• Published 26th Jun 2022
  • 418 Views, 1 Comments

Equestria Rewritten - darlinglightfoot

Flurry Heart reluctantly tries to better understand the magic of friendship.

  • ...

More To The Magic (Part One)

Her hooves clacked against the crystal cobblestones as she raced to keep up with her mother. Cadence often kept a brisk pace when on her way through the empire, but this time it was different. Flurry Heart's gown hung over her shoulders, meanwhile the blue graduation cap hung clumsily out of her mouth.

"Flurry, please keep up, it's unlike us to be late." Her father said with a slight annoyance to his voice.

"And late to your own graduation..." her mother reminded her. Her golden horseshoes clinked up the steps of the train platform as they were guided towards the private car, of the crystal empire express, protected by the royal guards.

"Sorry..." Flurry Heart mumbled, fumbling to get the hat onto her head. "There's just a lot of pressure is all-"

Shining Armor adjusted the hat on his daughter's head, straightening it and moving the tassel. "You'll do fine." He watched his daughter's smile fall from her face. He pushed her chin up encouragingly "Why the long face?"

"It's just, I don't feel like I've gained much knowledge at the School for Gifted Unicorns." She mumbled, the train pulled up almost entirely silently.

"Your magic is outstanding." Cadence reminded her. "You have had amazing power since you were born-"

Flurry's face was riddled with worry and a sense of unknowing. They trudged onto the train swiftly, protected by the guards. As the train doors close, they took their seats. The inside of the train was private. The decor was elegant, and server ponies walked the isle offering refreshments to the royal family.

Shining Armor took a small glass of water while his daughter scanned the train car. The only travelers in this car were the royal family, but it was nowhere near empty. Guards and servers took many seats, it seemed that Flurry never really felt alone. She also really never felt privacy, though.

The stage was bare, very few unicorns graduating this semester... Only one alicorn, there, of course. The school's student-base had dwindled in recent years. Despite Twilight Sparkle's better efforts to promote magic strength, many opted to send their students to the Friendship School in Ponyville. Despite her aunt's legacy, Flurry Heart had an exceptional lack of actual friends. Ironic, considering her aunt was the 'Princess of Friendship'.

Chairs sat before the stage; there was a line behind them on either side. Cadence reached around her daughter, pulling her in for a hug. Her silent smile said it all, the look that held all of the love in the world. Flurry's heart swelled.

"We're so proud of you, kiddo." Shining Armor said, bursting with joy for his daughter. He took his turn to pull her in for a hug.

Flurry Heart galloped to reach her spot in line. Heads turned as she pushed into her spot, their looks were those of discomfort and annoyance. She was very clearly the only alicorn in the class. The fact being, she was the only known alicorn besides the four princesses. Tucking in her wings, she squeezed into her seat.

She walked the stage easily without incident, but it felt empty to her. Time seemed to freeze as she took her diploma from head-mare Twilight with her magic. She looked out into the audience of graduating students, but none of them stood out, not one companion there cheering for her. She looked into the audience of parents, where hers stood entirely separate from the others, surrounded by guards. Her parents, Grandparents, and former Crystaller were the only ones standing to clap for her achievement. Her face smiled, while her eyes showed signs of uncertainty. She turned quickly and finished her walk across the stage as tears welled in her eyes.

Back at the crystal empire, the family surrounded the table for a celebratory dinner. The Princesses and Spike joined the family to congratulate Flurry Heart on all of her accomplishments thus far. Servers magically placed plates in front of everypony as they discussed what the future may hold for Flurry Heart.

Starlight Glimmer joined the table a bit later than everypony else. No one seemed to notice her intrusion, but Flurry Heart's eyes did not leave her. She embraced Sunburst as she took her designated seat beside him. "My apologies, Flurry, for my lateness. I was conducting the graduation ceremony at the school of friendship. You know how the early graduates can be... thoroughly excitable." Starlight's tone was that of annoyance. The princesses shot her a glare of disapproval, as Flurry Heart, too, was an early graduate.

"That's okay!" Flurry said politely.

Twilight hummed to herself, deciding to change the subject. "We are all delighted to see the bright future Flurry Heart is undoubtedly destined to have."

Flurry said nothing, taking the plate of food in front of her.

"Ah yes, truly." Luna replied. "What is next for the young princess?"

Eyes met the mare of honor as she stuffed her face full of food... Flurry felt her cheeks burning red. "I-" She swallowed the lump of food, but also her insecurity. "I'm not really sure..."

"Your magic and knowledge have delighted me during your time at the school, Flurry Heart!" Twilight insisted. "You were so unbelievably popular as well."

Flurry's mind reeled- Despite her seemed popularity, she never felt she was liked. Students accused her of nepotism. And those who approached her with supposed friendship, turned out to be more interested in being associated with a princess. "That's true..." Flurry Heart lied reluctantly.

"You really did prove you can have exemplary studies while maintaining meaningful friendships."

Shining Armor watched his daughters face, the discomfort spread through him. "Is that true, Flurry?"

"Popular in a 'princess' way." Flurry Heart added, trying to withhold her emotion.

Starlight grumbled again "Why don't you attend the Friendship School?"

"She's already finished school." Twilight and Cadence said in perfect, defensive unison.

Starlight laughed awkwardly. "I just mean-" she stammered. "And Twilight, you know this better than anyone, there's always something new to learn..."

"I think that would be a wonderful opportunity." Celestia added, comforting both Starlight and Flurry Heart.

"You do?" Twilight asked, feeling almost inadequate.

"I really don't need to learn much more about friendship..." Flurry Heart insisted.

Shining Armor's mind reeled through the memories of all friend Flurry had brought home... He could hardly remember one... and there were hardly any ponies her age in the Crystal Empire... He stared at his daughter as he realized how brave a face she had put on all this time. "It's something to consider." He replied. "There really is always something new you could learn..."

Flurry Heart closed the door of her bedroom very softly as it grew later into the night. Her family was still chatting and enjoying each other's company, but she had finally gotten up the nerve to sneak off for a moment of alone time.

"What did you tell them?" Asked the small, yet sentient plush rabbit on her bed, Truffle. Years prior, she had used her magic to give the toy sentience to make up for her lack of friends.

"Nothing." She answered simply. Though, to be fair she never lacked potential-friends. She had had so many bad experiences in friendship, she took a strong stance on who to trust, leaving her rather friendless with plenty of friendly (and not-so-friendly) acquaintances.

Her first year at the School for Gifted Unicorns, when she was very young, she was instantly popular. Her magic was ahead of everyone in the class, she was well known as a princess, everyone wanted to be her friend. But the facts were: those friends, only wanted to be friends with her to gain popularity for themselves. They appreciated the perks that came with a 'friendship' with the most powerful and popular pony in school. She learned this through many instances of rumors spread about her. Or maybe, the constant asks for something to be conjured up with her magic. These 'friends' were taking advantage of her. That was where her popularity fell off. She became distant and distrustful.

"If you don't want to go to the friendship school you should just tell your family." Truffle said simply as he sat up from his position on the bed. "It's not that serious."

"I just don't want to disappoint anyone." Flurry said, tossing herself down onto the bed. She reasoned "And it is so prestigious, especially when you are admitted to the elder-pony program."

"Elder-Pony" Truffle laughed. "You're nothing but a filly".

"I am not!" Flurry Heart argued defensively.

"Well, only fillies are too afraid to stand up for themselves." Truffle said with a bit of snark to his voice.

Flurry Heart pushed over her plush, playfully. Truffle fell onto his side, then pushed himself back up, lying beside Flurry Heart comfortingly.

A knock at the door came soon after. Flurry Heart bounded off the bed to the door. "Who is it?" She asked, pressing her ear up to the door.

"It's Twilight..." Her aunt said from the other side of the door.

Using her magic, Flurry Heart opened the door. "Yes?"

"I noticed some reservations earlier today... I just wanted to know if you'd like to talk about them... before I head home?" Twilight smiled as she used her magic to gently shut the door behind her.

"No reservations." Flurry fibbed, feeling a shooting glance from Truffle across the room.

Twilight gave her a sympathetic look as she took a seat in Flurry's desk chair. "You know, I wasn't sure about all of my lessons in school either."

"What do you mean?" Flurry asked as she sat beside her aunt, but on the floor.

"Well, I didn't always understand the lessons I was given." She responded as she looked down at her attentive niece. "When Celestia sent me to Ponyville for the Summer Sun Celebration, all those years ago... I thought it was just a, well, meaningless task." She said her eyes gleaming with the joyful memory. "But it was fate."

Flurry Heart gave a careless roll of her eyes. "Yeah, I know." She said "I don't really understand why you're telling me this again..."

"What I mean to say is, there is so much more for you to learn." Twilight got down on the floor beside her niece. "You have great grades, and you'll do so well scholarly, but there's going to be more to your life than that."

"Friendship?" Flurry asked sarcastically. "Magic?"

"More than that. There's really so much you've yet to see in your life." Twilight smiled. "Surely, you should make friends, but what I mean to tell you is that you have so much more to learn and accomplish." She sighed "So if you feel like the School of Friendship isn't your calling... don't go, but if you aren't sure... take the chance." She finished, placing one hoof on Flurry's shoulder as they both stood. She pulled her niece into a hug.

The classroom resembled more of a lecture hall, it wasn't exactly what Flurry Heart was expecting, but she had decided to give the School of Friendship a chance. Trixie was the lecturer for this course, so the seats were packed from wall to wall. Flurry made her way up the steps, deciding to take a seat in the back. The other ponies watched in awe as she walked past them. Their amazement forced discomfort onto her. She didn't exactly want to be treated differently from anypony else.

Upon taking her seat, Trixie made her grand entrance through the office door. All eyes snapped to the front of the class to acknowledge the disastrous cloud of smoke at the front of the class. "Good Morning class." Trixie said enthusiastically. "Look around this hall. Young ponies of all ages have traveled from across Equestria to join your ranks! Welcome!" A slight murmur of ponies greeting one-another filled the room momentarily. Flurry looked on either side of her politely greeting her peers.

"Howdy, Howdy, Hi!" Said one particularly energetic younger earth pony. "Pound Cake, and you are Flurry Heart, so pleased to meet you."

Flurry Heart gave a grimace, but tried to be polite. The slightly older pony snatched Flurry's hoof and shook it forcefully and happily. Flurry Heart stared wide-eyed, trying to resist the urge to smile at this pony's sheer excitement.

"You have all come so far, from different walks of life." Trixie said with a smile, looking up from the scroll of text. "You all have such amazing talents to share with the world, I hope that this school will invite you to grow and develop not only your magic, but all talents that have brought you to us, here."

Flurry Heart looked at the pony beside her, wondering what his special talent may be, and wow did he look familiar.

As Trixie's introductory lecture concluded, Flurry Heart made a great effort to catch up with the younger pony she had met in lecture. "Pound Cake?!" She called out through the slimming crowd.

The beige pony turned on his heels as his brown mane bounced wildly. "Yes!" He said with a beaming smile.

"I feel like we know each other from somewhere... " Flurry started.

"I mean, I enrolled here to better understand the history of chaos magic, it's remarkable really." He explained, turning back as they walked together down the school's hall. "It's astonishing that we never really spoke. Considering..."

"Pinkie Pie!" Flurry Heart's realization smacked her in her face "You are the cake boy... the twin, God I've heard so much about you-"

Something clicked behind his eyes, as if Flurry had struck a nerve. It took a moment for him to respond. "I am! Pinkie Pie is my aunt, in a sort-of-kind-of way!" Cheesecake said happily. "I'm in the second elder's class, So, what are you doing for lunch?"

"Oh... I'm not really sure..."

"Well, why don't you join me?"

Flurry happily scoffed in surprise, as if... maybe she had just made a potential friend...

Upon exiting the hall, ponies bustled in the courtyard. Continuing to follow Pound Cake, Flurry stepped onto the grass between the two concrete walkways. Underneath a tall willow tree sat a small picnic blanket and three ponies of varying ages. One of each kind.

"Good morning!" Pound said in his ever-chipper tone.

"'morning." Said the plum-colored earth pony. "See ya brought a new pal?" she added cheerfully. She scooted a bit over creating enough space for the pair to join them on the rather tiny blanket.

"This is Flurry Heart. Princess, if you will." Pound explained rather playfully, he gave Flurry a friendly nudge, which put a shy smile on her face.

"We know that" The yellow-orange pegasus said snarkily. "Nice to meet you, Princess" he added with a smirk and an eyeroll. He held out one hoof to Flurry, who took it accepting the hoof-shake.

"Did you just join us this semester?" The third pony, a pale-green unicorn, finally chimed in.

"Yes, I actually did. I finished my time at the School for Gifted Unicorns..." Flurry began.

"-In Canterlot?" The unicorn interrupted.


"Aren't you from the Crystal Empire?" The pegasus asked, pulling a muffin out of his bag.

"I am-"

"Then why were you attending school in Canterlot?" the earth pony butted-in once more, not letting Flurry get a word in.


"Her aunt is the Head Mare of the school now." Pound Cake answered for her. All eyes turned to him. "You know, Twilight is something of an aunt to me too... we're practically cousins you know!"

Flurry felt a bit overwhelmed, but something inside her told her to give it a chance. Follow through. "I guess that is sort of true..."

"Anywho, let's get our introductions out of the way." The pegasus commanded. "I'm Sunbeam. Born and raised in Canterlot." He said proudly, fluttering a bit up from his seat. "I'm sure you've seen my flying record; they don't just let anyone into the Wondercolt Reserves at my age."

The plum-colored pony rolled her eyes "I'm Berry Patch... Ignore Sunbeam, he thinks he's a god." She laughed at her own joke. Sunbeam settled back down on the blanket with a slight blush creeping across his cheeks.

Flurry Heart turned her eyes to the unicorn. She was met with a comforting smile "I'm Daffodil Dazzle, but everypony just calls me Daffodil." She explained, shifting in her seat a bit. "I'm from Ponyville too.".

"It's nice to meet all of you..." Flurry Heart said, and she meant that.

"Flurry Heart!" An enthusiastic and familiar voice called from behind. Upon looking, her aunt stood on the concrete path not far from them. Beside her stood a younger unicorn, probably about Flurry's age, maybe older. "Please join us, I would like to introduce you to a pupil of mine..."

Flurry respectfully excused herself from the group, met with understanding and encouraging smiles and gestures. She trotted to meet the princess, bowing slightly as she approached.

"This is Darling Lightfoot." Twilight proclaimed. Darling bowed slightly with respect toward the princess she was faced with. "I suspect you two will be doing a lot of studying together this year, so I wanted to be the first to introduce you." The two younger ponies rose to their full standing height. Despite Flurry being an Alicorn, Darling was still slightly taller. "Please walk with us." Twilight invited.

Flurry and the pair made their way across the courtyard and up to the library of the School of Friendship. A familiar location to Flurry, though she wasn't sure she had ever been there before. "I don't understand how we will be studying together, if Darling attends the Unicorn school..." Flurry's brows furrowed. "Also, how have we never met?"

"It is important that all of our exemplary pupils have the opportunities to challenge one another." Twilight explained, "I believe you will find your magical prowess will grow as you learn from your peers..." She followed. Taking a deep breath Twilight slightly laughed. "Darling has had an expedited course of study. She joined the elder program several years ahead of her peers. She graduated early, just like you, Flurry."

Flurry felt slightly intimidated by her aunt's student. Her ambition had set her apart from even the first alicorn student in the history of the school... It almost made Flurry feel as if no matter her power, her skill was lacking.

"Well, while we're up here... I do need a copy of the Local Modern Age History of Equestria..."

Darling spared no time moving towards the history section, Flurry tried to keep up, but her speed was lacking. "Don't bother." Darling muttered once they were out of ear-shot of Twilight.

"W-What?" Flurry stammered, just trying to follow Darling as Twilight had implied.

"Don't bother following me." Darling reiterated. "I've studied for this opportunity my entire life..." She scoffed for a moment as she pulled a book off the top shelf with her magic. "The second you step foot into the elder program you're already a star pupil, what a joke". She cracked open the book to show an image of the main six ponies during the summer sun solstice so many years ago. "I get that your aunt is the princess of friendship..." She said, pointing to the art of Twilight in the book, "But don't let it go to your head." She grumbled, slamming the book shut. "I've worked too hard to be overshadowed now." Darling plastered on a sweet smile as she trotted back to Twilight, book in hand.

Later that day, Flurry trudged up to her dorm in the school hall. She noticed that she had been given a private dorm, much to her dismay. She huffed as she opened the door.

Upon entry she was shocked to be covered in confetti and met with cheers of "Surprise!"

Pound Cake smiled a goofy grin as she noticed the three ponies from earlier that day, as well as one other. "We wanted to throw you a little welcome party".

"Nice digs you got here!" Sunbeam exclaimed, looking around at the large private dorm room Flurry had been given.

Flurry tried to remain upset by what Darling had said to her, but it was no use... she couldn't help but crack a smile.