• Published 11th Oct 2022
  • 241 Views, 1 Comments

Equestrian Girls: Bio- boosted armor - Kamen rider accel

There are monsters who want to take our the world but there is one hope that can stop them and he will answer the prayers of all.

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Episode 1: Guyver

Somewhere on a grassy hill in a park in the city of Canterlot, Flash was seen standing up and beside him was Twilight sitting down on the grass, and Micro sitting in front of her and the Rainbooms were sitting behind her and sandalwood was standing with flash. The Friends were looking out into the horizon, enjoying the cool breezy wind.

"I can't remember the last time we gazed into that clear sky."

Twilight then turns her gaze at Flash, and gave a faint smile at him, which he didn't noticed.

"It seems like only a faint memory, even before I meet the girls. We were so innocent back then."

Then suddenly the once clear blue skies began to change, the color changed from blue to a very darkish mix of red and orange. The clouds themselves turning grey, almost black. Twilight was shocked by this sudden change, and gained a frightened expression. Then a large ring of light filled the sky, almost blinding the trio. Out of the light, thirteen stars slowly descended from the sky and stretching out over Canterlot. The last star was seen slowly descending at the center of the others, the light dimmed itself, revealing a figure bathed in a celestial light, wearing a strange type of robe and shoulder piece that stretched out like wings. The twelve stars surrounded the one in the center, as they hovered over the city.

The camera zoomed in on the thirteenth star, revealing the face of a young and handsome man with his eyes closed, hair seemed to be flowing in an non-existing wind, and small glittering stars around his forehead.

Back on the ground Miko found herself all alone, as she tried to find Her friends, something flew over her, almost knocking her down.

It was revealed to be a large winged bird monster, followed by a gargoyle like creature and soon others were seen. A large explosion was seen from behind the buildings in the city, then a series of explosions were seen, Twilight was taken aback by this and shields her face from the bright light, as a larger explosion nearly engulfed the city. Twilight was only to see through with her right eye open, and closed it from the heat and light.

Within the fires a monster with spiked shoulders was seen, then two other monsters were seen within the flames, the people of Canterlot soon began to run in panic, trying to flee from the fires and the monsters before them.

Twilight only watched in horror, as the city burned before her eyes.

"Suddenly a hidden evil, much worse than the Equestrian magic, clouded our world with darkness. Civilization collapsed, and we were thrown in a brutal wasteland of death and despair."

Twilight was last seen on her knees, praying to the heavens for a savior, who would arrive to purge the world from the darkness, and save them all from this nightmare. As she prayed, a large black cloud was seen and lightning flashed, out of the raging storm something was seen coming out. A large chrysalis like pod was seen slowly descending, and light was seen from the cracks.

"But I still believe. I believe that a light will pierce that darkness, and drive it away. I believe that someday, we'll be able to laugh again under the clear blue sky."

The camera then zooms closer, as the pod suddenly opens itself, revealing a shadowed figure with two large shoulder, a massive head with a metallic orb and two glowing eyes appeared before her. Twilight stared at the figure in awe and wonder, bathed in it's radiant light and warmth washing over her.

"And he will be the one to bring that light."

The camera moves back to the figure, zooming at its face this time. The figure gazed into the audience for a few moments, before the metallic orb in its head began to glow, and shined brightly before everything faded into darkness.

It was nighttime just outside of Canterlot, it was raining heavily that night, then a small light was seen and it grew as it revealed itself to be the headlights of a car, driving through the dark rainy night. The car turned out to be a police car, doing it's night patrol, the driver and his partner were just heading back to base after finishing their rounds.

"Jeez, didn't think it'd be this bad." The driver said to his partner.

"Yup. I just can't wait to get home and shower, and head for bed." The other cop said while looking through the front window. "Huh?" What he saw through the wet front window was a car that crashed into a sign. The right door was open from what they saw, and the driver stopped the car. "An accident?" The cop said to his partner, who just shrugged. They got out of their car and were greeted by the blaring sound of the car's horn going off. "Why do these dumbasses always drink when it rains?"

"You got me."

They walked over to the car to inspect the scene, the cop walks over to the driver side, shined his flashlight through the window and saw the driver who crashed his car, leaning over with his head on the horn. "Is there a problem sir? You're not hurt are you?" The cop asked the driver, hoping to get a response. The driver only moaned for a moment, before regaining consciousness and pulling his head away from the horn, sitting back up on his seat. Though the man seemed to be in pain, saliva was leaking over the side of his mouth, he looks up at his room groaning through his teeth.

"Hey Mic, something's wrong with this guy."

"Sam, get a hold of the station, tell them to send an ambulance, and a fire truck."

"Yes, sir."

As the officer went back to the car to call their base, the other officer turned his attention back to the man in the car. "Excuse me, what's the matter? Are you feeling sick sir?" He asked the man. Then he noticed a large duffle bag on his lap. He narrows his eyes in suspicion and leans inside the car. "What do you have in that bag?" He questions before reaching over to unzip it. "Would you mind opening it up for me?

As soon as he tried to touch it, the man suddenly clutches it around his arms, shielding it from the officer. The man had his eyes shut as if in pain, then opens them when he turned to Officer. "I'm sorry... But I can't." He said.

"Open the bag sir." The officer ordered when he grabbed the bag's handle, and the zipper undid itself. What he saw was completely not what he had expected. Instead of money, drugs or diamonds, inside the bag were these three large disc shaped objects, each of them seemed to have a large metal in the center. "Huh? What the hell are these?"

Back at the police car the other officer was contacting the station, and reporting the car incident when he suddenly heard the screams of his partner filling the air. "Mic?" The officer called out when he saw the car rocking back and forth, then his partner was flung out of the car and crashing against a rock wall. The man inside the car suddenly had glowing eyes, his voice was becoming distorted and seemingly grew inside the car, as the roof bulged out and the front window was cracking. Then he let out a loud growl and bursts through the window, leaping in the air, and landing on his feet.

Steam was coming off the man when he turns his glowing eyes at the officer, snarls and charges at him. The police officer barely had time to scream, when the man sank his teeth into the officer neck, causing blood to fly out. His partner watched in horror as his partner was killed by the man, if he even is a man, tore his neck wide open! Stealing his resolve, he jogs around the car and brings out his pistol, and aims it at the man. "Ok pal, hold it right there!" He exclaimed.

The man pulls himself away from the now dead cop, slowly turns his glowing eyes at the other officer, who was shaking from his soulless gaze. "What...the fuck?" He said said with his hands shaking.

The last thing that was heard was the sound of the pistol firing, officer screaming in terror, and the inhuman howl filled the air.

It has been well over a week since the incident with the mirror problem where Juniper Montage got infected by Equestrian magic and was almost got out of hand if it wasn't for starlight glimmer who helped saved them. She was given permission from princess twilight that she can stay at human world for a while. So the Rainbooms were now having fun after school but it's not about them.

We focus on there teens exiting school. They are flash, micro and sandalwood and they are hanging out after a tuff day.

"So you guys up for the arcade." Flash asked.

"Actually there something I want to check up on." Micro said.

"What's that?" Sandalwood asked.

" I was thinking we can check out the lake area in the Forest. See last night in the rain I picked up a signal I never seen before and soon found it in at the forest location. So I was thinking will you guys come with me to check it out." He asked his friends.

Flash wasn't so sure about that" isn't it kind of dangerous. I heard the news this morning and it says there was a murder on the highway and two police man we're killed."

"I saw that aswell and they say that there still trying to find the killer." Sandalwood told his friend.

"I know that's why well be careful. I know it's dangerous but we keep quiet and see where the signal was coming from. If it's to dangerous we leave" micro said. Both teens thought about it and soon agree than.

"Great so let's go." Micro said eagerly.

"Hold on I gonna text my parents that I'm gonna be home late." Flash said.

So the teens then soon headed out to the forest. What they didn't know the danger in the forest.

Hidden somewhere within the thick bushes was the same man who was seen last night, his face was covered in sweat, his breathing was hard and labored trying to control his heartrate. His eyes moved left and right, checking to see if the coast was clear. 'They must've found me.' He thought to himself. He looked to his right and through the opening of the leaves, he let out a small gasp as he saw someone standing over a ledge. It was a man wearing a stranger uniform, it was black with a blueish tint, the shoulders had white armored pads, his footwear were armored boots as where the gloves. And on the man's head was a helmet which left the mouth exposed but his eyes were covered by goggles that were attached the helmet, and he was carrying an unknown form of weapon in his hands.

The armed man was looking over the forest, before turning his attention to the man hiding which made him freeze up, did he spot him? Did he knew where he was?

Fortunately his prayers were answered as the armed man turned away, and went the other direction, still it didn't put him at ease. 'I can't get caught now. Not when I'm so close!' He turns to his bag and digs inside it, in his grasp he pulls out a grenade. "And I still...have this." He quietly said before reaching inside his breast pocket and pulls out a small picture. It was a picture of himself when he was normal, and standing next to him was a beautiful woman and in between them was a young girl with a ponytail, all three of them were smiling at the camera.

The woman was his wife and the little girl was his daughter, the father had been taken from them and has been on the run from those men ever since. His eyes were starting to water having missed his family so dearly. 'No, I'm coming home! I'm getting my body back, and I'm getting home to my family!' Suddenly he heard something and looks up, and to his horror he saw seven men wearing the same uniform as the one from earlier, looming over him with their weapons in hand.

The men began to make their move by jumping over the ledge above the father who was hiding. "Dammit!" He cursed and was about to make a run for it, only for one of the men to land before him. He yelped and found himself getting back against the rock wall behind him. He suddenly remember the grenade in his hand, which thankfully was hidden behind the leaves of the bush.

With no other choice the father gained a hard and determined expression, which made one of the men tilt his head in interest. The father started tensing up before unleashing an inhuman distorted growl, as his eyes were glowing like from last night and his clothing was stretching as his body suddenly expanded. One of the uniformed men only smirked as he and the other witnessed the father changing into something that's not even human! The father's skin changed color as his face shifted into a grotesque and ugly form of beast, his teeth had become rows of sharp teeth, his hands turned into claws as his clothing were torn to shreds to reveal his whole body was covered in exposed muscles and fur and on his forehead was this little orb of some kind.

The now inhuman father had growled at the men, slowly moving towards them in hopes of either scaring them off, or possibly killing them.

But the men only tightened their stances and kept their weapons trained on him.

"Stand back men!" The leader of the group order with a wave of his hand, which made the other stand down and backed away from the beast. The leader unclipped the chin strap and pulls the helmet off his head, and when he did he slowly opens his eyes to show that they were glowing too! And just before his eyes, he saw the other man's body shifting, changing into another inhuman creature. The man had become a tall and reptilian like creature, his neck became thick and extended forward and on his head was this large and powerful singular horn, with several other horns on both sides of his head, and two tentacles that grew from the back of his head.

The now reptilian man dropped his helmet and let out a distorted, inhuman chuckle which made the father tense up and worried if he would survive this.

In another part of the forest, Flash, micro and sandalwood were seen walking towards an opening where Micro found the spot,And when they made it out all Flash saw was a large crystal clear lake, it was at least 50 yards almost like a football field, all in all it was a beautiful and desolate lake, perfect for a little get-away.

"I gotta tell ya micro, you sure picked a helluva place to hang out in." Flash complimented as he threw a rock and watched it skid across the lake.

"Thanks and it can be our little hide out after this. But for now you guys feel easy I start the tracker to see the signal." Micro said. The two friends meanwhile sat back and enjoy the view.

"Man if we're not to busy we can call the girls hear aswell" sandalwood said.

"Yeah that's a great idea, I think there new friend will also like this." Flash told sandalwood.

Back to where the men were, the father had backed away and dodged as the scaly horned monster thrust his fist, and crashed into the rocks behind him. The green monster growled and lunged his other hand and grabbed the father's head in a vice-like grip while pinning him on the rocky wall. "Did you really think that a useless little guinea pig, could defeat a perfect specimen like me?" He taunted as he slowly squeezed the father's monstrous head.

"...D-Dammit!" He growled with no other choice he gripped the grenade tightly, and used his thumb to pull the pin.

Back at the teens they suddenly heard a boom back at the forest.

"What was that?" Flash said on surprise toon.

But soon something fell from the boom to there place.The object in question bounced a couple of times before rolling towards the edge of the lake and finally stops, letting out a sizzling sound. The three teens only gawked at the object when they saw it, it was large like a small wheel for a motor scooter, or roughly the size of a plate. It had strange armor around it which was a light blue color, and what looked like wires was coiled tightly around something, and at the center was a small metal orb. The boys only looked at it in curiosity and wonder as the orb seemed to glow.

Back at where the explosion came from the men only stood in anticipation, as the large smoke was dissipating, and when it did they saw a large crater left in its wake and the green monster was on his hands and knees, spewing blood from his mouth as his torso was covered in soot and wounds. The father however wasn't so lucky, he let out a weak moan as his hand that held the grenade was blown off, and blood was leaking from his mouth. With his strength gone he simply leaned forward, and crashed on the ground as he let out his last breath. The green monster slowly stood up as he watched a pool of blood forming underneath the dead father.

"Yes sir. We believe the test subject was carrying some sort of concealed bomb, Gregole's injuries aren't serious but it may look like he may need some time to fully regenerate, sir." One of the men reported to his commanding officer.

"I see. And, where're the units now?" He asked his subordinate.

"Looks like the explosion sent them flying off somewhere."

"Don't just stand there dammit go find them!"


The soldiers began to look around the perimeter to find the units their commander ordered, while the creature named Gregole was slowly healing his wounds from the explosion. "Commander I found one!" One of the soldiers shouted as he bent down and picked up one of the units they were sent to retrieve. "It looks a little scruffed here, but it's nothing too serious."

"Lemme see."

The soldier then walked over to his C.O. and handed him the unit, while the camera slowly moved over to a few blades of grass and showed the slightly burnt picture of the father and his family. "Alright listen there're two more units we gotta hurry."

Back at the boys the light around the orb had finally stopped glowing, and faded. Flash and sandalwood only looked at the object in awe as he and micro slowly moved closer to it. "What do you think it is micro?" He asked as they slowly approached it with caution.

"I...I'm not sure. I've never seen anything like it, and it doesn't look any technology I ever seen" Micro said as he picked up a stick and gently propped the object for any reaction. After a few more pokes nothing happened...yet anyway. Dropping the stick he carefully reached out for the object.

"Be careful Micro." Sandalwood warned as he watched the young genius slowly picking up the object.

With it in his hands the young boy was amazed by it, it felt like nothing he ever touched before, it felt like metal and yet it almost felt like...flesh when he touched the coils. "This... This things lighter than it looks." Micro said as he lightly bounced and turns it around to look all over it. "It's definitely not Equestrian, that's for sure."

"Let me see." Flash said as he reached out and gently touches the object. "Just...what the hell is this thing?"

Just as the boys were looking over the object they suddenly heard a ringing sound coming from micro. "Huh? It must be my brother, he's contacting me!" He said and was about to reach for his phone when suddenly the object jolted. The three of them froze and kept their eyes on it, afraid of what will come next.

"Uh, I think, I must've pushed a switch or something." Flash said with an uneasy tone.

Micro looked at the object in his hands when it suddenly started glowing and emitting a high-pitched humming sound. The young boy yelped and threw it only for Flash to catch it out of reflex and saw the glowing orb for himself. As he gazed at the light the orb glowed brighter and brighter as the camera suddenly went inside the metal and a tunnel of light and clear bubbles were seen passing by. It was like Flash was gazing into a tunnel of light itself!

"Flash, what's wrong?" Sandalwood fearfully asked.

The coils underneath the armor suddenly started moving, almost writhing actually.

"It's like...it's alive!" Flash softly exclaimed and before he knew it the metal orb suddenly erupted from the armor that held it, while the coils were actually tendrils attached to the orb and flung itself at the stunned boy who barely had time to react, and found his head engulfed by the tendrilled orb and felt the tentacles enveloping his whole body. Flash let out a loud scream as his body was being covered by tendrils and he suddenly saw lights, so many lights flashing through his mind as he was seen frozen like a statue and barely clothed at all.

'I can't...breath! Somethings tearing into my body...crawling under my skin!'
His friends were shocked micro was trembling like an earthquake as he just witnessed a mass of tentacles erupting from the object and engulfing the older teen, tears were threatening to fall from his eyes as his knees shook. "F-f-f-flash...?" He whimpered as he saw the tendrils fully covered the boy and taking on a rather odd shape and form. The shape of the body still looked much like a human, only the elbows suddenly grew spikes and a fin-like antenna formed on the head. He saw what was his friend falling on his knee and almost reached out. "Hey!" He called out only to gasp when he saw the metal orb on the forehead and to his awe and horror two slits opened up, and revealed a pair of dull red opaque eyes.

Micro yelped when he saw his friend reaching out to him and slowly walked toward him. "Guys….help me..." Jack called out in a light distorted voice. "Please..." They only stood there frozen as micro his phone had stopped ringing and saw the color around his friend suddenly changed to a sky-blue color and growing out from his head were two more metallic orbs. The main orb on the forehead suddenly glowed again and Flash screamed and held his head, stumbling back until he fell into the lake with a splash.

This snapped them out from his fear induced trance and ran over the edge of the lake. "Flash!" They called out as he saw the ripples from where his friend splashed down had faded. Falling on there knees they felt a tear or two falling from there eyes, fearing on what had happened there best friend/older brother figure, they knew there was something different about that object and he just had to touch it and pick it up! Soon there ears picked up the sound of footsteps coming from behind he turns around and felt there blood turned cold when they saw something that wasn't even human!

Standing before the terrified boy was Gregole who managed to heal most of his wounds he got earlier, and looked down at the two."what are you two doing hear"

Both teens soon we're now feeling fear.

"They seen you Gregole." One of the soldiers told the monster.

"Eliminate them"

Hearing what Gregole said made the teens heart almost stop, these men and that monster, were going to kill them?! Micro yelped again as he saw Gregole approaching him with his claws raised and ready to tear into his flesh. The sounds of his growls was enough to make them fall back down and trembled as he let out a louder growl. "Don't kill us, please!" He cried out as he shut his eyes tight. Sandalwood got Infront of micro trying to save him.

Gregole only ignored his pleas for help and was ready to slam his clawed hand on him only to suddenly stop. The teens waited for the monster's claw to strike him or at least Bumblebee to arrive, but when they heard the monster stopped growling both hesitantly opened his eyes and saw the monster standing before him in shock. "Huh?" They mumbled.

Gregole let out a surprised growl as the camera turns and showed another figure standing behind the two.

Standing before all to see was a humanoid type being in sky-blue armor, and dark sinew-like muscles underneath the armor, on the front of the waist was a metallic orb roughly the size of a baseball, the elbows had flat blade like spikes barely sticking out, the neck had two strands connecting from the torso to the neck, on the head were two large metallic orbs with the fin-like antenna facing backwards on the face were the mouth would be were to smaller orbs and two vents of some kinds. On the forehead was the same metallic orb with a small green gem on top of it, and the eyes were glowing bright red, with the sunsetting behind it and the glew of its eyes gave it a rather intimidating appearance.

Everyone stared at the being in shock and awe, trying to make out what the creature before them was. "Wha...what the hell is that?" One of the soldiers asked.

Suddenly the orb on the forehead glowed again and Gregole only glared at the new arrival. "Who are you?" He questioned the being only to get silence from it and the vents shooting out some steam. The two teens only watched as the monster and being stared each other down. The armored being suddenly raised its right fist and clenched it tightly. Gregole knew what the gesture meant and lowered his stance. "You wanna fight? I don't know who you are, but if you're stupid enough to get in my way, I'll tear you to pieces!" He made the first move by thrusting his claws straight at the being, only for it to tilt its head to the left and let his arm pass by it, then it placed its hands on his arm and chest which got his attention, and with little effort the being was able to push Gregole away from it!

Stumbling back the monster steadied himself and glared at the being. "Alright twerp you wanna test your strength, against me!" He growled as the being raised its arms up and held the right hand forward with the left hand back and assuming a fighting stance. The soldiers soon grinned amongst themselves, believing that the being wouldn't last against Gregole's strength. Then both Gregole and the being grasped each others hands and pushed against themselves with all their might. Gregole was obviously larger and taller than the being, as he growled and started pushing the being's arms back he let out a chuckle and growled louder thinking he was gonna win. The being felt itself being pushed back and stood on its toes, giving it some leverage and pushed back, which surprised Gregole as he felt the being gripping his hands even tighter and pushing harder.

The soldiers noticed this and stopped grinning, the being's metallic orb on its forehead glowed again and it twisted Gregole's arms downward, the monster felt pain in his arms as he heard the sound of crunching bones, and then the being bent his arms so far down his arms exploded in showers of blood and bone sticking out from his wounds! "AHH! Who...are you?!" He exclaimed in pain and fell on his knees as his now broken arms were hanging limply on his body.

"I...don't believe it. That...scrawny thing broke his arms!" The commander said in total shock.

Even micro and sandelwood were taken aback from the being's strength, there eyes were wide as dinner plates and there jaw lightly hanged by itself as both took in the gory details from the monster's wounds.

The being walked over to the downed monster who only growled hatefully at it, his body trembled in anger as the being turned its red gaze at him, looking down at him as though he were a lowly bug. "...Damn you.. RAGGHH!" He roared as he lunged at the being intending to impale it with his horn, only for the being to move aside and quickly wrapping his arms around his head.

Everyone just stood there frozen and unable to move, the soldiers thought that Gregole actually pierced the being with his horn, while micro held his breath hoping the being was alright so did sandalwood. One of the soldier slightly lowered his stance and before they knew it, a large wave of blood erupted from the being as it let go of Gregole, as it turned out the being had crushed the monster's head in its grasp and simply lets his body fall backwards. The being then turned its red gaze at the soldiers, who flinched at its cold gaze.

"Retreat! Let's get the hell out of here!" The commander ordered and one by one the soldiers began leaping backwards, and faded into the forest.

Both the teens were soon left behind an were afraid what the armor figure will do to them.

"guys?" It spoke in a very familiar voice which made the two teens snap there eyes open and stare at the being in shock. "Flash? Is that you?" Micro asked recalling how his friend sounded when that tentacled creature lunged at him.

Ye-Yeah." The armored teen answered. Then they suddenly heard a hissing sound coming from the dead body of Gregole, turned their gaze and to their surprise they saw it starting to smoke and melt before their eyes. "D...Did I do that?" Flash asked dumbfounded as the body was dissolving into nothing but blood and foam.

"Look it's just melting away." Sandalwood said equally dumbfounded as the armored teen, which he turned his attention back at him. "But, wait, flash.......what happened to your body?"

The echo teens words caught flash attention when he turned his head at the young genius. "My body?" He questioned. Then he looked down and saw his armored hand. "M-My hand? What's going on?" He suddenly began to tremble as a sudden flash of what happened to him earlier with the tendrilled creature, came rushing through his mind like a train. He turns around and saw his reflection on the surface on the lake. "Wha… What's that thing? Is that...really me?" He exclaimed as he was beginning to hyperventilate.

"Flash, look just calm down, I'm...sure we can figure this out." Micro said trying to placate his distressed friend.

Flash hands were trembling before his face as the same high-pitch humming sound was heard, then he clutched his head and threw it in the air. "NNNNOOOOOOOO!" He cried out into the heavens over what has happened to him, then the orb on his forehead glowed once again and to their surprise the armor had suddenly disassembled itself from flash! His friends only gawked in awe as they saw the stunned expression on flash face, as the blue hair teen fell out of the armor and landed on his hands and knees, panting heavily while his friends ran up to his side. "Flash!" Sandalwood exclaimed as he held his shoulder.

The teens then saw the armor peaces float on the air and soon start to descent down the river, soon disappear from site.

The three friends don't know what is going on but they know this that what ever they stumbled into is very big and dangerous.

Author's Note:

yup it's a Guyver x mlp story and like all anime fan they will know how this series go so be ready for some action and fire scene.

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