• Published 11th Jun 2023
  • 6,450 Views, 700 Comments

God of War: Daughter of War - Blackdrag-rose

Flurry ends up in the world of the Greek Gods and becomes Kratos' daughter, while joining him on his quest for vengeance.

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Comments ( 4 )
Xalok #1 · Saturday · · ·

Colorful horse yet again ruins prophecy.

I do hope, even after they go to Equestria that the story doesn’t end there

oh please, prophecy has never contained what WILL be, only what MIGHT be...its the lengths some go to avoid the fate in prophecy that usually brings them about...

In Greece but in God War's Norse Realm Fate is basically just seeing the worst part of you and letting that consume you. Don't be sorry, be better.

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