• Published 3rd Sep 2022
  • 4,885 Views, 165 Comments

Fluffiest Misadventures - tranhdxrbntd

Fluffy Yakutian Horse from egalitarian culture visits RGRE Equestria and gets harassed because of culture clash. Inspired by "The Long and Short of It" by SQA

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Chapter 3: The Hunt Begins

Snowball's opinion of this nation went down and down, the more ponies he met. So far, everypony he had met were mares and all of them had left a sour taste in his mouth, most of them grabbing at his balls. Even when he made a deliberate attempt to avoid other ponies, they would just straight up go out of their way to bother him. What was wrong with them?

That was when something grabbed his flank and one of his backlegs. This time, it wasn't a playful grab like what had been happening to him so far but instead it was more like a predatorial grab. It was like something was trying to immobilize one of his back legs.

Instinct kicked in and he planted his front hooves and the affect back leg into the grab while kicking backwards with his back leg, the ungrabbed on, at the offender. He felt his hoof connect hard with something, the hold on his leg and flank disappearing a second later, before hoofing it.


A pair of patrolling royal guard mares saw the white fluffy stallion and realized he fit the description of who they were on lookout for, to a T, and slowly snuck up on him, closing as much distance as they could before they could pounce. They could see that he was armed with a spear and wasn't paying attention to them. The two guards looked at each and nodded.

The takedown maneuver was a core part of the royal guard law enforcement procedures, working off on natural pony instincts. One pony would immobilize one of the back legs of the target and, when the target bolted forward out of natural instinct, would tumble down into a predictable fall. At that point, the second pony would pounce on the prone target and keep them immobilized.

Unfortunately for the two royal guards, this pony had different instincts when they attempted their takedown. Worse yet, the mare who's role was to immobilize one of the target's legs, had closed too much distance too the target and had become very well acquainted with one of Snowball's back hooves. Luckily for her, the royal guard uniform helmet absorbed a significant amount of force from the impact but not enough of the impact to keep her from getting a very brief mental reboot.

The other royal guard, adding onto the pile of today's bad decisions, decided to pounce the running target in spite of her partner's surprise gift. She got ready for him to start bucking (couldn't be that bad, mares buck harder) and was abruptly smashed into the hard, cold cobblestone road when the stallion rolled over onto his back, crushing the mare. She lost her grip on the stallion and he continued rolling, getting back on his hooves and bolting off into the distance. The mare, lying on the road, let out a pained gurgle.


Okay, he really didn't like Equestria's ponies. Maybe things would get better when he got to the castle? Anyways, not he was just going to keep away from everypony here until he got some explanations and accommodations.


Several members of the royal guard law enforcement division noticed that the reports of the crazed stallion had the incident location slowly moving closer and closer to Canterlot Castle. The perpetrator would be pretty easy to track considering it seemed like he was going in a straight line.

While ponies were being assaulted, no one had any serious injuries and obviously, no one had died. Even though the stallion was possibly armed with a spear, it seemed like he would only assault mares by delivering a single punch. Unfortunately, now was when reports of the stallion knocking out two guards came in. Now, the guards being sent out were sent out in larger teams, the kind specifically trained to take down anything.

In a different section of the castle's royal guard department, ponies were basically going wild over the fact that they had lost a diplomat. He was a lone stallion and if he got hurt, it would ruin Equestria's image and any future connections with Yakut. Worse yet, this was the first time any Yakutian, mare or stallion, had visited Equestria in centuries and Yakut was an economic gold mine in terms of natural resources. Even if Equestria was able to get possession of any of Yakut's land, they would need the Yakutian's help to access any of those natural resources.

There was clearly a lot on the line.

Since the regular guards were having trouble even spotting the stallion, members of the night guard, specifically the bat ponies that they had in their ranks, were being brought into the mess. Like normal bats, they could use echolocation to spot nearby objects or ponies. With their help, perhaps the proverbial needle in a needlestack would become a needle in a haystack.


Teams of bat ponies were given sectors to find the lost diplomatic. Being airborne, they could cover large swathes of land much faster than being on foot. While their echolocation made it so that they didn't have to look for a white pony amongst a white background, they just had to look for a lone traveling pony. While it may sound ludicrous to have the searching parameters be 'a single lone pony', it narrowed the search down much better than you think. It was a major holiday season and everypony was with someone, whether they be a Canterlot native or a touring visitor.

The search area started from the train station (his origin), going up towards the Castle (likely where he was headed, being a diplomat). Different teams of bat ponies were given their own sector and surprisingly enough, it seemed like the problem would be over.

And it rightfully was. One team of bat ponies had honed in on a white stallion traveling by himself, relatively close to the castle. The team of three quickly started diving, honing in on their target.

Meanwhile, on the ground level, a team of law enforcement day guards patrolled the same area, on the lookout for a crazed lone white stallion armed with a spear. They had been on the lookout for a while and had noticed the swathes of Princess Luna's bat ponies join in on their search. One of the guards noticed one of the squads of bat ponies start diving towards an area, like they were apprehending a target. Realizing that they had probably found the crazed stallion, the team of ponies rushed towards the area where that team of night guards had dived into.


A trio of bat ponies landed in front of the Yakutian, blocking his path. At this range, the night guards could clearly confirm that he was, indeed, the lost diplomat they were looking for. They also noticed that he was visibly stressed and possibly angry at them. He had his ears pinned back and had partially turned his flank to face sideways, as if he was getting ready to aim his rear to them and deliver a buck. He was also grimacing, showing off some of his teeth, of which were tightly clenched. All of his fur seemed like they were standing on end (making him poofier somehow) and the muscles that he clearly had, were very much tensed up. It also probably didn't help that the bat ponies were, this might surprise you, bat ponies. Yakutians had never seen bat ponies before and vice versa, so their appearance was quite freaky to to the former.

The leader of the trio, a sergeant, held up a hoof, trying to calm down the stallion. "We're royal guards. We're supposed to protect you and provide an escort to the castle," slowly came the mare's soothing voice. He seemed to visibly relax, his ears not pinned back more and his fur becoming less poofy, but his muscles were still tense, as if he was ready to bolt any second.

Unfortunately, that was when a trio of more royal guards appeared in the opposite direction that the Yakutian was facing. The three white day guards ran into the situation and bucked everything up. "You got him!" yelled out one of the new three mares. One of the day guards immediately charged in and rolled, trying to bowl throw his legs and knock him down. Unfortunately for the day guard delivering the takedown maneuver, she met a steel wall of resistance (a lot of toned muscle in those legs) and did nothing.

He snorted in anger and fully aimed his flank at them and delivered a hard buck to the lead mare, knocking her immediately out. He then instantly charged in the same direction he was facing, noticing the two new mares in this equation, and knocked down both of the day guards like a bowling ball through a set of ten pins.

In all of the commotion, he disappeared down an alleyway while the royal guards were figuring out what to do.