• Published 8th Sep 2022
  • 187 Views, 1 Comments

Rainbow Factory: Dangerous Experiment - DangerDean

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Spheris was not really well know for anything it manufactures, but it is know was for it’s Rainbow Factory which was built less than a year ago. Even though it doesn’t look suspicious in it’s exterior, the interior leaves a fate that should never be sealed for anyone. Many of it’s test subjects had turned normal human beings into pawns of one skilled scientist, Rainbow Dash for her own gain.

Rainbow wore a black lab coat that reached to her thighs teamed with a belt. She also wore black pants which it’s legs were rolled up to her knees to accommodate her boots. Her irises were crimson red because ever since she joined the factory, she was exposed to a type of energy that no other city had access to.

Spectra energy.

This type of energy fuels anyone who comes into contact with it and it causes a visage of horror and feelings of anger, anguish, dread and hatred on anyone or anything that seemed appropriate to them. She walked across the corridor to where lab primary lab is.

Lab RD0001. The worst lab for anyone. But in Rainbow the ideal testing ground to fuel the 6 tubes of the Spectra Device. She knew that her latest test subject was waiting for her, shackled by the arms, legs and by the chest in a snow angel position. For it to be a surprise to her, the subject’s head it’s covered by a gas mask that blocks vision.

One of the many scientists in her group came to her.

“Rainbow, test subject 1883384 is ready to be examined.”He said.

“Good. Time for me to make the most of my tools of torture waiting to be injected into him.”

She headed inside her lab and found that the examination had her subject she noticed crimson-coloured wrists and when she took off the mask…

The subject was none other… than Danger Dean.

“Hello, test subject… I’ve been waiting for this moment of so long and you will feel the power of the Spectra energy.” Rainbow said.

“Dashie, there’s been a gigantic administrative cock-up. Some of your staff have somehow mistaken me for someone else.” Danger said, trying to not think he was in danger at all.

Rainbow paused.

“No, you were chosen for this experiment, because… the Sonos Mechanicus needs your blood to fuel my ultimate machine back in Aros City… the Spectra Mechanica.” She said, in a slightly darker tone.

Danger tried to decipher what Rainbow said, but to no avail.

“None of what you said in these last ten seconds made any sense to me whatsoever.” Danger said. “Also… you planning to use my own blood the power a machine that’s basically a car I would create back in Danger City.”

“Danger, you don’t see the point.” Rainbow said, going increasingly evil by the second. “The machine needs it and in order to achieve this feat… I’m gonna have to draw a line on you and extract as much blood from you as possible.”

Danger then thought of something.

“Dash, couple of things.” Danger began. “Firstly, you’re not really the best scientist for this project and consequently, cutting me in two would mean a big mess you to clean and it could spell fatality in my eyes. Secondly, I wouldn’t trust you to open up a can of sardines that was already open. Thirdly, I can’t see anything that will cut any part of my body open… and lastly, I’ve never been partial to physical torture.”

Danger tried to break the arm restraints but was unsuccessful.

“I be back to get what I need out of storage in the bottom floor since you spotted nothing to take the blood out you.” Rainbow announced as she was leaving the room. “I hope you don’t leave the facility because I will warn you… if a soul enters the Rainbow Factory, the soul never escapes the Factory.”

Ten seconds after Rainbow left, in a sudden surge of strength, Danger managed to break of both the arms and leg restraint. He was free from the shackles and he found an air vent he could get up and escape. He then grabbed his phone to call for help and put his watch on his wrist to map out his escape. He then used all of his strength to climb from the vent and proceeded horizontally. To make it looked like nothing happened, Danger put the vent cover back in it’s original place.

He didn’t have to worry about making a noise because the factory made a cacophony of horror sounds in the other rooms that smothered the noise his own movements.

I may have won the first battle of this shit-fest. Danger thought to himself. If I can find way to the top of the building, I may be able to ask Sonic for aerial recovery.

Rainbow re-entered her lab to find that Danger had disappeared.

“What happened?” Rainbow said to herself as she looked around the lab, she then looked upwards to find nothing.

“I think that sneaky Danger must have walked out of the lab, better be making a search around the building.”

Meanwhile in Danger City.

While Danger was executing his escapade, Sonic Flash, one of Danger best pals was chilling in the penthouse suite of the Legion of Speedfreaks Headquarters organizing some files on his tablet. He was just finishing off one of the folders and by the time he did this, his phone rang and it was Danger.

“Sonic here.” Sonic answered.

“Sonic, it’s your pal, Danger and I think I ran into a bit of a problem.”Danger said.

“How big of a problem are we talking, Danger?” Sonic asked.

“Does the words ‘stuck in the Rainbow Factory’ scream at you by any chance?” Danger stated. “Does your response ring in the form of A, ‘Danger, you utter muppet’ or B, ‘Danger, you utter muppet? I suddenly realised that I said same question but it was so good it was worth mentioning twice!”

“Why is it when something stupid happens it always involves you, Danger?” Sonic asked again more sternly

“Believe me, Sonic. I’ve been asking myself the same question for the last 12 years.” Danger replied, referring to another madwoman he had a history with.

“Where are you, Danger?”

“The Rainbow Factory in Spheris.”

“That sounds like you in a bigger pile of shit than I thought. How am I gonna get you out of there?” Sonic wondered.

“If we go on road, we’re fucked because they’ll spot me from on the windows. If we go by air, they’ll probably think it’s dropping of more that machine parts of this Sonos Mechanicus or whatever the fuck it’s called.” Danger said.

“Air it is then, I looked on the aerial of the Rainbow Factory and there is a helipad on the roof I think I can land a helicopter there and transport you to safety.” Sonic announced.

“OK Sonic, does the Legion of Speedfreaks Headquarters have a helipad?” Danger asked.

“Sure does.” Sonic replied.

Danger breathed a sigh of relief.

“When I’m back, we gonna have to do some research on the Sonos Mechanicus and the Spectra Mechanica. Stupid names.” Danger announced.

“OK, call me when you see the helipad!”

“Will do, bye,”