• Member Since 21st Nov, 2021
  • offline last seen 6 days ago


Tell me I'm wrong, baby.


Comments ( 15 )

Heh! Thanks to you, I was able to find an interesting group for my stories. Well, get a "Like" from me for your work.

But I have one question. Was it really necessary to put the tag "suicide"? In general, it kind of scares the reader a little. It's like salting your cake!

I'll admit, I wasn't quite sure if I should use that tag. It's only alluded to, and it doesn't actually happen. Now that I've thought about it more, I think it would be okay to remove it.

* Me being my main OC:

Your friends, and your family watching you in the afterlife will be f******** disgusted with you, Twilight. And what the f*** did the Earth and humanity ever do to you!!??

I'm giving you one last chance. Put the salt back, stop being a horny, raping tyrant. And get the f*** out of our planet and never come back!

Or I will not only brutally torture and kill you, I will even destroy your very corrupted soul of Slaanesh, so you will never enjoy the afterlife at all.

So let's go, purple bitch!

My menacing G.o.D aura:

Edit: FYI, I'm not on Celestia's side. She had it coming. And I am more concerned of defending humanity and earth. So, what is with the dislikes?

So. That happened.

Bravo! Tough subject matter, but handled expertly - and with a cliffhanger and some juicy unanswered questions to boot; I thought this one would wrap up the series but I've gotta say I'm interested to see what happens next. What will Twilight do now? What has she been up to since then? Some downvotes are to be expected in the current zeitgeist, but make no mistake, this is some art here, and I hope it will be recognized as such one day. Postmodern was an apt choice of username.

Celestia put Twilight on a pedestal, but now she's gonna take it down to the base, it looks like.

Definitely read from the beginning of the prequels to get what's going on; I bet a bunch of the downvoters are just missing context at this point.

Suddenly! I applaud the author's idea!
From myself, I can say that Twilight's decision, although extremely cruel, is quite expected. Celestia, for once, was dipped headlong into everything that she had done, now let her cook in it.
I am glad that the assumption from my comment to the previous part did not come true. Good luck and all the best.

Comment posted by Postmodern deleted Jul 16th, 2022

Very appropriate revenge. Tragedy spurred by someone deeply truly horrendous that never took the actions needed to stop themselves. After all, Twilight did say she was never as good as Celestia in biological manipulation. Celestia could, maybe not easily but not that hard either, get herself rid of said cock if it was that much of a danger to her self control. Adjust her hormone levels in order to make her less of a raping danger. She chose not to. She chose to be the menace she is. The catalyst might've been a drug, but that which was unleashed was there by choice. She has only herself to blame.

I bet Twilight's only bluffing with the desalination. Not her style to punish others for the sake of vengeance. Making both believe she's destroying the world? Oh, that's directed, that's perfect. Despair rather well earned. Now there's just one question:
How much of it truly is her, and how much is acting for the sake of vengeance?
And will she allow Celestia to keep her tool or will she properly punish the rapist by forcing her to lose it and become just like any other mare, just to then violate her as she did to her? Just vengeance, after all...

Comment posted by Postmodern deleted Jul 17th, 2022

I've got a feeling maybe Mary will call her bluff.
Considering Twilight's more magically powerful than Celestia, in this universe's logic that means she's probably even more depraved and addicted; I I doubt she'll cave to that based on things so far, so she'll probably come out on top, but Celestia and Mary could still get some leverage here.

Plus there are still unknowns: what's Twilight been up to during her disappearence? What of Cadance and her friends? There's still a lot of directions to take this

So... Celestia's dick has a mind of it's own?

That.... was horrifying.

So I guess this makes Twilight a Grapist eh? That's an oldie, still took me way too long to recognize the meme.

Exciting! I have to suspend a little bit of disbelief that Twilight would really wait this _long_ to enact such elaborate revenge, but at least she's selling it and intense. The flashback was both hot and terrifying. I want to know how you plan to resolve this - there's so many ways, and I don't feel like you've tipped your hand on if it could possibly be a happy or sexy or tragic or any other kind of ending.

The Sun Princess had lived a long life. She’d had sexual partners beyond count, of every orientation imaginable, and had indulged in kinks that would certainly scandalize her sheltered subjects, although ponies with a broader view of royal behavior throughout history might not have been quite as shocked.

I've been thinking about this quote all day lmao.

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