• Published 29th Oct 2022
  • 5,288 Views, 311 Comments

Beyond Earth: Phoenix Rising - Stalin with Da Spoon

Humanity has overcome it's failures and united together to create a world of peace, prosperity, and progress. However, when a cataclysm of epic proportions threatens the human race, actions must be taken to hibernate below, and one day, re-awaken.

  • ...

12: Altitude

'Man must rise above the Earth, to the top of the atmosphere and beyond, for only thus will he fully understand the world in which he lives.'
- Socrates

The many cotton why clouds that drifted through the sky had only ever been disturbed by the slow flapping yet great wing spans of the dragons, or the rapid yet light flaps of the Pegasi. Yet today the clouds were sliced in half and seemingly scattered in the wind generated by the one who reduced them from stratocumulus clouds to stratus clouds. The beings that had disturbed them before, were of flesh and bone, yet the entity that disrupted them today was of metal and steel, copper and alloy.

The steel machine felt foreign in this new sky. Jameson wasn't sure how to feel, being in the air for the first time in a million years, likely the first aircraft to ever fly in that time frame. Jameson then looked from his holographic cockpit, still not getting used to how this aircraft utilized a holographic display of the cockpit view rather than a traditional view, but it was safer than glass and thanks to the automatic shading systems it kept the sun out of his eyes, added on with his helmet's visor making his vision perfectly adjusted for flying and displaying data in real-time.

The V-45 Geisthawk MK.2, designed as a joint-project by Lockheed Martin and Airbus as part of the Atmospheric Defense Initiative, was the definition of an advanced modern stealth craft. Outfitted with the latest edition of photo-reactive panels and advanced reconnaissance sensors, the Geisthawk was the perfect stealth aircraft. Jameson didn't full understand the specs of the aircraft, mainly cause he understood standard combat craft better, but he could appreciate the sleek and advanced design.

What he didn't appreciate however... Was the loud-mouth automated assistant constantly asking him to turn down his music.

"It isn't even a good song, we both know 'Kickstart my Heart' and 'Danger Zone' are superior songs! Everyone knows it!" Ares spoke with a degree of annoyance in his tone.

"Superior songs for flying in combat, sure. Songs for simply cruising along? Kinda make you tense for no reason, least in my case. There's a reason I have two flying playlists, one for cruise, one for combat."

"Well, I must say you at least have good tastes. You even have Spirit in the Sky in here."

"That's from my brief stint as an AC-230 escort. I tell ya what, listening to that thing fire it's 30mm gun was something else."

"I still don't see how you are even able to focus with all this music playing. Were you playing while flying over the Battle for Washington D.C?"

"Yes, in fact I can remember the specific song being 'Highway to Hell'. Course I muted it as soon as the dogfight began, and I barely managed to eject after that damned EMP went off. Anyways, what are we looking for up here again?"

"Not really looking for anything specifically, our current objective is to just soar above the clouds and collect atmospheric data. While I handle said data, you just enjoy the view. After a while, we pop below the clouds and start surveying the landscape, take pictures of anything interesting we see before returning to base."

"So just your regular routine recon op with a bit of weather scanning added on top?"

"The scans handle more than just weather, but it's not too far off so your basically correct. Now then, simply look at the clouds while I handle operating the sensors. It's my primary function after all."

"Besides being annoying."

"Watch it young man, if it weren't for this aircraft's security measures I could easily eject you right now."

"Yet you can't."

"Piss off."

"Hey now, who give the AI a potty mouth?"

"The techs thought it would give me more character." Jameson chuckled to himself before deciding to raise the visor on his helmet as his eyes took in the vast sky around him. The clouds were identical to the ones he was used to flying through and around a million years ago, although the sky and sun seemed to be a little brighter. "A thing to note, I am detecting faint traces of energy in the air around us. According to the data gathered by the surface exploration team, it seems the entire atmosphere is filled with mage energy, and that is likely what's causing the seemingly increased brightness of the sky and sun. I have already adjusted the cockpit displays shaders, and the energy is luckily not enough to affect our systems, although it is causing our photo-panels to slightly glitch. I've already engaged our secondary holo-camouflage emitters to give us an extra layer of stealth, so it shouldn't be an issue."

"I was wondering why the sky looked like something out of a kids cartoon. Anything else unusual on the sensors?"

"Nothing to report yet, standard data. We should be clear to enter low altitude flight."

"Roger, commencing descent." Jameson tightened his grip on the flight controls, adjusting the aircrafts wings into a downward slant as it began to slowly angle itself downward. Jameson flipped his visor back down to see the altimeter on his display slowly lowering, along with a display of the aircraft's current angle and vector. Soon his display indicated he was in the Troposphere as he realigned and centered out the aircraft's balance. "See anything noteworthy?"

"Oh most definitely, displaying now." Ares said in a curious tone as Jameson's visor display was covered with a video feed from the aircraft bottom mounted cameras. He could see a vast green landscape below complete with a large forest and a vast mountain range beyond it. In close proximity to the forest was what looked like a small town or village, as the camera zoomed in to better inspect the structures while the jet began to reduce it's speed. It soon entered VTOL mode as it hovered in the air thanks to built-in miniature thrusters and gravitational disruptors. "Well, we can definitely confirm life on the surface now, if there any doubts before, and trust me, there were. Structures are similar to that of medieval or renaissance era architecture and technology. No form of even basic transportation in sight, however they do seem to have access to trains according to the railways I can see extending from the town. Likely advanced differently compared to us, especially considering they're all ponies."

"Yeah that makes sense- Wait, ponies?"

"Yes, tiny little ponies varying in color are all scurrying about down below. This aircraft's camera is advanced enough to allow me to zoom in right on them, and I can tell you it's not just regular ponies, but also unicorns and pegasi."

"Damn, really should've read that briefing before we launched."

"No worries, I read it pre-launch in the case you did not so at least one of us would have some knowledge. Regardless, I advise following these train lines, could potentially lead to a larger urban center."

"Roger that." Jameson said as he switched the aircraft out of hover mode and picked up the speed again as it zoomed above the rails below. Soon the aircraft would slow down as he whistled at what came into sight.

The large city itself was built into the side of a mountain, resting on the edge while several lakes of water natural descended down the side and through the city, as several bridges crossed over the water and connected the city both internally and externally. Buildings were densely packed together with an outer ring surrounding the city's center separated by water, reminding Jameson a lot of the cities he saw in the preservation facilities.

"Damn, this is one hell of a city for medieval tech. Looks pretty too."

"Indeed, the architecture while outdated is still quite astonishing. I'm not even gonna ask how they managed to build it into a mountain like that and not cause it to collapse and fall down the side. I am personally a fan of the mixing of urban and natural environments. Anyways, divert your attention over here." Another marker appeared on his HUD, as Jameson turned to look at the large palace sitting at the edge of the city, overlooking the landscape below.

"The logs mentioned this nation likely has a monarchy in charge, so this is most likely their primary capital. Structures seem much more sophisticated, more highly populated than the last town. Hang on, I'm detecting something... Radio waves?"

"Aren't they in what's essentially the dark ages, how the hell do they have radio technology?"

"Well, first of all the fact they have steam trains should indicate they definitely possess a different technological path of advancement to us." Ares said as a marker was placed on Jameson's hud, as he turned to see a train station, as a train was present and currently loading pony passengers and cargo. "Second of all, these radio waves are much weaker, so they must still be developing the technology. My scans indicate the majority of the waves are originating from the center of the city. And third, you haven't even noticed the airport. Or excuse me, airship port." Another marker led Jameson to look at a large docking area at the edge of the city, with several airships coming and going from the port. "So right now we have a strange mish mash of 20th century and 16th century technology. The scientists are gonna either orgasm or burst a head gasket looking at this."

"Let's hope these little ponies don't get something like a Hindenburg. But why is the technology so... Mixed up? We got mostly renaissance architecture, industrial revolution technology, and... What age was the airship invented?"

"In 1852, created by Henri Giffard. So technically speaking, they are still mostly localized in the renaissance area. However, I am not detecting any form of industrial development within this city, mainly due to the total lack of pollution. Judging by how they have designed the city, I assume they do not want to disrupt nature and value ecology."

"So they're environmentalists? At least they won't cause climate change like we did."

"Debatable, I am still detecting carbon monoxide emissions in this direction." A marker was placed on the compass in Jameon's HUD, as the jet adjusted it's heading and head off towards the direction. As the aircraft drew closer, a new set of rail tracks came into view below, while the air ahead became smoggy and grey. A small industrial town similar in size to the first village Jameson had located, however here the buildings were built from steel and concrete, with some towering a few stories above the ground. Smokestacks churned out smoke and on the ground were several shapes walking around. "Wait a minute... Either my optical sensors are faulty or those are... No, no that's impossible..."

"What is it, Ares?"

"They're... They're humans."

The door to the meeting room opened as President Felix stepped in, his brow having beads of sweat on it as he sat down.

"Greetings everyone... I assume you all know... Why you are." Felix said, his tone slightly nervous as he gazed around the room. The expressions on his fellow world leaders ranged from curious to sharing a similar sense of anxiety.

"So it is confirmed that this 'Tirek' and 'Cozy Glow' are truly aliens?" President Alexi said, while turning to the digital screen on the wall as it displayed photos of the Centaur and Pegasus. "I must say, the second one looks like something out of a children's cartoon, especially with a name like that."

"The fact they can understand English is also... Intriguing. After examining the video log that was forwarded to us after the team returned, I can say without certainty, we may no longer the only truly sapient species on this planet. In fact, we may be just one of many." King Osas said with a slight hint of joy in his tone, as Xi nodded.

"Indeed, the fact that there could many new different races is truly something spectacular!" A thud rang out in the room, as everyone turned towards Aladeen after he slammed his fist on the table.

"What you don't seem to understand, is that these new aliens could be threats!" Aladeen then sighed, before retracting his fist and seemingly calming down. "But yes, it is rather... Strange, to realize we are no longer the dominant force. Because of that, we must be wary. Perhaps this little pegasus is right, perhaps this so-called 'princess' is a threat to humanity! We can never know for certain."

"I can't believe I'm going to say this, but Aladeen is right. Until we know more, we need to delay opening the facilities."

"Might I suggest announcing a plan to open two new facility entrances and send out additional exploration teams? We could inform the populace that the surface may be dangerous without revealing the existence of alien life. Plus, it would allow us to gather additional information, and if needed, establish a proper foothold on the surface." Pierre said, before Jack grunted to get everyone's attention.

"What we should focus on, is getting back in contact with Luna and Mars. If we've lost our hold over Earth, we need to confirm if we still have it on our other worlds. If were lucky, they haven't been colonized by some other aliens."

"Everyone here has valid points. As Pierre suggested, we shall propose to the Representative Council to open up additional entrances and explore the surface. Meanwhile, we'll follow Jack's plan of getting comms back up and running with Luna, and later on, Mars. As Aladeen has so kindly reminded us, we will need to move forward with careful planning. Everyone agree?" A series of nods from everyone in the room caused Felix to smile. "Excellent. Now let's get to work, we got a planet to reclaim."