• Published 8th Sep 2022
  • 1,030 Views, 30 Comments

Black as Sin - BearstarSeraph

Vegeta gives pony obsessed Bulla the dragon balls, what could possibly go wrong?

  • ...

Chapter 5: Unbridled Anger

Chapter 5: Unbridled Anger

Bulma had worn a hole in the carpet waiting on the phone call. Finally, she screamed, “Vegeta you’re dead!” She stormed off, “Trunks! Go find your father!”

Trunks and Goten were in his bedroom playing video games on their bean bag chairs when the door slammed open, startling them.

“Mom! What are you doing?” Trunks shouted.

Bulma stormed in and grabbed the controller and turned the game off.

“Hey!” they both shouted.

“Trunks. Go find your father and sister. It’s been three days!” Bulma ordered.

“All right, Mom. Sheesh,” Trunks stood. He closed his eyes. Then Trunks opened them surprised, “Goten can you find them? I can’t sense either of them.”

Goten closed his eyes. He soon opened them as well, “I can’t find them either.” He hopped over the beanbags. “I’ll go ask Dad,” he said, running past Bulma.

Bulma watched Goten run past her, then turned back into the room. Her anger turned to worry.

Goten dialed home.

“Hello?” he heard on the other side.

“Hi Mom. Can I talk to Dad?”

“Sorry, the Kais just called him away. Why what’s wrong?”

“Bulma wants Trunks and me to find Vegeta but we can’t sense where he is.”

“That’s odd,” Chi Chi said, “Can’t you cover most of the planet?”

“I know. That’s what’s so weird.”

“Well the Kais just called your father away on another adventure,” she said, “Why don’t you try Piccolo?”

“Ok. Bye Mom,” Goten said, hanging up. He sighed.

Suddenly the phone rang again.


“That you Goten?”

“Krillin! Hey there. How are you doing?”

“We’re good. Hey do you know if anyone’s gone after the dragonballs?”

“Yeah, actually Vegeta took Bulla on her first dragonball hunt on Christmas Eve. Why?”

“Well yesterday the sky went dark south of us then we saw beams of light shoot by.”

“So Vegeta has already called the dragon?”

“If that was him, yes,” Krillin said.

“Alright, I’ll go tell Bulma and we’ll be over there soon,” Goten hung up. “Hey Bulma! Trunks!” he shouted running back towards the bedrooms.

“Did you find Bulla?” Bulma asked meeting him halfway. Trunks was right behind her.

“Oh, no, but Krillin just called saying he saw the dragon summoned yesterday on an island nearby.”

“You boys get ready. We’re heading to Roshi’s,” Bulma ordered.


Back in the afterlife, Goku had just arrived at the Supreme Kai’s world. He found Kibito Kai and Old Kai, but also Grand Kai and the four directional kings.

“Wow. Looks like the whole gang’s here,” he said surprised, “What’s up?”

“We have a crisis here, Goku,” Kibito Kai said, “A new solar system has appeared out of nowhere. With beings of great magical power. Even greater than Majin Buu.”

Goku smiled ear to ear, “Stronger than Majin Buu?”

King Kai started to giggle.

“I don’t see how this can be funny,” West Kai shouted, “These magical horse-things are tossing entire star systems like they are playing marbles! It is total chaos!”

“Yes,” Old Kai said, “We have been very lucky there have been no inhabited planets destroyed so far. But our luck cannot last forever. The way these beings are slingshotting their own star around is accelerating their system’s momentum. They will be in range of inhabited worlds within three weeks.”

“So you want to send me to this planet and ask them to stop moving stars?” Goku asked.

“Yes,” Kibito Kai said, “But these are an unknown people. As short of time as we already are, observation is our best option. We must find out who they are, the extent of their power and the motivation for their actions.”

King Kai started to giggle again.

“Will you tell us what you find so funny?” Grand Kai ordered, “This is not the time for your juvenile behavior.”

“I’m sorry,” King Kai snickered, “But they look so funny. Almost like an Earth Saturday-morning cartoon.”

“What is a cartoon?” Old Kai asked.

“A cartoon is just a children’s story told with drawing,” Goku said, “Can I see what they look like?”

“Of course,” Kibito Kai said, “Over here.”

Goku was led over to a large water scryer. He leaned over to view the image. Then he fell over laughing.

“Oh! Oh! I can’t breathe,” he said trying not to cry, “That looks just like My Little Pony…”

King Kai could not hold it in any longer and busted out laughing as well. “I know!”

“What is this ‘My Little Pony’?” South Kai asked.

“It’s just a kids show Bulla’s in love with,” Goku tried to say, “It’s all she talks about…”

“Well, I seriously doubt a children’s story has anything to do with what we are up against,” Old Kai said. He looked down at Goku, “Goku. Go tell your friends and prepare. We will give you information as it comes.”

“Ok…” he said through his laughter. Goku put his fingers to his forehead to teleport. Suddenly he stops laughing. Goku sat up.

“What’s wrong Goku?” Kibito Kai asked.

“I can’t feel Vegeta,” he stood. Goku concentrated harder. “I can feel everyone else on Earth, but not Vegeta.”

“Is Vegeta not on Earth?” Kibito Kai asked.

“He shouldn’t be,” Goku said, “It’s New Year’s. Besides, where would he go?”

King Kai, Kabito Kai and Old Kai all felt for him.

“I don’t feel his presence at all,” Kabito Kai said, turning to Old Kai, “Do you?”

“No, I do not,” he said.

“I just spoke with King Yemma,” King Kai said, “He hasn’t passed through the check-in station.”

“King Kai!” Goku said shocked.

“We all were thinking it,” he said in defense.

“I’m going to ask Bulma what’s up,” Goku said, putting his fingers back on his forehead.

He vanished.


Goku materialized back on Earth, just in time to become a bug on Bulma’s windshield.

“Goku!” Bulma threw the capsule plane’s engines into reverse, then hover. He slid squeakily down the windshield until he caught himself under the plane.

She quickly undid her seat belt and opened the passenger side door, “Are you all right?!”

“Yeah… I’m fine…” he shook his head to clear it, “Just working on my mosquito impression.”

“Well get in here,” she ordered, “Trunks and Goten have flown ahead.”

Goku buckled himself in and Bulma engaged the throttle. “The Kais want us to prep for another battle?” she groaned.

Goku chuckled, “Yeah. And you’re never going to believe against who.”

She sighed, “Fine I’ll bite. Against who?”

“This place is exactly like those pony toys Bulla plays with,” Goku said in disbelief, “It’s like a little girl’s fantasy wish come true.”

Bulma furrows her eyebrows. “Really?”

Goku did not notice her knuckles turning white. “Yeah. That’s crazy isn’t it?”

“So why are the Kais worried about them?”

“They are using some powerful magic to fling stars in every which direction…”

“Princess Luna— check,” she thought. “Anything else?” she asked.

“They are using the same power to move their sun around causing their own system to move really fast through space.”

Bulma bit her lip, “Princess Celestia— check. Vegeta’s grave stone, also check.”

“So why are we all heading towards Master Roshi’s? Is there a party I wasn’t told about?” Goku asked.

“Vegeta is missing after going Dragonball hunting,” she said, “Krilin saw the dragon yesterday on an island nearby.”

“Really,” Goku said, “That’s funny. That’s when this toy horse planet appeared out of thin air.”

“Let’s get to Master Roshi’s,” Bulma said, throwing the plane into full throttle.


Trunks and Goten were flying up ahead.

“So… How dead do you think your dad is?”

“I think he’s going to be staying at a hotel for a while,” Trunks said.

“Do you hear something?” Goten asked suddenly.

“That sounds like…”

Trunks and Goten looked behind them just in time to avoid getting hit. They hovered next to each other.

“Wow,” Goten started, “Bulma looks pissed.”

Trunks looked at Goten, “But wasn’t that Goku in the passenger seat?”

Goten felt ahead. “Hey Dad, wait up!” he yelled, taking off.

Trunks was right on his heels.


Krillin, 18, Marion and Master Roshi heard the plane’s engines and stepped outside. The plane landed and the doors opened.

“Goku?” Krillin said surprised, “Why didn’t you just instant transmission?”

Trunks and Goten climbed out next behind Goku as Bulma confronted Krillin.

“Where did you see Vegeta?!” she demanded.

Master Roshi and Krillin both stepped backwards at the fury.

“Hey! Save it for your husband. Not mine,” 18 scowled.

Bulma got so close to 18 their noses almost touched, “Vegeta disappeared with Bulla Christmas Eve to go dragonball hunting and I haven’t heard from him in three days!”

“Wait? Bulla is with Vegeta?” Goku asked.

Bulma turned and glared at him.

Goku swallowed.

Bulma turned back to Krillin, “Which island?”

“It was on the horizon,” he pointed, “Probably one of the deserted islands an hour south.”

Bulma crossed her arms and leaned down to be eye level, “Well?”

“18…” he started.

“Marion, can you go back inside with Roshi?” she talked over him, “Your father and I will be helping find Vegeta and Bulla.”

“Ok,” Marion nodded. She walked inside. Roshi quickly followed after being glared at by both women.

“Are we taking the plane?” Krillin asked.

“That would make it a three-hour trip just to get there,” 18 said, taking to the air, “We fly.” She disappeared to the south.

Goku, Trunks and Goten looked at Bulma, then at each other.

“Rock Paper Scissors?” Goku said.


Goku was carrying Bulma as they searched island to island by air.

“Hey guys!” Trunks yelled, waving, “There’s a camp on this one!”

The group landed. Bulma spotted the pony blankets under the shelter and ran over. Krillin and 18 headed to the overturned capsule box. Trunks and Goten headed over to the beach supplies before running towards the water. Goku headed to the burnt-out fire. He knelt at the fly-ridden food.

“Vegeta would never abandon meat like this,” he thought, “Something’s happened.”

“Hey guys!” Goku stood and waved over. Krillin and 18 turned around. Bulma ran over holding several of Bulla’s toys. Trunks and Goten came down after hovering above the coral reef.

Everyone quickly put their hands over their noses and looked away seeing what Goku found.

“Oh! Dad, gross!” Goten said.

“Yeah! Seriously?” Trunks echoed.

“And what’s the point of making us see that!” 18 shouted.

“Since when would Vegeta abandon meat? There’s at least two full animals here,” he explained, “Something very wrong happened here.”

Bulma started running down the beach, “Bulla! Bulla, it’s Mommy! Please answer me!”

Trunks and Goten flew back out over the water.

“We’re not going to find anything here,” Goku said, “There’s no one in the area and King Kai already checked with King Yemma.”

“Why are the Kais looking for Vegeta?” Krillin asks, surprised.

“They need our help again,” Goku explained, “But right now we need to find him.”

“Let’s just ask Baba,” 18 said, “Better than making sand castles.”

“Good idea,” Goku said, putting his fingers to his forehead. He vanished.

Krillin flew over to Trunks and Goten. 18 sighed knowing she had been abandoned to deal with Bulma.

“Bulla! Bulla!” Bulma was screaming as she was running down the beach. 18 flashed in front of her. She grabbed Bulma’s left arm.

“What are you doing?! Let me go!” she struggled, “Bulla! Bulla!”

“Shut up! She’s not here,” 18 said.

“Bulla!” Bulma continued to scream.

“Goku just went to get Baba!” 18 shouted over her.

Bulma calmed down— slightly.

“We’ll find out where they are in a second,” 18 said, releasing her arm.


Goku arrived at Fortune Teller Baba’s home— and discovered a gigantic line.

“Hey no cutting in line, bub,” a man said grabbing his arm, “I’ve been here since yesterday.”

“Yesterday?” Goku said in disbelief. He looked back and forth between the extremely long “free” line, and the much shorter pay line. He sighed, “Bulma’s going to love this.” Goku hopped over to the shorter pay line.

When Ghost Usher came out, Goku waved him down, “Hey! Usher. It’s Goku!”

“Oh, hello Goku,” he flew over, “What are you doing in the pay line?”

Goku put his hands together and begged, “Please, the Kais need Vegeta and no one can find him and King Yemma said he hasn’t been through the check-in station.”

“Wow,” Usher said, “I’ll inform Lady Baba on our next client.” He flew back to the beginning and escorted the next set through.

About fifteen minutes later the previous “free” group was tossed half-dead out a side door and the wealthy family was escorted out the main exit by Baba herself, floating on her crystal ball. She nodded respectfully to her wealthy patrons before flying up to Goku.

“So the Kais are looking for Vegeta? I take it something is happening,” she asked.

Goku nodded, “Take my hand. We’ll transmit.”

“Normally the Kais contact me themselves,” she said skeptically, “Why have they sent you?”

“I haven’t told them that…”

“Go tell them,” she ordered, “Then have them contact me. By then I should be done with my paying clients.”

“But Baba…”

“No buts,” she said sternly. Then she turned and talked sweetly to her next client then invited them in.

Goku sighed, then vanished, startling the crowd.

Goku appeared at the Supreme Kai’s world next to King Kai.

“Goku,” King Kai said surprised, “What are you doing here?”

“Fortuneteller Baba won’t leave her clients to help find Vegeta and Bulla unless one of you tells her it’s an emergency,” Goku explained, “Please. Before Bulma has my head.”

King Kai twitched his antennas, “Baba, can you hear me?”

“Yes, I can hear you perfectly King Kai,” Baba said, interrupting her incantation on her crystal ball.

“Goku said you gave him a hard time?”

“Give me a few minutes and I’ll be right there,” she said.

King Kai nodded, “See you soon.” He turned to Goku, “She’ll be ready shortly.”

Another fifteen minutes passed before Baba arrived in heaven.

“All right, I’m…” before Baba could finish, Goku grabbed her and teleported.

They arrived on the beach.

“What took so long!” Bulma screamed running up, still clinging to Bulla’s toys.

“Baba wouldn’t leave her clients,” Goku begged.

She glared at Baba, “My husband and daughter are missing and you’re busy looking for remote controls?!”

Baba turned to Goku, “Goku you didn’t tell me Bulla was missing as well?”

Bulma returned her fiery gaze back at Goku.

“I thought telling her the part where the Kais can’t find Vegeta would get her here quicker,” he begged.

“So, what’s happening with Vegeta and Bulla?” Baba asked, saving Goku from Death by Bulma Glare.

“Vegeta took Bulla dragonball hunting,” Bulma said. “They summoned here but never came home.”

“All their stuff is still here,” Trunks said, “Bulla would never leave her toys.”

“And there’s unfinished meat here,” Goku said, “Vegeta would never abandon food without a good reason.”

“All right then,” Baba hopped off the crystal ball. She began her incantation. Everyone crowded around as the image appeared.

It began with Vegeta summoning the dragon. Then Bulla hid behind him.

“…You will stand before him alone,” he tells her and walks off.

They saw her trembling before the dragon, and Vegeta standing just out of earshot watching intently. Bulla grabbed her skirt and started wringing it. “Is it true you can grant any wish Mr. Dragon?”

“I cannot grant any wish. Only what is within my power,” the Dragon said.

“If… If I was… to ask that My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic… was real… co… could you do that?”

“Yes, that is within my power.”

“If… I was to… to ask to be turned into a pony and … and taken to the Everfree Forest j…st outside Ponyville… could you do that too?”

“Yes, I can do that as well…”

“Oh she isn’t?!” Trunks and Bulma both shout at the same time.

“I wish My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic was real and you make me a pony and take me to the Everfree Forest,” she says.

“Your wishes have been granted.”

Vegeta saw his daughter vanish and ran over. He glanced about. “Where did she go?! What did she wish for?!” he shouted up at the dragon.

“She wished to be teleported to the edge of the Everfree Forest I materialized for her.”

“And you sent her alone!” he shouted.

Trunks glanced at his mother, “Does Dad even know what the Everfree is?”

“I doubt it,” she said.

“Wait…” he looked back up, “If you’re still here that means you still have one wish to grant?”


“I wish for the same thing she did!” Vegeta shouted.

“He just didn’t?!” Goku and Goten shouted.

Trunks put his hand over his mouth muffling several curse words.

Bulma was simply wide-eyed.

“Your wish has been granted.”

He vanished.

“Wait, I'm following them,” Baba said, waving her hands.

A new image formed.

In a deep forest, a small foal was running for its life from a pack of timber wolves. It was bright pink with magenta eyes. It had adorable pink curls and a pink flower in its mane and a red bow tied in its tail. It was wearing a frilly pink tutu and ballerina slippers on all four hooves.

“Run Bulla!” Trunks shouted.

Bulma brought her hands to her mouth.

“Bulla!” the pink foal shouted in the sweetest, most adorable voice imaginable, “When we get home I’m burning all your toys!”

Everyone’s jaws dropped.

“Did she just say…?” Goten asked.

“What the fuck are creatures like this doing in Earth Children’s Programming! I’m talking with your Mother!”

Goku collapsed on the sand laughing. “Oh…my…good…ness,” he hyperventilated, “Vegeta!”

Trunks shook his head, “Oh Father… Even you don’t deserve this…”

Goten noticed Bulma was not reacting. He poked her several times. “Hey Trunks, I think your Mom’s broken,” he said, continuing to poke her.


While Bulma’s brain was blue screened, Vegeta was still running for his life.

“Help!” he shouted, “Somebody! This is a fucking road! Roads mean people!” As the timber wolves attempted to circle him, Vegeta saw a light through the trees. “Please don’t be another fucking cliff! Please don’t be another fucking cliff!”

At the same time, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were visiting Fluttershy.

“There you go, Gummy. Does that make it feel better?” Fluttershy asked as the alligator chewed on a bunch of leaves.

“So, Gummy ACTUALLY had a toothache?” Rainbow Dash said dumbfounded.

“Not exactly,” Fluttershy said standing up, “Something hot got stuck in a pocket where his teeth should be and burned his gums.”

Suddenly Pinkie started to twitch. “Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy,” she said as her whole body started to shake.

“Oh no. What now?” Rainbow Dash asked with a pillow over her head. Fluttershy was under the coffee table.

“Something big, mean and scary is coming this way from the Everfree Forest!” Pinkie shouted.

She and Rainbow Dash went to the window.

“What do you see?” Fluttershy asked, still under the table.

Vegeta exited into the open, “Not a cliff! Not a cliff! Fence! Fence means people! Help!” He turned off the road, “Help!”


“Is someone calling for help?” Fluttershy asked, crawling from under the table.

“There’s a foal being chased by timberwolves!” Rainbow Dash said, running out the door. Pinkie soon followed. Fluttershy watched from the door.

Vegeta thought he saw a person behind the bushes. He got closer to the fence. “Help!” he continued to scream. He got closer to the fence.

No way I can jump that like this,” he thought, “Gotta go underneath.”

Vegeta dove underneath, but his tutu got caught on the fence. Vegeta looked behind him as the wolves closed in. He pulled with all his might and the tutu yanked free, but the sudden momentum flipped him head over hoof through the bushes. He collided with something fuzzy. Vegeta looked up and saw the “help” he saw from the road.

“Bear! Bear!” he shouted, stumbling backwards. Then he heard the growls of the wolves. They tried to circle. The bear roared on its hind legs before it came down on all fours. Vegeta was stuck underneath as the battle began.

“Stay away from Mr. Bear!” Fluttershy shouted at the top of her lungs.

The timber wolves paused and looked towards Fluttershy. Then Rainbow Dash descended with a thunderous boom. Between her and Mr. Bear, those that were not turned to kindling scampered back to the Everfree.

“Yeah! You better run!” Rainbow Dash flexed.

“Are you alright Mr. Bear?” Fluttershy asked. It nods.

Pinkie Pie, on the other hand, was poking Vegeta with a fifteen-foot pole with a cooking pot as a helmet and its lid as a shield.

“Pinkie! What are you doing?” Rainbow Dash went to stop her.

Fluttershy walked up and nuzzled him, “Oh dear. I think the poor thing has fainted.” She pulled the pink foal on her back, “We better get her inside.”

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash quickly got Vegeta inside. Pinkie followed hesitantly, still prepared for battle.


Vegeta blinked awake.

He seemed to be on a soft bed. He raised his head with what little strength his current prison allowed him to muster.

“Oh, thank goodness,” he heard a soft, kind voice, “You’re awake.”

Vegeta turned towards the voice and saw a yellow pony with pink hair.

“You had us all scared there, little one,” the yellow pony said.

“Yeah,” came a boyish voice, “What’s a prissy little pony like you doing in a place like the Everfree?”

Vegeta looked towards the voice and saw a blue pony with rainbow hair.

“These two look familiar…” he thought, “But then Bulla has way too many toys to care…”

He lowered his head, having expended what little energy he had.

“Poor thing,” the yellow one said, “You’re exhausted.” She turned around, “Let me get you some hay and water.” She walked out of Vegeta’s line of sight.

The blue pony turned in the opposite direction. “Pinkie…” it said in a disapproving manner, “Will you come out of there. Does this filly look like an Ursa Major to you?”

Vegeta laid his head sideways to see, unable to lift it again. He discovered a child’s cushion fort with blue eyes glaring at him between a cooking pot and its lid.

“Here we go,” the yellow one said, placing a tray next to him.

Vegeta turned his head and saw a pile of hay and a cup of water. He stared at it. Then he realized he was being watched. The yellow and blue ponies were watching expectantly.

He sighed.

“Well…” he thought, “I haven’t eaten in two days… And this current body is an herbivore… Best to be practical.” Vegeta took a bite of the hay. He shivered, “Nope… being an herbivore has not altered its taste… I hate vegetables…”

Vegeta struggled to chew and swallow. The concern over his current state had even drawn the blue eyes, now attached to a pink body, out of its fort.

“Oh my,” the yellow one said, “You’re so exhausted you can’t even eat right. Would you like to sleep more?”

“No…” Vegeta said weakly, “I haven’t eaten in two days. My body will need this.”

Everyone gasped.

“Two days?!” the pink one half shouted, “I can’t even go twenty minutes without a cupcake! And no one deserves to go more than an hour without a cupcake!”

Vegeta went to speak but got a cupcake shoved in his mouth.

“I must really be out of it to not have noticed the cupcake…” he thought.

He spit it out to the pink one’s horror, but she returned to ease when he started nibbling on it.

“Simple sugars for quick energy, carbohydrates for strength,” he rationalized, “But this icing is nice. Panchy will want the recipe.”

The pink one took off its pot-helmet, “Well. Somepony who likes my cupcakes can’t be all bad.”

Vegeta struggled to clear his mouth with his tongue. “What do you mean by that?”

“Pinkie, don’t start that again,” the blue one rolled its eyes.

“Hey! My ‘Pinkie Sense’ never lies!” she shouted back.

As the two argued, Vegeta looked to the yellow one. “What are they talking about?”

The yellow one moved in close, “Well… umm… You see… Pinkie Pie has the ability to predict things that are about to happen sometimes hours beforehand. She predicted something big, mean and scary was going to come out of the forest, then that pack of timber wolves came out chasing you.”

Vegeta turned stunned to the squabbling ponies.

“That thing can predict the future?” he thought. Then he lowered his head and scrunched his shoulders, “Oh crap. What else does she know about me?”

Suddenly the pink one vanished.

“Well for one thing, I don’t know your name silly,” its voice came from behind him.

Vegeta rolled on his side to look behind him, and discovered he was on a window bench. And that pink one was now somehow outside at the window. Then it disappeared again.

“So, what’s your name?” the pink one materialized inside right in front of him.

“Geez. She’s worse than Kakarot,” he thought.

The pink one tilted its head confused, “Why am I worse than a carrot?”

Vegeta instinctively pinned his ears back and wrapped his tail around him. “Crap. She can read minds.”

“Read a what?” she said, cocking her head fully horizontal.

“Pinkie stop being so random,” the blue one scolded, “You’re scaring her.”

“Her?” Vegeta thought. Then he noticed something wrong. He twitched his rear end, then rolled over to look at his belly.

To the three’s confusion, the little filly then gave the most adorable sigh of frustration, then lay lethargic on the cushion.

“Umm…” the yellow one said, “Why don’t we go first… I’m Fluttershy.” She pointed with her hoof, “And this is Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie.”

Vegeta raised his head. “Wait,” he thought, “I know these names.”

“Well, I see you’ve already heard of my awesomeness,” Rainbow Dash bragged.

“I wouldn’t go that far,” Vegeta said with an un-amused look on his face.

“Excuse me?!” Rainbow Dash said offended. She tried to get in his face but Fluttershy jumped in the way.

“Rainbow must be the violent type,” he mentally decided, “I will be talking with your mother, Bulla.”

“My name is Vegeta,” he said out loud.

“So what were you doing in the forest for two days?” Rainbow Dash mocked, “Musta been scary for a little cutie without a cutie mark.”

Vegeta glared at her, “Note to self: Punch this one in the face once I’m back to normal.”

“Oh! Oh! I know!” Pinkie shouted hoof raised, “You’re royalty from another planet whose daughter used forbidden magic to turn herself into a pony and teleported her here and you chased after her with the same spell not knowing you’d get turned into a pony too, right?”

“How do you fucking know that?!” Vegeta pointed, “Where’s my daughter?!”

“I don’t know. I was just guessing,” Pinkie Pie bounced.

“That didn’t sound like a guess!”

“Oh dear,” Fluttershy said, “Don’t worry, your Ladyship. We’ll help you find your daughter.”

“I’m a Prince!” Vegeta shouted, “And one of the most feared warriors in the universe!”

“No, you’re not,” Pinkie sang, “Right now you’re a little cute filly even pinker than I am!”

“You’re…” Rainbow Dash started to snicker, “a boy?” Suddenly she was on her back, rolling around on the floor laughing.

Vegeta glared at her in his normal menacing fashion, but it only came out as more adorableness. As Rainbow Dash hyperventilated, Vegeta hopped down from the window seat, walked over to her, and promptly bit her ear.

“Owe!” Rainbow Dash shouted and tried to shake Vegeta off. His horse teeth slipped off faster than Vegeta would have liked.

“Hey!” Pinkie Pie yelled, “That wasn’t very nice Mr. McMeanie!”

“You’re lucky I’m stuck in this body or I would have done a lot worse!”

Rainbow Dash lowered her front end and stalked closer to Vegeta, “Well then it’s good for me that spell turned you into such a small fry so it’ll be easier to kick your tail, your royal tininess.”

Vegeta buffed out his chest, “This wasn’t my original horse shape! I woke up like this this morning!”

Rainbow Dash could not stand the cuteness and rolled on her back laughing again.

“I’m sorry,” Fluttershy said, “But what did you mean by that?”

“After searching for my daughter and getting lost in the woods in the process, I slept in there. Then I woke up like this.”

“Did… you by any chance get into some short, blue-leafed plants?” Fluttershy asked.

“I slept in a patch. Why?”

“Oh, bucking Celestia! You’re an idiot!” Rainbow Dash rolled.

“What do you mean by that?!” Vegeta growled, or at least tried to.

Pinkie Pie bounced around the room, “You silly. That was Poison Joke!”

“Poison… …Wait, are you saying those plants did this to me?!” he shouted.

“Right-r-reno!” Pinkie bounced.

“How do you reverse it?!” Vegeta demanded, or at least tied to.

“You take a special herbal bath,” Fluttershy said earnestly, “We should get you to Zecora’s right away.”

Vegeta thought for a few moments. “As tempting as that thought is, now that running for my life in a cartoon forest can be scratched off my bucket list, finding my daughter should be the first priority.”

“That and the fact you got hurt yesterday but you getting turned into a filly means you can’t feel the horrible pain, right?” Pinkie said.

“Oh dear,” Fluttershy gasped, “Why don’t I take you to the hospital while Pinkie and Rainbow Dash go form a search party.”

“Young…” Vegeta looked underneath her before standing straight, “Mare...”

Fluttershy turned almost as pink as Pinkie Pie realizing what he just did.

“I am not only a Saiyan warrior, I am the crown prince. Ruler of the most powerful warrior race in the galaxy. I have fought in thousands of battles, been injured millions of times, and have even been resurrected from the dead using magic on two separate occasions in wars decades apart. My current injuries…”

“Eep! You’re a zombie!” Fluttershy hid behind a chair.

“Awesome!” Rainbow Dash shouted.

“Look butterfly butt,” Vegeta shouted annoyed, “Last I checked, zombies cannot have children. And I’ve fathered both my offspring after I died the first time! Now stop being a coward and help me find my daughter!”

Fluttershy did not move from her hiding spot.

“It’s ok Fluttershy,” Pinkie Pie said walking over to her, “He’s not a zombie. When my ‘Pinkie sense’ went off my left back hoof didn’t itch. That means he’s not a zombie. He's as alive as you and me.”

“Awe…” Rainbow Dash moped.

Vegeta saw this statement calmed the yellow one and she slowly made her way back into the open. He cleared his throat, “The point, young lady, is that my current injuries are nothing I haven’t dealt with before and…”

“No you haven’t,” Pinkie said, “You’ve never been a pony before so you’ve never been in…”

“I’m perfectly fine! Let’s just find Bulla!” Vegeta shouted at the top of his lungs.

After accidently exhaling what little energy his anger gave him, Vegeta lay down.

Everyone remembered how weak he actually was. Vegeta, recognizing the pity despite the pony faces, adjusted his position to mask his health.

Rainbow Dash was impressed. “Ok tough guy, any idea where to find her?”

“If I didn’t know enough about this world to not end up pink… What makes you think I’d know where to look for her?”

Pinkie Pie started to bounce again, “Sure you do silly! She wouldn’t be in Ponyville if she didn’t love Ponyville. And little kids never stop talking about the things they love! Even if it all went in one ear and out the other, it had to have left a bump or two rattling around your head!”

“Aaaaa,” Vegeta growled annoyed. Then he laid his head on the floor and put his hooves on the sides of his head. “Stupid… Stupid… Stupid…” he mumbled.

“Rarity!” he jumped up, or attempted to. His legs instantly failed him and he was back lying on the floor. “White horse, purple hair, lives in a carousel.”

“See! Told you, silly!”

Vegeta looked around, then looked up and discovered Pinkie Pie upside-down on the ceiling.

Vegeta fell on his back startled. “How are you standing on the ceiling?!” he pointed.

Pinkie just looked at her feet, then back at Vegeta, “I don’t know. I’m just am, silly.” Pinkie then bounced on the ceiling over to the door then exited into the sky.

Vegeta collapsed and covered his eyes with his front hooves, “Oh. You’re the stereotypical crazy person in this poor excuse for children’s educational programming…”

“Say what?” Rainbow Dash said.

“Yep! I am!” Pinkie Pie said mysteriously popping into existence behind Vegeta. She pushed him out the door.


Meanwhile, Bulla had awakened.

“Oh yes! I have toys of you! I have lots of toys of you!” Bulla said, bouncing in a circle around Rarity.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders had also stepped off the bed and Opalescence purred, reclaiming her spot.

“You my biggest favorite favorite favorite favorite ever!”

Rarity honestly had no idea what to do with the prancing filly circling her. “Well… that’s very flattering… So why am I your favorite?”

Bulla stopped in front of her, “Because you make pretty clothes and jewelry! I have all your accessories!”

“And these are for your dolls… not full-size clothing?”

Suddenly Bulla’s eyes started to sparkle, and Rarity instantly regretted her words.

Bulla jumped into the air, “Full size clothing?!” She began to spin in a circle, “Real, authentic, not fake, not pretend, actual Rarity-made Carousel Boutique clothing?!” She started to jump, but was still rotating in a circle. “I want it~! I want it~! I want it~! My toys will be so jealous!”

Suddenly she stopped, gasping at a thought. “Can you make clothes for Mommy too?! Mommy always loves clothes and jewels! She goes out shopping every day!”

“Really?” Rarity put her hoof over her heart, “Well that’s… very sweet of you to think of your mother like that.”

“Yeah! Mommy has the biggest closet in the whole world!” Bulla continued her ecstatic ramble. “It’s got four stories tall and and lots of moving staircases, and Daddy says it’s so big the servants need to start cleaning all over again before they even get finished with one pass through.”

“Really?” Bulla now had Rarity’s full attention.

“Yea! Daddy gets grumpy when Mommy comes back from shopping,” she began, “He says all Mommy does is walk into a store, buy everything in there, and is out in less than five minutes.”


Bulla fed off Rarity’s growing excitement, “Yea! Daddy says Mommy has so many pretty clothes and jewelry she could live a thousand years and could never wear all her stuff even once! And she probably owns lots of the same thing because even someone as smart as Mommy could never remember everything she owns.”

“Umm… did your sister’s eyes just flash bit signs?” Scootaloo whispered to Sweetie Belle.

Rarity bowed, “Well of course, Darling! I would LOVE to make your family clothing!”

“Yippee!” Bulla bounced again. “Yeah! Daddy calls it a Materie-a-lipstick addition!” she said, obviously proud of knowing such a big word.

Suddenly, Bulla heard chuckling at the door. “Actually, I think it's pronounced ‘Materialistic Addiction’.”

Bulla turned around. “Princess Twilight Sparkle!” She galloped over to the doorway where Twilight was standing with a satchel stuffed with books. “And Spike!” she gasped seeing him behind her legs.

“Well, hi there…” Spike started.

Then the door chime rang down in the store.

“Bulla! You better be in here child! Before my temper gets more wild!”

Twilight turned around. “Zecora? That you?”

Bulla cringed.


Bulla tried hiding behind Rarity, but she stepped aside. “You ran away from Zecora? Shame on you,” she scolded.

Zecora was fuming. “What a selfish, ungrateful, spoiled brat! What an unfeeling heart you must have to put us through all of that!”

Bulla was curled up crying, shivering with fear.

“Your tears will not save you this time! Oh! Rage like this I have never felt! I have half a mind to give you a welt!”

“What’s a welt?” Bulla whimpered.

“A good ol’ fashion spankin’,” Applejack said. She turn to the other children, “Ya’ll three an’t in trouble. Did a good thing watchin’ over her but ya’ll should skedaddle and let the adults take care of this.”

“Don’t have to tell us twice!” Scootaloo shouted. The three scrambled out the door and down the steps.

“What’s… what’s spankin?” Bulla whimpered after they were gone.

“Don’t tell me your parents ain’t ever told ya ‘No’ in your entire life?” Applejack asked.

“Daddy tells me no sometimes, but then Mommy or Grammy and Grampy yell at him and I get to do what I want anyway…”

“Well, young lady,” Rarity scolded, “If you want me to make you a dress, you will have to be more considerate of others.”

“Yes… Ma’am…”

“So Zecora,” Twilight turned to her, “Since you’ve spent the most time with her, why don’t you go first.”

“Gladly,” Zecora said standing tall, “It would be good for you to perk up your ears. Because this child is not as she appears. The spell she used to come here also changed her shape, of this there is no mistake. She called herself a per-Son…”

Twilight’s eyes widened.

“… and drew a stick figure in the dirt. A thing that stood on its hind legs like a bear. And her front paws she called ‘fingers’…”

“You’re a human?!” Twilight blurted out. She ran up to her and lowered her head to look the scared filly in the face. “You’re really a human? How did you find out about us? How did you get here if not through the mirror?”

“You know of these creatures, Twilight?” Zecora asked.

“Yes!” she shouted in her scholarly panic. “The human world is what’s on the other side of that mirror when I chased Sunset Shimmer.” She turned back to Bulla. “Did you really use magic to get here? I didn’t think there was magic in the human world. Was what you used an ancient relic from Equestria? How…” she began to talk so fast she almost talked like Pinkie Pie.

“Hold your horses there, Partner,” Applejack said, “She can’t answer ya if you keep talkin’.”

“Oh…” she chuckled nervously, “Sorry about that.”

“If you have been to her world,” Zecora asked confused, “Then why did you not tell Princess Celestia about this ‘Tee Vee’ of theirs?” she stomped her hoof, “She uses it to spy on us!”

Twilight sat, “But that doesn’t make sense… TVs are just moving picture machines. They can’t be used to spy on people or ponies.”

Applejack walked over and confronted Bulla. “I think ya better start from the beginning, youngin’. And no lyin’. I can smell a lie a mile away.”

Forty minutes later…

“Your father tricked you into eating meat?!” Rarity fainted.

Applejack had a blank look on her face, “…I… didn’t sense a single lie in that…'' She turned to Twilight. “Twilight,” she said forcefully, pointing at Bulla, “Cast a truth spell on her or somethin’. There’s no way in tarnation that can be true.”

Twilight was just mumbling, “But I’ve been to the human world… That doesn’t make sense…”

“Sure it does, Silly!” Pinkie miraculously appeared behind Twilight and gave her a hug. “The writer just wrote a story about you visiting them and that’s what you remember!”

Pinkie then flashed in front of Bulla. “So you’re Bulla! It is sooooo nice to meet you! I’ve heard so much about you! I’ve been thinking about how to have two “Welcome to Ponyville” parties and a “Thank You for Making Us Alive” party at the same time, but I couldn’t! So we’re going to have three parties!”

Bulla just looked up at her frightened and still crying. Pinkie shoved a cupcake in her mouth. Then she lay next to her and put her hoof around her, “Everything will be just fine.”

“Pinkie Pie! How dare you comfort her after all of this!” Zecora fumed in disbelief, “How much of her story did you miss?!”

“Oh, I only heard the ending of what she said,” she said, “I heard the rest of it from her father!”

Bulla freezed.


Everyone heard the most adorable voice and turned to the door. Fluttershy was there with Rainbow Dash behind her. Fluttershy knelt down, and a pink filly in a tutu jumped off her back. It stormed over to Bulla. Bulla tried to bury herself under Pinkie Pie, but she nuzzled her. “It’s alright. I’m right here.”

Everyone glanced back and forth between her and the new filly trying to figure out why she was so scared of her.

“Are you hurt Bulla?” it asked sternly.

“No…” she mumbled.

“Good,” the pink filly said before taking a large breath.


“Daddy, I’m sorry…” Bulla whimpered.

“WHAT?!” the four shouted.

Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash just nodded.

Rarity fainted again.

“Not as sorry as you’re going to be!” Vegeta said slightly softer, “Do you have any idea what I’ve been through trying to find you?! I’ve been turned into a horse! Lost my powers! Gotten chased by monsters from what nightmares are made of several times! Fell off a cliff! And got turned into a ballerina by a sentient plant!”

“Miss Zecora,” Fluttershy began, “His Majesty, Prince Vegeta got into some poison joke. He will need a bath and a doctor, he’s actually hurt underneath…”

“No!” Bulla shouted, surprising everyone. She stood and glared down Vegeta, now half her height. “You are not a prince! I won’t have you lie to my friends!”

“Lies… Oh dear…” Fluttershy mumbled what everyone else was thinking.

“And what makes you think I’m not a prince?” Vegeta shouted up at his daughter, “You must have heard this before since you’re not surprised.”

“I heard it from Trunks!” Bulla shouted, “And I don’t believe it! Princes are supposed to be tall, handsome, nice, friendly, and you’re the exact opposite!”

“And if the real world was like your cartoons, WE WOULDN’T BE HAVING THIS CONVERSATION, NOW…” suddenly Vegeta stopped.

He looked around. “There’s someone else here… Show yourself!”

“Well. Well. Aren’t we perceptive?”

Bulla smiled, “Discord!”

“Hmmm… I doubt anyone here told you my name,” he came out of the ceiling.

“Discord! If this is one of you’ve dag gone pranks, it ain’t funny!” Applejack shouted.

“Me? I’m just as dumbfounded as you are,” he said innocently, “But there is one thing that cannot be denied.” He floated in front of Vegeta’s face, “You’re the one I felt! That great surge of chaos that exploded from the forest. This poison prank can’t hide you from me. I can see it in your eyes.”

Vegeta lowered his head and braced for a fight, “Bulla what is this thing?”

“It’s just Discord, Daddy! Don’t hurt him!” Bulla yelled.

“Ah. The violence. The hatred. What greater chaos to add to this world of peace and tranquility than to add a god of war to the pantheon.”

Vegeta’s ears twitched.

“Hmmm,” Discord said almost disappointed, “Seems you haven’t mastered the art of lying yet in your new body.” He shrugged his shoulders. “Speaking of pantheon,” he turned to Twilight, “Princess Twilight, no need to send a letter. I’ll go tell Princess Celestia and Luna we found him. Just get the doctors ready. The joke can only numb the pain for so long.” He vanished.

Vegeta’s legs began to give out. He lay down.

It became apparent to everyone but Bulla that Vegeta was controlling his breathing to mask the dizziness. His head wobbled.

“I’ll go get the herbs,” Zecora said, running past Rainbow Dash on the stairway.

Fluttershy came and lowered her wing, “Come on Prince Vegeta.”

Vegeta climbed up.

“Ok, let’s keep him talking,” Pinkie Pie said standing. “Oh! I know,” she bounced next to Fluttershy, “Tell us about your first day on Earth! You said you’re not…” her voice disappeared with her down the stairs.

Bulla just stood there scared and confused. She felt a hoof over her. She looked up and saw Rarity.

“Come,” she said.


“Water. Water. Water. Water,” Twilight said, dumping several buckets at once over and over again with her magic into the same tub they used. Applejack was ponying the pump. Pinkie Pie was bouncing around Fluttershy while provoking Vegeta into an argument.

“I’m back!” Rainbow Dash said, landing at the spa door. Behind her was a pony drawn wagon with a red cross painted on it.

“Oh don’t tell me that’s what qualifies as an ambulance around here!” Vegeta said pointing.

“Hmp, well aren’t you rude,” Dr. Stable said walking over, “So from what I’ve been told, you’re actually not a pony but was turned into one by a spell and your current form is not from the spell itself but from a run in with poison joke?”

“That about sums it up,” Vegeta glared at him.

Nurse Redheart and Nurse Snowheart came to back him up.

“We were also told you believe you have a dislocated wing, anything else?” he asked.

“I fell down a fucking cliff!” Vegeta shouted, “What do you think I did?!”

While Vegeta endeared himself to the hospital staff, Bulla sniffled next to Rarity.

“Is Daddy really hurt?” she asked suddenly, looking up at Rarity.

“He seems to be. Why do you ask?” Rarity looked down.

“But Daddy is just as strong as Gohan… and he never gets hurt. He always runs into things to save people who are hurt really bad and he’s always fine.”

“Everypony is capable of being hurt, Bulla,” Rarity said, “Did you honestly think your daddy was invincible?”

Bulla lay on the ground and sulked, pawing at the dirt.


“We told you, Sister!”

Everyone ran outside and saw Princess Celestia and Princess Luna with their hair frazzled yelling at Discord.

“Princesses!” everyone shouted and quickly bowed. Fluttershy did so out of instinct, and Vegeta quickly tumbled off her onto the ground.

“Oh! Prince Vegeta, I’m so sorry!” she said at a normal volume catching everyone’s attention.

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna looked over. They saw the injured pink filly on the ground and a white unicorn filly with blue hair huddling next to Rarity.

“That looks like the image from the dream you entered, doesn't it?” Celestia whispered, fixing her mane with magic.

“Yes, that must be Bulla,” Luna said, doing the same.

Celestia turned to Discord, “That pink filly, is the girl’s father?”

“Yes, Celestia.”

“Sister, go to the girl. I will be with the father,” she ordered.

They nodded to each other, then split off.

“Ok, I see how it is…” Discord said, crossing his arms.

Luna walked over to Rarity. Bulla promptly hid under her legs.

“Bulla,” Rarity scolded her. “Princess,” she bowed.

Luna nodded, then lowered her head. “You are Bulla?” she said softly.

Bulla nodded slowly.

She smiled, “It is all right, little one. No need to be afraid.”

“You’re not mad?” she shivered, “Everyone else is.”

“If you are worried about what Discord said to us, there is no such need. Once the joke is washed from your father thou shalt travel by carriage to the castle. You in my carriage, and your father with Celestia.”

“But you didn’t come by carriage?” Bulla asked.

“When we heard thy father was injured, we came by magic. But the carriages are coming. No need to fear.”

While Luna comforted Bulla, Celestia walked over to Fluttershy and Vegeta. A golden glow picked Vegeta up to his surprise and placed him back on Fluttershy’s back.

“Do you know who I am?” she asked, looking down at him wearily.

Vegeta saw the doctor and his nurses back away and could feel Fluttershy tremble beneath him.

“You are the ruler of this land,” he said.

“Correct,” she said, “And you are royalty as well, I have heard.”

“I am by birth,” Vegeta said, “But the kingdom I was to inherit was destroyed when I was a boy. The power I now wield is by my own hand.”

“And what have you gained?” She eyed him.

“I am a Z-Fighter, an elite warrior unit that spans both race and kingdom,” Vegeta lowered his head, “Your fear is not unexpected. But I will not allow retaliation against my daughter.”

“Your daughter is an innocent heart,” Celestia leaned her head into Fluttershy’s wings. “You however, are anything but,” she said softly, “Discord has seen your heart, and your daughter’s nightmares speak volumes of you.”

Vegeta looked up surprised and his ears pinned back.

Celestia raised her head. “My carriage is on the way. Once you are treated, you shall be my honored guest at the palace.”

“A gilded cage then?” he hissed sarcastically.

“For now,” Celestia said before walking over to the medical staff.

Fluttershy’s accelerated trembling was anything but reassuring as Vegeta sulked on her back.

“The bath is ready!” Lotus Blossom shouted from stirring the water.

Everyone returned to the tub. Fluttershy climbed the stairs and knelt. Vegeta hopped down from her back.

“You expect me to jump into water this deep? I’ll drown!” he shouted

“No you won’t! I came prepared!” Pinkie Pie tackled him.


“Will you stop squirming!” Pinkie Pie backed away, “There you go!”

Vegeta was now dressed in a mask with snorkel, a rubber ducky inflatable ring, floaties on his front legs, and flippers on all four hooves.

Everyone snickered trying not to laugh. Discord was not so subtle.

Vegeta glared at this… thing… floating in midair on his back laughing with one paw on his head, the claw pointing at him. He ground the mouthpiece of the snorkel in his teeth.

Vegeta then promptly hopped in the water.

He did not surface, only bubbles. Then the bubbles stopped.

“Vegeta?!” Pinkie shouted. “Come on, Mr. Ducky!”

Suddenly the water darkened. Then it roared to a boil. Uncontrolled ribbons of black magic rose from the water and formed a tornado that began to rip up the spa.

“Everyone out!” Twilight shouted and everyone ran.

As the last exited, flames erupted in the dark tornado.

“Sister! The nightmare!” Luna shouted.

Then the storm dissipated and they witnessed a blank unicorn rear up, whinnying a piercing scream as about half the water leapt from the tub. As the water descended, it revealed a large back wing opening wide.

“An Alicorn?!” the adults shouted.

“Good Celestia! He was telling the truth?!” Dr. Stable said in disbelief.

“Luna? Is he?” Celestia asked

“Yes, that’s the Alicorn from yesterday.”

Back in the spa, Vegeta clung to the side of the tub gasping and coughing loudly.

“Pinkie! That snorkel sucked! You trying to kill me?!” he shouted after several deep hees and haws.

Then Vegeta noticed the room overturned and several small fires. He spotted the ponies at the door and windows, visibly shaken to say the least.

“Eh oh…” Vegeta thought. Vegeta took his hooves off the side and stood in the tub. “That wasn’t on purpose,” he said.


Vegeta stood in the tub while everyone put out the smoldering wreckage.

“Prince Vegeta!” Dr. Stable said, “Get out of the water and come help! The only thing wrong with you is that lame wing.”

“After everything I’ve been through, I’m making sure everything is in the proper location!” he said defensively.

“Oh! My poor spa!” Aloe shouted. She climbed the steps, “You’re going to pay for this mister… Ah!!!!” She gasped, putting her hooves over her mouth and fell backwards. “Why are you sitting there? Get out of the water!”

Nurse Redheart ran up onto the platform. “Why didn’t you just say you didn’t have the strength?! Nurse Snowheart! Get the blood kit! We need to find his blood type!”

It was Dr. Stable’s turn to climb the steps. Then his brown magic descended into the tub.

“I’ll walk out under my own power, THANK YOU!” Vegeta shouted.

Vegeta felt the eyes of the world on him as he slowly climbed the stairs out of the tub. Other than his severe weakness, no one could see what the desperation was. Vegeta slipped and slid in the water as he slowly walked across the platform. Then he tumbled down the stairs and landed with a sickening smack obviously breaking what was his good wing.

Everyone saw the red water smeared over the steps. His dark fur had hidden his bleeding.

“Daddy!” Bulla ran from Rarity’s side and stopped in front of him.

Vegeta lifted his head and looked at his bawling daughter. He snorted as he breathed, sprinkling her pristine white coat with droplets of blood. Then he twisted his facial muscles into what he hoped was a smile.

“Remember this emotion, Bulla… It will serve you well in your long life…”

His eyes dilated and his head fell to the floor.

“Daddy! Daddy! … Daddy!” was the last thing he remembered.