• Published 27th Aug 2022
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My Little Pony: Clash of Dragons - RobtheMorpherPony

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Chapter 14: The Fallen Hero - Thurvahzah

Dragon Lord Ember was very angry when she found out the Ponies were readying themselves for war against the Dragon Lands.

"This is an outrage! Didn't the message get sent the right way?!" The dragon lord exclaimed.

"I'm still more concerned that the Ponies knew we were coming." The dragon that had got laser blasted spoke up. "If we figured out the traitor of our ranks, we could show those ponies what we'll do to them if the witch is not handed over for her due punishment." He added.

"...You know something? That idea might just work better. Yes. Perhaps we didn't send a clear enough message." Dragon Lord Ember said. "There's just one problem: I have no idea where to start my search for the traitor." She added.

"Actually, I think it's pretty obvious who the traitor is. I mean, there has only ever been one dragon who spent a lot of time with those Ponies." One of the dragons that got hit by the exploding fruit said.

"...Smolder. Of course. I suppose it would be rather obvious. And I bet she even helped get Cynder off the hook too. All the more reason to teach her a lesson about disobeying the dragon lord." DL Ember said.

Smolder was shortly found and kidnapped from the pony lands in the middle of the night, the day before the ponies would be going to war with the Dragon Lands.

"Guess she's still sleeping." DL Ember said. "She better rest while she still can. Because come morning, she will be brought forth and killed before the ponies as their final warning." She added. DL Ember started to leave the chamber where Smolder was being held when she was hit by lasers that would fully paralyze her for a couple of hours.

TARGET NUTRALIZED Drobot said in his cyborg voice before turning his cyborg self off. "Right, now let's get..." Drobot went to get Smolder, but upon looking at her, he suddenly fainted.

"Drobot, did you forget to turn--" Zap took one look at his friend and noticed Drobot crashed. "...What the heck? I better get them both back now." He added.

The next morning, Zap was with the ponies and Drobot was still unconcious.

"So, you have no idea what happened?" Spyro asked Zap.

"Nope. And we won't find out what happened until Drobot reboots." Zap said.

"In the meantime, I doubt he's comfortable with that tech on him." Twilight said before moving to Drobot. She was stopped by Cynder though.

"Don't remove it!" Cynder yelled out. "Because of Drobot's birth defect, those cyborg parts are the only thing keeping him alive at all." She added.

"He...he has a birth defect?!" Fluttershy exclaimed.

"That's right. He was born with a brain that was far too big for him to be able to survive past his fifth birthday. But Drobot was determined to live a long happy life. So, by a miracle of miracles, when he was only four years old, Drobot created the cyborg parts that you see on him and made it so that they could make his brain become smaller so that he could live." Cynder said. "...However, this came at a cost: He can now never take those cyborg enhancements off, or else he'll die right then and there." She added.

"Wow. I have to admit, that was clever of him, yet it's sad that now he can't live without that tech." Moondancer said.

"I agree. I'd love nothing more than to study tech like this, but something says I shouldn't touch it." Twilight said.

"Meh. It's not like he can't build an exact replica, right?" Rainbow Dash asked. Every creature in the room looked at her. "...What? What did I say?" Rainbow Dash said.

"I don't think it ever crossed Drobot's mind to create a replica of the tech he uses to keep himself alive. And I should know, I'm Drobot's best friend." Zap said. And on that note, Drobot suddenly came too. The lights on his helmet were lit again. "Oh hey Drobot. So, what happened that caused you to get knocked out? Did you have an epic fight with that Blue Ember chick?" Zap asked.

"Not...really." Drobot said. "I simply used my stun lazers to keep her paraylized for a few hours." He said.

"Then what happened dude? I've never seen your entire self shut down like that brefore." Zap said.

"I-I don't know. I just took one look at Smolder and then something occured that caused me to just...faint." Drobot said.

"Oh. Oh I see what it is." Zap said. "Ha. Seems you've got a crush on Smolder." He added.

"Th-that's what was wrong? I suddenly developed an instant crush on her? I guess it's only normal. I never saw her before, only heard of her." Drobot said.

"Heh. Don't worry, I'm sure you can fix yourself so you don't faint like that upon seeing her." Zap said.

"Yeah. I'm sure I can." Drobot said.

"But for the dragon lord Ember to kidnap Smolder, she's gone way too far. I didn't want to have to do it, but I got no choice now. I'm going to have to invoke Thurvahzah." Spike said.

At that moment, both Celestia and Luna dropped the cups they were holding in their magic. "P-princess Celestia, w-what's wrong?" Twilight asked.

"Are you sure you want to do that Spike?" Celestia asked.

"What other choice is there? The less bloodshed that gets spilled the better." Spike said.

"...I see." Celestia said.

"Heh. Guess he gets that from his mother." Spyro said.

"Oh, really now? I remember one time where you didn't have a choice in the matter of something." Cynder said.

"Yeah, but I didn't go this far." Spyro said.

"...True. Very true." Cynder said.

"What's is Thurvahzah anyways?" Moondancer asked.

"It is an ancient decoration that exists since even before the world became what it is today." Princess Celestia said. "Because declaring Thurvahzah, means you are challenging a dragon to the right to rule." She said.

"Wait, so you mean Spike is..." Twilight picked up what was being put down as she looked to her adopted brother. "...He's going to challenge Dragon Lord Ember for the right to rule the dragons of the dragon lands." Twilight finished.

"At least then, it'll just be between me and her. And if I win, I can simply stop this war right there and then." Spike said.

Woof. Thought Society Ember.

Meanwhile, a black creature was almost at the dragon lands, but it was not the black fox. Instead, it looked very much different.

"I just hope I'm not too late." The black creature said.

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