• Published 5th Aug 2022
  • 5,968 Views, 183 Comments

The maned ape - sykko

A strange ape-like creature is found in a lab in Manehattan. Its injuries are clear that it was hunted for sport by poachers before being captured.

  • ...


Twillight, with Spike on her back, ran alongside Applejack to Doctor Fauna's. Upon entering the veterinarian's building, Doctor Fauna and Fluttershy met them both.

"I heard Big Red's up! How's he doing?!" Twilight pranced in place. "Ooooh! I'm so excited! What kind of readings have you done? What's his brain case look like? Have you determined how intelligent he is? Mmmf-mmmmf-mmmf!"

Applejack covered Twilight's mouth with a hoof. "Easy now, Twi. Take a breath and reel it back in for a moment. No need to drown the doc in questions. Me-n-Fluttershy-n-the doc were here when he woke up an' she wanted to wait a couple o' hours 'fore gettin' you to make sure he wasn't dangerous or nuthin'" She removed her hoof from Twilight's mouth. "Just start with a couple o' simple an' slow questions first. No needin' to ear rape nopony right outa the gate."

"How was he when he woke up? Was he aggressive or scared? Has he tried to escape or attack anypony?"

Doctor Flora Fauna flipped through the pages on her clipboard. "First he sat up. He appeared to be a little out of it and disoriented."

"I know I would be if I had that much sleeping potions put in me and I just woke up.", Fluttershy said.

"Let's not try and equinize an animal before we determine its level of intelligence. For all we know he's barely smarter than a rock.", Twilight chastised.

"I dunno. Rocks can be pretty clever.", Pinkie said, appearing seemingly from nowhere.

"Yah!" Twilight literally jumped in fright, her head smacking into the ceiling tiles. When she landed back on the floor, a section of ceiling tile was embedded on her horn. After popping the ceiling tile off her horn, she turned and faced the pink mare. "Pinkie! Don't sneak up on me! You nearly gave me a heart attack!"

"Plus if you keep scaring her, I don't think my ceiling can afford it.", Doctor Fauna said looking up at the ceiling.

"I was just saying that rocks can be pretty clever. Most ponies think that all they do is lie around, but back on the rock farm, we had one field where the rocks would slide around on their own. We had to put a fence up because they would sneak up when nopony was looking and try to trip them."

Pinkie, that's... You know what? Never mind. Doctor Fauna, you were saying that after he woke up, he was disoriented. What happened after that?"

"He rubbed his eyes, looked around the room, looked at the cast on his leg, tapped on it a couple of times, then looked at the IV in his forelimb. At first I thought he was going to rip it out, but instead he ran his paws along the tube, then gingerly pulled it out."

Twilight mused for a moment. "That shows a baseline level of body awareness to not rip it out. Spike, are getting these notes down?"

"I am now, Twilight.", Spike said, pulling out a quill, inkpot and piece of parchment from Twilight's saddlebags. He muttered quietly as he wrote down the cliff notes version.

"He seemed to be a bit distressed. I thought he was in pain or scared. He got up from the gurney, using the IV stand to prop himself up and shuffled around the room. He found a bucket that the night janitor had left in there, picked it up, placed it in a corner and...urinated in it.", Doctor Fauna.

"Well that shows a higher level of awareness.", Twilight said.

"Smart monkey peed in bucket.", Spike muttered as he scribbled down notes.

Twilight rolled her eyes at her little brother. "So what did he do next."

Doctor Fauna paused for a moment as she flipped through the pages on the clipboard. "What he did next was a little unexpected. He pulled the sheet off the gurney and wrapped it around his waist."

"You shoulda seen it, Twi. It was almost like he made a skirt for himself. If Rarity had seen it, she woulda had a full on conniption.", Applejack said.

"Orangutans have been seen in zoos ripping up the cloth in the hammocks in their habitats to make crude dresses or placing a big leaf on their heads if they saw ponies wearing clothes or hats. It doesn't mean they were making clothes or hats, just copying what they were seeing.", Twilight said.

"But we were on this side o' the mirror, Twilight. There weren't nopony for him to see an' copy. He just pulled the sheet offa the bed, folded it up an' wrapped it around his waist, like he was tryin' to cover up his bits an' pieces.", Applejack said.

"Smart monkey made clothes.", Spike muttered as he scribbled down the notes.

Twilight gave an annoyed huff at Spike's murmurings. "Spike, if you aren't going to take proper notes, just go home."

That was the bit of news the young dragon was waiting for, but he needed to play it off like he wasn't wanting to hear it. Giving a faux annoyed huff, she jammed the stopper back into the inkpot, then dropped it and the quill back in Twilight's saddlebags. "Fine! You made me skip breakfast anyways!" He tossed his arms up in faux frustration and faux stormed off to the door.

Applejack rubbed the back of her head awkwardly. "Uh...yeah. Ah need to get back to the farm, got chores to do. See y'all later. Oh, and Twi, try not to ear rape the doc." Catching up to Spike, she leaned over and whispered whispered in his ear. "Spike, Ah think you were about to give Twi a full on fit with your half-plotted notes."

"Nah! I was just doing it because she really did make me skip breakfast and was pressing her buttons so I'd have an excuse to go home, eat some breakfast and get a nap.", Spike said showing Applejack the notes he had taken.

The mare goggled at the extensive notes the dragon had taken. "Spike...you're...that's...absolutely genius! Ah'll have to 'member to do that next time Twi ropes me into takin' notes for her."

Twilight levitated an inkpot, a quill and a piece of parchement from her saddlebags. "So what did Big Red do after that?"

Doctor Fauna looked back the way Spike had left. "Is Spike going to be okay?"

"Hmm? Oh yeah. He's just a bit grumpy because he didn't eat any breakfast. After he gets something to eat, he'll be back to his usual cheery, helpful self."

Doctor Fauna scratched her chin. "So Spike is just hangry?", she muttered. "Oh! After that he let out some chattering hoots. I think he was separated from his troupe and was trying to call out to them. He then paced around the room, occasionally giving chattering hoots. Then he laid back down on the gurney." She gestured back to the observation room. "He's still there if you want to observe him."

Twilight, Fauna, Fluttershy and Pinkie walked to the darkened room on the other side of the two-way mirror. Big Red was standing at the foot of the gurney. It was clear he was looking at his own reflection as he ran his fingers across the stitches and staples that were holding the wounds closed on his body. He then brought his hands up to his mouth, licked a finger on each and brought them up to the small patches of fur above his eyes, smoothing them down. He then drug his fingers through his mane and facial hair.

Twilight diligently scribbled down what she observed. He appears to have a sense of basic grooming. Not unheard of in species of apes.

Big Red extended his forelimbs, curled his hands into fists with the forefingers pointing forwards and the thumbs extended upwards. He winked an eye, clicked his tongue and twitched his thumbs.

Twilight quickly scribbled down what she observed.

Big Red then began flexing his forelimbs, making his already large, muscular form bulge. He let out an excited hoot and grunts as he flexed his forelimbs in front of him, making the large muscles in his chest, shoulders and withers bulge and ripple. He then brought his right forelimb across the front of his chest, making the muscles of the upper and lower bulge. He raised the forelimb to his face and kissed the muscle on the upper part of the limb. Big Red then raised both forelimbs to wither-height, crooked them until his fists were level with the corners of his eyes, making his muscular physique look larger. He let out some oddly musical-sounding hoots as he bounced the muscles in his chest to the beat.

It appears that Big Red regards his reflection as a rival. He gave a threat or territorial display in an attempt to look larger.

Pinkie giggle-snorted. "He kinda acts like Bulk Biceps!" She stood on her hind legs, flexed and imitated the white musclebound pegasus. "Yeah!"

Big Red stopped flexing and tilted his head to the side. He gave a series of chattering hoots.

"Pinkie! Shut up!", Twilight whispered hoarsely.

Big Red gave another series of chattering hoots. Twilight held her breath. Did Big Red hear Pinkie? Big Red hobbled forward, leaned forward to the two-way mirror, placed his hands on it in a cupped arch and laid his forehead on his hands, blocking out the light from the observation room. It was clear that the maned ape was looking directly at them. He had a confused and surprised look on his face.

Big Red leaned away from the two-way mirror and gave a short, confused-sounding hoot. He leaned forward again, cupping his hands over his eyes.

Pinkie waved at Big Red. "Hi there!"

Big Red leaned away from the two-way mirror. He slapped himself lightly on both sides of his face, gave a series of chattering hoots and pinched his side. He leaned back to the two-way mirror again, cupping his hands over his eyes. He slid back and forth over the two-way mirror, taking a long look at each mare. He leaned away from the mirror. It was clear he was agitated. His chattering hoots matched his body language. He spun a finger around an ear as he continued his agitated chattering hoots. He hobbled around to the side of the gurney, gave a series of loud chattering hoots as he placed his fingers to his forehead and extended his hands up to the ceilings. With a frustrated shout, he flopped onto the gurney. A pained hiss escaped his lips as he grasped his broken leg.

Twilight scratched out her previous line and began a new line of notes.

The subject known as Big Red appears to have displays higher levels of intelligence, along with reasoning and problem solving skills at least on par with ravens and crows. Further research is needed. Displayed on page two are illustrations of Big Red's actions I've observed.

Twilight marked the page with her notes with a one, then marked the next page with a two. She began drawing down simple sketches of Big Red's various actions.

"Pinkie Pie, what you did was very irresponsible!", Doctor Fauna scolded. "What if what you did caused Big Red to become violent? We'd all be hurt or worse. Out!"

"Pinkie, you can stay.", Twilight said. "What you did wasn't optimal, but it allowed us to determine a baseline for his intelligence. What do you think, Fluttershy?" She looked to where her friend was sitting, only to find the butter-yellow pegasus was missing. "Flutterhsy?"

Big Red looked up from the gurney with a questioning hum at the sound of the lock on the door to the room clicking. He gaped at the yellow-furred, pink-maned mare walking slowly across the floor.

Twilight, Pinkie and Fauna watched in silence as Fluttershy walked slowly across the room to Big Red, calmness and confidence oozing across her.

Big Red sat up on the gurnery, gave a series of soft chattering hoots and clicked his tongue as he extended a hand palm-up.

"It's okay big big guy. Nopony is going to hurt you. Those meanie-pants poachers can't get you here. I'm a friend.", Fluttershy said in a soft, even, calm and friendly tone.

Once she reached Big Red's hand, he began dragging his nails through the fur of her cheek and moved up to scratch behind her ear.

Doctor Flora Fauna flipped the switch on the intercom. "Fluttershy, is everything okay? Is he friendly?"

Coos came back through the intercom, followed by, "Right there! Don't stop! Don't stop!"

Big Red moved to the floor. Trilling and the rapid clacking of a hoof came through the intercom. Twilight and Fauna moved to try and get a better look at what was going on.

"It sounds like he's rutting her.", Doctor Fauna said.

Twilight rushed around to the door of the observation room. Flinging it open, her eyes went wide. Big Red was sitting on the floor scratching Fluttershy's back, who trilling and twitching a hind leg, making her hoof clatter on the floor. She blew out a sigh, her worst fear allayed.

Big Red stopped scratching Fluttershy's back, reached out with his other hand palm-up, gave a series of soft chattering hoots followed by tongue clicks.

"You should try this, Twilight. It feels reeeeeeeaaaaaaly good!", Fluttershy said as she climbed into Big Red's lap. He began to pet and scratch her neck.

"What's going on in there, Twilight?", Doctor Fauna asked over the intercom.

"He's...grooming her. I'm going to try an experiment." Twilight walked up to Big Red and nudged his hand aside. She began to lick and nibble behind his ears, grooming him in a similar fashion her mother used to groom her when she was little.

Big Red let out a series of hooting, ape-like laughter as he pushed her away.

A mischievous smile spread across Twilight's lips. "It looks like somepony's ticklish." She began to prod with her hooves and nibble with her teeth at his ribs. Fluttershy joined her.

Big Red squealed and gave hooting laughter as he tried to fend off the tickle assault from the two mares.

"Tickle fight!", Pinkie shouted as she barreled into the room and joined in on the tickle assault.
Doctor Fauna had moved to the door and quietly chuckled at the three mares and one male maned ape wrestled on the the floor in a tickle fight as she jotted down notes.

Big Red managed to successfully fend off Fluttershy and Pinkie long enough to pin Twilight on her back. He let out a series of gruff chattering hoots as he smiled mischievously.

Twilight stared at Big Red's sharp incisors and canines. It was clear he was a predator. Before she could put together a coherent chain of thoughts, his fingers dug into her ribs. She squealed and wiggled and screamed and laughed as she tried to escape the tickle assault on her. She kicked her legs trying to fend of those dastardly digits tickling and tormenting her. One of her hooves accidentally collided with his nose.

Big Red let out a gruff hoot as he rocked away from her. He placed a hand defensively over his mouth and nose.

Twilight laid her ears back tight against her head and scampered away.

Big Red moved his hand from his face and gave a short, gruff hoot at the blood staining it. Blood trickled from his left nostril. He pinched his nostrils shut and leaned forward. Fluttershy came over to help him, but he waved her off with a series of short hoots.

"Is...is he stopping his own bleeding?", Twilight asked.

"It looks like it and acting like a typical stallion by refusing help when he's hurt, probably hooting something like 'I don't need any help. I'll just trot it off.'", Doctor Fauna said.

"We shouldn't try to ponyfy animals--"

"You are Princess Celestia's protege for fuck's sake. I know she taught you Ponysedao1-damned advanced science. So think like a scientist.", Fauna interrupted.

Twilight grumbled under her breath about being interrupted. She closed her eyes and entered into her mind-palace. She moved the notes into an orderly fashion, combined with her observations. She tossed out impossibilities. She finally came to one conclusion...he possessed at the very least high-level sentience, possible low-level sapience. That would mean that Fluttershy's special talent wouldn't help her with a truly intelligent creature that didn't speak ponish. She reopened her eyes. "We're going to need to do more tests. Brain scans. Examinations of his speech organs. Logic and problem solving tests." It was clear as the horn on her head, the making of a simple piece of clothing to protect his sensitive parts. He wasn't doing a threat display, he was showing off to himself. The chattering hoots were some form of speech and not an ape trying to call out to its troupe. A feeling of shame filled her, she didn't try and stay objective. The books on the maned ape were going to have to be rewritten. Her eyes went wide with sudden realization. Those poachers weren't illegally hunting a rare creature, they were committing murder.

Gerard alighted in the poaching camp. He had hunted for that maned ape for the better part of a week with his fellow hunters. It was clear that the princesses had taken custody of it and moved it somewhere else.

Griffons and the larger, more aggressive cousins of diamond dogs, iron wolves, milled about the camp. Some of the creatures were skinning the rare and magical animals and monsters they had killed, others were stuffing organs into jars filled with pickling brine. Greasy smoke lifted from fires where exotic meats were being cooked or cured.

Gerard reached into his hunting pack and pulled out two items, the knife that maned ape used when he ambushed their hunting party and nearly decapitated Greta with, and the scrap of khaki cloth he had ripped off the ape when it fled. The griffon clenched his talon tightly then stuffed the objects back into his hunting pack. He lingered for a second at the flap of the tent, then stepped in. Sitting behind a desk made of crates was his father, Gordon. The old grizzled griffon wore a vest made of tanned maned ape hide, around his neck was a necklace of maned ape knuckle bones, around both forelimbs he wore a pair of bracelets made of strange hollow brass cylinders. To top it off, Gordon had a patch on his right eye.

"Did you get that ape?"

Gerard shook his head. "No. It killed Greta, escaped a snap-trap and ran on a broken leg into Manehattan. We gave chase, but the police showed up and we were forced to get away. The princesses took custody of it. They even used empty carriages as a trap. The Night Guard caught Gaul and Gregory."

Gordon spat on the ground in contempt. "Fucking alicorns! They think every rare creature is their property! If Gruff wasn't such a coward, he should have launched an invasion when the moon bitch showed up instead of trying to negotiate a trade deal once everything blew over and settled down. I trust you're still looking for it?"

"No. Its trail has gone cold. I'm sure it'll pop back up again sooner or later. After all, it's just a stupid animal."

Gordon gave a cold chuckle. "Oh no, hatchling. They're as smart as you or I." He walked over to a long wooden box, flipped the lid open, pulled out two objects and dropped them on his desk.

Gerard looked the two items over. The first was a white bandanna with a red solid red circle with red lines stretching out in all directions, it reminded him of a stylized sunrise. The second was an oddly-shaped block of wood with a metal tube and a little handle near the back of the tube. The tube had some strange writing stamped into it and a stylized chrysanthemum flower.

"That is from the first maned ape I ever hunted. The bastard took my entire hunting party and gave me this." Gordon flicked at the eye patch. "He cut down five of us with five blasts from this thunder stick, then shoved five little brass cylinders into it. Once his thunder stick stopped working, he threw an iron ball that exploded in a flash of fire, smoke, thunder and shredding particles. Then the bastard led us on a merry chase where he was hunting us as much as we were hunting him, until it was only me left. He dug a hole to hide in, covered it in branches and leaves, and laid in it waiting for me. When he sprung out of the hole, he had attached a sword to the front of his thunder stick and tried to spear me with it after pinning me on my back. Had to rip out his throat with my own talons." Gordon flexed his talons and pulled out a sword. It had an odd loop on the back of the blade guard. "Kept this as a memento to never again underestimate my prey. It also comes in good for gutting'em. How many fingers did your ape have?"


"Good! Those are the smart and dangerous ones. The four-fingered ones are fast as gazelles and are only dangerous if they've spent enough time around ponies to absorb enough magic to manifest their own. Their hide are also the same color as pony fur. The six-fingered ones are fast as leopards, strong as minotaurs, but are only dangerous if you let it corner you on your own. Fortunately they're only smart enough to pick up something heavy and blunt. The five-fingered ones aren't as fast or as strong, but they're whip-smart. Sometimes they appear with thunder sticks, sometimes with iron or bronze armor and swords and spears, sometimes with stone weapons. I even heard a story of one that showed up wearing a red shirt and had a weapon that fired a beam of light that made anything it stuck vanish. If the ponies took it in, then it may have already bonded with them. They have a weakness for furry creatures, use that weakness to track it."

Gerard left his father's tent and approached a pack of five iron wolves. He pulled out the two items from his hunting pack and let the wolves sniff it.

Gordon stepped out of the tent and shouted, "Remember, the hunt isn't over until it's dead or you're dead!"

It had been three days since Big Red had been moved to Ponyville Hospital.

Twilight stood in a dark room with Princess Celestia behind a two-way mirror as a psychologist, an earth pony stallion named Ink Blot, test his cognitive and problem solving abilities.

First the psychologist placed down a small slate on the table and drew out a grid for a game of crosses and naughts. After Big Red won six games in a row, the psychologist began trying to beat him. Twenty more games passed by, each ending in a tie or a victory for the maned ape.

Ink Blot moved the slate from the table and replaced it with a simple foal's puzzle toy, consisting of a large polyhedron and three small sticks. The polyhedron had little slots and held several pieces of candy in a little tray in the center. The purpose of the puzzle was to use the little sticks to slide the pieces of candy around one-by-one until they popped out.

Big Red picked up the puzzle toy, looked it over and gave it a rattle. Ink Blot was about to show how the toy worked, but Big Red waved him off. The maned ape placed the puzzle toy back on the table, picked up one of the sticks and began picking at the end with a nail. He raised the end of the stick to his mouth and blew. Looking over his work, he gave a small grunt.

Ink Blot blinked in disbelief as Big Red used the improvised tool to take the screws from the puzzle toy, pulled off one of the panels off and dumped the candy into his hand.

Ink Blot placed a more complex puzzle on the table, a twist cube. It was covered in brightly colored stickers on all six sides and the individual lines could be twisted in any direction.

Big Red picked up the cube and began to twist the rows with his nimble fingers. After several minutes he had four sides complete, with just a single sticker on two faces out of order. Big Red simply peeled off the two offending stickers and put them on their correct faces, completing the cube.

Ink Blot decided to go with a puzzle game that was much harder to cheat at, memory. He laid the twenty thick cardboard squares face-down on the table and started a timer.

Big Red finished the game of memory with plenty of time to spare.

Ink Blot them placed a pencil and a standard secondary education entry test on the table.

Big Red picked up the written test. He squinted his eyes at the test, then flipped it over. He wrote down something, walked over to the two-way mirror and placed what he had written against the glass, facing the two ponies.

"That script looks like it was written with a combination of the Minos, Roam and Saddle Arabian alphabets.", Twilight said. "That gives me an idea." She left and returned ten minutes later with Cheerilee.

The schoolmarm had been instructed to help establish a basic line of communication with a creature that didn't speak or read ponish.

Cheerilee stepped into the room and was momentarily taken aback at the sight of Big Red. She quickly recovered and sat down next to him.

Celestia flipped a switch on the intercom. "Thank you for your assistance, Professor Blot. You will be compensated for your time. Please submit your findings to the castle at your earliest convenience."

"Thank you, princess.", Ink Blot said in a nasally tone. "When you said you asked me to test an unusual creature, I wasn't expecting something out of myths. You'll have my findings in three days." He packed up his things and trotted out the room.

"Miss Cheerilee, you may begin when you're ready.", Celestia said through the intercom.

Cheerilee wrote down the eighty-six symbols of the ponish alphabet. She passed the pencil to Big Red, laid down a fresh piece of paper and indicated for him to write down his alphabet. She at first thought his alphabet had fifty-two characters until she realized by the spacing that they were in pairs of larger and smaller symbols, a few looked like their larger symbols. He then picked up another piece of paper and wrote out the same twenty-six pairs in a different script. After a few hours the pair had written down three hundred common words on index cards complete with simple illustrations.

Twilight mused over the two alphabets that Big Red had written down. It wasn't unheard of for nations to have more then one alphabet, heck pre-classical ponish used twelve different alphabets. She looked over the words he had written and noted something...they used the same number of symbols for each word. It was the same alphabet, just two different scripts. Maybe the former was a common script and the latter was a more formal script. The modern ponish alphabet used three different scripts depending on how formal the occasion was.

Author's Note:

1 I made a ponified version of the name of the Mycenean name for Poseidon, Po-se-da-o.