• Published 27th Aug 2022
  • 986 Views, 46 Comments

Regarding Cozy Glow - Blueninetails

Starlight and Tempest have a chat about Cozy Glow, and why the latter is not in favor of releasing her.

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Chapter 1

Tempest marched along in one of the many hallways within Canterlot castle with her head held up high and with a cold, expressionless look on her face. Anycreature who saw would probably assume she was merely patrolling the castle grounds, which was reasonable as she was currently a First Lieutenant in the Royal Guard, and if word going around was true, a Captain in only a week, but the lone scarf around her neck and lack of armor seemed to say otherwise.

It wasn't that the mare was always cold and uncaring, those who knew Tempest well enough, such as Twilight and her friends, knew that she did have a softer, kinder side. Tempest just preferred presenting herself in that way, cold, expressionless, and commanding in the general public. It didn't matter if she was working or just running simple errands, after years being in the Storm King's army it was a force of habit for her to trot around with a commanding presence. That's not to say you can't see her smile every now and again when she feels like it.

Now off duty for the day, Tempest was planning on just going home and collapsing on her couch until dinner. It had been a long day for her, training new recruits, dealing with a minor incident when a changeling had an accident with poisoned joke, and a very long discussion with Twilight and her friends regarding Cozy Glow. The discussion would've been less draining on her if it hadn't become a verbal argument against her, as it had been about releasing Cozy from imprisonment and potentially reforming her, and Tempest had been the only naysayer in the bunch.

"If they are so desperate to release her, then they should just do so." Tempest scoffed mentally, "I don't understand why Princess Twilight wants my opinion on the matter."

"Ma'am." A guardspony stated, and saluted, as she walked past them at the castle entrance.

"At ease, pony." She responded as she pushed against the door and left.

Due to the position of the entrance she chose to exit from, Tempest had to go through a couple of the areas on the castle's exterior, including the Canterlot Garden where the statue and prison of Lord Tirek, Queen Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow stood for any passerbyer to see. As she passed by, she decided to stop and look up at the trio, particularly at Cozy Glow.

She didn't quite understand why display the statue for all to see, seemed useless to do so, and it wasn't like the angry look on Chrysalis's face or Tirek's emaciated, magic-drained form was visually appealing in the slightest. Then again, what else were you going to do with a statue that large and weighted about as much as a half a full grown dragon?

As she stared at Cozy, Tempest cocked her head from side-to-side, seeing if perhaps looking at the filly would change the opinion she had on her, or at least find the reason why the others were so adamant about giving Cozy a second chance. Unfortunately, Tempest just couldn't find a reason to doubt her own feelings on the matter: Cozy couldn't be trusted to reform, at least for now.

"Having a change of heart, Tempest?" She heard a voice ask her.

Looking in the direction of where the voice came from, she found Starlight approaching her, "Starlight Glimmer. I take it the others asked you to look for me, and convince me to change my opinion."

The other unicorn shook her head, "No, I just wanted to walk around the Castle Garden before I went back to my suite here at the castle. I don't know much about gardening, but it's kinda hard to find another place like it, aside from Manehatten's Botanical Garden anyway. I didn't expect to find you out here, especially since you were pretty much ponypiled on the entire debate."

"I see." Tempest nodded in understanding as Starlight sat down next to her, "In all honesty, I did intend to go home once my shift was over, and take a nap, but stopped to have a look at the subject of your discussion."

Starlight then nodded also and joined Tempest as they both looked up at Cozy.

The pair silently sat there looking up at Cozy, Starlight occasionally looking at Tempest from the corner of her eye before looking back up at Cozy. After a moment of silence, Tempest let out a sigh and asked, "I take it the others are still angry with me?"

"Not entirely, Applejack and Rainbow I know are still upset, but Twilight and myself are more concerned, and also confused. Why are you against freeing her, and giving her a second chance? I mean, she's just a filly."

"She looks like a filly, but is she truly one?"

"I beg your pardon?" She looked at Tempest.

"May I speak freely, Starlight?"

Starlight gave a confused look, but nodded, "I don't know why you would need my permission to speak."

"Because I can't guarantee you'll like everything I'm about to say." Tempest paused briefly before continuing, "When I was still under the Storm King's command, one of my duties was to always be aware of what was happening in his territory, and what could be a potential threat. Being aware of certain factors like the location of key individuals, their combat experience, abilities, and habits were all important details that I made sure I was always aware of before we moved into a new area. For example, I was actually aware of your town and of your equality beliefs long before Princess Twilight ever found out about you."

"You actually knew where I was?" Starlight asked, actually taken aback that someone actually knew about her town despite it's rather remote location.

"Not just 'where', as I said, also your habits and abilities. So I was also aware of what you were doing to ponies' cutie marks, and how you indoctrinated your fellow ponies by force."

"Gee, didn't expect to hear anyone bringing up my past so bluntly, and to also word it like that." Starlight remarked in a somewhat annoyed tone.

Tempest chuckled, "Like I said, it was part of my job as the Storm King's second-in-command, knowing potential threats to his rule." She remarked with the smallest of smirks before going back to her usual stoic expression, "As crazy as it sounds, Cozy Glow was actually one such pony."

"Really?!" Starlight asked surprised.

Tempest nodded, "The information I heard was limited at best, but it was enough to give me a generalized perception of who she is: a manipulative, yet smart and adaptive, individual. A potentially useful ally if accurate, but also a pony to approach with an air of caution if an enemy."

"Not smart enough to avoid defeat from us though."

"Yes, and for that, I suppose we should call ourselves lucky. Not all the information I heard was completely reliable of course, there was mention that Cozy had worked a couple of odd jobs in Klugetown, that she was possibly some other non-pony creature, and others indicated that she was a well-trained thief who stole magical items of value. All information that proved false through proper investigation, but all of them did have one thing in common, none of the information ever implied that Cozy was actually a filly." Tempest explained.

Starlight looked back up at Cozy as she thought about what Tempest had just said.

"Any information I was able to learn about seemed to imply a more matured individual. So you can imagine my surprise when I finally get to see her face-to-face, and the pony staring back at me looked no older than a school-age filly. That was after her failed first attempt at Princess Twilight's school, and just before Princess Luna saw to it that she be imprisoned in Tartarus."

"Yeah, I think I can speak for the girls too when I say that we didn't expect her to do what she did either."

"I don't doubt that she may actually be a filly, one with greatly misused potential, but since I had heard plenty of hearsay that turned out to be false, I will be withholding my belief that she is a filly until further information is made available."

Starlight nodded as she remained silent for a brief moment before asking in a tired tone, "So I take it that you believe she can not be reformed, and can't reintegrate back into pony society?"

"I didn't say that." Tempest replied as she rolled her eyes, "I don't know what to make of her, and I do deem her a threat to Equestria as she is now, but I do think it might be possible for her to change her ways and reform."

"So, why not give her a chance now? Why vote against Twilight and the others to...de-stone her, and keep her imprisoned?"

"Before I answer, care to answer something for me first, Starlight Glimmer?" Tempest asked, turning to look at the other unicorn, "Tell me, do you believe I was worthy to reform?"

"How does that relate to Cozy?"

"You'll see. Now, please, answer the question." She stated firmly, "Do you believe that I was worthy to be reformed, to walk among my fellow kind once more, to have the status of First Lieutenant in the Royal Guard, over imprisonment for my crimes against the empire of which included treason and four counts of assault on the Equestrian crown?"

Starlight was about to answer, but hesitated at hearing the two specific crimes Tempest pointed out, before nodding and responding with, "Yes."


"Because you were lead on by the Storm King. I heard from Twilight, that he had promised to return your horn if you helped him. I can't really blame you for something like that." Starlight then brought a hoof to her own horn, "With how much I rely on magic myself, I know I would've been distressed to lose my one way to control my magic."

Tempest gave an understanding nod, before asking, "Then, what of yourself? Do you think it was proper for you to be given the chance to reform?"

Starlight was taken aback by that question, "Why ask me something like that?! Of course, I do. I mean, I really can't say given my opinion would be naturally biased, but it's not like the other ponies hate me."

"Because if you ask for my opinion, I don't think you do." Tempest stated as a matter-of-factly, causing Starlight to look at her in shock then with anger, "I think, for what you were doing in your town, you should be considered a possible threat. One that needs constant monitoring, if not imprisoned, to ensure the safety of others, especially with how strong you are as a caster."

Starlight glared at Tempest, "Then perhaps you don't deserve the chance you got either, because your crimes are worse than mine."

"To that I agree." Tempest affirmed with a nod, "I should be imprisoned for high treason, or at the very least banished to live as an outcast in the badlands for what is left of my life." she then looked back at the statue and visibly became more somber, "Or at least, that would've been my belief for the both of us, if you had asked me while I was under the Storm King's command."

Starlight's anger dissipated, but her facial expression still seemed to be one of caution, "And, what about now?"

"I believe that I was fortunate to have been given the chance to reform, and I'm lucky to have the life I have now, despite it is somewhat monotonous, but that's more of a personal choice on my part. You are right to say my crimes are worse than yours, at least you had the interest of other ponies with your actions."

"I doubt taking the cutie mark of ponies and removing their special abilities count as being in, 'the interest of other ponies'." Starlight remarked with a slight chuckle.

"Yes, and had I actually succeeded, and the Storm King been victorious, you'd all be either imprisoned or forced into manual labor for the remainder of your existence." Tempest stated with a stern look on her face.

"I suppose in comparison..." Starlight stated with a nervous grin.

"I'm sure I can speak for you also when I say I'm glad that Princess Twilight offered the chance of friendship, and the ability to make amends without imprisonment."

Starlight nodded, "Yeah, I am glad she did. Now that I'm thinking about it, I'm not even sure where I'd be right now if Twilight hadn't given me a chance." She remarked a little solemnly.

"I only wish I could say the same for Cozy." Tempest remarked, "Unfortunately, given what she's done, I don't think she could be reformed by either Twilight Sparkle or her friends, and that includes ourselves."


"No. No 'buts' on the matter." Tempest quickly interrupted as she shook her head, "If what I've heard is true, she's shown to have little respect for others in general, and more than likely has a deep-seated contempt for those that get in her way. So I have my doubts she'll be willing to listen to anyone at the moment."

Starlight was about to say something, but decided not to do so, and merely looked back up at the statue.

"I know, it sounds cold and calculating, and it wouldn't surprise me if you consider that I am being unsympathetic for saying such, especially towards a pony that could very well be a child; but, it's how I've lived most of my life, and how I've learned to make decisive actions while serving the Storm King. I do sympathize with Cozy, if she is actually a filly, due to my own past when I was around that age; and, I do hope she can be reformed one day, I just don't think anycreature alive now will be the one to help her."

Starlight remained silent a moment longer as she let Tempest's words sink in. As much as she'd hate to think so, she did see at least some logic to the other unicorn's thinking. So with a quick sigh and a nod, "How long do you think it'll take?"

"I can't really say. It's clear that Cozy is very power-hungry, and may take any chance she can get to achieve said power if allowed, so it's rather difficult to say what kind of individual will be able to steer her away from that goal. It could possibly be generations from now, or may be as soon as a couple of years if said pony, or creature, already exists but is still too young."

"Well, I hope for her sake, that it's sooner rather than later."

Tempest gave an affirmative sound.

A silent pause fell between the two before Starlight said, "You know, you probably should've said this during the debate."

Tempest agreed with a nod, "Yes, I should've, though I do recall it was difficult doing so with Rainbow Dash constantly interrupting me."

"Yeah, she was kinda upset that you didn't just agree on the spot like we did." Starlight remarked with a giggle, knowing that was exactly the reason why Tempest couldn't give her reason for saying 'no'.

"I suppose it couldn't be helped." Tempest shrugged, "She's the impulsive one, who more or less thinks about the here and now if I recall correctly."

"If it helps, maybe I can try calming Rainbow down the next time Twilight holds this debate, and there will be another debate, I'm sure of it. Twilight is genuinely concerned about the fact a filly is imprisoned in stone."

"Starlight, if I may ask, why does my opinion matter? It's clear I'm the only pony at the moment who believes that Cozy should stay imprisoned. So why not release her now given that the majority vote is in favor of her release? Why require a unanimous vote?"

"You might have to ask Twilight that yourself. I can't speak for her, so the best I can do is guess why your opinion would matter."

"And what is that?"

"I think Twilight values your opinion in a similar way she values the rest of ours because you are her friend. Sure, she's known the others and myself for longer, but I think she views you as a valued friend as she does with the others and myself." Starlight explained, "I'm sure she also figured you have your reasons, which is probably why the 'majority vote' didn't apply."

"Hm, I see." Tempest remarked as she looked down at the ground.

"And you're our friend too." Starlight remarked as she lightly nudged Tempest, "Also, despite Rainbow and Applejack being angry, I'm sure they still value you as a friend."

Tempest smiled and said, "Thank you."

Starlight smiled, "No problem. Listen, it's getting a little late, and I was hoping to go through the garden before sun down, but I'll let Twilight know that you did have your reasons for voting against freeing Cozy the next time I see her. I'd tell her now, but I'm pretty sure she's probably caught in some other princess thing by now." She remarked looking up at the castle.

Tempest nodded, "More than likely so."

"Enjoy the rest of your evening, Lieutenant Tempest." Starlight bid Tempest 'good-bye' before taking her leave to tour the garden.

"Same to you, Starlight Glimmer." She replied back before going back to what she was doing, which was looking up at the statue.

She couldn't stay much longer though, enough time had passed already between her coming out here to Starlight leaving her alone to tour the garden.

"I'm not sure if you can hear me, but if you can, I suppose you heard everything that has been said." Tempest stated as she looked at Cozy, "You're probably angry that I had voted to keep you like this, trapped in your stone prison. That's fine by me if you are, I'm not exactly liked by that many ponies anyway, and my former employment with the Storm King is no help in that regard. Just know that if you can hear me, I do hope you are willing to at least try making some amends for what you have done; and, that goes similarly for you two as well, though I doubt you'd be open to doing so at this point." She remarked, her eyes briefly going to Queen Chrysalis and Tirek.

"I don't know much about you, including your past, Cozy Glow, so I can't say too much in full certainty. If you really are as young as you look, you do have my sympathy." Tempest stated as she stood back up onto all fours and re-adjusted her scarf, "I was not lying when I said I had an uncomfortable past myself when I was about your age, and it led me to making some choices that maybe I shouldn't have made."

Tempest paused as she touched what was left of her shattered horn, then let out a sigh.

"I do hope that I am right, that there will be some creature who can help you become a part of Equestrian society again. Afterall, if a scarred, broken traitor like me can have a second chance of living a normal life, it only seems fair that somepony like you can also earn a chance also." She said before finally taking her leave.

Now headed home, Tempest was looking forward to sticking to her plan of napping before having dinner. Though by now, she'd probably have to cut her nap a little shorter than she would've initially liked, but that didn't bother her. At least now that she was able to voice her concerns to somepony, she felt a little more at ease and less bothered about being dragged into another debate about Cozy Glow.

Author's Note:

This was actually inspired by a number of pieces about Cozy being given a second (or third) chance. It's been sitting on my flash drive for a couple of months now, mostly because of life and I had lost interest about 3/4 of the way into the story. Decided to force myself to continue as I was going through what stories I needed to finish and/or update, and hopefully I can get those done too.

This was a different perspective I wanted to put out there about the topic of Cozy being released and reforming. I'm aware it isn't exactly the popular opinion, but it's one I wanted to explore if even a little bit.

Hope you guys did at least enjoy this story a little bit.

Comments ( 46 )

very nice! Heh I suddenly wonder how Cozy would react if she woke up int he time of G5, with no magic the tribes seperated unable to fly, and with no clue what to do lol

The Main Argument for leaving her imprisoned:
look at what she did as a filly. and you want to risk that growing up and getting more powerfull than ever before?
also, basically the same argument as for why starlight should not have gotten another chance.
tempest had been deceived into doing what she did. neither starlight nor cozy have any such excuse how flimsy it may be.
they thought they were right where everybody else was wrong and everybody else did not deserve to have their life,
because cozy/starlight was angry or disappointed in society. This is what we call a terrorist.

she is just a little child who needs help and a family.

We had help other villiians.

Luna, Discord, Trixie, the changelings, Sunset Shimmer, Tempest and Starlight.

Why cant she be given a second chance?

Well that didn't happen, but there is a chance that they'll break free later on.

Tempest betrayed her country just to get a horn back. A frivolous and selfish reason.

Starlight Glimmer was arguably a more dangerous threat but got a second chance. Quite frankly, any of the villains should have been kept in prison.

Trying to reform a juvenile from a broken home is more reason enough to let her out

Good story, but I must disagree with Tempest here. Her assessment about reforming Cozy later is flawed in my opinion.

First, if we assume that Cozy's awake as a statue, I feel that keeping her there would only make her hate everyone more or make her go insane, which would make any future rehabilitation attempts much harder. Not to mention all the moral implications with keeping her there for so long.

Second, as for who could reform Cozy, the fact of the matter is that they could either reform her soon, where all the heroes are at their primes and with fresh memories of her, which would lead to more effective countermeasures should things go wrong, or have them all be much older with far less fresh memories, after they die, in which case the possible candidates won't even know her or understand what she's capable of, Who else could help her better then our main cast? What would make say, the G5 ponies so much better for the job? Seems to me that its far safer to reform her sooner rather then later.

Finally, its just more efficient. The sooner they start, the sooner it'll be over. They could figure out more about her early on to help her with later attempts, should things fail, or more likely, just reform her outright so that she may be able to help with any number of later issues.

Pretty good to me. Nice job.

I feel Cozy Glow might have a chance at redemption more than Chrysalis and Tirek but I ultimately see why Tempest was against it, she has little respect for anyone at this time.

I've gotten into to the Cozy Glow debate before and I believe I made my point on a several posts so I won't rehash it here. The long and short is that I feel Cozy Glow is the one being that can (and should) never be reformed. She is everything dark the elements can be twisted into, in fact I'd go so far as to say she is perhaps the antithesis for Twilight herself. She is a smart, gifted, and capable being that rather than wanting to help everyone as Twilight does is a person who seeks total power and complete control over everyone by using the very virtues and ideals they believe in against them.

Tempest might have a point, perhaps they can't reform her now and somepony in the future with less history with Cozy will be needed, but I don't think that excuses them from trying, because they can't know that for certain unless they try. I'd like to point out though that they also did nothing to dissuade her contempt for them, when they beat her the first time they just threw her into Tartarus without any attempt at reforming or helping her, and then when they had her at their mercy in the show's finale they just turned her to stone. By doing it this way they've basically just given her even more reason to hate them, so if she can't be redeemed by them now then you have to wonder if it might have worked if they tried earlier.

Still, keeping her in stasis with the hopes somepony might eventually be able to reform her is certainly better than "Together Forever" as Discord put it. But I still think they should try and release her, if it doesn't work they can put her back until they find somepony who they think might be able to do the job.

I don't think this argument holds up very well when you remember what Discord is. Discord is the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony. He was introduced as the living antithesis to everything the Mane Six represent. Magic, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Honesty, Loyalty, he is the opposite to those things. Yet he was still able to be reformed. If they can cart out the literal living embodiment of Disharmony and reform him, I don't think reforming Cozy should be viewed as impossible so easily.

Good story. There a couple of issues with your grammar and mechanics, specifically your dialogue punctuation. You can consult Ezn’s section on dialogue for help.

But there’s nothing that prevents me from enjoying the story.

Yeah thats a rather bad arguement considering DISCORD, the ACTUAL spirit of chaos and disharmony was reformed, and he was the actual counterpart to the elements, not Cozy. Plus, between her, Tirek and Chrysalis, she is the one that has the most chance of being reformed, sure its not super super likely but its still better chances the reforming the other two

Tempest's motives were selfish, but I disagree that they were frivolous; a unicorn without a working horn is functionally crippled and pony society doesn't appear to provide anything for handicaps.

Gee, wonder how earth ponies survive. She seemed physically fit to kick plot to me. It's why I disagree with the motivation.

But Tempest isn't an earth pony, she's a Unicorn. That horn was a part of her that she was born with, same as any of her other limbs. Unicorns are made unique by their horn and their magic and she lost it. Think of how it clearly bothers Scootaloo that she can't fly, would you tell her that that's frivolous? That earth ponies get along just fine without being able to fly so it shouldn't bother her? Even though Pegasi are supposed to be able to fly, that's a natural part of their race, that their culture is heavily based around flying? Tempest lost a limb in a tragic incident, a limb that is just as much a part of her as your arms and legs are to you, that is not "Frivolous". Not to mention from what we saw, her magical bursts scared her friends away, and while it's understandable they'd be a bit frightened from her perspective she was basically shunned for losing her horn.

Now, I do still agree that Tempest's motivation is selfish, and it's not an excuse. She still helped the Storm King conquer and enslave innocents, she willingly hurt others all for her own gain. I can sympathize with her, I understand she's traumatized and I even think it's completely understandable that she would feel angry and bitter for what happened to her, but it doesn't mean she wasn't a bad person doing bad things. Somebody being hurt doesn't give them an excuse to hurt others, but let's not dismiss that her hurt was genuine.


Trying to reform a juvenile from a broken home is more reason enough to let her out

But do we know that for sure? We've never been told anything about Cozy's background, and this story doesn't delve into it either. Tempest raised a good point here that I had not thought of until now: is Cozy really just a filly? Even in the show she appeared to operate very much like an adult in terms of her ability to plan.

I'm not saying I agree with Tempest completely. I'm actually in favor of giving Cozy another chance. But I can see where Tempest is coming from here.

I shall throw my hat into the ring and chim in on a few things mentioned here in the comments.

One of the biggest issues with reforming Cozy is she despite her physical age, she has been shown to be very very smart. So if she was offered a chance at release in exchange for reforming, she could very well just say "Okay!" and play the long game while waiting on a chance to strike back and get some revenge. Is this a definite outcome? No, admittedly not. But is it the most likely outcome given what we know about her? Yes, very much so.

Then theres the matter of what pony would be willing to actually take her in as she cannonly has no family. I am able to back this up due to a tweet by one of the writers from S8 and S9 who was asked about Cozy's parents, and his reply was "Who says she has them?" Now I dont know about anyone else but i would be VERY reluctant to alone with a known threat to the world, and yes in this case our antagonist (cozy) was NOT just a threat to Equestria but the entire planet.

Now before the pitchforks come out (assuming they are not out already lol) Let me just say this. I am NOT against a reformed Cozy. I am just saying out of all the villains in the show, she could be the most difficult to do so with due to her nature, and the fact that she is the very definition of a psychopath


One of the biggest issues with reforming Cozy is she despite her physical age, she has been shown to be very very smart. So if she was offered a chance at release in exchange for reforming, she could very well just say "Okay!" and play the long game while waiting on a chance to strike back and get some revenge. Is this a definite outcome? No, admittedly not. But is it the most likely outcome given what we know about her? Yes, very much so.

This isn't exactly unique to Cozy Glow though. Discord himself when Fluttershy was trying to reform him tried to manipulate Fluttershy, tried to turn her against her friends and tricked her into promising not to use her Element against him in return for fixing Applejack's farm, a promise which he didn't intend to keep. Hell, he even ended up betraying them in the end with Tirek, and they forgave him and gave him another chance anyway. Starlight also could have done this, she was a pretty manipulative pony after all, she ran a cult and she was magically powerful enough to fight on equal terms with Twilight, she easily could have played a long con and if she did it could have had disastrous results.

Betrayal like this is a very real risk when reforming any villain, it is not a unique issue to Cozy. I'm fairly certain she would do something like that, so they should definitely prepare for it but ideally they would be able to get through to her even as she tries to do it, just like what happened with Discord.

Then theres the matter of what pony would be willing to actually take her in as she cannonly has no family. I am able to back this up due to a tweet by one of the writers from S8 and S9 who was asked about Cozy's parents, and his reply was "Who says she has them?" Now I dont know about anyone else but i would be VERY reluctant to alone with a known threat to the world, and yes in this case our antagonist (cozy) was NOT just a threat to Equestria but the entire planet.

They left Discord alone with Fluttershy. Manipulative, all-powerful Discord who can warp reality with a snap and brainwash somepony just by touching them. Twilight was willing to let Starlight live with her, Starlight the cult leader who stalked her, tried to ruin her whole life, assaulted her, fought her to a standstill, and nearly caused the end of the world with her time travel shenanigans. Cozy meanwhile is a small pegasus filly with no magical powers whatsoever. She is inherently less immediately dangerous than either of them, she needs things like magical artifacts or help from other villains to reach that level. She already loses a lot of danger just by them knowing she's manipulative and that they shouldn't trust her too much. I don't really see why someone like Twilight or Starlight couldn't take her in and try to teach her, taking obvious safety precautions.

I am just saying out of all the villains in the show, she could be the most difficult to do so with due to her nature, and the fact that she is the very definition of a psychopath

"When we helped each other, it felt better somehow." Cozy's own words near the end of Frenemies, where she admits to enjoying genuine teamwork and comradery more than her usual schtick of just manipulating others. Giving some evidence that she is in fact capable of being affected by friendship and feeling it. Yes, she's manipulative, power-hungry and sadistic, certainly she doesn't have a lot of empathy. But there is in-show evidence that she's not actually a total psychopath

Starlight glared at Tempest, "Then perhaps you don't deserve the chance you got either, because your crimes are worse than mine."

I guess being a commander for an evil king is worse than being a communist and almost destroying the timeline 😂

Overall, I like this story and seeing Tempest's point of view about Cozy being reformed or not.

I think there was a better reason to trust Starlight since Starlight gave up on her own. Those like Discord and Cozy Glow are more likely to play the long con than she is.

If we’re being fair. Tempest’s evil actions are of her own volition. Starlight never intentionally meant to destroy the universe.

That's true, but still feels weird lol

Sure, but Starlight gave up on her own because Twilight made repeated attempts to talk her down. Nobody ever tried to talk Cozy down while she was enacting her evil plan, and even once Cozy is beaten and left powerless the attempt to talk her down just amounts to Twilight asking "Why?" but once Cozy gives her answer, Twilight just gives up. No attempt to reason with her or change her mind, just assumes Cozy is a lost cause and off to Tartarus Cozy goes. But even with Starlight, standing down could have just been some plan to get out of causing the time travel disasters and just find another way to get her revenge on Twilight, she could easily have been counting on and planning to take advantage of their mercy. It was still risky.

Plus, I'm not arguing they should trust Cozy anyway, they really shouldn't. Just give her the Discord treatment, try to reform her and show her genuine friendship, give her a chance to earn trust and a chance to learn why she would want that trust and want to keep it in the first place.

Given Cozy Glow was being taught how friendship works at a friendship school. I think it’s a bit more justified to give up with Cozy Glow than Starlight, and at least with her it was clear she didn’t know how friendship truly worked. Cozy Glow knew how friendship worked but found it as a means for power.

Fair enough on Starlight but given her facial expressions when considering Twilight’s offer, I can buy that she was being genuine.

Again, I am not against Cozy reforming, I actually like her, but I was trying to give the heroes’ point of view here.


Given Cozy Glow was being taught how friendship works at a friendship school. I think it’s a bit more justified to give up with Cozy Glow than Starlight, and at least with her it was clear she didn’t know how friendship truly worked. Cozy Glow knew how friendship worked but found it as a means for power.

The friendship school didn't work probably because Cozy Glow was being manipulative from the start, she came to the school with a twisted mindset in the first place and none of the lessons would ever actually have a chance to address that about her because nobody knew about it. On top of that, none of the friendships she made would have any value because none of them were actually friends with the real Cozy Glow, just her fake persona, nobody ever made any actual attempt to befriend the real Cozy once they realized she was evil. Compare that to Fluttershy's reformation attempt with Discord, where she knew who Discord was and what he had done but still did her best to genuinely reach out to and befriend him in spite of that. If Fluttershy had befriended Discord while he was pretending to be someone else I don't think it would have worked either because it wouldn't have been genuine to him.

Cozy initially did have actual trouble understanding friendship, hence why she had to get the CMC to tutor her, which helped her "Understand" it better but she never really got a chance to feel it there. Which is mostly her own fault for being so manipulative, but still. If Cozy were to learn she'd need to be taught in a way more specifically suited for her, education isn't one size fits all after all. The tragedy here is that once Twilight realized her student wasn't who she thought she was and all the lessons hadn't been working, she didn't even try to teach her again using this new information. All made worse by Frenemies basically confirming that yes, Cozy actually can feel friendship and can enjoy it.

Again, I am not against Cozy reforming, I actually like her, but I was trying to give the heroes’ point of view here.

I get that, but I find it hard to view the heroes supposed point of view as anything but a failure on their part. A failure to learn from past reformations like that of Discord, where they saw an unrepentant villain change because Fluttershy tried her best to show him genuine friendship despite him not even wanting it. From Starlight, where Twilight had to make multiple attempts to reach out to her before she could finally get through. From the Pony of Shadows, where they learned to not just give up on someone before you really try to understand them and reach out. There's a lot of lessons here that sort of just went ignored.

Tempest, "I'm not in favor of releasing her because I'm not convinced she isn't a magical construct created out of pure evil. I mean, we have found no evidence that she ever had parents. No record of her in an orphanage. NOTHING to suggest she was EVER a real filly. Instead, we see a nebulous child who somehow managed to comprehend magic at a level beyond ALICORNS' knowledge, despite not being even a unicorn herself... and accomplishing all of this by age... what is she anyway, 8? She's unphased coming in contact with monsters and demons that have most other ponies literally running around screaming in terror, as though she's completely used to encountering magical horrors.... DESPITE BEING 8!! No, I think she's the creation of disturbed mind who fashioned her for a nefarious purpose!"

Starlight, "I was just asking what flavor of ice cream you wanted... but you do make a good point."

Being a commander out to enslave everyone for an evil king might just be worse than a communist who destroyed the timeline because she didn't know making sure six people aren't friends would do so, yeah. At least Starlight didn't put children in chains and cages.


But do we know that for sure?

No. We don’t. That’s why the vast majority of “Cozy Glow should be reformed”-’discussions’ are meaningless. The majority of them are all based on fanon.

Tempest/the story pretty much nails the two key factors about Cozy.

1. We don’t know her backstory and we can’t find out cause she’s too manipulative. Even if Twilight/Starlight time travelled back to see Cozy’s past, we wouldn’t know if she was already manipulating ponies/creatures around her.

2. If she was to be released ‘now’ there’s no reason for her to reform. She fucked everyone and got away with it. Twice. Why wouldn’t she try again?

As for the story itself, it’s very cold and hard. Gimme more Tempest throwing out cold hard analyses, I love that stuff. But I know cold and hard doesn’t fly with this community.

Old habits die hard. And as for Cozy, giving up being evil is most likely a lot harder than it sounds. While it may be possible to reform an evil bastard like her, its gonna take a long time to do so.

The other villains reformed easier because while what they did was evil, most of them were misguided, and as for Discord, he was just born with a wild sense of humor and could be reformed if it was done correctly, which it did. (In fact he had to get his ass whooped before he was reformed) While for Cozy, we don't know Cozy's past so its really hard to decipher what made her the way she is.

You can take Cozy away from evil, but you can't take the evil out of Cozy.

But hey that's just my view

I always felt like Discord was Celestias and Lunas antithesis, yes he was a villain but to be honest I never really saw him as anything more than a guy who can take the joke way too far if he doesn't have someone who can keep him in line.

It's also shown that while Discord is the spirit of chaos he's not necessarily evil, he just wants to have fun but Cozy Glow doesn't want to have fun. She wants to be in control and have power.

Honestly if she wasn't a 'child' I can guarantee everyone would be calling her evil and saying she got what she deserved but because she looks like a child everyone wants to claim she is redeemable and can be changed. I believe that she is irredeemable and got what she deserves. Is it an unpopular opinion, yes but I stand by it because I never saw her even once look or appear remorseful in any regard unless it was to manipulating someone.


I always felt like Discord was Celestias and Lunas antithesis, yes he was a villain but to be honest I never really saw him as anything more than a guy who can take the joke way too far if he doesn't have someone who can keep him in line.

It's also shown that while Discord is the spirit of chaos he's not necessarily evil, he just wants to have fun but Cozy Glow doesn't want to have fun. She wants to be in control and have power.

He was absolutely evil. Yes, he's goofy and silly, he makes chocolate rain and ballet dancing buffalos. But just because he's funny doesn't stop him from being evil. Just look at what he did to the Mane Six, he lured them into the hedge maze to find the Elements, which weren't even present in there and then slowly twisted their minds and turned them against their own Elements. He showed them false truths, mocked them, played with their minds...and it was all unnecessary. As shown with Fluttershy he could change any of them any time he wanted with a single touch. All of the mind games was just for fun, because he enjoyed toying with them like that. All just an act of sadism on his part. He saw he broke Twilight's spirit in the end and he cheered. We were shown he messed the minds of others outside of the mane six too, like making Big Mac think he's a dog.

All of this isn't even to mention that he was introduced with a stained glass window of him dangling ponies over a pit of fire with puppet strings, to the background sound of ponies screaming. Discord's world may look silly but in actuality it's a surrealist hell where he controls everything. You can't trust anything, your mind or body can be altered at any moment, and he'll do anything to you just for a laugh. You say he's not evil, that Cozy is because she wants control and power, but Discord will make you suffer just because it's fun. Causing suffering just for fun is what I'd consider the closest thing there is to "Pure" evil.

Honestly if she wasn't a 'child' I can guarantee everyone would be calling her evil and saying she got what she deserved but because she looks like a child everyone wants to claim she is redeemable and can be changed. I believe that she is irredeemable and got what she deserves. Is it an unpopular opinion, yes but I stand by it because I never saw her even once look or appear remorseful in any regard unless it was to manipulating someone.

No, people have brought that up before. If she was an adult I'd still think it's wrong and it'd still say they should try to reform her. I also think they should have tried to reform Tirek and made another more significant go at Chrysalis too, both of which are adults. I have an extra big problem with what happened to Cozy because she is a child but it's not the only reason. Also, yeah, Cozy never looked remorseful. But neither did Discord until after a whole episode of Fluttershy trying to reach out to him, and neither did Tempest until Twilight saved her life.

This is why I said in my original post I was not rehashing this argument. There is no answer that will satisfy everyone so I say move on and let people have their own opinions.

Celestia referred to Discord in his debut as "the mischievous spirit of chaos". Not "malevolent", or "evil". It was also pointed out in his Friends Forever issue with Luna that he opposes order, not good.

There's also the fact that he's a literal embodiment of chaos. And as "Discordant Harmony" showed, not being chaotic for an extended period of time will cause him to fade away. It's in his nature to be a reality-warping trickster. But he was able to rein in that nature for the sake of his friends.

Cozy, on the other hand, wasn't born the embodiment of anything. She chose to use friendship as a tool for her own benefit all by herself, not because it was in her nature, but because she wanted to. And she let nothing and nopony dissuade her from that path.

Feel free to have whatever opinion you like, I can't stop you. But if you post something I disagree with you on I'm still gonna say so.


Celestia referred to Discord in his debut as "the mischievous spirit of chaos". Not "malevolent", or "evil". It was also pointed out in his Friends Forever issue with Luna that he opposes order, not good.

Celestia doesn't have to describe him as evil, he proves himself that he is evil over the course of Return of Harmony. But even then she was angry and took him very seriously, describing his rule as putting Equestria in an "Eternal state of unrest and happiness" and she's somepony who would have had to approve of the stained glass window depicting him dangling ponies over fire on puppet strings. So I think it's clear she considered him evil too.

Also, I know exactly the comic you are talking about. It's a very good comic but first of all, this is reformed Discord speaking. Second of all, the comics are pretty dubious in terms of their continuity with the show. Third of all, the comic is conveniently forgetting that Discord is the spirit of two things. Chaos and Disharmony. Chaos does not oppose good, Pinkie Pie is chaotic and she is an Element of Harmony. But the second part of that title Disharmony makes him out to be the antithesis of the Mane Six themselves and the Elements they embody. Their living opposite.

There's also the fact that he's a literal embodiment of chaos. And as "Discordant Harmony" showed, not being chaotic for an extended period of time will cause him to fade away. It's in his nature to be a reality-warping trickster. But he was able to rein in that nature for the sake of his friends.

As far as we know, absolutely nobody knew that prior to Discordant Harmony, because Discord himself didn't even know that, so it can't be a reason for why any of the characters tried to help and reform him. They would have had to have that knowledge first. Also, Discord only started to fade when he went completely against his nature and acted super orderly. He clearly didn't need anywhere near the amount of chaos we saw in Return of Harmony to live.

Cozy, on the other hand, wasn't born the embodiment of anything. She chose to use friendship as a tool for her own benefit all by herself, not because it was in her nature, but because she wanted to.

Sure, she did make her own choices. Just like Tempest Shadow made her own choice to follow the Storm King and help him conquer and enslave kingdoms, including Equestria. She threw innocent people, including children into cages, committed violence against and even seemed to rather enjoy her job. All to get her horn back, and I sympathize with her for wanting that but it doesn't mean her actions weren't any less wrong. It was selfish and cruel of her, a showcase that she didn't care who she had to hurt as long as she got what she wanted. The Storm King turned out to be a big liar in the end who tricked her but that doesn't absolve her, just makes the Storm King a bigger jerk.

Also, if you're going to argue that Discord wasn't evil due to his nature at all, then that also means all of his evil is down to his own choices too. So he's guilty in the same way Cozy is. Chaos doesn't inherently oppose good, which means any and all of his cruelty and sadism is just him deciding to be that way.

And she let nothing and nopony dissuade her from that path.

Literally nobody tried.


If Discord were truly evil, Fluttershy wouldn't have been able to get through to him the way she did. Fluttershy calling him a "friend" for the first time had a genuine effect on him. If he were evil, he would have just brushed it off. But instead, he reflected on how he'd never had a friend before.

Literally nobody tried.

Incorrect. Twilight tried. She tried to enlighten her on the true reason to make friends. But Cozy simply threw it back in her face, and pledged to keep doing what she was doing.


If Discord were truly evil, Fluttershy wouldn't have been able to get through to him the way she did. Fluttershy calling him a "friend" for the first time had a genuine effect on him. If he were evil, he would have just brushed it off. But instead, he reflected on how he'd never had a friend before.

So, would you argue that any reformed villain isn't evil, because otherwise they couldn't be reformed? Would you make this argument for any reformed character? Vegeta from Dragon Ball for instance, he's worse than pretty much every MLP villain. He's committed genocide and destroyed entire planets. Yet he still grew to care for others and became a better person in the end, he changed. But does that mean he wasn't evil?

All Fluttershy getting through to him proves is that Friendship can affect him and that he's capable of changing, that he isn't doomed to be evil forever, but it doesn't suddenly mean he wasn't evil before. He was selfish and sadistic. Changing as a person and realizing he wants friendship now doesn't just erase his past. Also, remember that Cozy Glow herself also showed that she could be affected by and enjoy friendship in Frenemies, proving that she is not completely evil and incapable of goodness. Sure, she turned against it there, but also remember that Discord himself once turned against his friendship with Fluttershy too and betrayed her, all because of some minor convincing from Tirek. He's not really different.

Incorrect. Twilight tried. She tried to enlighten her on the true reason to make friends. But Cozy simply threw it back in her face, and pledged to keep doing what she was doing.

No, she didn't. She just asked Cozy why she did what she did, and when Cozy gave her answer she just told her she's wrong and then gave up on her. She didn't make any attempt to reason with Cozy, any attempt to prove her wrong or teach her true friendship. She just gave up. Remember that first Friendship speech Twilight tried to give Starlight? Remember how Starlight shut her down with that "QUIET!"? Twilight failed to reach Starlight there, and she only succeeded in the end because she tried again to reach out to Starlight and reason with her. If she took that one rejection as Starlight's final answer, she'd either have ended up stuck fighting Starlight through time forever or Starlight would have ended up thrown in Tartarus or stoned too.

Comment posted by Arceaion deleted Aug 28th, 2022


So, would you argue that any reformed villain isn't evil, because otherwise they couldn't be reformed?

No, I'm saying that someone has to have at least some good in them in order to be reformed.

Sure, she turned against it there, but also remember that Discord himself once turned against his friendship with Fluttershy too and betrayed her, all because of some minor convincing from Tirek. He's not really different.

Discord still harbored guilt over the betrayal, long before Tirek betrayed him. Cozy showed no guilt over tricking her teachers into getting trapped in Tartarus, imprisoning Starlight, locking the CMC in a closet, or making the Young Six her scapegoats. They had ALL showed Cozy true friendship, yet she had no qualms about doublecrossing them all.

No, she didn't. She just asked Cozy why she did what she did, and when Cozy gave her answer she just told her she's wrong and then gave up on her. She didn't make any attempt to reason with Cozy, any attempt to prove her wrong or teach her true friendship. She just gave up.

Cozy was wrong. And Twilight tried to teach the right way one last time.

Twilight and the others had been teaching her true friendship the whole time she was at the school. But she refused to learn the real value of those lessons.

And Twilight didn't give up. Cozy fled, and was apprehended by the royal guard. It was out of her hooves after that.

Twilight failed to reach Starlight there, and she only succeeded in the end because she tried again to reach out to Starlight and reason with her. If she took that one rejection as Starlight's final answer, she'd either have ended up stuck fighting Starlight through time forever or Starlight would have ended up thrown in Tartarus or stoned too.

Don't forget, it was Starlight who came to Twilight for a rematch. And talking down Starlight was the only option. The alternative was an endless stalemate.


No, I'm saying that someone has to have at least some good in them in order to be reformed.

Okay, but Cozy demonstrated some possible capacity for good in Frenemies. There is canonical proof that she might be able to be reformed. Discord also demonstrated no capacity for good for all of Return of Harmony and most of Keep Calm and Flutter On. Any goodness he demonstrated in the series only started coming out after an entire episode dedicated to Fluttershy trying to reform and befriend him. He showed the characters and the audience no goodness prior to that, and if Fluttershy hadn't tried so hard he very easily could have gone through the rest of the series just being seen as an irredeemable monster, just like how so many see Cozy now.

Discord still harbored guilt over the betrayal, long before Tirek betrayed him. Cozy showed no guilt over tricking her teachers into getting trapped in Tartarus, imprisoning Starlight, locking the CMC in a closet, or making the Young Six her scapegoats. They had ALL showed Cozy true friendship, yet she had no qualms about doublecrossing them all.

Discord showed guilt but the guilt didn't stop him. He only stopped in the end because Tirek backstabbed him, otherwise he seemed perfectly willing to ignore that guilt in favor of having his freedom to do whatever he wanted. I don't consider him any better than Cozy here. If anything the fact that he does feel guilt and remorse, that he not only understands this is wrong but even feels it's wrong but goes through with it anyway might make his betrayal even worse.

Also, we've had this conversation before and I have already told you why I think the friendships Cozy had wouldn't matter to her even if she is capable of being reformed. Because none of them were actually true friends with Cozy, just the fake persona she put on. None of them knew the real her and thus none of them could offer genuine friendship to the real her during that time. Yes, that is obviously 100% Cozy's fault, but still. This is very different from the friendship that say, Fluttershy offered to Discord in Keep Calm, where she offered that friendship to the real Discord with full knowledge of who he was.

Cozy was wrong. And Twilight tried to teach the right way one last time.

Twilight and the others had been teaching her true friendship the whole time she was at the school. But she refused to learn the real value of those lessons.

And Twilight didn't give up. Cozy fled, and was apprehended by the royal guard. It was out of her hooves after that.

"You're the one who doesn't get it, Cozy. Friendship is powerful, but power isn't why you make friends. I'm sorry I couldn't teach you that." These are Twilight's exact words after she get's Cozy's answer on why she did what she did. This doesn't sound like she's trying to teach Cozy one last time, this sounds like she's already decided Cozy Glow is a lost cause and is giving up on her. "I'm sorry I couldn't teach you that" implies she feels she's already done all she can, but she hasn't even tried to really teach Cozy now that she knows she's a villain. She's giving up before she's even tried.

Education is not one size fits all, is it that Cozy "Refused" to learn or simply that the lessons didn't get through to her? She's capable of feeling and enjoying friendship, Frenemies proves it. Just because the lessons didn't work doesn't mean she can't be taught, they weren't aimed at somepony with a mindset like Cozy, she would likely need more specialized help which they never offered her. Also, no it was not out of Twilight's hooves after the guards got her. She is a Princess and a hero, if she wanted to give Cozy a shot at reformation she could speak up and know for a fact that at least her words would be taken into consideration.

Don't forget, it was Starlight who came to Twilight for a rematch. And talking down Starlight was the only option. The alternative was an endless stalemate.

Did she learn nothing from that experience though? Yeah, she reached out to Starlight because she had to, but it worked. Despite Starlight's earlier rejections of Twilight's attempts to reach out to her she was still eventually able to reach Starlight because she kept trying and didn't just give up after the first attempt. What if she made more attempts with Cozy and it actually worked? Maybe it wouldn't, but it's not like we know since she didn't try.

If Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship doesn't feel like actually trying to reach out unless she has to, then how many potentially redeemable villains will they simply toss into Tartarus or turn into statues? How many friends like Discord or Starlight or Tempest could they make that they never will because sometimes they just don't feel like helping? How many of them will just rot, or knowing this show's track record, come back to wreak even more havoc later until somebody finally decides to try and help? Because that's basically what all the villains do until they're either reformed or they end up dead. No villain in this show has ever had their mind changed by just being locked up or banished.

Maybe Cozy absolutely can't be reached. Maybe she can't or won't change under any circumstance. Or maybe she can, maybe all it'd take is a 22 minute episode or a season arc, who knows? They never actually tried to figure out. Just threw her into Tartarus and turned her into a lawn ornament. Now nobody agrees on whether she can be reformed or not but that's not the problem, the problem is the lack of trying. If they tried for real then we all might have an answer. Yes or no, either way it'd be easier to feel sure. Even if they failed the characters would have lived up to their morals just by trying.


Okay, but Cozy demonstrated some possible capacity for good in Frenemies. There is canonical proof that she might be able to be reformed.

But she didn't actually do any good. And then there was everything she did afterwards...

Because none of them were actually true friends with Cozy, just the fake persona she put on. None of them knew the real her and thus none of them could offer genuine friendship to the real her during that time.

Cozy may not have been genuine, but they were. They saw her as their true friend, and treated her as such.

Don't forget, Discord was initially just playing nice with Fluttershy to get her on his side. But when she called him her friend, that all started to change. He put on a fake persona of his own, but Fluttershy's friendship was still genuine, and it got through to him.

"I'm sorry I couldn't teach you that" implies she feels she's already done all she can, but she hasn't even tried to really teach Cozy now that she knows she's a villain. She's giving up before she's even tried.

Twilight taught her the same lessons she taught all the other students. She was trying from day one.

Education is not one size fits all, is it that Cozy "Refused" to learn or simply that the lessons didn't get through to her? She's capable of feeling and enjoying friendship, Frenemies proves it. Just because the lessons didn't work doesn't mean she can't be taught, they weren't aimed at somepony with a mindset like Cozy, she would likely need more specialized help which they never offered her.

Considering every other student took those lessons to heart, it's not really about them "failing". If a dragon and a griffon (whose species were infamous for lacking friendship) could learn them better than Cozy, then it's more about Cozy not listening than the lessons not being "specialized" enough.

What if she made more attempts with Cozy and it actually worked? Maybe it wouldn't, but it's not like we know since she didn't try.

You can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped. Even if they did try, there's nothing to suggest they could get through to Cozy after multiple lessons on the very core values of friendship couldn't.

I'm not in the mood for another week-long debate. All I've done is state the facts as they were presented on the show. If you don't like those facts, then it's your problem.


But she didn't actually do any good.

Neither did Discord until after a whole episode dedicated to somepony trying to drag that goodness out of him, and without that episode happening he never would have done any of that good. Neither did Tempest do any good until after Twilight saved her life, yes she had a sympathetic backstory and she was backstabbed, but prior to that backstabbing she was selfish and remorseless. If the Storm King hadn't betrayed her and had been able to give her what she wanted? She probably would have loyally continued to serve him, conquering and enslaving in his name.

Cozy might be an irredeemable monster, maybe. But once upon a time Discord or Tempest also could have easily been seen that way too, and all it takes is Fluttershy being a bit less persistent or the Storm King keeping his word and they very well might have been seen that way forever.

Cozy may not have been genuine, but they were. They saw her as their true friend, and treated her as such.

Don't forget, Discord was initially just playing nice with Fluttershy to get her on his side. But when she called him her friend, that all started to change. He put on a fake persona of his own, but Fluttershy's friendship was still genuine, and it got through to him.

Yes, they were genuine, but that wouldn't matter to Cozy because it's not being offered to her, just her fake mask. She doesn't know if any of them would be friends with her or even try to be if they knew the real her, and in the end they really didn't. Once they saw the real her they just saw a monster and had no interest in trying to figure out if she could be anything else.

The difference with Discord is that Fluttershy still knew he was a villain. She knew what he was like, she knew he was cold, chaotic, selfish, etc. She had even been a victim of him herself. Even despite everything he had done to her and her friends and everything he had shown her, she still genuinely tried to befriend the real him. Yes, he tried to manipulate her, but Fluttershy knew that. Fluttershy looked at Discord the unrepentant, remorseless, selfish monster and decided to do her best to be his friend. Nobody did that for Cozy, nobody looked at the real her and decided to do their best to show her friendship despite seeing what she is.

Twilight taught her the same lessons she taught all the other students. She was trying from day one.

Considering every other student took those lessons to heart, it's not really about them "failing". If a dragon and a griffon (whose species were infamous for lacking friendship) could learn them better than Cozy, then it's more about Cozy not listening than the lessons not being "specialized" enough.

Education is not one sized fits all. Just because those lessons worked for others doesn't mean that they'll work for everyone, and it doesn't prove that Cozy can't truly learn just because they didn't work for her. Cozy did initially struggle with the friendship lessons and needed the CMC to tutor her, and it's obvious that she thinks differently from everypony else around her. Sometimes people need more specialized help to learn things, it's a fact. Just because Gallus and Smolder, a Griffon and Dragon learned friendship easier than her, a pony doesn't prove anything. People are individuals, they are not defined entirely by their race or species.

You can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped.

Discord did not want to be helped, he laughed at and mocked the idea that he could be reformed, he only played along because they threatened him with the Elements. He didn't want help, he wanted to bring another reign of chaos. But they still managed to help him. Starlight Glimmer did not want help, she wanted revenge on Twilight Sparkle, even if it meant fighting her through time for all of eternity. Twilight still managed to help her. They are both living proof that someone who does not want help can be helped.

Even if they did try, there's nothing to suggest they could get through to Cozy after multiple lessons on the very core values of friendship couldn't.

Frenemies. She experienced genuine friendship and comradery with Tirek and Chrysalis as her real self, as they all worked towards a common goal. She enjoyed it, and who knows if she would have turned against it then if Chrysalis hadn't freaked out like she did? Who knows what might have happened if she had that moment of real genuine friendship with somebody else who might actually want to encourage it? Maybe she would have turned against it anyway, but maybe it would have stuck and she would have changed. We don't know.

I'm not in the mood for another week-long debate. All I've done is state the facts as they were presented on the show. If you don't like those facts, then it's your problem.

The facts are that they made no significant attempt to help or reform Cozy after finding out she was actually a villain. That multiple villains were reformed previously, some of which were just as unrepentant and remorseless as her when the heroes began trying to reform them. That she showcased some capacity for genuine friendship in Frenemies, and that she, a child, was thrown into Tartarus and turned to stone without even a moments hesitation or doubt on the part of anyone doing it.

Those are the facts.

But fine, I'm done with the conversation if you are.

That was a good story.

Starlight was less "being a Communist" and more "literally inventing a way to strip soul-deep abilities from ponies out of sheer malicious jealousy, essentially turning them into indoctrinated cultist zombies, and then founding an evil cult with the goal of doing it to everypony specifically to satisfy her petty, entitled desire to be the only special pony left in the world and the only being more equal than everyone else .

No, but she did intentionally want to mindrape all ponies into subservience.

I won’t deny she tried to force her ideologies down other ponies’ throats, I was merely defending the time travel stunt.


I agree to that.

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