• Published 24th Oct 2022
  • 490 Views, 10 Comments

Wallflower Isn’t Invisible (Anymore) - MLPonyPals

"When a person has social anxiety, they may struggle to form connections. Bear in mind, they only struggle to form connections. That doesn't mean they don't want to."

  • ...

It's just a quick coffee favor

Pinkie watched her friends Sunset Shimmer and Wallflower Bush converse by one of the window seats at the Sweet Shoppe.

Sunset had asked her if they could use a table for themselves for a little. And while Pinkie had to enforce the rules of having to order something, she of course said yes. She unfortunately had to be at the cash register 'cash register-ing' and the like, so she couldn't join in on the conversation, but she was still happy to see her friends were having a good time.

They were laughing and bantering with each other, and for the most part, it was good-natured.

At least until all the flusterdness and blushing started.

"What's this about urges, Sunset?" she heard Wallflower say. "You got something you wanna tell me? Do you have a plat fetish or-"

"No!" Sunset yelled. "Stop! That's not it at all!"

"Okay, whatever. You sure?"

"I DON'T have a plant fetish, Wallflower. And you know it."

"That's exactly what someone with a plant fetish would say."

"God damnit, Wallflower!"

Pinkie, who had been listening in on their conversation, grinned in amusement.

The next day, Pinkie was one of the first of her friends to arrive at their table during lunch period. Rainbow and Applejack arrived almost synonymously, practically trampling each other and any poor individual that happened to be in their path in their race to get there before the other did.

"HA! I win, AJ!" The rainbow haired girl announced, smug and triumphant.

"You absolutely did NOT, Rainbow!" Applejack yelled back. "That stunt yah pulled with the mulberry bush back on Bridle Street was downright unfair!"

"Well you never said we had to play fair in the first place!"

"You reek of bad sportsmanship. You're a soccer player ain't ya? What kinda athlete can you call yourself if you're willing to play dirty like that?"

Pinkie wedged herself between the two.

"Hey, hey! Let's call it a draw for now, okay? If you two wanna settle this later, we can have a supder-duper-funeriffic tie breaker competition!"

Applejack sighed, before smiling.

"Yeah, I suppose that's true. You better be prepared for after school then, Rainbow Dash!"

Rainbow snorted.

"Yeah, right."

Fluttershy and Rarity both arrived at that moment.

"Hello darlings!" Rarity greeted, while Fluttershy simply waved. "Are Rainbow Dash and Applejack having another lovers' quarrel?"

Both girls in question both blushed and turned to the fashionista.

"Sh-Shut it, Rarity!" Rainbow shouted. "Why would you say something like that?"

"Oh, Rainbow dear." Rarity answered with a giggle. "You must admit, you two do look cute together. You two look adorable."

"We're just friends." Applejack said firmly. "That's all."

"Close friends." Fluttershy whispered, a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth.

"Fluttershy, not you too! Me and AJ are just friends! End of discussion."

Both Fluttershy and Rarity giggled at that.

"Hey, where's Sunset?" Pinkie asked, noticing her absence.

"We saw her in the hallway on our way over here. She said she was going to find Wallflower and get her to sit with us. Since she was already here."

"Well that's nice of her, isn't it?"

"Yeah, I guess."

A mischievous smirk spread across Pinkie's face.

"What are you up to?"

"Not much. Just… messing around."

Fluttershy's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Uh huh." The party planner put her hands up innocently.

"What?" she drawled. "I'm not-"

"We know you Pinkie." Applejack said. "You realize nobody believes you, right?"

In an instant, Pinkie was gone from her seat and out the cafeteria doors to find Sunset and Wallflower.

"You think we should send someone after her?" Twilight asked, who seemed to have spontaneously appeared beside Rainbow Dash.

"I-WHAT THE-!?" Rainbow spilled her milk onto herself in surprise. "Twilight? When did YOU get here?"

"She's been here the whole time, darling." Rarity said plainly.

"Then why hasn't she said-"

"I've been reading the whole time." Twilight explained, wiping off her glasses.

Rainbow gave her a deadpan look.

"You know, I'm starting to think you're more invisible then Wallflower sometimes."

Sunset and Wallflower made their way to the cafeteria.

"...And so, I managed to actually get some more members for the gardening club!" Wallflower finished happily.

"That's great! Now you just need to find a way to get word to the school board and-"

It was at that moment that Pinkie burst out of a nearby locker.


Sunset acted first, and on pure instinct, unslung her bag, and swung it at Pinkie. Pinkie was just as fast though, ducking out of the path of the incoming bag before it connected.
...Which then promptly caused it to accidentally swing all the way to the side and hit Wallflower in the stomach.

"Sweet Celestia, Pinkie." Sunset said, breathing heavily. "You almost gave us a heart attack. How-" she trailed off, staring at the locker that Pinkie had burst out of.

"Th-That's not even your locker! It's mine! How'd you get in my locker?"

Pinkie tilted her head.

"Oh it is? I thought it was mine. I used my combination on it and it opened, so..."

"How!? Your locker combination shouldn't work on mine! We have two entirely different combinations!"

Pinkie shrugged.


Sunset sighed, before rubbing her temples.

"Okay, I'm not even gonna...." she took a deep breath. "So, Pinkie. Is there any reason you wanted to 'surprise' us?"

"Oh, right!" Pinkie chirped. "I just wanted to check in on you guys. How was the get together yesterday? What'd you two talk about?"

"Oh. Well, I've decided to take it upon myself to help Wallflower be more social and make friends." Sunset explained simply.

"Yay! That's great!"

"I think so too." Wallflower added, smiling.

"So, how is she doing anyway?"

There's a silence as Wallflower and Sunset share a glance.

"It's, uh...Well, I mean-" Wallflower stammered. "I try, I'm just not very good at, uh...socializing. With strangers. At least face to face. Or if I'm not facing them. And even with people I know I can be really awkward. But I'm pretty used to that. I mean, I'm not saying it's a good thing or anything, but uh..."

Sunset cracked a small smile.

"Yeah. Pretty much."


Pinkie seemed a little disappointed for a moment, before it was quickly replaced with sudden enjoyment.

"Oh!" she repeated. "I know what to do!"

Sunset and Wallflower both frowned in confusion.


Pinkie cleared her throat, before turning to Wallflower.

"Could you do me a favor please, Wallflower?"

"I mean, I guess."

Pinkie failed to hide a giggle, which caused a sinking feeling in Wallflower's stomach.

Pinkie took a deep breath.

"Could you go over to Starbridle Coffee and get me no-fat milk pistachio deep mocha dip cream frappuccino with chocolate syrup grande?" she blurted, the words spilling out of her mouthso fast that neither Sunset nor Wallflower could interpret anything she just said.

"I-What?!" Wallflower looked over at Sunset for help. "What did she say she wanted?"

Sunset shrugged.

She turned back to Pinkie.

"Could you say that again? Slower, this time Pinkie Pie. Oh, and in English."

Pinkie snorted.

"Okay. Can you please go to Starbridle Coffee and get me something?" she started slowly.

Wallflower tilted her head.

"And what do you want from Starbridle?"

"A no-fat milk pistachio deep mocha dip cream frappuccino with chocolate syrup grande with a whole lotta whip cream." she said, suddenly speaking quickly again. Not as fast as last time, but still fast enough to mess with them.

"Oh, and if you don't get it for me I won't be your friend anymore!"

Wallflower's eyes widened.


"PINKIE!" Sunset scolded.

Wallflower gulped as she attempted to remember and memorize the entirety of Pinkie's incredibly complex order. She started backing up.

"I-I'll...get you that drink, Pinkie." she muttered.

Sunset turned to her.

"Wally, wait-"

But somehow, Wallflower had already run back down the hall to the school exit.

Pinkie cracked her knuckles and stretched.

"Well, that's tha-"

She was cutoff by Sunset grabbing her by the shirt collar.

"Pinkie. What. Is. Wrong with you!?" she asked angrily.

"Relax! Starbrittle is just across the street. If she's quick, she'll be back before lunch ends!"

"That's not the point! Why would you say that to Wallflower? You'll stop being her friend if she doesn't get you a coffee order? Pinkie, that's blackmail!"

Pinkie rolled her eyes.

"Oh Sunset. I didn't actually mean it."

"Wallflower doesn't know that."

"And anyway, I'm trying to help her here!"

Sunset gave her an unamused look.

"How exactly is forcing someone to get you a very long, confusing and incredibly specific coffee order helping them?"

Pinkie gave Sunset a weak smile.

"Well you said that you wanna try and get Wallflower to be more social, right?"


"And she said herself that she has trouble trying to socialize with others, and that she always gets nervous and embarrassed in awkward situations, right?"

"Uh huh..."

It dawned on Sunset.

"Oh geez."

Pinkie chuckled pulling away from Sunset's grasp.

"What better way to build up her confidence than put her in a scenario that forces her to socialize?"

"Pinkie, that's an awful idea! She could be so stressed out right now!"

The pink haired girl shrugged.

"Then you should probably go check on her the-"

Sunset ran off, before Pinkie could even finish.

Wallflower stood outside the front doors to Starbridle.

She looked at the building in front of her, its large sign and neon lights, and she was struck with a feeling of sudden nervousness.

It wasn't like she hadn't been to Starbridle before. She had. But she didn't usually socialize very much when placing her order. She simply pointed to whatever she wanted from the big glowy menu thing they had above the cash register.

But Wallflower was pretty sure that Pinkie's order fell under the 'custom' category, and wouldn't be on the menu, so she'd have to verbally request it.

Oh goody.

Though, maybe she had her work cut out for her. If she was lucky, maybe Pinkie had already ordered it and just asked her to pick it up.

She quickly ran through Pinkie's order again in her head, before taking a deep breath, and heading inside.

"Um, excuse me?" she asked.

The cashier, a tall, burly man with a bushy black mustache looked up from behind the register.

"Yes?" the cashier responded. His voice was gruff, but not menacing.

"I'd like to...order something."

The man laughed a little.

"I would imagine that you would. You are standing in front of the cash register, after all. What would you like?"

"I, uh, actually, I was hoping...to pick up something for my friend. At least I think so."

The man nodded.

"What's her name? I'll check if she ordered anything."

"Pinkie Pie."

He frowned.

"There's no order under that name." he said simply.


Wallflower sighed. Of course Pinkie wouldn't make things easy. Guess she'll have to order it herself, then. She attempted to recall what Pinkie's order was, but before she could tell the cashier, she drea a blank, and clammed up.

This was bad.

"She wanted a...a...a...drink."

"A what?"

"A drink."

The cashier cocked his head.
"We have a lotta drinks here, little missy." he chuckled.

Wallflower felt her cheeks grow warm.

"I-I think she wanted a... I think it was a...mocha." She paused. "No, that's too simple. I'm pretty sure it was..."

She drew a blank. How could she have forgotten?

"This is...really awkward." she muttered to herself.

She heard a few annoyed grumbles and such, and found that a line had formed behind her.
She shifted her weight from one foot to the other, fidgeting a little, before deciding to just go through with whatever she thought sounded close enough.

She quickly shot Pinkie Pie a text.

Can you tell me what you wanted again?"

No answer.

She squirmed, red in the face from embarrassment and awkwardness.

She didn't want the other customers waiting in line just because she failed to remember what she was supposed to be getting.

"Um, can I have a Frappuccino, with...chocolate syrup and whipped cream?" she asked finally, a tinge of defeat in her voice.

That was almost definitely not exactly what Pinkie wanted, nor the full order, but maybe she wouldn't notice?

Okay, she most likely would, but she tried her best! Pinkie would understand. Right?

Within a few moments, sje ot the drink and put it in a bag, before heading out.


She jumped at the sound of Sunset's voice. She turned to where the voice had come from, seeing her friend waving at her.

Sunset noticed the bag she was holding. Her eyebrows shot up>

"You actually got Pinkie's drink?" she asked, mildly surprised.

Wallflower scratched the back of her head.

"Well, I did get Pinkie a drink, but..."

Sunset and Wallflower walked into the cafeteria and made their way to where Pinkie and the rest of their friends were sitting.

The gardener dropped the Starbrittle bag into Pinkie's lap.


Pinkie brightened, reaching into her bag.

"Ah, thanks Wallflower!" she said, reaching into the bag. "I've been waiting for-" she stopped, inspecting the drink.

"Hey..." she muttered. "This...This isn't..."

Wallflower couldn't help but feel a smidge of dread. Pinkie had said that she'd stop being her friend if she didn't get her order, and both of them knew that the drink the gardener had gotten wasn't right.

"I'm sorry..." she whispered, her voice trembling a little. "I tried my best...Please still be my friend."

Pinkie looked as if she'd just been stabbed. She never wanted to make Wallflower sad.

"Hey, hey!" she said apologetically. "I didn't actually mean what I said. Of course we're still friends! I just said that to make sure you'd go. I only wanted to help you."

Wallflower frowned.

"What do you mean?"

Pinkie fiddled her fingers.

"Well, after you said that you had trouble socializing, I figured that I'd help build your confidence."

"Do you realize how stressed I was?" Wallflower asked, a little indignantly.
"I thought you would lash out at me and never want to be my friend again!"

Pinkie forced a smile and clapped her hands together in a pleading matter.

"I'm sorry. I won't do something like that again."

Wallflower rolled her eyes.

"I appreciate the thought behind what you did, Pinkie. But next time, consider running your ideas through me and Sunset next time?"

Sunset smiled.

"Yeah. We love you and your shenanigans, Pinkie. But there's a time for everything."

Pinkie took a slurp of her Frappuccino, before licking her lips.

"Mmm. Not bad." she said, grinning.

She turned back to Wallflower.

"You know, I'm kind of glad you didn't get the right order for me."


The rest of the group looked at each other and mumbled among themselves.

"Did we miss something?" Rainbow asked finally.

Author's Note:

And here we have an Equestria Girls reinterpretation of the 'coffee order' story! :pinkiehappy:

And sorry if it seemed a little out of character this time around, (at least in my personal opinion), but I really wanted to interpret this scenario from the KCC manga.

KEEP IN MIND: Not all chapters will be MLP versions of Komi storylines, as I'm planning that most of them be original, but there will be some like this here and there.

(And yes, Pinkie is Najimi. Change my mind.)

Comments ( 3 )

She did better than komi did at the coffee shop.

In Komi’s defense, her social anxiety is much worse than what Wallflower has to deal with. (Even if the original Komi from the one shot was a lot more like how I’m portraying Wallower.:applejackunsure:)

That was a good story so far goodluck with the rest of it.

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