• Published 19th Aug 2022
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The Little Filly Who Could - Boopy Doopy

A little pegasus filly shows up in Ponyville. Who is she?

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Intermission– Notes From Bright Side

Patient: Ama Lee (F)

Characteristics: Brown eyes, medium brown/tan coat, dark brown mane, claims to be seven years old, although an age range of six to ten years old fits as well. Average height and weight for the lower end age range, but slightly smallish on the upper end.

Report: Allegedly traveled from ‘Cansess’ to Ponyville alone yesterday. Claims to have teleported to Ponyville around noon yesterday, but doesn’t know or remember the unicorn who teleported her. Claims to have walked around the town for the rest of the day before heading to Ponyville General, entering the hospital at around 0130 (it should be noted that before this, she described always being in Ponyville, and the previous claim before that she suggested she walked through ‘a field, then a town, and then a forest’). Once she was in Ponyville General, she complained of acid reflux and dysphagia, and spent the night there after being looked over. She says she’s received previous treatment for these things. Word of mouth from Doctor Horse says she didn’t sleep until around 0545. Says she normally heads to sleep around this time.

In the morning, at around 0900 she came into my care, ate light breakfast, and chatted with me in my office before falling asleep shortly after she was brought to our holding room while we discuss further steps. She is currently sleeping at the time of this writing at 1315.

Her demeanor is mostly positive, although she does show tendencies of discomfort and aggravation when certain topics are brought up, such as discussion of her parents and friends, as well as details of her origin and the like. She comes across as mature for her age, and extremely bright. There are moments when these traits are displayed, but as soon as they are, there seems to be an intentional effort to downplay these things. She fidgets when she sits, and seems on the excitable side for fillies her age.

She has the propensity to obfuscate and dodge around tough questions, and phrases her answers carefully to leave out unwanted information. She’s also displayed the ability to read intentions well, and can pick apart what other ponies are thinking exceptionally well for her age. When she’s asked difficult questions, she takes time to think out her responses, versus the automatic answers of less difficult ones. When there’s no suitable answer she’s willing to give, she refuses to answer.

She claims her parents (Wil Lee and Min Dee) ‘kicked her out’ of her home, and describes how she sees this as a good thing as she dislikes them. She describes her father as having used corporal punishment on her ‘with a belt’, as well as potentially being emotionally abusive, saying he yells at her and blames her for things, namely thievery. She describes her father using potentially abusive methods on her to get her to behave, such as pouring water on her head when she doesn’t wake up on time and yanking bed sheets off of her. She says she hid from him while she slept in an attempt to avoid these things. She describes her mother as ‘okay’, but dislikes her lack of action with her father’s tendencies. Otherwise, says she has an okay relationship with her.

She describes living alone, claiming she enjoys it because she ‘can get her work done and then do whatever she wants’. Says she visits friends and has friends visit her and that she enjoys them, but gets frustrated with questions on them as she ‘doesn’t want her words taken out of context’. Even when she's unwilling to give an answer, she dislikes the notion that her non answer is seen as evidence of a potential answer (perhaps the implication being that behavior and activities with these ponies would be seen as sexual or physical abuse?). Describes how she goes all over Equestria to meet with them.

She described being unable to fly yet despite her age, and explains that she never learned how.

She has physical ticks, such as stimming, which includes running her hooves across fabric when she begins to get stressed out and flapping her wings when she’s excited. She shows symptoms of ADHD, wiggling in her seat and tapping her hooves against the floor while she sits, as well as a near constant presence of singing when not in conversation, using repetitive lyrics in place of full songs (perhaps she downplays her brightness in an attempt to conceal these traits as average for her age?) She comes across as a smallish nine year old, or a very small ten year old, rather than a six or seven year old, and seems intent to conceal this fact. Of course, this is just a hypothesis, and potentially conjecture. Still, it is something to watch for.

There is a slight issue with walking, but more notably, she’s found to tuck her tail between her hind legs in public, a concerning gesture and potential sign of sexual abuse. These habits will be followed up on accordingly, especially in conjunction with her concern about ‘taking things out of context’.

Diagnosis: All in all, she seems like a bright, happy filly, although it’s impossible to say if this is an attempt to mask other behaviors, and if it is, how much of it is. This would be for a foal psychologist to determine, likely Dr. Ivory Spark in Baltimare, although I would say it’s possible in my opinion. There is potential foal abuse going on, although with her guardians, it’s described as something that requires education on proper parenting rather than legal action. The likelihood of her being kicked out is lower in comparison to the probability that she’s a runway in my opinion, based on how she describes her dislike for her father and disdain for her mother. With her ‘friends’, there is the potential for sexual or physical abuse on a high level, although it should be noted it’s only a possibility. It is possible what she describes as ‘being misconstrued’ is something minor that she sees as a large issue.

Treatment: Follow ups with Dr. Ivory Spark for a psychological evaluation, and continue with me for foal services. Research into her background should be done, and placement with a foster family should be found if her parents are not located. If they are, follow ups with them and an investigation into foal abuse should be done. If what she describes as their behavior is the extent of their actions, then education on proper parenting skills would be the best course of action before a return to her home. As well, follow ups into claims of spending time with her ‘friends’ should be done, if possible.

If possible, a work up on Ama Lee should be done, the main goal being to check for sexual abuse, although a full health scan would be appropriate in any case. If possible, this would be scheduled for either this evening or tomorrow morning.

With Dr. Ivory Spark, her recommendation on the best course of action in terms of her psychological workup should be regarded as the best course of action. She’ll be made known of this case later this evening, with the plan for her to evaluate Ama Lee later this week.

All in all, Ama Lee is a complicated case, one with the potential to be completely resolved in a few days time, or something that could end up remaining unresolved for months. Once things become more clear, a better plan of action can be made.

–Bright Side, Ministry of Foals and Families