, last night I struggled with an equation I started. I ended up getting frustrated, so I gave up on it in the middle of the night." She sighed. "That decision ended up getting Spike injured, which caused me to get so freaked out that I sped and ran who knows how many red lights! I'm just grateful that the officer that pulled me over was willing to be lenient!"

Timber made a hissing noise through his teeth.

Twilight put her hand to her forehead. "Tell me about it. Thankfully, Spike's okay. I got there in enough time for a proper treatment. But after that, I went back outside to find that I got a parking ticket!" She made a frustrated noise. "Seriously, what did I do to deserve such a crappy day?!"

"Nothing." Timber said. "I'm sorry you had such a rough day, Twilight. But you got out of it okay, and that's all that matters."

Twilight giggled, and Timber felt his face redden further. "I know." She sighed again. "Thanks for listening, I really needed your ears."

"Glad I could help. Anything else?"

"Yes...actually. You've been on my mind practically all day, not to mention most of the time since I've known you. You're kind, you're funny. You're so incredibly supportive when I need it. I just wanted to hear your voice so very badly tonight. Timber Spruce...I love you."

Timber’s eyes widened in shock. Time seemed to slow down as he lost grip of his phone.

Those words.

Those three words.

Those three words he had longed to hear so badly.

The sound of his phone hitting the floor brought him back to reality, and he hurriedly picked it back up, only to see that she hung up.

A tear fell from Timber’s cheek as his voice lowered to a whisper.

“I-I love you too.”

Author's Note:

Takes place simultaneously with Twilight Sparkle's Worst Day Ever: Conversations.