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Some Leech

I...I am a monument to all your sins...

Comments ( 45 )
Valk #1 · Oct 12th, 2022 · · 28 · Chapter 2 ·


For one of the NSFW versions of the cover art (there are quite a few), check out 1565963 on Derpi.

Smack that until you get sore! Smack that give me some more!!!!

A Some Leech futaLestia story with cadence?
And it's multichapter??

This is gonna be fun

An interesting start

Comment posted by CharonX deleted Oct 13th, 2022

Very hotly written, unfortunately this hits too close for Netorare for me, so isn't my cup of tea, sorry.

Even if, as stated in the summary, Shining knows (and approves?) what is going on from the start, unless Celestia is aware of this, she seduces (and/or allows herself to be seduced by) Cadence, knowing that it might wreck Cadence's and Shining's relationship (while pretending to be a "good friend" to Shining, encouraging him... only to insult and disparage him when she is alone with Cadence again).

Gonna laugh if Shining is actually packing heat that somehow rivals Celly's boomstick, and Candy is just using a spell that keeps her tight after her sessions with Shining. And this story would be perfect if Shining gets to plow Celestia in payback on the final chapter...or Celly plows him. Either result would work.

Dom!lestia is very hot though. Just wanna see if she can take as good as she gives.

I can't wait for more!

I'd love to see a story like this featuring Twilight.

Have you thought about doing an anthro futa story like this with Tempest Shadow and Twilight? I'm surprised there's so few anthro stories between those two in general.

Extra Kinks SPOILERS FOR LATER CHAPTERS: Though it's played off as cheating, Shining eventually reveals that he's known about them fucking from the get-go

How is that a kink?

Oh please let that be the case, I beg there are too little stories where shining armor get some respect

*considers picture* For a winged creature, she's surprisingly non aerodynamic.

He supported the idea of Shining Armor winning in the end.
But realistically Candace is already Celestia's property and he won't be able to get her back, but that doesn't mean it's the end of everything, where a door closes a window opens.

What makes me doubt is if in this AU Cadance was kidnapped by Chrysalis, because in that case Shining Armor X Queen Chrysalis could be formed. Celestia gets a princess while Shining Armor a queen. But it is also possible that in the end Celestia wins and Shining Armor stays at the bottom of the barrel, personally I would not like that ending since this Celestia is too self-centered about the fact that she is a princess and is superior to everyone else (which is true), in short, each one their fetishes in this story.

You will have to read the end of this story to find out, in any case excellent writing to the author, sorry if my grammar was not the best, my English is not very good.

Celestia has been built up rather heavily in this story as a Divine Sex Goddess She-Stud that would RUIN any mare she takes for anyone else. And how (even if they truly fell in love in the end), she was owed Cadance by sheer right as being the FAR superior lover compared to Shining.

I truly hope that all this build up pays off with Shining AND Cadance double teaming and completely dominating Celly, showing her who's TRULY superior. Would easily be your best story yet if that is the outcome.

...That, or Celestia deciding to truly show her superiority by turning Shining into a slut for her as well. Got a thing for big dicked mares on Twinks, so I'd love that too.

Either way, can't wait to see how this all ends!

Dang this is good, and I normally am not at an of anthro fics.

I really want to see Celestia Cuck Shining, and them getting into a happy three-way relationship.

Of course, if it's truly three-way:

Celestia: If it makes you feel better, little Shining, pretend it's not throbbing! Then it's just like when my niece pegs you...

She keeps saying nobody can appreciate her carnal might before cadence, but what about her sister?

Luna and Cele are both tops

their is a good chance that this Cadance is might actually be Chrysalis but i haven't read this story.

She’d had plenty of time to think about what the girl meant to her, and she’d ultimately come to a rather stunning conclusion. Attractive, witty, and full of potential, the young mare was possibly the only pony in all of Equestria who was suitable to claim as her own. While Twilight was nearly on equal footing with the Princess of Love, she viewed the youngest alicorn as something of an adopted daughter; Cadance though - well, Cadance was another matter entirely.

No mention of Luna here either.

THAT would be a twist. A pretty funny one, too.

Interesting ending, - still don't like NTR aspects though, sorry.
It is good that Shining already knew, approves and likes to watch and we arrive at an at least somewhat happy ending for all involved, but I cannot help but feel that Shining still got by far not enough respect but that might be another kink for him - otherwise Celestia disparaging him is simply rude -, and that both Cadence and especially Celestia get off basically scot free despite their actions, which could easily have led to a major disaster...
Imagine Shining had not known and approved... Then he, captain of the royal guard, would have been utterly betrayed by the love of his life and his liege, who conducted the wedding and whom he considered his best friend, being the homewrecker - rage or despair would have been equally likely. Twilight probably would also been less than thrilled... "Heav'n has no rage, like love to hatred turn'd..."
Celly needs to be more mindful regarding the consequences - things turned out well, but in different circumstances I imagine from these kind of betrayals villains and even Nightmares may be born...

That said, you're a great writer, SomeLeech, thank you for the story, even if it doesn't quite hit my taste.

Eh. Not either ending I was really hoping for, but everyone's happy, so I guess that's fine.

Hopefully, your next story involving Celestia (aside from a potential sequel to this) has her taking on a more submissive role. Alpha Bitch Celly is great, and all the clop scenes were HOT AS HELL, but still can't help but see her as a bit of a Karma Houdini for all the shit she thought and said about Shining.

Ah well, can't wait for the next one!

For what it's worth, I prefer a more submissive, romantic Celestia

Wouldn't the idea of fighting for dominance against each other happen? (Or is that what nightmare moon was about?

This was a comm that took several months of work to pound out, so I was working within certain constraints

Loved the story. A *lot* of my top favorite kinks are here. Futa-domme-amazoness Celestia with an imperious attitude ravishing a smaller, married Cadance is like if Christmas came early to someone such as myself. I will say, from start to finish, the dialogue and sex scenes are overwhelmingly typical of what you'd find in NTR/cuckolding works, so I do agree that the tag is warranted. Like Celestia is a typical arrogant, ruthless, big-dicked she-stud, and even Cadance devolves to the "I love my husband but I love your cock more" porn character stereotype. No harm in calling it for what it is, I say. It's still stupid hot.

Kind of on that note, I have mixed feelings on the romance tag? I think any romance present is really only there to instead emphasize (enhance!) the running NTR/cuckolding/cheating themes.

tl:dr - Phenomenal Celestia x Cadance futadom story. Definitely one of my all time smut favs in general. I think it needs a NTR/cuckolding kink tag added, and the romance tag possibly removed. Thank you for your amazing work, SomeLeech!

Was kinda hoping for some twist epilogue. For an epilogue, it didn't really bring anything new that wasn't established in the last chapter. Dunno, could have used some kind of curveball thrown at her huge ego? Ok fic in general tho, even if it could been a bit shorter given it got a bit repetitive.

I'll be honest I only read this cause it said Shining Armor already knew. I expected an interesting plot twist but it felt kinda meh to me. Regardless it was still a fun read.

Comments-meta-fic: A nightmare and a much needed chewing-out
(Feedback is appreciated - SomeLeech: hope this is OK, can delete it if not)

In an universe, very near this one, only one rustling of partially torn ancient parchment away:

Celestia retired to her her chambers, spent and exhausted after a late-afternoon session with Cadence - that mare was insatiable. In her mind she began organizing her schedule for the next day: Most importantly to have an early meeting with Shining Armor - returning from Cadence she had found a letter of resignation from the Captain of the Guard, alongside a petition to be released from oaths and service. She realized that she had not met the stallion all week, neither in the palace nor during her visits to Cadence; indeed it seemed that over the past moons he had grown more and more distant both towards Cadence and herself.
Perhaps the affection towards his "wife" had withered away after witnessing countless times just how inferior the stallion was compared to Cadence's true partner: herself. She knew that Cadence still felt some affection towards Shining... she made a mental note to adjust her schedule for the coming weeks, in case she quickly needed to free a up few days to console her mate. Having reached her bed, she rested her weary head on the pillow and quickly slipped into a deep slumber.

She awoke with a scream; her bed sheets were drenched in sweat and it took several minutes for the shaking and shivering to cease. A glance at the clock at her nightstand told her that only a few hours had passed. Untangling herself from her sheets she hurried towards her sister's chambers. Passing the nightguards at the entrance and quickly closing the doors behind her, Celestia found Luna reclining on a comfortable couch, deeply engrossed in an old book.

"Luna," Celestia exclaimed "I... I had the most horrifying dream."
Luna looked up from the book, raising an eyebrow "Thou had a horrifying dream, sister?"
"Yes! I dreamt of the evening Cadence and I informed Shining Armor of our relationship."
Weary from the too brief rest and her adrenaline slowly fading, Celestia sat down on nearby couch opposite Luna "At first the dream exactly mirrored the events... but then things went horribly, utterly wrong. Shining claimed he had not known... and he was so furious when he left... and the next day he came to my office to resign and then he... his face... he died Luna... it was horrible... and it felt so real..."
Recalling the dream had set her heart was once again racing, her arms trembling, her skin clammy with fresh layer of sweat. Slowly she steadied her breathing. "He really submitted his resignation today, Luna... Perhaps this is the source of the night terror? But yet, what if - it felt so real - what if it was more than just a dream, but a warning or a premonition... Luna, it was so horrible - and Dreams are your domain, so maybe..."
Noticing that Luna continued to look at her impassively, a sliver of suspicion and anger started rising in Celestia's chest "Luna, are you... did you...?"

Luna's eyes narrowed and her voice grew icy "Nay, sister. Do not even dare imply that We would ever abuse Our domain in such manner."
She lowered her book into her lap and closed it with a snap, before continuing in a marginally warmer, softer tone "But We were aware. A fortnight ago Captain Armor petitioned Our counsel and We provided it. As such We also are fully aware of the circumstances of Thine relationship with young Cadence. And while precedent and law most ancient do sanction Thine acts..." Once more Luna's voice chilled deeply "...We cannot."

"What? He approved when we told him, he was happy and even joined..." Celestia interjected, only to be cut off by Luna. "We art not finished, sister. Firstly, regarding Captain Armor's happiness - what did Thou expect him to do as you told him? Thou had already conquered his betrothed's heart, moved forevermore beyond his reach; but he knew she still loved him - and he did her, despite all - and for an stalwart stallion such as him the choice between a beloved's happiness and his own is not a choice at all. Furthermore, Thou art his liege, his oaths bind him, his life is Thine to spend, how could he even dare consider opposing Thou taking from him what is, by oath and law, Thine to take? So he submitted, attempting to preserve what remained to preserve. The happiness of a dog only beaten twice daily instead of trice. The happiness of only losing two limbs instead of three. Happiness indeed, sister."

"But secondly... Thou are in dire need of a reminder, sister, to be heedful the consequences of Thine actions. Particularly if Thou insist on permitting Thine cock to think for Thou. Had Thou waited for mere 50 years or so Thou could have romanced Cadence after her betrothed's passing - We art ageless, they are not. She would have all more grateful for it, to have Thou to console her in her darkest hour. Yet Thou decided to approach her instantly, regardless the consequences, knowing that this may very well break her relationship, her marriage, and the heart of her betrothed. Thou moved the Princess of Love to a position where she may cause the shattering of her betrothed's heart - We shudder at the implications, should this ever come to pass. Worse, Thou did not so openly, but with subterfuge and deceit, lying to the stallion while bedding his mare. His loyalty and a turn of fortune prevented the worst from happening, but did Thou ever stop to consider what might have occurred instead or the wider consequences of your deeds? That Thou repaid loyalty with betrayal, honesty with lies, applied cruelty and selfishness in kindness' and generosity's stead... Were Thou purposefully attempting to turn Harmony against Thee? And did Thou forget he is Thine Captain of the Guard, bulwark of the realm, protecting it from threats without and within? Or that he is beloved brother to Thine very own student, perchance the most potent unicorn in our age (and We are very well aware of Thine further schemes for her)."

Luna exhaled deeply, her eyes sorrowful "Sister, We acted arrogantly, selfishly, recklessly, heedless of consequences a millennia ago, and the cost was very, very, dear for us all - We beseech Thee, do NOT repeat Our mistakes." A deep sigh escaped her as she collected herself before continuing "As to Thine other questions. While We do not believe this to be a simple night terror - our chambers are warded against them, though We shall refresh the wards in the morrow - we also do not believe it is a direct premonition, as some of the events have already differently come to pass - yet it may very well be a warning. Mayhap it was a glimpse of might-have-beens, dark fates too narrowly avoided. And Obscure magics exist that can introduce dreams on their target, but their caster would need be exceedingly knowledgeable, powerful and deeply familiar with the target to weave such a spell, even more so when the target is an Alicorn as Thee. Either pick fills Our heart with dread. Thus We advise you to see it as an urgent warning regarding Thine currently chosen course..."

Luna motioned to the couch Celestia was sitting on. "But stay here and rest for now, sister, We shall personally guard Thine dreams tonight." As Celestia curled up on the couch, quickly asleep, she heard her sister softly add "Rest well... the morning may already bring Thou to the first crossroads - We pray to Faust Thou discern the correct path."

This is still a good thing 8/10 but I feel like it would have been a 10/10 if there was a twist at the end we're shining armor was the same size as Celestia and they both f*** each other allowing them both to be dominant over cadence

Man, this story was pretty good. Couldn't wait to the next chapters. I'm going to have to read this one again.

Imagine Flurry Heart running the Crystal Empire but with an OP Futa D that needs a perfect cocksleeve to help her oversexed energy and thought about reforming Cozy Glow with a twist.

Not my favorite, but I had fun.

Thanks for story!

Only way it could had gotten better is with a scene of Shining having sex with Celestia since she should have the female anatomy as well…
Not really sure how I feel about him eating her out but not joining in…
In the end ntr is not for everyone even if the end could be considered more of an “open relationship/ poly” or swingers action…

Have a good day!

Oh my, this was excellent. I would love to see Dom muscular/Amazonian futa Tempest on Twilight written in your style. I'm surprised that hasn't appeared! I'm just glad you've given Celaeno some love :D

i think i like this version of celestia a lot

Very hot and steamy … though it did seem to get a bit repetitive as the chapters went on. Up until the last chapter where they told Shining, it was pretty much the same thing over and over again. A good thing, sure, but a bit more variety would have really helped the middle of this story.

It was a commission

Imma be honest, if I were in Shining’s position, I would’ve left them both there and Chrysalis would be learning a LOT of state secrets.

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