• Published 27th Sep 2022
  • 890 Views, 23 Comments

Idol Hooves and the Double Do Daring - GrenadierGallus

Idol Hooves's time off with his daughter is interrupted by the pursuits of a past-plundering pegasus.

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Chapter 2: The Convention, Day One

After checking into the convention, my charge brought us to a panel discussion titled “Daring Do and the Big Fat Plothole? Investigating Inconsistencies in the Series”.

“Ok! Now it’s your turn, Groom! What plot point did you bring for us today?” The pony moderating the panel addressed an earth pony stallion who promptly revealed the cover of the book he had picked out to the audience.

“Thank you, Mister Bloom, today I have picked out Daring Do and the Eternal Flower. I want to focus on one particular scene in Chapter Six. When Daring Do confronts the Doctor and learns that he has sold the Everleaf to Ahuizotl, she is offered help from one of his assistants, Rosy Thorn. You all remember this scene, yes?”

There were a few murmurs of affirmation from the crowd. “Well, my question is this: The Doctor is portrayed as a dishonorable merchant who would sell off others at a drop of a hat, so why would he allow Daring Do to simply walk off with one of his employees? If you have ever led a team at work or elsewhere, you would know that replacing someone can be a massive headache. In the Doctor’s case, he would have to train someone in wilderness survival, archaeological excavation, weapons management…”

Groom let out a polite cough. “Anyways, my point is that it seems contradictory to me that Daring Do could have a massive fight with the Doctor in one encounter then walk off with one of his employees in the next, with no struggle whatsoever.”

“Interesting. Are you suggesting, perhaps, that Cah… Calla… Ca-”

Doctor Caballeron”

Bloom nodded. “-Yes, thank you. Are you suggesting that Doctor Caballeron may have, I don’t know… perhaps… that he let Daring Do walk off with one of his henchponies in exchange for something?”

Groom shrugged. “Maybe, it may very well be a case of an unreliable narrator who portrays the protagonist as positively as possible and, likewise, portrays her rivals in as negative a light as possible.”

“I see. But doesn’t the narrator recognize when Daring Do makes a mistake?”

“I suppose she does. But it is always a mechanical error like ‘I didn’t tie the knot tight enough!’ and never a personal one like ‘I completely underestimated this stallion!’.”

Groom smiled, though his emotions tasted slightly of anger rather than happiness. “But who knows? It could be many other things as well. It could even be possible that the narrator made up the connection between the Doctor and Rosy Thorn. It could be that Rosy Thorn never associated with the Doctor in the first place, and had been following Daring Do the whole time and waited until that encounter between the Doctor and herself to emerge from the thicket and offer her assistance. Who knows besides Daring Do and the narrator who tells the story?”

Bloom rubbed his chin. “Fascinating speculation. But, speculation is just so, and unfortunately it is quickly deviating from the subject of this panel, so we shall move on for the time being. Next up, we have Quibble Pants. Quibble, what would you like to share with us today?”

As I exited the obstacle course, I made my way to the timekeeper to determine how well I had performed. To my chagrin, she had not been entirely impressed despite my efforts to navigate the challenge with great haste at my charge’s request.

“Well… you would have set a record time, but you disqualified yourself during the rope swinging portion. Soooo, I’m not supposed to count that.”

I responded, “I do not see why there would be a problem with how I handled that obstacle. I saw a path through and used it.”

“I mean… you did make your way through, I guess, buuut… you’re not supposed to go through the quicksand. You’re supposed to go over? I mean, that the ropes are for.”

“The sand did appear not to be quicksand. It was perfectly fine to walk across.”

“… Yeah, but… it’s.. supposed to represent it? As in if it was real quicksand, you would have drowned?”

I took a moment to consider my own abilities. “I believe I could have made my way through quicksand.”

“… I don’t know if I believe that. Maybe if you were an earth pony or had the right cutie mark... Regardless, in the spirit of the contest you were supposed to swing on the ropes, so I’m sorry. I can’t count your time.”

I nodded in acceptance of the mare’s ruling. “Very well.”
I took solace in the knowledge that my charge had done quite well when she ran the course before me and would have done even better if she had been more accustomed to maneuvering when her wings were bound.

“I really enjoyed the panel, it was really interesting how that third panelist… Quibble? How he worked through the dialogue in the Razor of Dreams to point out a contradiction in the Daring Do timeline! It was a shame about the obstacle course though. If you hadn’t been disqualified, I think you could’ve won, even with the additional time you would need to spend on the rope swing!”

“Next!” The stallion managing the line beckoned us forwards.

I turned my attention to the A.K. Yearling’s table as my charge and I approached her. As my gaze landed on the author herself, we made eye contact for a brief moment before she directed her attention to my charge.

“Hello there, what’s your name?”

“Hi Miss Yearling, I’m Redshock and I’m a huge fan of Daring Do!”

“Hello Redshock! I’m happy that you enjoy the series! Is your dad a fan too? His King Kookaracha cosplay is really convincing! I love the detail in his cutie mark; it looks just like the real thing!”

“Cosplay? Mister Hooves isn’t cosplaying.”

“Huh?” A.K. Yearling did a double take before her eyes rested upon me.

“This is indeed my regular appearance,” I confirmed.

“Oh… Okay, my apologies!” A.K. Yearling released a fleeting bit of embarrassment, before returning her attention to my charge. “So! What am I signing for you today?”

“This!” Cersus pulled out her copy of Daring Do and the Cursed Chalice.

“Ok! Are you looking for a signature, or a message?...”

As Cersus began to answer A.K. Yearling’s question, I considered how to ask the author about enlisting the help of her adventurer acquaintance. I supposed that it would perhaps be difficult to find her outside of this designated time.

“… Signed, A.K. Yearling.” The author handed the book back to my charge.

“Thank you, Miss Yearling!”

“My pleasure, now have a great day the both of y-”

“You mentioned my cutie mark?”

A.K. Yearling turned to look at me. “-ou… Uh. Yes, why?”

I answered as my charge began to wander off, “It is a cup which I loved dearly. It was lost in an altercation and I would appreciate your assistance in finding a replacement.”

A.K. Yearling’s emotions tasted of confusion. “Oh… Well, I wish you the best of luck, but I don’t think I could be of much help.”

I leaned in closer before I responded. “Perhaps so, but I believe you know someone who may… Perhaps, I could also let the two of you examine my cutie mark more closely. I suspect she may not have been able to get a good look during our prior encounter.”

Her eyes flitted back and forth between my cutie mark and my face, and as confusion shifted to surprise and her eyes widened, I received a tap on the shoulder and turned to see the stallion in charge of the line.

“Excuse me sir, but you’re holding up the line. Also, it is hardly appropriate to approach someone like that in publi-”

“What name can I call you by?” I turned back to A.K. Yearling as she took a piece of paper from her desk and started writing on it.

“My name is Idol Hooves, Miss Yearling.”

A.K. Yearling nodded as she continued to write for a few more seconds. Once done, she looked back to me and offered me the piece of paper.

“This is the address of the hotel I am staying in. Would you be free around nine?”

As I accepted the paper, I took a moment to figure that my charge would most likely be done with the convention’s events for the day before I confirmed, “Yes, I believe that should work.”

The author nodded again. “Ok, I’ll let the reception know that I am expecting a guest around then. I’ll see you soon.”

“I look forward to it, Miss Yearling.” I gave a quick bow before I turned to leave. As I did so, I noticed that the line manager that was radiating embarrassment, face flushed.

“Please accept my apologies for holding up the line, sir,” I offered to him before I moved to where Cersus was waiting.

“What? But? Um…” The stallion shook his head as if to remove whatever he was struggling to articulate from his mind, though the embarrassment continued to linger. “Next!”

I thought it quite curious.

Once I caught up to Cersus, she asked, “What was that about, Idol?”

“I was just looking to get a gift for Princess Celestia,”

“Oh, okay… Lunch?”

I nodded.

“Great! Anyways, it was really cool getting to meet Miss Yearling! I really like that she…”

And as our conversation continued, so did our day.

Author's Note:

Apparently today is/was the 12th anniversary of G4. 🎂

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