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Fan of MLP:FiM since 2013; musician who occasionally dabbles in writing. I make content related the show sometimes, and have so far written and finished one fic.


While cleaning Cheerilee's house, Sweetie Belle discovers a photo with a colt who looks an awful lot like her big sister. This leads Rarity to tell the story of how she went from a confused colt whose life didn't feel right to the famed mare she is today.

Features Rarity's parents, who don't have their own tag.

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 56 )

Is discovering old photos a common thing in trans fics? I mean, I did this in mine, but I avoided getting inspiration from other stories.

Comment posted by cookiefonster deleted Oct 8th, 2022
Comment posted by YetAnotherTweenEdgelord deleted Oct 8th, 2022

Why is it almost exclusively M2F when a story like this comes up?

Is it asking too much to have a change of pace and see some F2M pop up once in a while?

I understand where you're coming from, but I think this is hard to avoid in a show with such a bias towards female characters. Plus, it's not very nice to comment on a fic just to complain about what it isn't.

you manage to keep a nice balance between being carefully empathetic and retaining the light-hearted tone of the show. it's not easy to tread, even for a trans person writing about their own experiences. and i like the positive direction it's taking. looking forward to what's next!

Glad to hear it! That's pretty much what I was aiming to do, and I'll be sure to continue it when I'm in the right mood.

Well, this is a contrived way to explain why Rarity is so different from the rest of her family. Meh 😐.

That isn't really the point of this fic. I am writing this story because I find this headcanon as a whole interesting, not just to explain a few oddities about Rarity's backstory.

Huh, Trans Rarity. I really like the concept. Be prepared for a flood of downvotes though. folks just love to brigade trans stories here. Still. I really like what I've read so far, and keep up the good work.

Thank you! There's plenty more to come. I actually disabled ratings for the exact reason you said—I really didn't want to, but floods of downvotes are just too demotivating.

This story is nice so far

this chapter was sweet. the story is pretty good so far

Thank you! This was the toughest chapter to write so far.

I think it's less him have a problem with this story, and more him have a problem with concept in general.

Features Rarity's parents, who don't have their own tag.

Why not just use the other tag?

i like the idea, but feels like going from 0 to 60 too fast here

That's a fair criticism. I have been trying to even out the pace in later chapters by giving the characters more time for casual conversation, but I would feel weird about editing early chapters to match that better.

Somepony really dont like this story because downvote every time you say something :rainbowlaugh:.

I know is hard sometimes, and downvotes and bad coments dont help a lot, (mi first story was trash), but there a lot of ponies (or people and maybe some griffs dont know really) who can help you and give a hoof up.

Just keep up and dont let yourself down :raritywink:

Good story :twilightsmile:, but make me curious what Spike say about his crush when he know, :moustache:.

I know mi grammar is bad, english is not mi main language :facehoof:

Thanks for the encouraging words! I think that since I disabled ratings on this fic, people who downvote trans fics solely for being trans fics (which there are sadly a LOT of) decided that the next best thing would be to downvote every comment on them from the author, plus every positive comment on them. It's dumb and petty and I hate it, but it's either that or no comments at all.

Also, the next chapter is going to be the biggest gut punch I've ever written. Be warned.

I like this story because while I tend to read long/big stories sometimes it is nice to just have small "comfort food".

Comment posted by cookiefonster deleted Nov 18th, 2022

Aw, thanks. I'm really glad to hear that.

You're Welcome, like I said earlier so far it is good for casual reading. An example of a short story that I like is Kingdom of Monsters where the characters one by one turn into different monsters and basically take over Equestria. I bring it up because technically it is "rushed" I still like it because of the premise.

Thanks so much! I'm glad I was able to finish it on a positive note.

Nice interaction between Sweetie Belle and Rarity. Well written and caring for a sensitive subject.

It's my first time publishing a story about this difficult topic, so I'm happy you felt it was handled well.

Have you seen my other reply because some how it ended up on the chapter after this?

I did. I didn't have anything to say in response.

“Uh, yeah ? I mean, I never thought you of all ponies would identify as a stallion.”

I had someone have this exact type of reaction at a support group that I used to attend. They had thought that I was there in support of someone else, and when I said that I was a transgender person, they could not believe that I wanted to be male. I then clarified it to them that I was a transgender woman.

It's always fun to learn when something that happened in a fic also happened in reality. That must have felt incredibly satisfying for you!

It was, especially since it was only about 5 to 8 months since I had started my transition.

“Ugh, why did we have to agree to clean Miss Cheerilee’s house today?” said Scootaloo, who had just helped Apple Bloom carry a huge couch outside. “It’s so hot and humid, and I think I feel a few bugs in my wings.”

oof, not the best sign for how Cheerilee’s life is going if her house is bug-infested

“But we could’ve agreed to do something easier, like write a sentence a hundred times on paper. Besides, it’s not like we’re going to get our cutie marks in house cleaning. We already have them, remember?”

so true, now that they have their cutie marks there is no reason for them to do anything

“Press her hard and threaten to take away everything she loves until she admits the truth?” suggested Scootaloo.

Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes. “You’ve been hanging around Rainbow Dash too much, haven’t you.”

glad Sweetie Belle is more sensible than Rainbow Dash here. though granted, not too high of a bar

“Oh, him? That was... um... that’s our cousin named... Emerald Gleam! I think you met him once, but you must have been too young to remember him. He, uh... he moved to Manehattan when you were four years old.” Rarity chuckled awkwardly and bit her hoof.

aww, Rarity really had no contingency for this at all!

Rarity pulled a huge couch out of thin air, then plopped her body on it and started crying.

what Rarity meltdown would be complete without this?

The five-year-old son of a hoofball coach and a quality inspector at a cookie factory, Rarity had taken an interest in the design of things since he learned to talk.

aww that does make sense as their parents’ jobs

Would this look avant-garde? he thought. “Avant-garde” was a phrase he heard a few grown-ups use and was moderately sure he knew what it meant.

hehe that is what kid Rarity would think

Uh, Rarity?” said Sweetie Belle. “I think you’ve listed plenty of hair styles by now.”
“Oh, oh! Now a mohawk would look oh so marvelous on a stallion!” Rarity giggled and squished her cheeks between her hooves.

“Rarity, you can stop now!”

very Rarity tangent, love it

Hailing from Canterlot, a magnificent city Rarity could only dream of setting hoof in, this lady would be a masterful dress designer, but also a capable fighter who blasts bad guys with her alicorn magic.

aww, Rarity describing her future self!

“Sweetie Belle, I clearly told you that a crêpe is to have no more than five blueberries inside it. Now, with that said—” Rarity neatly cut a square corner off her pancake, chewed it for a few seconds, and swallowed “—oh, mmm. Your blueberry crêpes are quite delicious.”

yay! love to see Sweetie Belle getting better with cooking once she actually has some time to grow up and get better at things in general

He cleared his throat and put on the best dramatic ladylike voice with a fanciful accent he could.

aww, the origin of the accent, which Rarity clearly had to have deliberately trained herself to do since it’s not the accent of her parents or neighbors!

. “I found an abandoned dusty boutique, and since nopony else was using it, I refurbished it into the building we’re sitting in today!

oof, hope Rarity settled the deed for it at some point or else that might come back to bite her

The show is inconsistent with the ages (and aliveness) of the Apple family in flashbacks, so there's a lot of interpretations you could go for.

so true! and if flashbacks are the characters reminiscing, details are gonna get jumbled up!

“Well, me and my brother and granny need some black suits for tomorrow. My brother’s this big—” the earth pony spread her front hooves about as far as she could “—and my granny’s ‘bout the same size as me.” She paused for a second. “Name’s Applejack, by the way.”

oof, quite the moment for their first meeting to be about

And I don’t think a black suit would be the most fashionable outfit for an event as simple as a family gathering. Perhaps an emerald green suit would be more to your liking?

aww, Rarity’s too young to pick up on the implications here! what a faux pas

“You have family in Manehattan???” Rarity’s eyes glittered as she put her hooves on her cheeks. “Why, that is only the most delightful megalopolis in all of Equestria!

that is ironic that Applejack had a closer connection to Manehattan than Rarity did growing up

“I hope these three suits serve you well on your voyage to the glamour and delight that is Manehattan!”

very Rarity sentence

“But if you’re old enough to learn I wasn’t born as a mare, then you’re certainly old enough to operate a sewing machine.”

yay unpaid foal labor!

Sweetie Belle grinned broadly and jumped around in circles. “I’m sewing with my sister! I’m sewing with my sister! I’m sewing with my sister!” she chanted.

“Sweetie Belle, you don’t have to... oh, never mind. I’ll let you have this moment.”


Rarity shook her head out of her stupor. “Oh, yes, yes, sorry.” She cleared her throat. “I would like no cream in my coffee, but just the most miniscule dash of sugar would suit my fancy quite well, n’est-ce pas?

love the absolutely gratuitous French

Was she laying things too thick there?

never, Rarity! never think that!

“She’s not feeling too well,” Mr. Cake replied. “She learned something terrible happened to one of her best friends and... actually, I should go check on her. Ask if she needs any soup, or some vitamins.”

oof… neither of them making the connection here!

“Applejack, this... this changes everything I thought I knew about you,” said Rarity, a tear running down her face. “I thought you were a travel pony who soared across the most high-strung cities in Equestria, but it turns out you simply wanted to honor your loved ones. And that’s... sniff... that’s true beauty to me.”

so true

“Aw, it’s nothin’, Rarity. Somepony had to go get us funeral outfits, ‘cause the only clothes we got lyin’ around are a hundred of Dad’s spare hats, and we won’t be needin’ those no more.”

well that explains Applejack always having one around

“But since you’re my friend, Rarity... I’m happy to take your word for it and keep callin’ you a mare, ‘cause that seems to make you happy.”

aww! i mean it would be extra terrible to deliberately switch after such a confession (but that is transphobes for ya. ugh, this is why i imagine Equestria as not having any of them and also why i want to be there)

Comment posted by cookiefonster deleted Jul 30th, 2023
Comment posted by cookiefonster deleted Jul 30th, 2023
Comment posted by cookiefonster deleted Jul 30th, 2023

Wow, it's always fun when someone comments on your fic in detail! I felt I had to make some stuff up about Rarity's parents and since there wasn't much to work with, I based it on their cutie marks.

I had never thought about it, but it does make sense that Rarity's younger age in this scene is why she didn't put two and two together.

Some people theorize that Applejack's hat was a keepsake from her father, but the reveal that she has tons of copies of her hat (plus Apple Bloom has tons of copies of her bow) contradicts that. As a compromise, I believe Applejack instead inherited the habit of having backup hats from her dad.

Also, Applejack never learned her mom was best friends with Mrs. Cake until The Perfect Pear. Like you said in your Chapter 4 comment, this is kids/teenagers being bad at putting clues together.

“Did you call me down here just to announce you’re going on another vacation?” Rarity asked. “You don’t need to tell me each time. I can deduce from the hundreds of suitcases behind you that you’re going on a trip, without needing to be pulled away from my very important activities.”

they sure do go on vacations a lot

She now knew where this was going: her parents thought that if they named their daughter something girly enough, she wouldn’t ever start wanting to be a stallion.

aww Rarity, i’m sure that’s not the reason at all! but catastrophizing like this is a very Rarity trait

“Indeed so,” said Rarity. “Although I am quite pleased with this familial development, a proper lady like myself expresses excitement through subtlety, like so.” She smiled gently and tapped each front hoof on the floor twice, barely making a sound. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I must return to organizing all my fabric.”

well i gotta hoof it to Rarity, this does sound like a very non-suspiciously Rarity reaction so she did a good job here

“I only exist because Rarity is transgender,” Sweetie Belle muttered to herself.

huh, that is certainly something to think about for a younger sibling!

“And once she’s a full-grown mare, she will look much prettier without makeup than I ever could with it! She’ll probably land a glamorous career as a fashion model, and I’ll be stuck designing dresses for her without any recognition to my name. And it’ll be horrible. Just HORRIBLE!” Rarity started crying, her tears seeping through the cracks of the wooden table.

aww! Rarity being jealous of a literal baby would be very unbecoming even for a teenager, but it’s clearly an expression of her deep insecurity about being trans in the end

“Oh, um... well... I’d have to promise my animals not to tell anypony, and I know Harry loves to spread rumors about other bears. I think that maybe you’d be better off telling somepony else your secret.”

this does sound very much like a Fluttershy sentence and problem

“I knew it!” Fluttershy spat out, then gasped. Oh, no. Oh no, oh no, oh no.

oh no!

“I didn’t mean you had to speak quieter,” Fluttershy said with a slight chuckle. “It’s about the pitch of your voice! You don’t need to make it rise and fall so much to sound like a girl,” she explained as she raised her right hoof up and down.

yes she doesn’t have to but that’s what makes life so fun!

“Buuuuut... maybe you don’t have to emphasize your name and the name of your store this much.”

it is very fun that all this is just about Rarity speaking like the Rarity we all know and love

“Exactly! You sounded like an ordinary mare.”

and what’s the fun in being ordinary?

“Not even if they wear an aubergine-colored scarf with a beige buckball cap?” Rarity shuddered at the thought of such a horrendous combination of colors and fashion accessories.

i’m sure in Ponyville of all places Rarity would actually be the only one to judge somepony for this (and i love her for that)

Rarity gulped. “Are you sure I should enter the building today? I mean, for all I know, Pinkie Pie may be preparing a surprise party that she doesn’t want me to know about, or she’s busy concentrating on baking the perfect gâteau for...”

love the gratuitous French as always

“Well, it might just be me, but it kind of sounded like you were going to tell me a really big and important super-special secret that would forever change the way I thought about you. But I guess I was wrong!” Pinkie Pie hummed to herself, resuming her cake decorating operations.

so true

And when I drank it, I started to feel really dizzy.”

in the human world one would assume a teenager stealing vanilla extract to drink would have done it for this purpose lol

“Well, I could design a dress in one sitting, if I was willing to sacrifice at least one of my Rules of Rarity, which I would not do under any circumstances.

so true she would never

After sampling enough five-star restaurants and gourmet bakeries in Ponyville and Canterlot, plus some homegrown cooking from the Apple family, Rarity couldn’t bear to go back to her parents’ expansive definition of cuisine.

hehe, makes sense why Sweetie Belle was the way she was around a kitchen

Rarity’s parents exchanged a knowing look. Some things would just never change, like their elder child’s excitement over cookies, no matter how much Rarity would try to dilute it with a posh attitude.

hehehe she definitely has a sweet tooth

How could you SAY that?! Rarity almost blurted. Her parents had some baffling takes over the years, but none as ridiculous as this.

aww, i guess this places the scene between the first CMC episode and the first season finale

“Sweetie Belle, darling, I was not excited. I was merely pleased to acquire some cuisine more suited to my palate.”

very Rarity correction

“Oh, but it’s not your fault you didn’t know what it meant to be... you know,” said Rarity as she wiped her eyes with a tissue she apparently had on her. “You grew up in a magic school where you never socialized much with other ponies, and I can hardly blame you for misunderstanding what I was saying.”

aww, the nicest way to tell Twilight that she never learned how to not be a jerk

“No! It’s not that. I’m still a dragon, and I like being called a dragon. It’s just that, um... I can see why a dragon who grew up the same way I did might prefer to be thought of as, like... an honorary pony. And Rarity’s still a pony! Just a different type of pony from the one she was born into, and that doesn’t seem far-fetched at all to me.”

it does make sense that Spike, having grown up as the only member of his species among ponies, would have a better understanding of what it means to be an outsider, which i guess is also shown in the canon episode introducing Thorax. but also, very sad to see that Rarity’s secureness as a mare is still so fragile for her even after all these years!

“You’re kind of staring at Twilight right now. With a weird smirk on your face.”

Trixie leaped back and gasped, then turned to face sideways. “What?! N... no, I wasn’t. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Starlight Glimmer rolled her eyes. “Sure, if you say so. After all, when is the great and powerful Trixie ever known to be wrong?”

Trixie turned back to face her friend and smirked. “See? You get it.”

hehe, very true to them both

Her horn glowing blue, Rarity pulled out a crumbled piece of paper from under her bed. She unfolded it, gently blew the dust off, and hovered it next to the mirror. On the left was her childhood drawing of a clumsily named character named “The Magic Mare”. On the right was a mirror reflection of a mare named Rarity. Her eyes moved left and right, alternating between the reflection and the drawing.

it is a nice touch to bring it back around to the childhood drawing!

cute story! though i admit, i found Rarity being so jealous of literal children for so long a bit strange? some of her conversations with Sweetie Belle would make a lot more sense if they were a lot closer in age

It pleases me to see someone remark that the lines I wrote are "very Rarity". That means I wrote her well!

I assumed that Sweetie Belle met Scootaloo before the show began, then they both befriended Apple Bloom during Call of the Cutie. But it's definitely up to interpretation.

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