• Published 16th Jul 2022
  • 228 Views, 5 Comments

Seven Days And A Sacrifice - locke_jaw

A journalist interviews a sacrificial tribute in their final days.

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Raw Footage: Day Five

Today marked the fifth day of the ritual. The locals call this day the Day of Great Feast. There were stalls set up all over the town, selling a wide variety of products ranging from street food to clothing to children’s toys. The streets were filled with a parade of dancers that circled all over town. In the middle of it all was a float with a giant paper mache statue of Heartfire’s deity, Kelayo. His appearance was portrayed more vibrantly than the one in the rock sculptures that were placed around the island. A mane made of flames, and a well built physique adorned with golden accessories, the craftsmanship of this Kelayo statue was impressive as it was detailed. Under normal circumstances, the tribute would be seen in the middle of the parade, riding on the deity’s float in their designated seat for everyone to see. But since the tributes were given free rein on what they wanted to do in their final days, they’d rather spend it on indulging themselves rather than bask in the spotlight and pander to the audience.

The screen cut to a view of the stalls. Each one of them has a unique decor attached to them. They were all exploding with festive colors, truly a treat for the eyes. The camera then turned to center on Lei who was busy chomping on her snack, grilled corn on a stick.

Lei looked at Marker while offering some of her food. “Would you like some? It’s free.”

“I’m good.”

“Don’t be scared. It won’t upset your stomach…” She grinned. “Usually.”

“Well if you insist.” A hand appeared off screen and took one of the grilled meat that Lei was holding.

“Quick!” Lei cried out as she pointed at the other stalls that were serving some of the dishes that she hasn’t tried out yet. “We should all try the food being served before they all run out!” And with that she made a beeline towards the stalls, totally forgetting the interview that they were supposed to conduct at that moment.

“Wait, what about the interview!?” Marker was quick to remind her.

“Eat now, talk later!” Was all the food-enamored girl could say before she disappeared into the crowd in the blink of an eye.

Marker could only sigh at her antics.

The scene then cut to another view, this time it was that of the town’s public park. Lei was sitting at a table and in front of her were all the dishes and drinks she managed to snag with what her hooves could carry at the food run she did at the stalls earlier.

“Look at my haul!” She exclaimed proudly at the camera. She looked at her food with starving eyes while rubbing her forelegs enthusiastically. “If I finish all of these, I surely won’t be eating dinner tonight!”

“Great festival you guys have here.” Marker stated.

“I know.” Lei gave a proud smile. “Today is called the Day of Great Feast. We try to make ourselves as merry as possible before the next day comes.”

“Why? What will happen tomorrow?”

“The Day of Solitude.” Lei answered while still choosing which of the food she’ll pick next. “The day where everyone in Heartfire will grieve in silence for the tribute.”

“I see.”

“You should see the town tomorrow!” Lei said as her head rose from the pile of food in front of her. “Some scary stuff. Since no one will be leaving their houses tomorrow, it looks like the town is totally abandoned!”

“I’d love to get footage of that.”

“We can walk around town tomorrow if you want.”

“Wait, you’re allowed to do that?”

Lei pointed both thumbs at her face proudly. “Tribute.”


“Here, have some of my haul!” She handed Marker a plastic box that has several sugar-coated colored pastry sticks inside. “Have some of this, they’re really good!”

“Thanks.” Marker took one of the sticks and ate it off camera. “Oh, wow.”

“Pretty good, huh?” Lei said, a giant smile carved on her face.

“Yeah, they’re pretty good.”

“Well have more! This food ain’t gonna eat itself you know!”

“You sound just like my grandma.” Marker sheepishly stated.

Lei took a pause from rummaging through her haul. “What?”


The screen cut back to the view of the stalls. It was already afternoon and the sun has begun to set, but the place was still bustling with activity.

“I’m so full!” Lei groaned as she sloppily walked through the crowded path. “And I can barely walk. I think I may need a pair of crutches.” She then turned to look at Marker with another one of her signature sly smirks. “Carry me?”

“I-uh…” Were the only words Marker could reply with.

Lei laughed at his reaction. “I’m kidding! You should look at yourself! You’re redder than a tomato!”

“No I’m not.”

“Yes you are!”

“No I’m no-can’t we just continue the interview?”

“Sure.” Lei smiled, but this one was absent of the sly mark that she was known for. “Ask me anything.”

“I had to wonder, why aren’t you spending the festival with your family?”

Lei’s face which was full of mirth and joy earlier suddenly deflated. “About that…” She began. “Family members are forbidden to see the tribute once the seven day ritual begins. They say it was to cut down personal attachments, so that my family won’t be as devastated when the day arrives that I will finally be gone.“ She chuckled grimly. ”If there’s one thing that I cannot have then this has to be it, meeting with my family that is.”

“I’m sorry.” Marker said, his tone somber. “I shouldn’t have asked that question.”

“No, it’s alright.” Lei smiled a little. “I have you with me right now so it’s not all bad. I heard stories that some of the past tributes lock themselves in the temple until the day of their sacrifice arrived. They didn’t get to experience the joy of life in their final moments at all. I thought the same was going to happen to me, but then you arrived and changed everything. And I was grateful for it.”

“I see.” Marker panned the camera to the stalls, they were still busy as usual. He then focused the camera on Lei who was snatching glimpses here and there at the festivities. “You know what, I’m getting hungry again.” He said to her, grabbing her attention. “Wanna go to the stalls for a second round?”

A big smile formed on Lei’s face. She instantly brightened up as soon she heard Marker’s offer, her usual demeanor now completely restored.

“Did you just read my mind?”