• Published 8th Sep 2022
  • 885 Views, 182 Comments

On the Isle of Man-Eating Ponies - Destiny Chaser

A tribe of carnivorous ponies? A very edible human sent to investigate them? What could possibly go wrong?

  • ...

The Final Course, 'To-Go'

Flash felt the air whoosh out of his lungs and his back pop audibly in several places from the enthusiastic embrace Ella had wrapped him in, her incredible strength a tell-tale sign that she hadn't gone hungry while he was away, something he had been worried about when he left. He noticed Celestia casually observing their happy reunion, looking about as pleased as the cat who ate the canary, leaving little doubt as to who the culprit responsible for supercharging his wife might be. He mouthed his thanks to the Princess for her care; she smiled.

"Oh, I'm so glad you're back Flash!" Ella exclaimed, finally releasing him, but not before planting a kiss on his cheek, causing his face to instantly flush hot. He noticed the slitted pupils of her blue eyes quickly flit over him, searching for any sign of injury.

"I could tell," Flash said with a laugh and a roll of his shoulders to realign his spine. He had removed his travel gear and armor before being informed to report to Celestia's study, opting for a simple black battle dress blouse with grayed out rank insignia and matching trousers; the rest of his team adorning themselves similarly. It wasn't unusual for him and his team to conduct their after mission reports with the Princess in her private study, but this was the first time Ella had ever been present for one. A not unwelcome surprise, but it did catch him slightly off guard, making him almost forget his team as well as Ferra standing behind him; he still felt himself blush every time he saw his beloved Ella, as if it were still his very first time seeing her. That never got old.

"I wasn't expecting to see you here, but I'm glad you are." He said while casting another grateful grin at Celestia who acknowledged him with a smile and a small dip of her head before rising to her hooves and spreading her wings in welcome,

"Welcome back, Captain Skies, and the valiant members of the Black Guard, I am very pleased to see that you all made it back safely, and for the initial report you sent indicating the overwhelming success of your mission. I am very proud of each of you, my little ponies."

Flash could easily tell how each of his teammates stood a little taller at the praise from their Princess, particularly Lumen Dawn, who seemed to swell with pride. He was the one after all responsible for sending the report of their successful mission.

"And a very special welcome to our honored guest," Celestia continued, drawing all eyes to the orange mare standing attentively close to Flash, "Welcome to Equestria, Princess Ferra."

Ferra quietly stepped forward towards the solar princess, but rather than the explosion of enthusiasm and energy akin to a chipmunk on expresso that Flash had been expecting, he found himself shocked to see her usual exuberant disposition replaced by a remarkably calm demeanor. The pony had adopted an air of grace in her movements, carrying herself with all the regal bearing of one well-practiced in the expected mannerisms of a royal court. Flash could practically feel the astonishment of his teammates behind him as well.

"Princess Celestia," Ferra said in a soft voice, bowing low before the alicorn, "It is an honor to be welcomed by you to Equestria, my mother sends her deepest regards."

Flash felt Ella's hand wrap around his while they all watch the meeting unfold, Celestia smiled sweetly down at the smaller pony, and to their collective surprise, responded to Ferra in her native tongue, the flowing language rolling off her tongue with practiced ease. The effect was immediate, with Ferra immediately raising her head, her eyes wide with evident delight and awe.

Ferra responded in kind before jumping forward and leaning into Celestia with affection, reminding Flash how Twilight would do the same in her younger days. Celestia leaned down and gave the mare a tender nuzzle. The two broke contact after a moment with Celestia casting a glance at Flash and whispering something to Ferra who giggled sweetly in response before nodding eagerly and turning towards the pair of humans. Flash took that as a cue,

"Ah yes, Ella, I'd like you to meet Ferra. She'll uh, be staying with us for the foreseeable future." Ella gave him a curious look but didn't question him, turning with interest towards the pony now approaching her. Once more, Ferra's movements were back to their usual energetic vibe, though Flash noticed she seemed to move cautiously towards Ella in an obvious display of sensitivity to her present condition.

"Hi! I'm Ferra! Wow, master was right, you are prettier than him! And you have babies!" Ferra sniffed at Ella's belly, "Two of them, wow! I can already tell that they are just so special and sweet and I just can't wait to meet them!" She exclaimed while prancing once in place.

"'Master?'" Ella inquired with an incredulous glance at Flash who rubbed a hand behind his head,

"Eh, it's kinda a long story honey, I'll tell you later." Ella nodded before slowly reaching a hand out to the fanged pony in front of her. Ferra sniffed at her hand inquisitively before immediately leaning into it with an affectionate purr. Ella laughed while dropping to one knee, drawing the pony into a warm embrace and scratching generously behind both of her ears, the volume of her purring increasing.

"Aww, well ain't you just a sweetheart!" Ella exclaimed, "Have you been lookin' out for Flash for me?"

"Mmm-hmm!" Ferra squeaked in reply, clearly enjoying the contact too much to say any more.

Flash sighed with a sense of relief seeing how well the two of them were already getting along, alleviating some of his earlier concern as to how Ella might react to her. Now if only he could figure out a way of explaining to Ella the reality that Ferra would now be an integral part of both of their lives for the foreseeable future. But before he could think of that, he still had to give a report to Celestia, and while she was waiting patiently, he could tell was eager to hear more than what was itemized in the brief preliminary report he had sent earlier.

The next hour passed fairly quickly, with Celestia asking direct questions and Flash giving her direct answers, including any details that he judged to be of particular importance. Occasionally, Celestia would ask a question of one of his teammates for further insight or for their opinions on certain events, but overall, it was a pretty straightforward affair. Refreshments were even brought in at one point, creating a more relaxed atmosphere overall; and by the time he had concluded, with assurances that Post Haste would be seeking an audience with her in the very near future.

By the time he had finished, Flash could easily tell that Celestia was extremely pleased with him and his team, especially considering that this was the first time she had entrusted them with a diplomatic mission, and a critical one at that. By the affectionate look in her eye, one he was very familiar with, Flash knew that she would probably want words with him in private later, chatting with him about what lessons he had learned and all that.

Love you too, Princess. Flash said back through his smile. Celestia rose to her hooves,

"Thank you Flash, that will be all for now." Celestia said after he finished. "Please, feel free to relax and enjoy yourself this evening. You have more than earned it, my little one."

Flash responded with a small bow before turning to join his wife who was still chatting with with a very contented looking Ferra. The rest of his team had also relaxed a bit more, congregating around the table of refreshments and chatting about the recent events. Flash for his part wanted nothing more than to go home and have a quiet evening with Ella; he felt utterly exhausted and worn out by the last three days. But he knew it couldn't hurt to hang out for a little longer, or so he thought.

Ella stood and faced him as he approached, a slightly astonished look on her face. "Ferra tells me that you saved her life, and that it's her job to now protect you? Just what happened over there babe?" Flash gave a tired chuckle,

"It wasn't as dramatic as it sounds, I'll tell you all about it at home, love."

"Hmph, well I for one think our leader is being far too modest my dear," Lumen Dawn boasted, the unicorn swirling a champagne glass full of sparkling cider in his yellow magic as he stepped up next to the two humans. He had a warm grin on his face, but that evil look in his eye made Flash's blood run cold.

No, you wouldn't dare... A quick exchange of glances with the imperious unicorn told Flash that Lumen knew exactly what he was thinking, 'I would' his eyes clearly communicated.

"Whatcha mean, Lumen?" Ella asked, now interested.

No, please. Have mercy... Flash's eyes now all but pleaded, knowing that threatening glances would only make it worse. Lumen's smile took on a venomous tone, looking about as merciful as a snake with a cornered mouse.

"Oh, how can I describe it? The peasant!" Lumen exclaimed, instantly drawing a bewildered Slipstream into a half embrace with his magic before unceremoniously tossing him aside, "In the captive of our most fearsome hosts, his fate in peril! And what does our fearless leader do? But offer his own flesh and blood in exchange for his release, with simply no concern at all for his own safety!"

Ella's eyes angrily flashed with a green glow, the thick glass tumbler in her grip forming hairline cracks, "Oh really?" She hissed. Flash faltered,

"Ahh haa, I think that's enough for now, Lumen, it wasn't really that bad-"

"Please Lumen Dawn," Ella interrupted, glaring at her husband, "Do continue. I insist."

Flash felt himself practically shrink as his number two proceeded to describe in utterly unambiguous detail exactly what transpired from the moment they landed on the island. From Flash giving his blood as an offering to the hungry carnivores, to the death match with Ferra that nearly cost him his arm. Ella listened with rapt attention, her appearance calm, but with the threatening stillness akin to that before a catastrophic, disastrous storm.

"Honestly," Lumen said with feigned admiration, holding a hoof against his forehead, "I simply do not know if I will ever be able to live up to my captain's heroic, selfless example of leadership. He truly is a model for us all!"

The glass in Ella's grip shattered as she slowly turned her incensed gaze on the younger man that was her husband.

"N-now dear," Flash began, slowly backing up, "It wasn't really as bad as it sounds."

"Oh really?" Ella snarled, advancing on him, "Told them to 'help themselves,' did you? Offered yourself as a free lunch, did you?" Ella accused, drawing all eyes in the room on the couple.

"Well, yes, I mean, no, it really wasn't quite like that!" Flash placated holding up his hands in defense, Ella bared her fangs.

"Here we are, about to bring two tiny terrors into another friggin' world, and you go and get the brilliant idea to offer yourself up as lunchmeat?! I thought you promised me you would stop being so RECKLESS!"

Flash continued to back up, stumbling and almost falling until he was stopped by the hard peytral and soft fluff that was Celestia's chest. He gazed up at her, in a piteous plea for help, but saw in her kind pink eyes a look that clearly said, 'Sorry my little one, but you're on your own with this one.'

"No! You got it all wrong Ella, I had everything under control, everything was fine! I mean, it was all just a test in the end, right? I mean, Ferra really wasn't going to eat me haha uh, I mean," Flash glanced at Ferra, "Were you?"

The orange pony grinned innocently, her eyes squinted close, eagerly nodding her head in what Flash considered to be a far too excessive display of enthusiasm. Ella's eyes illuminated with green light, her golden hair waving with invisible power.

Flash took one last glance up at Celestia in a final plea for assistance, the alicorn responded by leaning down and whispering into his ear the only piece of advice her multiple millennia of wisdom could provide, "Run."

Rose Dust sighed, rubbing the bridge of her muzzle as another crash echoed from the open door to the corridor outside of Celesita's study.

"Flash Alexandrov Skies, you'll get BACK here if you know what's good for ya, C'MERE!" Ella's voice rang from somewhere outside.

"That was really low, sir," Rose Dust said with a disapproving frown, turning to Lumen Dawn who for once, looked positively cheerful.

"Ella, think of the children!" Flash shouted back, his voice distant.


"From what I've heard, female changelings have particularly volatile emotions when they're pregnant," Slipstream chimed in, "But something tells me you knew that already, didn't you Lumen?" The unicorn took a sip of his cider and grinned,

"What? I think she deserves to know what her husband has been up too, I honestly thought she'd be proud!"

Sharp Shot snorted in disapproval.

"Sharps is right," Rose Dust opined, "More like, you hoped she'd finish the job the Diomedians couldn't!"

"Ah, no worries comrades," Sugar Rush assured, "Like I said, Captain has many lives, he'll be fine," he said, wincing as another crash shook the castle, "Even though this might cost him a few, miloserdiye."

Ferra sidled up to Rose Dust, playfully bumping flanks with the light grey thestral, "So, if she kills him, does that mean we get to eat him?"

"What?! No! I mean, that's not-" Rose began but tapered off, honestly unable to tell if the mare at her side was joking or not. Ferra paused a few beats before adding,

"Maybe just a nibble?"


"...Maybe a little."

Slipstream stretched out in the empty bathtub in the spacious bathroom, honestly surprised at how comfortable the curved porcelain felt on his back despite the hard surface. He managed to find entrance through one of the windows in the tower that the room was located in. Meanwhile, his human friend continued struggling with the door.

"So...lemme get this straight," Slipstream mused, "You're wife's basically a changeling, right?"

"Pretty much," Flash replied, grunting with effort.

"So she feeds on your love?"

*Mmmphf* "Yeah."

"So, you're pretty much food for her, right?"

"I suppose so?"

"Well, if you ask me, I think you should tell her that I think she's being pretty hypocritical right now about you and Ferra."

"OH WILL YOU JUST SHUT UP AND HELP ME HOLD THE DUMB DOOR?!" Flash screamed as the heavy wooden door shook violently with another bang.

"You're only delaying the inevitable, Flash, AND I HEARD THAT SLIPSTREAM!"

Flash yawned as he rolled over to get comfortable, which was easy to do on a cloud. The only thing missing was a blanket and it would be no different from his bed back at home. Sure, it would have been nice to actually be back at home, but seeing as that wasn't an option for the moment, he would have to make do. After all, it wasn't too unusual for the other members of his tribe to sleep on a stray cloud when in a pinch, lots of stallions he knew did it! And this one wasn't too difficult to get to as it was just above the castle, though he did need a boost from Slipstream to reach it.

Besides, Canterlot at night was a beautiful view, especially under the light of Luna's full moon. He stared at the heavenly body for a moment before slowly closing his eyes, so ready to finally get some sleep. It was an awfully big moon, now that he thought about it. In fact, wasn't it actually a waning crescent when he first got up here? Why was it now full?

"What is this I've heard, that thou proffered thyself as vittles? Came a familiar, echoing voice.

Flash's eyes sprang open, only to be greeted by the sight of the moon, though it was no longer the moon, but an enormous, glittering blue eye filling half the sky with it's perturbed gaze.

It took Flash all of a second to realize that he had fallen asleep without even realizing it as the entire sky and even the cloud he was lying on warped into a manifestation of Princess Luna the size of a small mountain. He found himself resting on the warm, fuzzy bridge of her enormous muzzle, staring into two angry orbs larger than train tunnels, and feeling very, very small.

"Uh, h-hi Luna," he weakly offered. "Nice night?" Her eyes narrowed threateningly,

"That depends, my little one, on exactly what sort of explanation you have for me..." She ominously boomed, her voice shaking the dream world around them.

Flash stifled a whimper, deciding instead to count his blessings as he got on with it.

After all, at least I'm getting to sleep! And by the looks of things, it was going to be a long, long night.

Author's Note:

Question, you get to meet with a moon pony, but she is not happy with you. Would you still want to meet her?:rainbowlaugh:

Well, this one took longer than I expected, needed a lot of editing for which I am grateful to my ever patient, ever faithful editor Venerable Ro, thanks again mate.

I hope all of you fine readers are doing well, thank you for your presence and feed back, God bless!