• Published 20th Sep 2022
  • 141 Views, 13 Comments

The Marefriend - Creativa-Artly01

The Colts all finally see or hear about Jungkook’s new Marefriend.

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The Storm

A few days later, Jungkook and Banana Milk are on the cover of every magazine across Equestria, and as a result, Jungkook is called into a meeting by RM and Jin. He gulps as he enters the office.

“When were you going to tell us, kid?!” Inquires RM furiously. “I should’ve found out from you, not from the media!”

“Says the pair that didn’t tell me about a murder for three whole years,” the Maknae snarks back with a gulp. “Me not telling you about my marefriend is nowhere near that bad.”

“Fair,” responds RM, “but you should have told us nonetheless!” He snaps at the Maknae. “We’re your Hyungs too, Kook!”

“But can you blame me?” Jungkook snaps back. “If I had told you, you probably would’ve told me to break it off with her. And I truly truly love her, Hyungs! Like love her, love her. True love, love her!”

“And we respect that,” snaps back RM, “but you two could be more private and not so public.”

Jungkook lets out a huff and a sigh. “Okay, we’ll try, I promise.” Kook says finally giving in. He then storms out the room with a huff slamming the door behind him.

“Were we too hard on the kid?” Says RM as he turns to face Jin. “Hyung, were we too harsh on him?”

“No, not at all,” responds Jin. “He’s stubborn, bullheaded. We needed to be firm. We were firm. That’s all.” Jin then flies out the room leaving RM alone.

As he’s flying, he sees Jungkook enter his room and Jin lands before him. “What do you want now?” Sighs the dejected Maknae. “I know you and RM don’t approve of me and my marefriend.”

“It’s not that we disapprove,” sighs Jin, “it’s just we’re idols, Kook. You just need to be more careful.” He sits down next to the Maknae on his bed. “Please try to understand. No pony here wants you to dump her. We just want you to be careful is all.” He teasingly shoots a soft beam of magic at Jungkook, barely missing the colt. “To make the others think I’m actually mad with you,” he snickers. With that, Jin smiles and flies out of the room. Relieved, Jungkook plops down on his bed and lets out a sigh.

Meanwhile elsewhere in the building, the remaining six sit down to lunch. “Where is Kookie?” Inquires V of Jin and RM.

“He’s asleep in his room, he’s fine,” responds Jin. “He’s just having some alone time to cool down and relax, unwind.”

“You two got onto him didn’t you?” Inquires Hobi of RM and Jin.

“Yes,” responds Jin. “We did.”

“You hurt him with your special magic, didn’t you?” Inquires Hobi of Jin in particular.

“Yes,” responds Jin. “It was the only way to get through to him.”

“Jin!” Screams Hobi as he jumps up from his seat. “We don’t aim our magic at one of our own! The hell!” With that, the normally sunshiny yellow unicorn storms off followed soon behind by the 95s.

“You didn’t?” Says RM to Jin. “Please tell me you didn’t.”

“I didn’t really,” responds Jin. “It was just a small beam of magic. Absolutely harmless. Besides, I purposefully missed him. It hit the wall of his room. That’s literally it.”

“Okay, good,” responds RM, “but why do you want the others thinking otherwise? Why do you want them thinking you actually hurt Kook?”

“To teach all the culprits a lesson,” responds Jin, “because after all, we were the only two not to know. Suga, the 95s, Hobi, they all knew and didn’t tell us either, so this is the consequence.” Jin then flies off before being soon followed behind by RM while Suga still remains asleep at his place at the table absolutely oblivious to all of it.