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6. Minxy's Ascension

As I stood in front of the tall alicorn woman, I turn Super Fox 3 revealing my new power, "I told you, you won't win this fight."

Opaline laughs, "Fight? no, this will be your death!"

"We'll see about that..", I swiftly charge forward upper cutting her in her stomach, quickly flying above her, and with a two handed slam, forcing her to the ground.

Opaline coughed and gagged, She looked up and stared closer, "I see now, you're more than what you seem.", She stands back up drawing her sword.

I sprint forward dodging her sword swing, pulling the trigger on my swords sheath, launching my sword, the handle hitting her jaw at full force, causing her to fly backwards, jumping up I grab my sword and begin to rush forward, ready to finish this. I slice my sword down but it hits a barrier, jumping back I see that she created a force field.

"It won't be that easy.", Opaline stood up rubbing her jaw, "Allow me to show my true power."

I ready myself and I place my arms up as a bright light engulfs the area. I uncover my eyes and I'm shocked to see clones of Twilight and her friends.

"Impressive right? these hold the exact same powers as the original while being completely under my control!", Opaline laughs.

I smirk, and laugh as well, "But do they have their will?", I fly forward completely outpacing Opaline and her clones, destroying each of the clones.

I look over and see Luna flying down, "She's still to strong! it's a big risk but please! take this!", She throws the amulet from before and I catch it.

"Alright, let's do this!", I place the amulet around my neck and allow the dark power to creep into me. I charge up my power more and feel myself transform again, though like last time, it was just a dark variant of the aura, a black and orange aura surrounded me.

Opaline stepped back, shocked at this power, "What is this!? explain yourself!"

"My power is being amplified my this amulet, but the power gained is dark, which is why I must make this quick!", I charge forward, kicking the alicorn in the stomach and beginning to charge a blast, "Take this!!", I fire the attack.

"This isn't possible!!", Opaline shouted firing an attack back.

The blasts clash, and lighting struck the area around the two fighters.

"I won't lose!", I shout, yelling with everything I got, flying through both my and Opaline's attack and punching right through her. I spin around and blast her, fully erasing her like I did with Nightshine Glimmer. I fall onto my back taking the amulet off, "I did it..", it was then I passed out.

Twilight, Cadence, Luna and Celestia sat at a table, discussing on how else to deal with upcoming threats.

"Every new threat is stronger then the last, and I fear Minxy won't be able to keep up much longer, and I doubt we can keep using the Alicorn Amulet to boost his power, I feel that last fight should be the last we use it.", Luna said looking towards her Sister for her opinion.

"Agreed, there is another option, he may be strong enough to handle it now, remember the ritual done to turn Twilight into an Alicorn.", Celestia asked.

"I certainly do, but do you truly believe the same can be done to Minxy, he isn't a pony or any other creature that currently exists in Equestria.", Cadence said, pondering.

"I believe it's still possible but not in the exact same way, if we channel our Alicorn magic into him, he may unlock a form strong enough to deal with any incoming threats.", Celestia said, she then turned to Twilight, "He is practically your son, so we won't do this without your permission."

Twilight contemplated this, would this make Minxy royalty?, Is he willing to become royalty to protect Equestria?, She had to talk to him, "I'll talk to him first, just give me a few minutes or so."

"I understand, go on, we will continue to discuss this while you do.", Celestia said, watching Twilight leave the room.

Twilight entered Minxy's room, "You doing ok?"

"Yeah, I'm ok mom.", I said, sitting up and sitting on the edge of the bed next to Twilight.

"The princesses want you to go through a ritual, they think if they channel Alicorn magic into you, you'll be strong enough to defeat all of the upcoming threats.", Twilight said bluntly.

"And?", I ask, expecting a catch.

"Well if it means what I think it means, well, you'll be considered a royal, along side me, Luna, Celestia and Cadence.", Twilight stated, looking at Minxy, "I just wanna make sure you feel ready for such a thing."

"I am, I promise mom.", I say, hugging Twilight close to me.

"Ok, we'll do it tomorrow, get some rest.", Twilight said, walking out of the room.

I stood in the center of the four rulers of Equestria, Twilights friends were all there, even the girl from the human world who I found out was named, Sunset Shimmer. I closed my eyes and relaxed and I felt them begin to ritual, I felt intense power coursing through me, surrounding me even, I felt myself lift off from the ground, and the power surrounding me began to join the power flowing within me.

Twilight, Luna, Celestia, Cadence and Twilights friends stood shocked as Minxy floated down.

I looked at them wondering what the big change was, Rarity floated over a mirror and as I looked into it I saw it, my hair was much different now, it was flowing like how Luna's and Celestia's do. I turned back to my normal state, "I wanna see if it's really that big of a jump in power, I begin going through my forms, Super Fox, Super Fox 2, Super Fox 3, and my new one, Super Fox 4, where I gained 6 tails and my hair was shorter then my in Super Fox 3 but was more wild.

"Alright moment of truth.", I closed my eyes, channeling the power once more and turned into my new form. The power difference was immediately clear to me, this godly power was much higher than Super Fox 4, it was amazing. I look over to the princesses, "I need to truly test this power, but how?"

Celestia stepped forward, "I shall help you hone your skills with this now form."

"Thank you Princess.", I say, bowing in respect.

Author's Note:

2 new forms arise, Minxy's newest form is a great stepping stone, but will he be able to fully utilize it? maybe even evolve it? find out next time!