• Published 27th Sep 2022
  • 951 Views, 36 Comments

Dragon’s Odyssey - GrumpyMonk97

Four dragons unravel the mystery of how Equestria fell, and find the pony behind it.

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Chapter 14: Sight Unseen

Author's Note:

Hey everybody! Sorry for not posting a chapter in a while. I’ve been caught up in getting the story translated to comic form, as well as having been caught up with working on my original projects. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!

“So wait, you’re telling me you were raised by ponies? No kidding?” Emziko asked as the three of them had almost reached the entrance to Klugetown. Spike had been regaling her with stories of his past along the way, including his association with the Princesses of Equestria.

“No kidding. The Princess of Friendship herself was like a sister to me. Her family was my family.” Spike responded as he recalled memories of his past, from when Twilight hatched him from his egg to living with her family in Canterlot. “I didn’t learn much about dragon culture proper until just a few years ago.”

“You and me both.” Emziko said.

“I kinda figured you didn’t grow up in the Dragon Lands. So what’s your story?” Spike asked.

“Well, it’s a pretty typical story. I started off as a…” Emziko trailed off and stopped walking as she saw that Luster Dawn had a look of shock and horror on her face. They all turned ahead and saw that smoke and fire rose up from Klugetown, some of the buildings having been completely demolished. They saw the city’s guards corralling the citizenry, attempting to restore some semblance of order after what had clearly been an attack.

“Lady Overmare.” A voice came from one of the guards, a large Storm Creature decorated in ornate looking armor, signifying his status as a high ranking officer of some kind. His armor was painted with a sigil that resembled Luster Dawn’s cutie mark, and he had a single blonde streak running back across his otherwise white hair.

“What happened here Feros?” Luster asked the guard.

“An attack M’Lady. Ravenous beasts from the depths of Tartarus itself. We fought them off as best we could, though as you can see the results were catastrophic.” Feros responded. Spike felt uneasy as he began to suspect what may have actually happened here.

“They couldn’t have attacked at random. Did they have anyone with them?” Luster asked.

“Scouts reported that the monsters were led by a pony. And that she sought something in the tower.” Feros said. Luster’s face immediately went pale as she rushed off towards the large tower in the center of the city. Spike and Emziko followed shortly after, pushing past the large crowds of creatures as they tried to keep up with Luster. Taking the elevator up to Luster’s office, she immediately bolted out and opened the room containing the Scrying Eye, only to find that it was now gone.

“She took it. Opaline took it.” Luster said through gritted teeth, her frustration clearly apparent. Spike ran a hand across his head as he saw that the Scrying Eye he had nearly died retrieving was now gone. Emziko looked out the office’s window and saw the large swaths of creatures gathered in the streets below.

“Maybe someone found out where she was going. It’s gotta be something to go off at least.” She said, trying to find a solution to their current predicament. Luster thought it over, trying to remain calm even with this significant setback.

“We’ll go speak to the Spymaster. She’s most likely the one who would have seen what Opaline was after.” Luster answered.

“Lead the way.” Spike said. As they descended from the tower once more, Spike couldn’t help but feel a bit frustrated. Opaline had always managed to stay one step ahead of them, and while he hesitated to call many of Klugetown’s denizens innocent, they nonetheless had nothing to do with this conflict.

This is all spinning out of control way too fast. This has to end, and it has to be me that does it. Spike thought to himself as his brow furrowed. Emziko definitely took notice of the change in Spike’s demeanor, though she decided to keep her thoughts to herself for now. She wasn’t quite sure she had earned Spike’s trust just yet, and thus didn’t want to push the issue any further.

Somewhere further off, Ember and Flurry Heart piloted the skiff out of the snow laden fields bordering the Crystal Empire. Flurry Heart felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness as she was now venturing out into the wild frontier, though her nervousness was wondering how her mother would react when she found out she was gone. She quickly shook the thought as she knew that she was out here to find Spike, not for anything reckless.

“So, you and Spike seem pretty tight. You called him your big brother?” Ember asked.

“Yeah. Princess Twilight is my aunt, so I took to calling him Big Brother pretty quick. I have to say, I was shocked to see him when you guys showed up the first time.” Flurry Heart answered.

“I’ll bet. It was something he needed too.” Ember said as she stared off into the horizon.

“What do you mean?” Flurry asked.

“Well I don’t know the full extent of it, but it certainly seems like he’s carrying a lot of baggage over all this.” Ember said. Flurry’s heart sank as she heard that. She could only imagine the toll this was taking on him, especially with how close he was to Aunt Twilight. She shook her head to purge her mind of these thoughts, determined to try and stay positive.

“So, speaking of tight, you and Garble seem pretty close.” Flurry said with a sly grin. Ember blushed and buried her head in her hands.

“It’s really that obvious?” Ember groaned.

“Of all the things that could get the mighty Dragon Lord Ember flustered.” Flurry Heart laughed. Ember raised her head and let out a sigh.

“Okay okay, I’ll give you that one. Honestly, even though he can be kind of a dork, he’s also really sweet.” Ember said. As they continued their journey, she explained the details of how her and Garble’s relationship started, and when it ended Flurry Heart had stars in her eyes.

“Aww, that’s so cute.” Flurry said with wide eyes and a big smile. Ember laughed as she rubbed the back of her head.

“So there you have it. The entire story of-“

Suddenly, one of the engines puttered out and they felt the skiff start to dip out of the sky as it was now falling back towards the earth.

“No no no no no! Don’t start crapping out now!” Flurry Heart said as she fiddled with the engine.

“That guy really gave us one of the junkers didn’t he?” Ember asked as she tried to steer them towards a safer landing.

“It was an old model, so they wouldn’t have noticed it was gone.” Flurry said.

“Hang on!” Ember said as they crashed into the ground, eventually coming to a halt as it slammed up against one of the many trees in the clearing.

“You okay?” Ember asked as she picked herself up from the wreckage.

“I’m good. Just need a minute.” Flurry Heart said as she stretched out and popped her joints. Ember took a look at her surroundings and saw a crashed airship just up ahead, along with several other trees that had been uprooted and knocked over from the airship’s crash.

“That’s certainly not normal.” Ember said.

“We should take a look. It could be a lead to where Big Bro went.” Flurry Heart said as she looked to the wreckage of the airship.

“Good idea.” Ember said. They made their way to the airship proper, doing their best to avoid the debris scattered all around the clearing. Ducking to avoid broken tree branches and scattered shards of metal hanging from the trees, Ember used the head of the Scepter to lift up the tarp that was once the airship’s zeppelin and saw the body of a rather large Lizardfolk dressed in what appeared to be pirate attire, causing both her and Flurry Heart to jump slightly.

“Yikes. Looks like the captain went down with his ship.” Ember said as she set the tarp back down.

“You don’t think Spike did this do you?” Flurry Heart asked, her voice heavy with concern.

“I don’t know.” Ember answered. She lifted her head and took a look around. She noticed they were on the border to the Bone Dry Desert, and suddenly it clicked. “I think I may have an idea where he might have gone though.”

Flurry Heart looked to where Ember was pointing with the Scepter, seeing that it was multiple sets of tracks leading straight into the desert.

“He was heading back towards Klugetown. And it looks like he’s already got quite the head start on us. We need to get moving.” Ember said.

Back in Klugetown, Spike and Emziko followed Luster as she led them to the nest of Spymaster Carrion, the head of Luster’s scouts, to find out if she knew what it was that Opaline wanted with the Scrying Eye.

“Just a word of caution. Carrion can be a bit… twitchy.” Luster informed them.

“Twitchy?” Emziko asked.

“You know, paranoid. But she’s the best at what she does. Probably best to let me do the talking.” Luster answered. After a few moments, they arrived at the top of the highest perch in Klugetown, and Spike saw a large robed figure looking out onto all of Klugetown.

“Carrion? It’s me.” Luster called to the figure. She turned around to face the group, and it was then that Spike really got a good look at her. She was a bird, though she was a crow rather than a parrot, and she was massive, easily dwarfing Spike himself in height. She carried a simple wooden staff in her hand, and her eyes shined with an arcane glow.

“Lady Overmare. What brings you to my humble home? Who are they?” Carrion asked as she pointed the staff towards Spike and Emziko, her eyes narrowing in suspicion as she did.

“They’re with me Carrion, but more importantly, that pony who stole the Scrying Eye. Do you have any idea where she went?” Luster asked.

“We can consult one of my children.” She held out her arm and a crow perched upon it, its eyes shimmering with that same arcane glow as Carrion herself. “But if you want my help, I’ll need something first.”

Luster let out a sigh. “Alright. What is it?”

Carrion didn’t say anything as she approached Spike to get a closer look at him. She circled around him, humming to herself as she looked the dragon up and down. After a moment of examination, she suddenly reached out a talon and plucked a scale out of Spike’s shoulder.

“Ow!” Spike exclaimed.

“This will do.” Carrion said as she pocketed the scale. “Now, about your request.”

She motioned for them to gather around the singular crow that sat patiently on its perch as she reached out and placed a hand on its head. She closed her eyes and silently chanted to herself as arcane light began to envelop her. After a few moments, her eyes shot open and she began convulsing, her eyes glowing brighter than ever.

“What is it Carrion? What do you see?” Luster asked.

“A field, with ritual gatherings. She plans some kind of ceremony.” Carrion answered, her voice echoing as though multiple people spoke at once. She spasmed as her eyes glowed even brighter.

“Should we be concerned?” Emziko asked.

“Don’t worry, this happens. What else Carrion?” Luster said.

“My children have witnessed places unseen. Invisible places. A forest of crystals. A town that boarders the sea. A shining city that stretches towards the heavens. The interloper wishes to have eyes in these places as well. Wishes to have the secrets they hide.” Carrion eventually let go of the crow and dropped to one knee, catching her breath after such a harrowing ordeal. Spike and Emziko both gave each other a concerned look before turning to Luster, who simply waited for Carrion to recover.

“Carrion, where is this field exactly?” Luster asked after a few moments. Carrion shakily rose to her feet, clutching her wooden staff tightly as she let out a shallow breath.

“The field you seek lies somewhere to the northeast. Where it is specifically, I’m afraid I cannot say. This pony, this Opaline, has begun silencing my children. They can no longer see where she is.” Carrion answered.

Spike turned to leave the tower but Emziko grabbed his shoulder before he could leave.

“Slow your roll Spike. You’re not thinking of going there by yourself are you?” Emziko asked.

“That’s exactly what I’m thinking. I’m not gonna let anyone else get dragged into this.” Spike said as he tried to leave again but Emziko blocked his path.

“Well too bad. I made a promise that I’d help you, so you’re stuck with me whether you like it or not.” Emziko said as she looked Spike directly in the eye, keeping her gaze defiantly locked with his. He eventually let out a sigh.

“Fine. But it’s probably better if we rest up for the night. We can set out in the morning.” Spike said.

“There’s an inn where you can rest up. Tell them I sent you and they should let you stay for free.” Luster said as they exited Carrion’s nest. Making their way through the town, they eventually found the inn that was mentioned to them before. It looked to be one of Klugetown’s nicer inns, as the sign outside looked fairly new and the outside was well decorated with a nice oaken trim.

“I have other business to attend to. As I said, mention my name and you won’t have to pay.” Luster said simply as she turns and walks off further into the city. Spike and Emziko made their way inside and saw an older Lizardfolk sitting behind the counter.

“How can I help you?” The Lizardfolk asked.

“We’re guests of the Overmare.” Spike said as he and Emziko exchanged a look.

“Right this way.” The Lizardfolk led them up the stairs to the right of the counter, leading them down the hall until they came to two rooms that stood on opposite sides of the hall from one another.

“Here you are. Enjoy the accommodations.” The Lizardfolk said simply before walking back down the hall.

“Guess we oughta get some shut eye.” Emziko said as she opened the door to her room.

“Looks like it. See you in the morning then?” Spike asked.

“You know it. Looking forward to it.” Emziko said as she flashed Spike a grin before shutting the door to her room. Spike shut the door to his own room and saw a fairly nice bed situated directly to his right, with a window looking out onto Klugetown directly ahead of him. Spike sat down on the bed and thought over the day’s events. He felt somewhat guilty about leaving the others without warning, but at the same time he was afraid of what would happen to them after what happened to Garble. His thoughts then drifted to Emziko. He’d only known her for a few days, but he already felt like she was someone he could trust. He chuckled slightly to himself as he remembered how she stubbornly resolved that she was coming with him, regardless of his protests.

She’s a lot like Sweetie Belle in that regard. He thought to himself. He reached into a pocket and pulled out a photo Flurry Heart had given him of him and Sweetie Belle. She was behind him with her forelegs wrapped around his neck and a bright smile on her face while his face had a simple grin. Spike smiled to himself and put the photo away, his thoughts wandering to all sorts of places as he finally drifted off to sleep.