• Published 20th Sep 2022
  • 838 Views, 44 Comments

Ponies Versus the Internet - KenDoStudios

Twilight builds a computer for her friends to try out.

  • ...

Celestia's visit (requested)

A rasping knock on the castle door echoed across the halls, and Twilight Sparkle happened to be inside the castle to answer it. "Princess?" said a familiar voice.

Twilight immediately knew who it was "CELESTIA? What are you doing here? don't you have your own providence to take care of?" She asked annoyed.

"No, my dear. I decided that I needed some time off." Celestia explained.

"What?! But we need you!"

Celestia sighed "Well, I'm sure Luna or someone else can handle things while I'm gone." she entered the castle walking in her metallic shoes. " I am most curious about this thing you call a computer."

"Oh... yeah..." Twilight stuttered.

"It seems very interesting, but I feel I'd rather experience it firsthand than through your letters."

"Yeah, I guess..."

"So tell me, Twilight. How does it work?"


Celestia was confused. "Twilight Sparkle why are you nervous? I thought sharing knowledge was your strong suit?"

"IT IS!" yelled Twilight quickly. "it's just I-I-I just need a minute to start it up... I-It will probably take a while! why don't you w-wait outside?"

Celestia raised an eyebrow "You are studdering Twilight."

Twilight gulped and started sweating internally. "Me? studder? I am well versed in the practical language arts!"

"Yes, yes. We both know that you're far more intelligent than that." Celestia chuckled. "So tell me, what are you hiding?"

"Nothing! Nothing at all!" Twilight insisted.

Celestia raised her other eyebrow. "Don't lie to me Twilight, what are you hiding? show me at once I command you!"

Twilight's face blushed hard, she could not defy an order "Y-yes mam" she stuttered her hoof slowly shaking onto the screen monitor, and slowly turning it on. on the screen monitor was a website called PornHub. Twilight face fell in the amount of embarrassment as she looked at all the nude male and female humans. But to her surprise, she did not see Celestia angry. instead, she saw her looking intently into the monitor. "so you are currently researching human procreation?" asked Celestia.
"w-well yes, it's just something that came up in my research..."

"And that would be?"

"Human sexuality."

"Interesting topic Indeed. so why do you hide this?"

"Humans think public nudity and public display is vulgar."

"Twilight Sparkle we are both on public display for as long as we have known each other, I do not think this vulgar."

"Neither do I!"

"Then what is the problem Twilight?"

"Because humanity can look into our world and will write about everything we do. They will again fight over each other over silly things that are no problem to us."

"What do we do then?" asked Celestia

Twilight sniffed. "its too late... they are probably writing about this right now, and chaos will begin again."

"Chaos? What kind of chaos?"

"They'll make fun of us, say how disgusting we are with their bodies, talk bad about our culture, and worst of all, they'll try to create petitions to try and change the story."

"Change the story? Change how you were created. Do you mean like changing the fact that you we exist? Is there anything wrong with being who you are?"

"No, nothing at all... but if they find out that we exist, they might get... ideas."

"such as?"

"Some people believe that ponies should only be seen by humans and never interact with them, or even worse, interbreed with them."

"I must admit that sounds horrifyingly repulsive."

Twilight closed the screen. "we are a doomed pony race.. they already want to change the story we told and even write fiction about how we are all sluts... what can we do?"

"There is nothing we can do, but continue on. creatures may see us differently, but they still respect us. Even those who have different beliefs from ours recognize our intelligence and loyalty. and as you said once before twilight, 'the cloppers do not represent the entire race.' think of the good we are causing."

Twilight hugged Celestia "Thanks for that, I needed to hear that again."

"Anytime my friend." Celestia smiled. "now as for the reason I'm really here has probably been forgoten, as I need your device for research myself"

Twilight looked up, "You!?"

"Don't look so surprised dearie, as old as I am, I still do not know everything."

"What would you like to know?" asked Twilight

"Politics, particularly how humanity handles such things."

Twilight began typing on the computer.

the computer responded, "Welcome back twi, what would you like to search?"

"human political system...."

"Okay, searching results: Human Political System. Please wait while your query is processed."
the computer churned about for a few minutes before generating a slew of results

"It seems CNN has a lot of subject concerning this matter" retorted Celestia.

"So does Fox News." said Twilight.

"Hmm, well let's take a closer look at these results shall we?"

"Sure thing."

Celestia watched as the computer scrolled through the results. When it reached the first result, Celestia clicked the link and read 'politics is the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve powerbroken'
she read many comments about this article

one was written by a professor named Cleatus
he wrote "I say that political systems in general are broken, which is true in some cases, however every single one of them works because they use the same principles that govern nature itself. Once you understand that, you realize that every act of government, even anarchy, follows natural law perfectly! The real issue isn't whether political systems work; its why don't more people understand this basic truth!"

Celestia was intrigued by his words. She thought had heard of him before, but after a few clicks she realised that the man was renowned for his knowledge of natural laws and how they apply to society. He was often consulted by politicians seeking advice regarding policy decisions made within their respective countries.

She continued reading the rest of the page, where she found several links to articles written by Dr. Cleatus himself.
"May I suggest something?" asked Twilight.

Celestia turned her head to face Twilight. "what is it?"

"This man knows his stuff, he also writes very well and clearly. but we shouldn't rely on one human for all the answers."
"That is a fair point. What else do you have in mind? I'm sure there are others just as intelligent as Cleatus around the world..."

Twilight went back to the search page of politics and selected a different link. It took her to an article titled 'Political Chaos'
this time the author was identified as Professor Zebhirum

"'political chaos' indeed. This country is going downhill fast. Why should anyone bother with voting anymore when no candidate will ever be elected president without taking bribes from both sides of the aisle? And then there is the problem of lobbyists influencing congressmen into making stupid legislation instead of doing what's right for the American People. All this corruption makes me wonder if any politician actually cares about anything other than lining their own pockets!"

Celestia felt herself nodding along to what Professor Zebhirum had to say. Perhaps she could trust this man too.
"Well, it looks like we've got enough information for now. We'll keep looking later."

Celestia logged off the computer and put away the mouse.
"Thank you for letting me look Twilight."

"No problem princess," replied Twilight.
"perhaps we shall do this again soon."

"You're welcome."

They stood in silence for a moment, contemplating each other's thoughts.

Then suddenly Celestia looked up and exclaimed "Oh my stars, it's so beautiful out here!"
Twilight smiled and nodded in agreement. They walked over to the window and stared outside. A bright blue sky filled with fluffy white clouds stretched above them.

"It truly is breathtaking," remarked Celestia.

"Indeed it is." agreed Twilight.

Suddenly another idea popped into Celestia's head.

"Hey Twilight? How did you get those sunglasses?"

"I bought them."

"You didn't steal them or something?"

"Of course not. I paid for them."


"At a store called Sunglass Hut."

"Sunglass hut... never...

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Error: EngineIO server cannot be occupied by two entities of the same IP number.
Please close your browser.
Author's Note:

I'm not running python what are you talking about?