• Published 29th Jun 2022
  • 317 Views, 2 Comments

The Specialists - BiasedAmerican

Two Australians have been accidentally summoned to Equestria by another human.

  • ...

Unwanted Arrival

He sighed as he got up from kneeling. He wiped his sweat from his forehead. The turret he made was now functional, all he needed was to put the weaponry on it to make it fully functional. He grabbed 2 P90 Sub-machine guns and placed it onto the turret. He carried the turret onto the field, where many cardboard cutouts of emu's were 'roaming' around.

The hot dry sun shining on him and the rest of the Australia. "Can't it rain for once today?!" He thought. He wore jeans and a shirt since it was too hot to wear anything else, and wearing shorts would be a death sentence because of the insects.

He loaded the guns and flipped a switch on the turret. "I have no fucking clue if these are live or duds." He said as the turret started firing rapidly. It kept turning to aim at the cardboard cut of emus, it fired at least 5 rounds into them. He sighed, "So those ARE duds."

"Alright... What's next...?" He said as he looked at the bench behind him full of items. "Shit, didn't get to test this yesterday." He said as he picked up a home made grenade. He pulled the pin with his hand and threw it at one of the cut outs. It exploded, with a huge explosion. The shockwave threw him back. "So, maybe less explosives..." He said as he got back up.

He thought to himself, "Making homemade weapons and still no friends. Well, that makes sense because people would be afraid of a 15 year old making an IED for a science project. Guess that's the reason." He looked around and felt tired. He stretched, "Alright, guess I'll sleep."

20 minutes later, he showered, fed, and is now on the bed. He says to himself, "I wonder when those two fuckers are going to respond." He said as he messaged his two friends albeit, one of them he had problems with. They were good friends until disagreement after disagreement, no longer are they friends, but only one is trying to keep the original group together. A group of five, to be exact.

His eyes started to close as he thought himself to sleep.

He woke up, it was colder than usual. His eyes opened, looking at the ceiling that was.. made of rocks?

He didn't know what was happening, but when he got up and looked around. He was in a cave, it was strangely blue, he heard voices and saw shadows of what he thought were dogs or something. But he sees a horn?! The hell are they?! He thought.

He looked around to find a weapon, he found a sharp rock, thin enough to be held easily. He broke it off with his foot and stood guard to ambush the creatures. He heard them say, "Hurry up! We gotta check if there are any more left. Maybe we might use them."

He let out a sigh of relief, people that can talk, but what were they going to use 'them' for? Either they're talking about him or someone else. So he walked up to the shadows to eavesdrop, but they stopped and pointed their spears to something else. A familiar scream came out, "Fucking let go of me you bug bastards!" He saw a shadow struggling to get loose.

He thinks, "Are they humans or not? Shit, maybe I'm gonna be used for whatever they're gonna do. But at least I might know the person who just got captured. Should I save him or not?! Fuck it!"

He ran out of the corner and stabbed one of the bug like miniature horses, the human who got captured punched the other bug to get himself loose and he tackled it to the ground, punching it until it stopped moving.

"The fuck are they?!" The familiar voice yelled.

"I'm..." He couldn't give his actual name because it would be nice to have a nickname that he comes up with for once, so he chose his online username. "I'm Ewok."

"Ewok?! As in the Australian Ewok?!" He said with surprise.

"Yeah.. why? Who are you?" Ewok asked.

"Shit dude, I'm Tim!" Tim yelled. The two immediately recognized each other and they hugged. "Jesus, never thought I'd meet you here."

"Neither do I, but where and what the fuck are we in now?" Ewok asked.

Tim looked around, "No idea. Best we get moving anyways."

"Agreed." The two Australian buddies started jogging, sneaking, and running away from the bugs as they traveled the cave system they were in.

The two crouched down behind a rock as a patrol of bugs passed by, Ewok whispered. "They look like bugs and they have wings, that's for sure. But their horns are, hopefully just only horns and not some magical shit. I'm guessing we're in their hive."

"Think so, I heard some of them talking about humans. So I think Humanity is here too, I hope. I'd shit myself it it's the government because, shit I'd like to work with a technologically undeveloped enemy with an AUG right now." Tim stated.

Ewok laughed a bit, but quiet enough that the patrol that passed by didn't hear them. "Alright, it's clear." The two crouch ran across the clearing. Tim took a peek on where that patrol was going, he saw sunlight.

Tim spoke, "Ewok, we got sunlight over there! Come on, let's move before the next patrol comes." The two silently ran and hid whenever they saw a roaming bug or bugs.

When they finally reached a hole in a wall with sunlight coming into the hive, the two looked around to see nothing moving. Just the same blue, dark, rocky cave hive belonging to some type of bugs that talk. But once they heard footsteps, they started to run as fast as they can out of the hive.

Tim looked back, "Nothing chasing us! Hurry up!" The two picked up their speed and at this point they were sprinting. They were running on almost grey dirt from how colorless the area around the hive was, they saw the treeline and decided to look for a path before going in.

The two finally reached the treeline and fell on the ground as they ran out of breath. They looked at each other and laughed. "Holy shit! We outran bugs with spears with nothing but rocks!" Ewok laughed.

Tim got up as he tried to stop laughing, "Yeah, yeah. Hold on, lemme find a path for us to take." Tim reached out his arm to Ewok, Tim pulled Ewok up as they looked around the treeline for a path. Ewok found a path and pat Tim's back and pointed. The two jogged their way down the path. They both agreed, that they somewhat think they aren't on Earth anymore, and that they have to meet up with any humans they find.