• Published 26th Dec 2023
  • 830 Views, 37 Comments

Fairly Odd Friendship: Bonus Material - redandready45

A look into bonus material/deleted scenes for the Fairly Odd Friendship series.

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Alternate Ending #1: I am happy and I don't need fairy godparents anymore!

"What do I do?" Timmy said to himself fearfully as he watched the horrible scene unfold before him. Never before in his life did things seem so hopeless. Even when Cosmo and Wanda were taken away from him, or he couldn't access his magic, he was sure something would come through for him, or he would figure out a way.

Even when the Dazzlings beat him up and threatened to throw Trixie off the roof, something did come through for him: Sunset and her friends came to rescue him and his fairies. Then, Sunset became a superhero and started beating up the Dazzlings. And then she was supposed to win. That's how it was supposed to work in the comic books. The good guys win, and the bad guys lose?

Instead, Sunset struggled to keep her friends from becoming the slaves of the Dazzlings. Timmy knew Sunset was strong, but he could tell she was running out of energy since she was straining to stop them from falling under their spell. And based on how the Dazzlings were smiling and boasting, they still had plenty of power from Cosmo and Wanda's wands.

No, Timmy couldn't deny it: Sunset would lose; the Dazzlings were too powerful from his fairies' magic. Timmy hugged his knees and started to whimper. It wasn't supposed to end with Sunset choosing between protecting him and her friends and letting the Dazzlings rule the world. It wasn't fair. None of it was fair. He looked down and-

Timmy's eyes widened when he saw what was on the ground. It was a copy of Da Rules. He didn't know how it got here. Maybe the Dazzlings accidentally brought it with them. His eyes widened as an idea came to his brain. Timmy carefully slid down the tree trunk, walked over to the Da Rules, and picked it up. He had an idea, but to go through with it, he needed to reread it to be sure. He turned to the right page and read it aloud:

"Should a child declare, 'I am happy, and I don't need my godparents anymore,' the fairies shall be taken away and given to another, more miserable child." Timmy frowned more morosely as he read the final part of the rule.

"The godchild will have the memories of their time with their fairy godparents taken away."

Timmy thought this one was the most unfair of all the rules. Timmy could accept not having wishes anymore. To be a grownup, he needed to live without Cosmo and Wanda. He could accept never seeing Cosmo and Wanda again. They'd probably be too busy with their godchild to have time for him anymore, let alone be able to visit all their other former godchildren. But why did he have to forget about them? Why spend time with him if he had to forget they existed?! Why shouldn't he be allowed to remember the beings who made him feel loved when no one else did?! If fairies were about making kids happy, wouldn't taking away his good memories of them make him unhappy again?!

"LAST CHANCE, SUNNYBUN!" Megadagio bellowed to the conflicted Sunset. "Swear fealty to me, or I'll crush all your friends." Timmy watched with horror as the Canterlot students marched closer and closer to the Dazzlings. He had no choice, did he? Sunset didn't have enough power to stop the sirens, the kids of Canterlot were in danger, and even if they did actually spare him, Cosmo and Wanda, would still be their lunch, and the world would be theirs.'

Timmy remembered when he wanted to be an adult. He thought being an adult meant doing whatever you wanted and not having to follow the rules. Boy, was he wrong? Being an adult was hard. It meant doing your dishes and doing your own work, and that was when you didn't have kids.

Having kids meant you had to sacrifice for them. Cosmo and Wanda sacrificed their time and magic to make him happy. His parents could be selfish and dumb jerks, but they sacrificed to give him food, a bed, and a roof over his head. Sunset and her friends sacrificed for him, too. Yeah, they didn't do it for the right reasons, but they still tried to help him. They even tried to save him even after the mean and stupid things he did to them.

If he had wanted to save everyone, Timmy had to give up....what he loved the most. Tears rolling down his eyes, Timmy opened the book and began reading the phrase that would end this once and for all.

"I'm happy and don't need fairy godparents anymore." Timmy took a deep breath and said it louder. "I'm happy I don't need fairy godparents anymore!" Timmy paused, his cheeks wet with tears, as he steadied himself to say the magic words.


Despite being far away, Daydream heard her charge yell. She didn't dare break her concentration due to the effort she was putting in to save her friends, but she still listened to the words and felt their pain and sorrow. "Timmy," she said to herself, "what are you-"

Daydream Shimmer and MegasirenBut both paused from their battle as they felt the ground shaking and a massive glowing purple fog suddenly appeared in the sky. The teens of Canterlot felt their fears grow even more."What is that?" someone yelled, pointing at the sky, before a massive flash shone through the air, blinding everyone who saw it.

"WHAT'S GOING ON?" Megadagio yelled, her rage and cruelty giving way to shock and a little bit of fear.

Daydream Shimmer, who didn't know what was going on either, was shocked to see all her human classmates in some trance. "What happened to my friends-" Daydream began before she noticed some humanoid shape emerging from the fog and crashing down in front of her and Megasiren.

The man was the tallest humanoid Sunset or the Dazzlings had ever seen. He looked like an army commander, with fatigues, a rugged, muscular build, army boots, and hair shaped into a crew cut. And he approached Megasiren without a trace of fear on his stone-like face. "Another hero trying to destroy us!" Megadagio barked, clearly not afraid of the musclebound being. Megasiren opened their mouths. The fairy, not flinching one bit, raised his wand, and with a "POOF!" the giant monster was turned back into the three Dazzlings, who collapsed painfully to the ground. Sunset saw the two fairies lying on the ground and perfectly OK.

The Dazzlings were dismayed over losing their power, but none were more furious than the leader. "NO!" Adagio yelled in anger. "All our hard work down the drain-" the massive fairy ended her caterwauling by crushing her and her sisters with his massive fists, looking at them like a bunch of pathetic insects. With another POOF, the school was fixed.

Sunset broke out of her awe at how easily this man had defeated the Dazzlings, breathed a sigh of relief, and flew over to Timmy with a cheerful expression. "Timmy," she chirped. "You save us! Why didn't you-" Sunset paused when he saw Timmy shaking and crying. "Timmy, what's-" Sunset turned around and saw Jorgan stomping toward her, the same cold mask upon his brow.

"TIMMY TURNER!" Jorgen bellowed. "You have declared yourself not needing of fairy godparents! As a result, your fairies shall go away forever, and you shall forget you ever had them, just as these humans will have forgotten the events your fairies created." Sunset, a pit form in her soul. Timmy was going to lose his memories? Sunset's fear grew into outright terror.

"Jorgen, please!" Wanda pleaded while lying on the ground.

"We love him!" Cosmo pleaded. But none of their pleas seemed to deter Jorgen as he strode toward the shaking boy.

Sunset tried to put herself between the massive fairy and her charge, only for Jorgen to blast her with his wand.


Sunset found herself covered in gold chains. She tried to use any magic she knew to get herself out of chains, but none worked. "Leave him alone! Please!" Sunset said, tears running down her eyes, but Jorgen ignored her. Jorgen grabbed Timmy in his fist and flashed a light, seemingly uncaring for the boys' cries. After several flashes, Timmy was left in a daze. To her horror, the boy didn't look like he recognized her anymore. With his job done, Jorgen poofed Timmy away. With another poof, he freed Sunset from her chains, but it didn't make the pain she felt go away.

"What did you do to him?" Sunset yelled, hot tears running down her eyes. Cosmo and Wanda stood on the grass, tears running down their eyes.

"He's home," Jorgen replied coolly.

"Why did you take him away from me?" Sunset said, horrified by this creature's indifference to coldly erasing a boy's memories.

"You'll understand when you're older," Jorgen said, his voice devoid of emotion, as if ripping away the memories of Timmy and her friends was just regular business to him. He strode away from Sunset and back over to the fairies, also consumed by their grief. He summoned up a massive copy of Da Rules, which opened up and generated some vacuum. The two wailing fairies were sucked in, their final words crying out for their godchild.


With his job done, Jorgen von Strangle poofed away with a massive bang. Sunset sat there in shock, trying to process what had happened. She was so shocked that she didn't notice the daze hanging over all her friends had vanished.

"What happened?" Someone from the crowd of students asked. "Why are we all here?" All of them found themselves in the middle of the school, oblivious to the chaos they all endured. "What are they doing here?" Someone else yelled. The crowd looked and saw the Dazzlings pulling themselves up from the ground, moaning in some pain.

"Maybe they came back to try and take over the world!" Trixie yelled. "And we've become an angry mob to take them down!" She billowed suddenly, holding up a torch.

"What?" Adagio asked rhetorically, not liking where this was going, as did her equally fearful younger sisters, realizing the mob of students suddenly surrounded them, brandishing pitchforks and torches. "C'mon, guys," she said in what she hoped was a friendly tone. "We're all civilized people living an enlightened era-"

"Burn the witch!" Someone bellowed. The Dazzlings ran away screaming in terror while the mob of students chased after them with a roar.

A few moments later, the Rainbooms were poofed back and fell to the ground in a heap. They all pulled themselves back up from the ground with a grunt."What happened?" Rainbow muttered. She took in her surroundings, and to her relief, the Dazzlings were gone, and the school was in good shape. She and her fellow Rainbooms noticed Sunset sitting on the ground.

"Sunset, what happened?" Twilight asked happily. "How were the Dazzlings defeated? Did you and Timmy-" Twilight saw tears cloud Sunset's eyes as soon as she mentioned the boy's name.

The other Rainbooms also noticed Sunset's growing distress. "Sunset," Fluttershy asked in a concerned voice, "are you OK?!"

Sunset whimpered for a few moments before finally breaking down and crying. She sounded like she had been to a funeral for a close friend or relative. In a way, she was.

The boy she'd come to care for like her own was gone forever.

Timmy stumbled home exhausted after getting off the bus as he always did. The neighborhood was having its annual cookoff, which meant his parents, wanting to stick it to Dinkleberg, were going to going to ditch him and leave him with...her.

When he stumbled into the house, he found his parents were there watching something on TV. He noticed their goofy and oblivious expressions were twisted into something angry. His parents noticed him and their furious expressions faded momentarily in favor of joy. "Hey, sport," Timmy's Dad greeted, turning away from the TV to look at his son. "We're going to cook off today."

"Which means I have to see Vicky again," Timmy intoned miserably. To his growing confusion, mentioning the name caused the smiles on his parents' faces to waver for a moment.

"Yes," his mom said with a fake happy expression.

"For the last time."

Before Timmy could respond, the door burst open and the redhead monster stormed in, her falsely kind expression ready and waiting.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Turner," Vicky chirped with false cheer. "Hello my little munchkin!" The teenager pulled him into her bone-crushing fake hugs. While his oxygen supply was being cut off, Timmy glanced over to his parents. Instead of cooing over Vicky's act, like they usually did, their cheerful expressions seemed to darken, like whenever he brought home a bad grade from school.

While Vicky was arrogant, she was far from clueless, and she soon noticed the Turners weren't happy to see her. "What's wrong?" Vicky asked with a pretense of concern, "did someone wake up on the wrong of the bed?"

The Turner parents seemed to get even more ticked but were able to regain their composures. "We've got a new movie, and we'd like to show it to you." Mr. Turner pulled out his remote and turned on the TV. What Vicky saw made her blood run cold.

"Anyways, I got to check on something," the Vicky in the footage said, "stay here, and when you do finish the leaves, take out the trash." Vicky felt time slow, and her heart leaped into her throat as she watched the footage of her dumping garbage on the twerp's head. The sight made the Turner parents glare daggers at Vicky.

Timmy watched that and looked to the ground, almost on the verge of tears, only to be comforted by his mom patting him on the head. But the comfort she gave her son didn't lessen her fury toward the so-called babysitter.

"Where did you get that?" Vicky asked the Turner mother fearfully.

"It was somehow attached to a brick thrown through my window, but that's unimportant," Mrs. Turner said icily. "What's important is you've been treated my...son like a punching bag and lying to us about it." Mr. Turner said nothing but simply gave the soon-to-be-fired Vicky a silent glare. "So, young lady...what do you have to say for yourself?" Mrs. Turner asked in a voice laden with venom.

"Uh..." Vicky said, almost hyperventilating in fear, "It's...not what it looks like?"

"Honey," Mr. Turner said, his ordinarily boisterous tone becoming unusually cold, "get me the Home Defense System."

"Wait-," Vicky pleaded before Mrs. Turner handed her husband a nailed bat. With a terrorized scream, Vicky ran out of the house with Mr. Turner chasing after her. Timmy watched all this in silent shock. His parents finally accepted Vicky was a mean bully and kicked her out. It had to be a dream, hadn't it?

His father returned with clumps of Vicky's hair stuck to the nails in the bat and a massive grin. Timmy looked at his father with a hopeful expression for the first time in a long time. "You mean...Vicky's never gonna watch me again?" Timmy asked his father with cautious joy in his voice.

"No." Timmy felt a massive grin form on his face. "We got a new babysitter, Sunset Shimmer, to watch you while we go out." Mrs. Turner said excitedly. Timmy's hopes crashed and burned as his parents held the door open and some new girl came in. Red and yellow hair draped down her fair skin while wearing a biker's jacket, a blue-green dress, and jeans. The teen smiled at him with her blue eyes, a smile that made Timmy quiver with fear. While his parents were busy greeting the new babysitter, the bucktoothed boy snuck himself to the kitchen to do the chores he would likely be ordered to do. He looked from the chores to see the new girl coming to him, the same smile on her face. Timmy stood still, fearing what Sunset would do to him.

"Forget about chores," Sunset said, the words and the enthusiasm behind them leaving Timmy baffled. The fire-haired girl held up a video game cartridge. "Let's play some Crash Nebula." Timmy looked at the girl with confusion, putting the dish he was washing down to stare at her. "How did you know I like Crash Nebula."

The girl looked both taken aback and a little "A..friend of mine," she muttered, "a friend of mine...liked it, so I figured you might like it." Timmy looked in confusion, wondering why the girl was upset. But then he remembered he was a boy and video games, not deep long-term thinking, were his top priorities.

"Ok, sure," the pink-hatted boy said uneasily.

"Please let us see Timmy?" Wanda pleaded with desperation. Cosmo and Wanda stood in front of Jorgen's desk, begging the Enforcer of Da Rules to bend the rules a bit for them.

"No," the oversized fairy said coldly, long used to the harsh but necessary task of separating fairies from their godchildren.

"Pretty please," Cosmo asked with puppy dog eyes and a whimper. "With cherries and marshmallows, and-"

"NO!" Jorgen bellowed.

"Can we...just see how he's doing?" Wanda asked with a sad and broken look. Jorgen was about to refuse, but as hard as his heart was, even he couldn't resist the forlorn looks of the two fairies.

"Very well," Jorgen replied with a reluctant boy. "I will allow you to see the boy. But you may not approach him." Cosmo and Wanda silently nodded, solemnly accepting that this was the best they could hope for. Jorgen poofed up a large crystal ball and showed it to them. After a small poof, a vision of Timmy began to appear.

What they saw in the vision took them by surprise.

Sunset had to give him credit. Timmy was quick on the controls. The game was entering the last ten seconds, and he was winning by a narrow lead. Timmy played Crash Nebula on the screen, while Sunset played one of the evil aliens.

"I'm gonna win," Timmy gloated. Sunset let a smirk form on her face. She yanked Timmy's hat over his eyes.

"Hey!" Timmy squawked. As Sunset calculated, Timmy let go of his controller to pull the hat from his eyes. Sunset gleefully mashed the "Y" button, finishing him off.

"Game Over!" The screen said, "Sunset is the winner!"

"You cheated," Timmy said with a growl.

"All is fair in love and intergalactic conquest," Sunset said remorselessly. Timmy let out a growl, but it was more playful than annoyed. But before Timmy could further protest, the doorbell rang.

Sunset immediately went over to answer it. "Timmy," Sunset said. The buck-toothed boy looked over and saw five other girls walking into the house. "These are my best friends, and they wanted to meet you."


"Because she said you were the most precious thing she'd ever seen." Rarity cooed. Timmy was taken aback by the attention but felt himself relaxing as the six girls gave him one of the best hugs ever.

Cosmo and Wanda once again began to cry. However, it was not tears of sorrow but tears of joy.

Cosmo and Wanda knew this day would come eventually. The day their time with Timmy would end, as it always had with every godchild they cared for. Their anxiety was not just having to part with the children they loved and cherished but wondering whether they would be OK in their absence. Whether others could look after their godchild or he could look after himself.

Timmy may not have two fairies to watch over him, but Cosmo and Wanda weren't worried.

Their favorite godchild now had six angels to watch over him.