• Published 6th Aug 2022
  • 984 Views, 7 Comments

Protogens in Equestria - Kurookumera

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Chapter 2

We had a small freakout session through messages about the cute fillies we saw. They were positively adorable. Once we calmed down, we followed their tracks in hope of finding more like them. On our journey, we stumbled across a pack of wooden wolves along with a big one. We played rock paper scissors for who would have a go. I lost and she had her fun. She made it look easy even while dragging on the fight, making it look like a dance routine. "C'mon. We don't want to take too long Kamori."

"Fine." She grumbled. Then she began to swiftly smash each one to pieces without effort. "You think our sensors are acting up?" She asked after she removed some wood from her combat gloves.

"I'm not sure. It's possible that we're being watched from a drone built to evade sensors."

"That's not possible. There's no such drone that can evade electronic and sonic detection."

"Not where we're from. But maybe there is here."

"Maybe." She said as we continued walking.

The portal showing Kamori and Shadow closed as Celestia got parchment and a quill.
"Dear Twilight,
Some otherworldly visitors have arrived, dangerous enough to handle a pack of timberwolves unharmed, they shall arrive in ponyville any minute, please be careful around them.
Sincerely, Princess Celestia." and she sent the letter.

We arrive in town filled with ponies going about their day. Just as I'm about to say something but I get gut checked by a rainbow blur, her kick sent me skidding across the dirt. "Got one of them."

"Great job. That just leaves one." A purple unicorn came into view with a yellow pegasus, white unicorn, orange pony, and a pink pony.

"They don't seem too tough to me." The orange one says.

"Perhaps the Princess was exaggerating?" The white unicorn said.

"ughh..." I groaned as I recovered from the kick. "That hurt." I say casually as I sit up. The ponies all seem shocked.

"Your fault for letting your guard down." she says smugly. The ponies got into a battle formation of sorts. I get up and scratch the back of my ears. "So, what have we done to make you mad?"

"By order of Princess Celestia, we are to defeat you." The purple one says.

"Why? We don't even know your Princess." Kamori says.

"Princess Celestia has seen you defeat a pack of timberwolves and has deemed you a threat."

"Timberwolves?" It's probably those things Kamori beat earlier.

'What should we do?' Kamori messages me.

'It doesn't seem like we have much of a choice. We have to fight but don't hurt them too bad. Last thing we want is to make a legitimate enemy of the ruler. ' I message back.

'Alright.' and with that, I teleport Infront of the white one and spray a knockout gas out of a hole in my wrist. When she collapses, the orange one kicks at me, I deflect it and put my hand on her face and emit an electrical current to knock her out. Her body twitches before she falls. Kamori does the same to the pink one. The yellow and purple one look horrified.

"You... You killed them... YOU JERKS!" the yellow one yells which completely took me by surprise. She struck me as the silent type. She rushed in.

"Wait Fluttershy!" Kamori did the same thing to Fluttershy, and she fell unconscious. The purple one seems to genuinely think they are dead because she slumps down and the color literally drains from her body. Then the color returns and she yells before teleporting Infront of my and hitting me hard and knocking off my visor protection, leaving my visor exposed. Before Kamori has time to react, she blasts some kind of beam at me. I fall to my knees as my visor begins glitching out. I hear Kamori jump in front of me. Before anything happens, I hear a sound and then an unfamiliar voice.

"That's enough Twilight." a soft feminine voice says.

"But Princess, you told me to defeat them. They also killed them." She says the last sentence coldly.

"They aren't dead Twilight. Look." I hear a ringing sound and then the groans from the ponies as they seem to start waking up. I feel Kamori help he sit while she begins to run a diagnostic on my visor. I then hear the purple begin crying and the ponies groan. I think she may be hugging them.

"Are you okay?" the new voice asks me I presume.

"I-Static-ne. Static"

"Twilight I think you seriously hurt this one."

"No. He's fine, His visor is just scrambled." Kamori answers for me.

"Then why doesn't he just take it off." The rainbow one says with an 'that's obvious' tone.

"Because our real faces are disfigured, we can't talk without them, and we can't eat without them." She says bluntly. My Visor comes back online just in time to see the rainbow one look sorry.

"Well, I'm going to need you to come back to the castle. We have a few things to discuss."

Comments ( 5 )

Well that chapter was a knock out:D

and here we see Twilight going full rainbow dash and not asking Questions like a proper person should and also thinking the princess said to Defeat the people she had informed her about

Well Celestia didn't really tell her what she should do other than Shadow and Kamori are dangerous and be carful around them

Twilight is constantly wanting to impress her, plus she is kinda pessimistic about what Celestia says

And the others follow Twilight's lead with almost no questions asked

So it was obvious this was going to go down hill fast

Also seems like I'm late to this party...welp

Also I liked this story and hope to see more of it sometime soon

They thought their friends were dead far to fast.

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