• Published 15th Oct 2022
  • 652 Views, 31 Comments

Miraculous Ponies: Tales of Ladybug, Cat Noir and the Mane Six Season 2 - MLPandMiraculousFanatic

After the recent events of Dark Cupid our heroes spend more time preparing for the Grand Galloping Gala while still going to Paris' School and also still fighting akumatized victims but will they win or will they fail find out on this Season

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Episode 3: Sonic Rainboom

A few days later Rainbow, Cat Noir and Fluttershy were in a field far from Ponyville as Rainbow and Cat Noir trained Fluttershy to cheer (Mostly Rainbow in case you're confused) as Rainbow flying from side to side

"Now, what have we learned?" Rainbow asked

"Lots of control" Fluttershy answered

"Good" Rainbow said

"Screaming and hollering" Fluttershy answered again

"Yes and most importantly?" Rainbow asked

"Passion!" Fluttershy answered strictly

"Right!" Rainbow said proudly before landing on the ground "So now that you know the elements of a good cheer, let's hear one" Rainbow suggested

Then Fluttershy took a deep breath before something got out of her mouth

"Yay" Fluttershy cheered quietly

Then Rainbow groaned in disbelief

"You're gonna cheer for me like that? Louder" Rainbow ordered

"Yay" Fluttershy cheered quietly again

"Louder!" Rainbow ordered

"Yay" Fluttershy cheered quietly once more

"Louder!" Rainbow yelled out getting more irritated by the moment

Then Fluttershy took a deep wide breath before something unbelievable came out

"Yaaay" Fluttershy cheered quietly the last time which caused Rainbow to fall the ground in disbelief but not before Cat Noir caught her on time "Too loud?" Fluttershy asked

"No, it was too quiet" Cat Noir answered in disbelief

A while later Rainbow stood on a cloud as Fluttershy and Cat Noir watch from the ground as Fluttershy only said

"Yay" Fluttershy cheered

Then Rainbow took a standing position before she pounced off the cloud and starts flying really fast

"Come on Fluttershy, I want to see what she does" Cat Noir suggested

Then Cat Noir ran off with Fluttershy behind her as the two ran through the grass only to be met with Rainbow flying really fast as Cat Noir grabbed Fluttershy and made her cling on him as Cat Noir ran faster than he already did

"And now, phase one of my routine" Rainbow said

Then Rainbow started zigzagging between trees before zipping past them causing Cat Noir to stop

"Wooo" Fluttershy said

Then Cat Noir turned around and ran in his almighty speed after Rainbow before seeing her fly higher into the air before noticing a few clouds

"Phase two" Rainbow explained

Then Rainbow flew towards each cloud and starts spinning around it causing the cloud to spin too before she zipped off making Cat Noir and Fluttershy dizzy before the latter two shook it off as they then turned towards the sky where they saw Rainbow not moving

"Way to go" Fluttershy cheered

"Here we go, phase three, the Sonic Rainboom" Rainbow explained

"The Sonic Whatnow?" Cat Noir asked

Then Rainbow flew down as fast as she could as the sound barrier appeared making a loud noise as Cat Noir pulls four earplugs out of his stick and puts them on before showing them to Fluttershy who then pulled it away while shaking her head before they looked into the air again

"Come on" Rainbow said worriedly as then Rainbow went faster and faster while tears flew out of her eyes in worry before the barrier stopped "Uh oh" Rainbow said worriedly

Just then the barrier threw Rainbow into the air causing Fluttershy to put a hoof on her mouth as Cat Noir dropped her in shock

"We gotta save her" Cat Noir said worriedly

"I'll bring us there" Fluttershy said

"Good" Cat Noir said

Then Cat Noir went to sit on Fluttershy before Fluttershy carried him to the Golden Oak Library

Meanwhile in the Golden Oak Library Twilight finishes putting books in the shelves with her magic as she puts the last book in it and when she did she sighed in relief

"Last one" Twilight said in relief before turning to her friends "Thank you so much for helping me clean up all these books, girls, It was a crazy week of studying" Twilight said

"I know right" Ladybug said in agreement before screaming was heard as she went to check out the window only for Rainbow to burst in and causing her and Ladybug to hit each others heads and causing them to fall to the ground in pain before Ladybug stood back up

"Do you know better than to hit people in the head?" Ladybug asked angrily

"Yeah, sorry about that" Rainbow apologized rubbing her head

Then Fluttershy flew onto the window sill as Ladybug helped Cat Noir in

"Rainbow Dash, you rock! Woo hoo" Fluttershy cheered happily before she saw Ladybug and Rainbow Dash with a bump on their heads before Ladybug and Rainbow Dash grabbed some refreshing water before drinking it as the bump went away "Did my cheering do that?" Fluttershy asked

"Ask the pony who knocked me in the head!" Ladybug suggested angrily

"Hehe, sorry about that again, Ladybug, That was a truly feeble performance" Rainbow apologized again

"A painful performance" Ladybug corrected

"Okay, that's true too" Rainbow said

"Actually, it wasn't all bad, I particularly liked it when you made the clouds spin" Fluttershy said

"And I liked it when you zig zagged between trees" Cat Noir said

"That was two of the three of them and that's none of my newest performance but I was not talking about my performance, I'm talking about yours, that feeble cheering!" Rainbow said angrily

"Though I may have to ask you if I speak for everyone else what are you training for?" Ladybug asked

"And what are you two arguing about?" Twilight asked

"Were we arguing? I'm sorry" Fluttershy apologized sadly

"It's alright, Fluttershy, when the time comes you'll cheer perfectly" Cat Noir complimented

"Thanks" Fluttershy thanked

"No worries" Cat Noir said

Then Rainbow Dash sighed in defeat

"I wish you guys could come to Cloudsdale to see me compete in the Best Young Flyer Competition" Rainbow said sadly

"What's that?" Twilight asked

"It's where all the greatest pegasus flyers get together and show their different flying styles!" Pinkie answered before readying herself to run "Some are fast!" Pinkie explained before running around the room in her speed while making car sounds before stopping "And some are graceful" Pinkie explained

Then Pinkie starts spinning around like a ballerina only to struggle to stand and then fall down

"How do you know that even if you've never been there?" Ladybug asked

"It's best if you don't know" Applejack suggested

"Why?" Ladybug asked

"Just trust me" Applejack said

"Okay then" Ladybug said

"But still, I'd love to see ye strut yer stuff in that competition" Applejack said

"Yeah, I wish you guys could be there, Fluttershy's a great support, but her cheering isn't exactly inspirational" Rainbow said sadly

"How many times did she see you compete?" Cat Noir asked

"First there was the race I had with two other ponies but eventually she dropped down the cloud when we flew super fast, then there's the Iron Pony Contest and the Running of the Leaves, and now she's gonna be supporting me at the Best Young Flyer's Competiton" Rainbow answered sadly

"Okay, well, um, I don't know what to do about her cheering but I'm sure that if you train her hard enough or if she sees you succeed then we'll be fine" Ladybug said

"Alright then" Rainbow said sadly

Just then Pinkie stood back up happily

"Ooh! I'd love to see you make a Sonic Rainboom! It's like, the coolest thing ever! Even though I've never actually seen it, but I mean, come on! It's a Sonic Rainboom! How not cool could it not be?!" Pinkie asked happily

"What's a Sonic Rainboom?" Twilight asked

"Yeah, to be honest, me and Cat Noir are confused too" Ladybug said in agreement

"I get it Ladybug but Twilight, you really need to get out more, the Sonic Rainboom is legendary! When a pegasus like Rainbow Dash gets going sooo fast... Boom! A sonic boom and a rainbow can happen all at once!" Pinkie explained

"And Rainbow Dash here's the only pony to ever pull it off!" Applejack said happily

"It was a long time ago... I was just a filly" Rainbow corrected

"Well, we're sure you can pull it off again" Cat Noir said "Even though I heard the name before when you said it and you still failed" Cat Noir said as Rainbow turned to look at the ground in sadness "But I'm sure you'll manage to get it right this time" Cat Noir said

"Thanks Cat Noir" Rainbow said

"Still, are you gonna do it again?" Pinkie asked

"Are... Are you kidding? I'm the greatest flyer to ever come out of Cloudsdale! I could do a Sonic Rainboom in my sleep" Rainbow answered proudly

"Wow, if you pull that off, you'll win the crown for sure!" Twilight said proudly

"The grand prize is an entire day with the Wonderbolts, a whole day of flying with my lifelong heroes... It'll be a dream come true" Rainbow said excitingly

"Yay" Fluttershy cheered quietly

Then Rainbow turned to Fluttershy angrily before turning to the others

"I'm gonna go rest up, don't wanna overprepare myself, you know" Rainbow said before chuckling and when she finished she turned to Fluttershy "You on the other hand better keep practicing, I need a cheering section to match my spectacular performance" Rainbow ordered angrily

Then Rainbow flew off proudly as Fluttershy watched her fly off before turning to the others worriedly

"She's practiced that move a hundred times, and she's never even come that close to doing it, I don't know if I can cheer lloud enough to help her" Fluttershy said

Then Cat Noir puts a hoof on Fluttershy's shoulder

"Don't sweat Fluttershy, I'm sure whenever the competition starts her wings will act up again and cause her to win even with the Sonic Rainboom" Cat Noir said

"Are you sure?" Fluttershy asked

Then Ladybug came to her

"Yes, we are, just go train a bit with the cheering and I'm sure you'll be a great friend" Ladybug said

"Thanks as long as I cheer perfectly it will be fine" Fluttershy said

Then Fluttershy with a heartwarming smile flew out of the room

"Well, guess we figure out how to get to Cloudsdale" Twilight said in disbelief

"Well, what if we use an magical spell you must be good at" Ladybug thought

"Go on, go on" Rarity suggested

"I was thinking of using the flight spell, it would get somebody flight for a few days we could use this for a while" Ladybug thought

"Flight spell? Have you spit yer bit or somethin'? They were tootin' their horn louder than the brass section of a marching band!" Applejack corrected

"Oh puh-lease, I have put on enough fashion shows to recognize stage fright when I see it, we've got to find a way to be there for her. now go on!" Rarity said

Then Rarity whacks Twilight's side with her back causing Twilight to fall into Ladybug's arms as she then stood back up

"Why am I the only one to get hit today?!" Ladybug asked in disbelief

"How am I supposed to find a flight spell easily in the bookshelves?" Twilight asked

"A flight spell? One sec" Pinkie suggested before grabbing a book from the bookshelf and throwing it towards Twilight and Ladybug as Twilight opened the book "Page twenty-seven" pinkie suggested

"I'm not gonna ask like you just did" Applejack said

"I learned my lesson okay!" Ladybug said in anger

"Here it is!" Twilight said before starting to explain "A spell that will allow Earth ponies to fly for three days" Twilight said before having a worried look on her face "Ooh, it looks really difficult... I'm not sure I can do it" Twilight said worriedly

"You've got to try!" Rarity suggested

"Okay... But who's gonna volunteer to be the test subject?" Twilight asked

After asking that the other five people looked at each other in worry and nervousness before Rarity perked up

"I will! For Rainbow Dash, I will go first" Rarity answered bravely

"Here goes" Twilight said

Then Twilight drops the book before making her magic grow bigger as some sort of foam circled around Rarity before dragging her up as Rarity could only look in worry before she got into a full cocon as then a burst of light appeared pushing Twilight against Ladybug as the cocon stopped and exploded

"Again!" Ladybug yelled angrily

Then the other four heroes turned around and noticed Rarity with pink wings with different colored spots making the other ponies gasp in awe

"She looks so cute" Cat Noir said

"I feel bad for Spike who couldn't see this" Ladybug said

Then the other three heroes giggled as Twilight could only smile happily

"I think it worked!" Twilight said happily

A while later Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash started flying towards the city of Cloudsdale

"You've got to learn to be assertive, Fluttershy, don't be afraid to speak up" Rainbow said

Then the two pegasi heroes arrived in Cloudsdale as they saw everybody preparing themselves before they landed by the three ponies one of them was a dark brown pony with beige mane and tail with a weightlifter as Cutie Mark, the second pony was an orange one with brown mane and tail and three basketballs as a Cutie Mark and a grey pony with black mane and tail who had an Cutie Mark of three american footballs with one of the three talking

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" The brown pony asked

"It's our old friend Rainbow Crash!" The orange pony bullied

"Get kicked outta any flight schools lately?" The brown pony asked bullying

Then the three bullies laughed as Rainbow got only more angry

"I didn't get kicked out" Rainbow answered angrily

"Face it, Rainbow Crash, flight school had too many rules, and not enough naptimes for you" The brown pony explained

Then the orange pony flew to the other side

"Ask her about the Sonic Rainboom" The orange pony suggested

"That's nothing but an old mare's tale, you don't have the skills to try something like that" The brown pony bullied

Just then Fluttershy got angry

"Now wait just a minute!" Fluttershy called out only for the four to turn to her as she got worried "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm trying to be more assertive, anyhow... She is going to do a Sonic Rainboom!" Fluttershy corrected angrily

"No, she's not, 'Cause there's no such thing!" The brown pony corrected angrily

"Then show up at the Cloudesium and see for yourself! ... If you're free" Fluttershy suggested angrily

Then the three ponies laughed in disbelief

"Yeah, I'll be free" The orange pony said while laughing

"Oh, don't worry, we'll be there" The brown pony said

Then the trio flew off but not before the orange pony turned to Rainbow

"See you then, Rainbow Crash!" The orange pony waved

Then the orange pony also left as Fluttershy flew towards Rainbow

"Did you see that? I was so assertive!" Fluttershy said happily

Then Rainbow sighed in defeat

"Those guys are right, I'll never be able to do it" Rainbow said in sadness

Then Fluttershy drops next to Rainbow

"But Rainbow Dash, just because you failed the Sonic Rainboom a hundred thousand times in practice doesn't mean you won't be able to do it in front of an entire stadium, full of impatient, super-critical sportsfan Pegasi" Fluttershy assured

Just then Rainbow screamed in fright before holding Fluttershy tight in worry

"What do I do?! Everybody's gonna see me fail! The wonderbolts will never let a loser like me join, Princess Celestia will probably banish me to the Everfree Forest! My life is ruined!" Rainbow said in worry and sadness

Then Rainbow sat on the ground in worry before Fluttershy saw something from behind Rainbow

"Rare..." Fluttershy said

"Rare?! The Sonic Rainboom is way more than rare!" Rainbow said in disbelief

"Rarity?" Fluttershy corrected and asked while pointing to behind Rainbow

Then Rainbow turned around and saw Rarity with butterfly wings

"Rarity! Are you... Flying?" Rainbow asked

"I most certainly am!" Rarity answered before saying a lot of things "Aren't they smashing?! Twilight made them for me, I just adore them!" Rarity said before seeing Fluttershy and Rainbow with their jaws dropped "Why so shocked? We couldn't leave our favorite flyer without a big cheering section!" Rarity explained

After hearing the words 'we' Rainbow got more confused

"'We'?" Rainbow asked before a balloon raised up as the rest of the Mane 8 sat in it "I... I can't believe it!" Rainbow said in disbelief

Then Ladybug used her yo-yo to wrap it around a cloud pole before moving the balloon closer slowly before the yo-yo let go as Ladybug catches it

"It's incredible!" Fluttershy said in shock

"This is so cool! You guys made it!" Rainbow said happily

"Sure did!" Pinkie said

Then Pinkie jumps off the cloud as Rainbow called out to her

"Wait!" Rainbow called out only for Pinkie to land on the cloud and not drop down as the other three jumped off too and didn't drop to their doom "How'd you do that? Only Pegasus ponies can walk on clouds" Rainbow asked in confusion

"Pretty cool, huh?" Pinkie asked happily

Then Cat Noir laid on the ground happily

"This is like snow but more fluffy" Cat Noir said happily

"You got it Cat Noir" Ladybug said

"I wish I could do that every day" Cat Noir said happily

Then Twilight starts explaining

"I found a spell that makes temporary wings, but it was too difficult to do more than once, so I found an easier spell that let's the rest of us walk on clouds" Twilight explained

Then Cat Noir stood back up

"Also during that magical spell I found myself as free as a bird which is a reference to flying" Cat Noir said

"And I thought Twilight was the smart one" Ladybug said

Then Twilight giggled a bit before the heroes turned back to Rainbow and Fluttershy

"And now we came to cheer you to victory!" Applejack said happily

"Unlike that one time where you challenged Rainbow of course" Ladybug corrected

"That was just one time!" Applejack said angrily

Then Cat Noir pulled the two apart

"Alright, that's enough arguing for today" Cat Noir suggested

"Sorry about that" Applejack said

Then the six ponies turned to look back at Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy

"To be honest, I was starting to get just the teeniest, tiniest bit nervous" Rainbow said worriedly

"A little? We heard you yelling when we approached the cloud" Ladybug said

"That is true" Applejack said

"Okay, I was really nervous but anyhow, I feel a lot better now that you guys are here" Rainbow said before she had an idea "Hey, we've got some time before the competition, why don't Fluttershy and I show you around Cloudsdale" Rainbow suggested

"Yes!" The rest of the heroes cheered

"Alright then let's go" Ladybug suggested

Then the 8 heroes walked towards the town as they then stopped at what seemed to be a cloud hill and at the far end was a whole city of clouds

"Here it is: the greatest city in the sky!" Rainbow explained

"Ooh/Aah!" The rest of the heroes except Fluttershy gasped in awe

"You could definitely live there for a while" Cat Noir said in awe

"Yeah, and there's no dirt here that makes the ground dirty, and it's even fluffy" Ladybug said in awe

Then Rainbow turned around only to see Rarity by a mirror looking at herself in awe

"Uhh" Rainbow thought in confusion before talking again "Some of the greatest Pegasi in history came from Cloudsdale!" Rainbow explained

"Including you and Fluttershy" Ladybug said

"Yes" Rainbow said in agreement

"Oh wait for me!" Rarity called out

Then our heroes continued to walk across the town where they approached three workers and when the workers saw Rarity their jaws dropped as one of them let's go of the jackhammer causing it to move off the cloud as Ladybug then used her yo-yo to put it back and turn it off

"Be careful next time, you wouldn't want to get other ponies hurt" Ladybug said

"Thanks" The worker said

"No worries" Ladybug said

Then the heroes continued to walk across the clouds as an worker called out to Rarity

"Those wings are goregeous" Another worker said

"why, thank you!" Rarity thanked

Then Rarity flew round and round as Twilight called out to her

"Be careful with those wings, Rarity, they're made from gossamer and morning dew, and they're incredibly delicate" Twilight explained worriedly

"Don't worry, Twilight. I'm sure they can't get worn out from too much attention" Rarity said

"But there's a chance you will drop out of the sky" Ladybug said worriedly

"Relax Ladybug, I'm sure it won't happen" Rarity assured

"Since we're up here, I'd sure like to get a look at where the weather in Equestria's made" Applejack suggested

"Yeah, I'd like to know that too" Ladybug said

"Agreed bugaboo" Cat Noir said

"Great idea! C'mon girls, to the weather factory!" Rainbow said

"Why do I have a feeling there's a creepypasta with Rainbow's, murders and Cloudsdale?" Ladybug asked whispering to Cat Noir

Then Cat Noir shrugged

A while later after a bit of walking our heroes found themselves at the weather factory

"This is a bit spooky" Cat Noir said

"Relax, I'm sure everything will be fine" Ladybug assured

"Hey, the Element of Courage isn't afraid of anything, not even ghosts" Cat Noir said

"Boo!" Pinkie called out from behind Cat Noir

"Gah!" Cat Noir yelled out before jumping in Ladybug's arms "Hey!" Cat Noir called out in anger

"I thought you weren't scared of anything" Pinkie said

"Alright, guys that's enough, Cat Noir, there's no ghosts" Twilight said

"What a relief" Cat Noir said in relief

Then the 8 ponies walked towards through the gate that opened up while the ponies wore work outfits as Ladybug Lucky Charmed two outfits before returning with the clothes as Cat Noir and she walked in too wearing them as they then saw a few workers make snowflakes

"This is where they make the snowflakes, each one is hoofmade, as you can see, it's a delicate operation" Rainbow explained

"Sweet!" Ladybug said in awe

Then Rarity flew up to inspect the two snowflakes which were hanging on a few strings

"Ooh, the snowflakes look even better from up here" Rarity said in awe

Just then Rarity flapped her wings really hard making the snowflakes fly all over the room as the workers scrambled all over to try and catch them

"We better move on before Rarity ruins winter and causes a drought" Rainbow suggested

Then Ladybug used her yo-yo to pull Rarity down

"You better apologize to them the next time we come here" Ladybug said

"Sorry about that darling" Rarity apologized

Just then a snowflake reached the ground and broke

Then the heroes continued their walk to the rainbow workshop where the workers were making rainbows

"And here's where they make the Rainbows!" Rainbow explained

"I have a question, Rainbow" Cat Noir said

"What is it, Cat Noir?" Rainbow asked

"Did you dye your hair from the rainbow factory?" Cat Noir asked

"What?! No way, it is one hundred percent natural and twenty percent cooler that way" Rainbow answered in shock

Then the others snickered a bit before they continued to walk before Pinkie took a dip of the rainbow on her hoof and licked it before multiple colors appeared as Pinkie made tons of voices before panting heavily

"Need some water?" Ladybug asked

"Yeah, thanks" Pinkie answered

Then Ladybug swiped her finger on the yo-yo as it opened before Ladybug picked out a water bottle and gave it to pinkie who continued to pant more in hotness

"Spicyyyyy!" Pinkie yelled out

"Here you go" Ladybug yelled out

Then Pinkie grabbed the water bottle in super speed and gulped the water away as Cat Noir patted her back and when she finished Pinkie turned to Cat Noir

"Better?" Cat Noir asked

"Yeah, I'm fine now" Pinkie answered

"Good" Cat Noir said

"Yeah, Rainbows aren't really known for their flavor" Rainbow apologized

Meanwhile Rarity was flying with the three ponies from before with the three pegasi on the ground

"Whoa! Oh, where'd you get those amazing wings? I want a pair!" The brown pony asked

"Yeah, I guess I could see that" Rarity said

Just then the brown pony saw Rainbow Dash with her friends

"Oh, hey look, it's Rainbow Crash again!" The brown pony said

"Heheheyeah! Rainbow... Um... Yeah... Crash!" The orange pony said

Just then the four approached the other heroes

"Rarity! What are you doing talking to these guys?" Rainbow asked angrily

"Oh, they were just admiring my wings, Rainbow Dash" Rarity answered

"Yeah, you should forget the Sonic Rainboom and just get yourself some wings like these!" The brown pony suggested meanly

Then the three ponies flew off laughing at Rainbow

"Ugh, those no good brats" Cat Noir said angrily

Then Rainbow looked down as Fluttershy and Ladybug saw that

"Hey, you okay, Rainbow?" I asked

"No, they were right, let's just continue" Rainbow said

"Yeah, c'mon guys, why don't we go see how clouds are made?" Fluttershy said before turning to Rainbow "Don't listen to them, you're gonna win that competition for sure!" Fluttershy said

"Are you kidding? I can't do the Sonic Rainboom, and just look at these boring, plain old feathered wings, I'm doomed!" Rainbow said sadly

Then Ladybug turned to Rarity angrily as Rarity shrugged before flying off with the others following behind

Then the heroes walked towards another spot where the workers were working on the clouds as one puts water in the mill of sorts before it shot out before making clouds and just when Rainbow wanted to talk Rarity was focused on her fans as Ladybug started to get more red by the minute

"Calm down bugaboo, it's no use" Cat Noir said

"I tried everything, glaring, warning and she still won't listen!" Ladybug said

"She's ChloƩ the second today" Pinkie said

"You know it" Ladybug said angrily

Then the ponies said things as Rarity explained

"What, these old things? Go ahead, everypony, photos are encouraged" Rarity said

Then the heroes glared before turning to Rainbow who was worried as Twilight went closer to Rarity

"Rarity, we're supposed to be helping Rainbow Dash relax, remember? Put your wings away and stop showing off!" Twilight suggested

"Oh, pfft, how can you ask me to put away perfection?" Rarity asked

Then Rarity flew up into the air before she was in front of the sun as she spread her wings wide which made everypony gasp in awe including Ladybug who put her anger away for a moment only for Rainbow to go down in worry which Twilight and Ladybug saw making Ladybug worried again

"Rainbow Dash, are you okay? You don't look so good" Twilight asked

"Of course! Why wouldn't I be okay? Everyone's so in love with Rarity's wings that they won't even notice when I totally blow it in the Best Young Flyer's Competition" Rainbow answered worriedly

"Well, at least Rarity won't join the Best Young Flyer's Competition" Ladybug said

"Hey! There's an idea! YOU should enter the competition!" A pony said

"Yeah! I could watch you fly all day long!" Another pony said

"There really isn't anypony who uses their wings quite like me, perhaps I should compete" Rarity agreed

"WHAT?!" Rainbow asked in shock

"Hey, Ladybug, I have an idea!" Cat Noir said

"What is it, Cat Noir?" Ladybug asked

"Stop jinxing Rainbow!" Cat Noir answered angrily

"I'm trying but today is getting worse every time!" Ladybug said angrily

Then Ladybug and Cat Noir charged for each other only for Applejack and Twilight to pull them back

"That's enough, Ladybug, I challenge you to be quiet for one day and Cat Noir, stop fighting!" Twilight said angrily

"Fine!" Ladybug said

"I'll try my hardest" Cat Noir said

Then Rarity flew off with the other workers following after her as the other Mane Eight members went to Rainbow

"What am I gonna DO?! I'll never win the competition now..." Rainbow said sadly

"That's your fault Ladybug!" Cat Noir said

Then Ladybug swipes open her yo-yo before grabbing a piece of paper and a pen before writing 'It's just the jinxies' fault' and showed it

"Wait, I have an idea on how to stop the jinxies!" Pinkie said

"Oh yeah?" Twilight asked

Then Ladybug wrote 'Elighten us' and shows it

"Bing bong, bing bong, bing bong, bing bong!" Pinkie chanted while dancing around

"That's gonna be the most weirdest jinx ever, if that happens in the future I'm gonna slap my face and then I'm gonna groan!" Twilight said

"We'll see, Twilight, we'll see" Pinkie said

A while later at the Cloudeseum everpony was taking a seat with the Mane 8 except Rainbow and Rarity together

"If you won't jinx anything, you may talk" Twilight said

"Alright then" Ladybug said

Meanwhile in the backstage everypony was talking to each other while Rainbow walked around in worry as a pony knocked on the door before Rarity opened it

"I'm going to be a while!" Rarity explained

Then Rarity showed her hoof to which a nail glitter before she blew dirt at the pony before she closes the door as Rainbow went to check outside the curtain where she saw her friends waiting with Pinkie wearing a foam finger which Pinkie giggled at while Ladybug panted (Presumably she tried to pull it out without breaking it) while the bullies laughed against each other as Rainbow could only look in worry before a pony started talking

"Fillies and gentlecolts! Please rise and join me in welcoming our beloved Princess Celestia!" A blue pony announced as then two royal guards came down with Celestia in the middle before the three landed on a cloud as Celestia waved to the cheering ponies "Please welcome our celebrity judges for the Best Young Flyer's Competition: The Wonderbolts!" The blue pony announced as then six ponies made a stunt before three of them landed on a cloud one was an orange pony with firey orange mane and tail, the second pony was a super light blue pony with dark blue mane and tail and the third pony was a cream pony with light blue mane and tail as everybody cheered "And now, let's find out who will take the prize as this year's best young flyer!" The blue pony announced

Meanwhile inside the backstage room a yellow pony walked into the room and explained

"Okay, contestant number one, you're up!" The yellow pony said

Then the pegasus pony with a number one paper walked off as Rainbow only looked at her paper in worry as she saw it was a two and when the act was finished the woman called out

"Okay, number two let's go" The yellow pony said

Then Rainbow looked around in worry before she changed Time's paper as fast as she could while Doctor hooves was eating

"C'mon, c'mon, we ain't got all day!" The yellow pony called out

Then Rainbow went in front of Time Turner

"She's talking to you!" Rainbow said

"Oh, umm" Time said in worry and shock before looking at his card only to see a two on it and runs off "Oh I guess that's me" Time said

Then Time flew off as Rainbow smiled in relief

A while later Rainbow changes the number five with another number

"Okay, number four, time to go" The yellow pony said

Then Rarity opened the door

"I'm number four, and I need just one more itsy-bitsy minute, be a dear and have somepony go ahead of me, hmm" Rarity suggested

"Look, I don't care who it is, but somepony's gotta go on!" The yellow pony ordered

Then a brown pony got excited

"Let's do this!" The brown pony said excitingly

"What am I gonna do?" Rainbow asked worriedly

Then Rainbow took notice of Derpy's card as she had an idea in mind

Meanwhile back outside at the seating area

"I loved number seven, doing fifteen barrel rolls in a row can't be easy" Twilight said in awe

"My favorite is number ten, she looked like such a nice pony" Fluttershy said

"This might sound weird but I liked number five, blowing giant bubbles can't be that hard, especially if it almost got over the stadium" Cat Noir said in shock

"Well, I liked number three, dancing in the sky while having clouds shine was one of the weirdest and funniest thing's I've ever seen" Ladybug said

"Shocking that there's no designer there" Applejack said

"Yeah, but there's still a chance other ponies might win" Ladybug said

"Speaking of other ponies, wonder how come we haven't seen Rainbow Dash or Rarity yet? The competition's almost over" Applejack asked

"Knowing Rarity, she'd probably dress up in something more frou frou but for Rainbow, maybe she's still worried" Ladybug answered worriedly

Speaking of Rainbow Dash, back in the backstage Rainbow was curled up and shook worriedly as the yellow pony tried to shake him up

"Number fifteen, let's go!" The yellow pony ordered

"Rarity... Is ready!" Rarity announced

Then the door opened and Rarity came out a bit too frou frou

"Look, ladies, I don't know what to tell you, there's only time for one more performance, if you both want to compete, you'll just have to go out there together!" The yellow pony ordered

"Well, Rainbow Dash? Shall we?" Rarity asked

Then Rainbow Dash started making sounds worriedly before Rarity helped her up as the two flew towards the crowd

Meanwhile the blue pony started talking again

"And now, for our final competitor of the day, contestant number fifteen!" The blue pony announced before being a bit confused "And apparently contestant number four" The blue pony announced

Then the crowd cheered again as Rainbow and Rarity flew towards the middle of the cloudeseum as Rarity turned to Rainbow

"Good luck, Rainbow Dash, just do your best, I hope you don't mind, but I took the liberty of changing our music, that 'rock and roll' doesn't really match my wings" Rarity said

Then Rarity and Rainbow splitted up as Rarity started dancing mid air on classical music as Rainbow talked to herself

"C'mon, Rainbow Dash, you can do this, just remember the routine" Rainbow said before she went towards the clouds "Phase one" Rainbow said

Then Rainbow Dash started to zig zag between clouds as her friends cheered only to go too fast and hit a cloud as she flew all the way towards the railing where unluckily the three bullies were

"Nice work, Rainbow Crash!" The orange pony commented

Then the three ponies started laughing as her friends could only look in anger and worry as Rainbow angrily went to the clouds while Rarity continued her dance

"Time for phase two" Rainbow said

Then Rainbow started flying towards each cloud and spinning them

"Look! Phase two is working" Fluttershy said in happiness

Then Rainbow's friends started cheering only for a piece of cloud to hit Rainbow in the face sending the cloud towards the stage and Rainbow to fly backwards and when she stopped she saw the cloud nearing Celestia and her guards to which they ducked down causing the cloud to hit the wall and disintigrate as Rarity finished dancing

"And now for my grand finale, I will fly right up to the sun and beam my beautiful wings over the whole city of Cloudsdale!" Rarity said before squealing in happiness "They'll be talking about it for years!" Rarity said in happiness

"Looks like this is my last chance to turn things around" Rainbow said worriedly before saying "Phase three, the Sonic" Rainbow started before taking a sigh of luck wishing "Rainboom" Rainbow finished

Then she flew up with Rarity slowly following behind as everypony could only look in worry and excitement before Rarity arrived in front of the sun

"Look upon me, Equestria, for I... Am... Rarity!" Rarity announced spreading her wings out as the sun shone through making everypony look in awe only for her wings to incinerate and burst into pieces and when Rarity turned around she saw that her wings were gone "Uh-oh" Rarity called out

Then Rarity started falling down really fast as she screamed in fright as Ladybug pulled out her yo-yo and threw it at Rarity who was underneath the Cloudeseum but she was to heavy as Ladybug moved forward as she struggled to hold herself up

"Cat Noir! Help!" Ladybug called out

Then Cat Noir tried to pull her back only for the three of them to fall down as Cat Noir could only cling on Ladybug for life as the three of them screamed in fright

"Oh no! Her wings evaporated into thin air!" Twilight called out in shock

"And Ladybug and Cat Noir failed to keep them save!" Applejack said

"So only the Lucky Charms are heavy enough!" Pinkie said worriedly

"Ladybug! Use Lucky Charm!" Pinkie called out

But Ladybug was already far down as the three judges flew after them only for Rarity to kick them unconscious as the six of them then started falling to their doom

"Ladybug! I wanted to say that I loved you from the very beginning!" Cat Noir called out

"Well, can't you lengthen your stick to save us?" Ladybug asked

"Good idea!" Cat Noir yelled out

Then Cat Noir let one arm go as he lengthens it but it couldn't hit the ground

"Can't it get more bigger?!" Ladybug asked

"I'm sorry but this is the maximum height!" Cat Noir answered worriedly

Then Rainbow Dash looked back and saw her friends and idols fall to her doom making her stop

"Hold on, guys! I'm coming!" Rainbow called out

Then Rainbow flew back down as fast as she could as the others could only look in worry as Fluttershy was more scared even closing her eyes in worry

"Oh! I can't look!" Fluttershy called out

Then Rainbow flew faster as the sound barried then returned which made the other heroes gasp in shock except for Rarity, Ladybug and Cat Noir who could only look in worry as the remaining heroes cheered before Rainbow shed tears but tried to hold them in and not get distracted only for the sound barrier to get closer before it exploded into Rainbow as Rainbow zipped towards her friends and her idols in super speed as the other ponies looked in shock while Fluttershy cheered

"A Sonic Rainboom! She did it! She did it! Woo!" Fluttershy cheered excitingly

Then Rainbow flew faster and faster and just when her idols and friends were about to hit the ground she caught them and flew the other way around before flying into the air and making a rainbow across the cloudeseum while gasping in awe and when she flew back up Cat Noir and Ladybug jumped onto the clouds as 5 other ponies caught Rainbow's idols and friends

"Pound it!" Ladybug, Cat Noir and Rainbow cheered

After that the crowd cheered as Rainbow, Cat Noir and Ladybug looked around them and saw everypony cheering as confetti fell down

"A Sonic Rainboom! Wooo! Yeah!" Fluttershy cheered

"I guess you have some fans now" Ladybug cheered

"Thanks for saving us though" Cat Noir thanked

"I did it, I did it!" Rainbow said happily

Then Rarity sighed in relief

"You sure did, Oh thank you, Rainbow Dash, you saved our lives!" Rarity thanked

"Oh yeah, I did that too" Rainbow said before cheering happily "Best day ever!" Rainbow cheered happily

A while later Ladybug returned with the balloon in which her friends came with and landed it on a pole as the ponies who grabbed Rarity put her on it

"I want to apologize to all of you for getting so carried away with my... Beautiful wings, I guess, I just lost my head" Rarity apologized

"Apology accepted, but you should be more careful next time, who knows what could've happened if Rainbow hadn't saved you or we weren't there to try and save you" Ladybug said angrily

"Yeah, I gotta admit with her once that that was a bit reckless" Cat Noir said

"Agreed" Ladybug said

"You're safe now" Fluttershy said

"Don't you worry about it, kiddo" Applejack suggested

"We still love you" Pinkie said

"And I'm so sorry that I was so thoughtless as to jump into the contest at the last minute after you had worked so hard to win it" Rarity apologized turning her head to Rainbow "Can you ever ever forgive me?" Rarity asked

"Aw, it's okay, everything turned out all right, right?" Rainbow asked before turning to the ground in sadness "I just wish I could've met the Wonderbolts when they were awake" Rainbow said sadly

Then Ladybug turned around and saw the Wonderbolts approaching

"I got a feeling you still have the chance" Ladybug said

Then the heroes turned around and saw the Wonderbolts to which Rainbow gasped in shock

"Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!" Rainbow said in shock and rapidly

"So, you're the pony who saved our lives?" The orange pony asked as Ladybug nodded happily "We really wanted to meet you and say thanks" The orange pony thanked

"Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!" Rainbow said happily

Then Princess Celestia along with her royal guards went behind the Wonderbolts as Twilight called out to her

"Princess" Twilight said in shock

Then our heroes and Wonderbolts except Rarity bowed down to her quickly as Celestia then calmly went towards them

"Hello, Twilight Sparkle, and hello to your friends too" Princess Celestia greeted

Then Rarity started talking sadlly

"Princess Celestia, I am sorry I ruined the competition, Rainbow Dash here really is the best flyer in Equestria" Rarity apologized sadly

Then Rainbow Dash embarrassingly rubbed her leg

"I know she is, my dear, that's why for her incredible act of bravery and her spectacular Sonic Rainboom, I'm presenting the grand prize for Best Young Flyer to this year's winner, Miss Rainbow Dash!" Celestia announced

"I thought I was the most brave" Cat Noir thought

"Actually, today, Rainbow was the only one brave as you always clinged onto me each time!" Ladybug said angrily

"Okay, maybe I don't know myself that well" Cat Noir said embarrassingly

Then the heroes, Wonderbolts, Celestia and the guards started laughing before Celestia puts a crown on Rainbow and after that Cat Noir puts Rainbow on his shoulder before being dragged away by him, Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Fluttershy who started cheering for her

"Ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh!" Rainbow could only say in shock and happiness

When they were walking around the stadium Celestia turned to Ladybug, Twilight and Rarity

"So, Twilight Sparkle and Ladybug, did you two learn anything about friendship from this experience?" Celestia asked

"We did Princess, but I think Rarity learned even more than me" Twilight answered

"I certainly did" Rarity answered before explaining "I learned how important it is to keep your hooves on the ground, and be there for your friends" Rarity explained

"Excellent, well done, Rarity" Celestia complimented

After the others' round Cat Noir puts Rainbow back to the ground as Rainbow was really happy

"This really is the best day ever!" Rainbow said happily

Just then the bullies called out to Rainbow

"Uh, hey, Rainbow Crash" The brown pony greeted

"Dash" The orange pony corrected

"Oh! Uhh... Sorry Rainbow Dash, uhh, we just wanted to congratulate you on winning the competition" The brown pony complimented

"That Sonic Rainboom was awesome!" The orange pony said happily

"Did that just turn into a Dhar Mann video?" Ladybug asked

"If it is, the Episode would've been called boys bully girl for Sonic Rainboom and regret it, but now it's just called Sonic Rainboom" Cat Noir explained

"Correct, Cat Noir!" Pinkie corrected

"Still, thanks, guys" Rainbow thanked

"Uhh, we're reallly sorry we gave you such a hard time before" The brown pony apologized

"Aww, that's okay, don't worry about it" Rainbow assured

"Hey, do you want to hang out with us? Maybe you could show us how you did that incredible trick!" The brown pony asked

Then the Wonderbolts flew up into the air with Rainbow approaching them before the three hung on each other

"Sorry boys... But I've got plans!" Rainbow answered