• Published 31st Aug 2022
  • 439 Views, 147 Comments

SuShi's Bizarre Adventure: Twilit Curtain Call - Jojoleopard

Shiho Sunfast, granddaughter of Sunset Shimmer, along with a slew of unexpected allies, must stand together to face destructive activists from further ruining their world.

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Chapter 32: Twilight's Time

Sunset Shimmer had almost fallen on her face when she felt the ground shake beneath her feet. People began looking out their windows as Twilight Sparkle climbed out of the ground, carrying Spike with her.

“Twilight!” Sunset ran over as fast as her legs could carry.

Spike looked like he was hurt badly, so she called out Alicorn Fantasy to reset his injuries. Unfortunately, his arm had been lost too far back and she couldn’t bring it back.

“That feels so much better…” Spike shook his face, then cracked his neck.

“What happened down there?” Sunset looked past her into the hole below. “Is Shiho alright?”

“They’ll be fine. Duckie’s gone.” Twilight looked at the moon, then down the street. “I have to find the president. Where’s Skyburn? I would like to speak to him before I go. There’s something I have to tell him. There’s something I have to tell all of you.”

Sunset looked down and took off her hat. “Skyburn, he… He disappeared.”

Twilight blinked. “He what?”

Sunset shook her head. “Cajole was the last to see him. They had been fighting an enemy Stand when Skyburn sent his Stand through the enemy’s portal to some other dimension. When it closed, he was nowhere to be found.”

“Skyburn’s gone…” Twilight looked down as her hair hid her eyes. He had been one of her earliest friends in this world and he still had so much to live for.

Cajole Joyride ran over to join them. “Twilight, it’s because of him that I still stand here now.”

Twilight sniffed. “It’s because of this world. This world is corrupted beyond human hands. Die Die Riches wouldn’t have made it better, but if we let it go the way it’s going now, the world’s leaders would gladly let this world fall to ruin to protect themselves.”

“Twilight, what are you saying?” Sunset asked. She wasn’t sure where this was going.

“I’m saying…” Twilight turned to face them, tears in her eyes. “I cannot let this world continue towards its destruction. I have to act now, while I still can.”

Sunset didn’t quite like what she was hearing. It gave her a weird feeling in her stomach. “What do you plan to do?”

“Equestria has had peace for years.” Twilight kicked the toes of her left foot against the ground and folded her arms. “I know it hasn’t been all my work, but since taking over, Equestria has had no known villains, nor have they suffered through what your world has gone through in its history. I have to change it, Sunset. I have to intervene before your world destroys itself.”

“But we can’t go back. Not until the portal opens again,” Spike said as Twilight began walking circles around them.

Twilight shook her head. “We won’t have to, Spike. Not yet. There’s much we can do in this world while the portal remains closed.”

“What else do you plan on doing?” Cajole raised a hand. “You said it yourself. Duckie is done. That means we don’t have to worry about Die Die Riches anymore.”

“They’re the least of our problems now.” Twilight lifted a hand, palm facing up. She curled her fingers in slowly and gripped hard. “To correct the world, I will have to continue Die Die Riches’ plan. I will have to cleanse this world of those who wish to send it to the depths of Tartarus.”

“No, Twilight, what are you saying? This is madness!” Sunset cut her arm to one side. “Die Die Riches was crazy! You can’t attack the rich too!”

“You wouldn’t understand…” Twilight sighed. “Nor do I expect you to at this moment. I know it’ll take some time for you to get it, but you will see it one day. You will know that what I’ll have done is for the greater good of your world. I have to right it, there’s just so much… so much that goes on that needs to stop!”

She brought out Strange World and it posed behind her by curling both arms behind its head and tilting its body slightly to one side.

“I will go now. I will find the French president, and one by one, I’ll remove the evil from your world.” Twilight grabbed her Stand as Spike’s Winter Wrap Up swirled up an icy tornado.

The two of them were caught up in its gale and they began floating up into the air.

“Wait, Twilight!” Sunset called out Alicorn Fantasy and attempted to reset them, but there was a wave of air and her movements began to slow drastically.

Alicorn Fantasy reached out an arm to reset them, but with Winter Wrap Up, Twilight and Spike were cast off far into the air, way beyond Alicorn Fantasy’s range before Winter Wrap Up spread its wings to take flight out of its tornado.

“She’s… She’s after the president!” Cajole narrowed down. “We’ve got to get to them!”

“But we don’t even know where he is now!” Sunset looked around. “Where’s Joshi and the others?”

Then out of the hole in the ground came other voices.

“Is there anyone up there?” Josher’s voice asked loudly. “We need some help getting out of here!”

“That’s my son!” Cajole ran past Sunset and crouched down by the hole.

“Dad? Dad!” Josher was down there, jumping up and down with joy. “Boy, is it good to see you. Think you could give us a hand? I don’t want to bring the ceiling down over our heads with Down Under.”

Sunset poked her head down the hole next to Cajole. “Shiho, where is she?”

“Here, granny…” came the girl’s voice. She walked over with a limp, holding on to her bloodied head. “Twilight, she’s-”

“We know, she just left. We couldn’t get her in time. Just what happened?”

“I think she’s lost it,” Shiho said plainly. “Now she thinks she can rule the world better than our current leaders and Die Die Riches.”

“I think she’s after the French president,” Daring Do said from below, before extending her whip. “Mind grabbing this?”

She gave her whip a flick and Cajole had Tenacious D catch it on the other end, holding it tight as it rolled back on its wheels. Daring gestured for her friends to grab on and in no time, Tenacious had pulled all of them out of the catacombs, back into the cool night air again.

“Never thought I’d feel so good above ground again…” Josher whistled. “How do we find Twi?”

“Aha, that’s where I come in…” Joshi was standing behind him. Blitzkrieg was tapping away on a tablet and all kinds of data was flowing out onto the screen, followed by video footage of different streets in France. “Achtung, when the French president left here, his life was in danger. As with French protocol that I just learned in the last two minutes, they have now brought him to the closest safehouse to the city. That would be something called Sauce de Maison. It is just outside the city in an old bastille.”

“Sauce? For real?” Josher began snickering.

“It probably means something else in French, son,” Cajole said.

Joshi shook his head. “Nein. It actually means sauce.”

“Uh… oh.”

“How fast can we get there?” Sunset pushed past them and stopped in front of Joshi. “We have to protect the president from Twilight!”

Joshi looked down the streets, then spotted a blue shiny car and his eyes glinted white. “I can get us there in seven minutes!”

Sunset counted their group. There were six of them present, but the car only seated five.

Cajole noticed this too, but then smiled and gave Tenacious D a pat. “Not to worry, I will travel on Tenacious D. Actually, Tenacious is faster. I’ll speed along ahead to make sure we’re not too late. I’ll buy you all as much time as you need.”

“Then you’re not going alone, dad.” Josher thumped his chest with a fist. “You could use some brute strength. Down Under’s got you covered for that.”

“It feels like forever since we first started off in Berlin a few days ago.” Cajole laughed. “That was the last time we rode together on Tenacious D, huh? Let’s do this, then. Let’s go stop Twilight before she does something stupid.”

As the others piled into Joshi’s newly acquired car, Josher joined his father on Tenacious D’s back. It bent low and snorted steam from its nostrils before speeding down the street, heading towards the location Joshi had given them.

The drive through Angers was cool enough, with the night wind blowing against their faces as Cajole’s Stand sped down the streets. There were a few cars heading home for the day, and they would’ve surely thought themselves crazy when they saw Cajole and Josher riding invisible air.

“What, cousin Skyburn’s gone?” Josher was taken aback once his father had filled him in on what happened above ground. “I… I can’t believe it… Just like that. He was supposed to avenge Appy.”

“And that he did, my son. That he did.” Cajole looked ahead as the last of the buildings gave way to lush fields. “Die Die Riches is gone now and he can rest easy knowing that Appy can be at peace now, knowing that her killers are finished.”

“Almost finished.” Josher noticed the flying forms of Twilight and Spike in the air way ahead of their position. “Skyburn had spent the most time with them compared to us. He would want us to right this, to help Twilight see that this isn’t the way.”

“And we’ll stop at nothing to make sure she understands that.” Cajole nodded. “Tenacious D, time warp!”

His Stand bellowed smoke and sped down the highway, leaving fiery trails in its wake. The distance between Twilight and them started to shrink, but once they got to a winding path, they had to slow down again, but they were almost there now. They would have to protect the president from Twilight as long as they could, until the others could get to them.

“Hang on, Josher. I’m going to try something crazy!” Cajole had Tenacious D speed up again, going off the road and over a small hill.

The sudden burst of speed sent them flying through the air, sailing over two curves and landing along the grasslands, continuing up the hill before defying gravity, speeding up a sharp incline towards a looming stoney structure ahead. The bastille had a wall of stone around it, complete with barbed wire on the top and security cameras. Inside was a fort of at least five stories and they could already see Twilight and Spike landing somewhere within the compound. Cries of surprise were heard, followed by a rattle of gunfire.

“We’ve got to get in there. Make us a way.” Cajole pointed to the wall.

Josher nodded and got Down Under to throw its anchor at it. It smashed through the wall with so much force that debris was thrown into the air all around the area. Tenacious D kept going, smashing through one leftover piece of debris with its horns before the two Joyrides leapt off Tenacious, stopping with rolls as they took in the sight before them.

All the gunfire had slowed to a crawl before Twilight and Strange World was already in the process of collecting their bullets one by one. Some of the security detail kept firing, but they would be able to do nothing against Strange World.

Winter Wrap Up floated in the air above them, flapping its wings hard enough to create an icy gale that began to freeze up their weapons. Soon, bullets had ceased flying and Strange World gave them their bullets back by throwing them towards the group of guards. They spread out like a shotgun shell, taking out more than half the guards. The rest attempted to run, and one even got into one of their black SUVs to try and run Twilight over, but she simply stepped out of the way before Strange World sped everything up. The SUV rammed into one of the building’s columns and exploded in a ball of fire while the remaining guards ran into objects all around them, knocking themselves out.

“Too easy, Spike.” Twilight picked up a pair of sunglasses and dangled them before her eyes. “If this is all it takes to perfect this world, we will have it ready in three days. Would you help me make a way into the building?”

“On it, Twi.” Spike pointed and Winter Wrap Up sailed ahead, placing its hands against the wall’s surface. Frost spread out from its fingertips and coated the entire surface. Backing up a step, it smashed a fist into the wall, shattering the entire facade, revealing a living room with a lit fireplace and plush red sofas on top of an ugly green mat. “One entrance fit for the princess of Equestria.”

“Twilight, Spike, stop!” Josher called out, running closer to them than his father. “This isn’t the way!”

Twilight turned to them and sighed. “It is the only way, Josher. I see that now. Most of humanity is cruel. Your world is in such a terrible state because of the way it is managed. Imagine if someone could do it all the right way. That’s me, Josher. My world is proof enough that it can be done!”

“I agree, I know you’ll make a great leader here, Twilight, but you can’t just kill everyone to achieve this!” he tried to reason. “That makes you no better than Die Die Riches.”

“No, I am not like them.” Twilight shook her head as Strange World took steps around them. “They would’ve never made good leaders, because they don’t know what it takes to be one. I do. I know exactly what to do to protect this world. True, I might not know everything, but I can still learn it all.”

“Come on, Josher. You’ve fought alongside us for a while,” Spike said, standing beside her. “You know us. You know that we’re only trying to do good. I trust Twi. What she’s doing might seem harsh, but it’s the only way.”

“Humanity will never willingly let me take control.” Twilight put both hands on her chest. “They will fight to the last straw, even if it means the destruction of their world. I cannot continue to sit back and let this happen!”

Cajole shared a look with his son. “Twilight, we can’t let you do that. You know that, right?”

She sighed, then shared a similar look with Spike. “I know. I will do what needs to be done. Spike?”

Her companion nodded and called his Stand over, placing himself between the Joyrides and Twilight. Twilight took one more look at her friends, then stepped into the building.

“Why can’t you see it?” Spike thrust both arms down, bending his fingers into claws as the air began to get colder around them. “Twi can change everything! All she has to do is remove the leaders, just like Die Die Riches intended. When they’re gone, the world will recover. Things will be amazing for every single human here.”

“But at the cost of more innocents?” Cajole raised a hand, clenched his fist, then cast it back down at his side. “We can never allow that!”

Spike’s eyes seemed to glow green as he tilted his head lower. “They’re far from innocent. Winter Wrap Up, do your thing.”

Ice balls began to form around him, sailing forward at the Jojos one at a time. Josher got Down Under to charge forward, smashing three of them out of the air with its anchor before dropping to a roll towards Winter Wrap Up. Spike’s Stand flapped its wings and created winds strong enough to give Down Under some resistance before spreading ice along the ground.

Tenacious D charged forward, pushing its arms against the ground just before the layer of ice, propelling itself into the air before using its time warp. It blasted forward with a wave of fire, spinning itself into a fiery drill.

Winter Wrap Up fired more ice balls at it, but they melted when they got close to the fire. At the same time, Down Under pushed through its wind and icy ground, closing the distance as it swung its anchor with incredible speed.

“Ice, Spike,” Josher explained. “Ice is just the solid form of water. When Down Under makes contact with water, its speed and strength increases drastically. You’ve just helped me get stronger!”

Spike clicked his tongue as he took a step back. Tenacious D crashed into Winter Wrap Up, knocking it to the ground and melting all the ice around it before sliding back on its wheels. Down Under brought down its anchor, smashing Winter Wrap Up further into the ground.

Spike dropped to his knees and clutched at his chest. It felt as though his ribs had just shattered from the powerful hit.

“I’m sorry, Spike. I didn’t want to have to do this,” Josher said. “But once Sunset gets here, she can reset your injuries.”

Spike stayed on all fours, trying to breathe through his broken ribs. It was always like this. Someone always came along, stronger than he was, and it was usually Twilight or the others who would swoop in and save the day. He had rarely any chance to prove himself. He knew it was because of him that they had forged the alliance with the dragons, but another part of him had always told him he was inadequate. Compared to the others, he was always lacking at something.

But no, he couldn’t. Not this time. Twilight had entrusted him with buying her time. She trusted him. Even if he didn’t believe he could defend her from her friends, she did. And that was enough. With all his power, he would do what needed to be done for her.

Spike slowly lifted his head, spitting blood on the floor in front of him. “I-I… I can’t… Twilight… trusts me to handle this… I can’t give up now. Not now, not ever.”

Sticking his arm out, Winter Wrap Up sailed over and took it before frost began to seep into his skin. In no time, Spike got back on his feet and hopped a few times, then brought his arms up like he was readying for a fight.

“I had Winter Wrap Up freeze my ribs back together,” he explained. “It’s cold, but it’ll give me time to stop you. Twi needs to do this and until then, I can’t let you reach her.”

“Spike, I really don’t want to fight you!” Josher said, but had Down Under approach him with its anchor up anyway.

“I wouldn’t want to have to fight me either.” Spike placed his arm low, past his pocket. “Winter Wrap Up!”

His Stand surged towards Down Under, drawing an arm back as it swung high with its anchor, then bringing it down faster than Spike believed it could move. But this time, he was ready. Winter Wrap Up exuded a cloud of frost under its chin, which rapidly traveled all across its body even before the anchor could hit it. The giant weapon knocked it to the ground, but Spike didn’t crash down with his Stand this time.

When Down Under lifted its weapon, Winter Wrap Up was completely unharmed, now clad in a layer of white reflective armor that covered even its wings.

“Hardened ice,” Spike started, lifting his arm, then pointing down at them. “Winter Wrap Up has multiple frozen layers crammed together, forming it into a substance tougher than even diamond. You’ll have a hard time getting through it now.”

“We’ll see about that.” Cajole clutched the edges of his shirt, then drew lines down both sides with his fingers. “Tenacious D can burn right through it.”

“Come and try!” Spike sent his Stand out at them.

Down Under swung its anchor at it again. Still wet from their fight, its movements had doubled in speed and it began cutting through air with each strike, but Winter Wrap Up countered each blow with its arms, holding strong against them as it continued to pile ice over the ones that cracked from the blows. Between each block, it fired ice spikes at Down Under, keeping it between itself and Tenacious D, which tried to light it on fire with its wheels.

Winter Wrap Up planted both hands on the ground, creating a sheet of ice across the stone floor, then before Down Under could attack again, it sped off between its legs, forming a blade of ice over its fingers, it slashed behind its knees, spilling blood into the air.

Josher gasped and went down on his hands, unable to stand.

“Why you!” Cajole sent Tenacious D over Down Under’s back, doing a somersault before crashing down with its fiery wheels.

Winter Wrap Up leapt to the side, its leg armor melting off from the fire, but it simply formed more ice back over it before aiming more ice spikes at Tenacious D. It knocked its head through them, shattering them. Tenacious D threw a flurry of punches forward, but Winter Wrap Up blocked each one with its ice armor, and as Tenacious tried to breathe fire through its nostrils, Spike’s Stand grabbed its snout with both hands, stuffing its thumbs down its nostrils.

A burst of ice shot through it, going straight into its head as its snout began to freeze over. Cajole took three steps back as his own nose began to freeze. He began clawing at his face, but he couldn’t get it off and his oxygen was starting to get cut off.

“Please, stay down now!” Winter Wrap Up delivered two punches to Tenacious D’s head, knocking it to the side. Cajole’s body followed, crashing into a bush where he stayed for the rest of the duration. “I’m sorry. I had to do this.”

“Spike, please.” Josher crawled forward. “We can’t kill the president!”

Spike shook his head firmly. “Twi knows exactly what she’s doing. She does. She’s not being irrational or anything. This is the best course of action for your world. You’ll see in time. Once Twi starts ruling, things will change for the better.”

There was a rumble of an engine and Josher tilted his head back to get a look through the hole in the wall. A screech of wheels notified them of a blue car speeding through the air, crashing right into the rubble by the wall before sliding to a stop, its hood crumpled slightly.

Nein, it’s the nice ones that break down easily…” Joshi Horner got out of the driver’s seat and scratched his blonde hair.

“Spike…” Shiho Sunfast got out first, walking over with a stern look on her face.

Josher looked back at him and smiled. “They’ll stop you and Twilight, Spike.”

Spike looked between them, then closed his eyes and gritted his teeth. He had Winter Wrap Up cast Josher aside to where Cajole was, then froze them both to the bush. “Why must you make this harder than it already is? This is Twilight’s time! She’ll make your world better!”

“Not when you do it like this, Spike.” Sunset stood by the car’s back door. “This is no way to get things done.”

But Shiho raised an arm and shook her head to her grandmother. “It’s no use, granny. He’s convinced. There’s no changing that. I recognize the glint in his eyes. It’s a look I see all the time.” She walked forward with big strides towards him. “I’ll just have to show you my resolve, Spike.”

Curtain Call appeared behind her and spun its cloth in an arc above them. Shiho was ready and she was going to take them down.

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