• Published 24th Oct 2022
  • 399 Views, 2 Comments

The Deadly Silence - BiniBean

The First and Last Days of Luna's Banishment for Celestia.

  • ...

Chapter Three: A Headache

Nine Hundred and Ninty-Nine years later...

Celestia sat alone.

Well, not quite alone.

It was early morning, her first meeting, the one she was currently attending in one of the many large meeting rooms of Canterlot castle was filled with at least ten nobels around a large circular table. She, herself, was at the head of the table, staring down blankly at numerous scrolls as the childish bickering of the nobels drilled into her head.

She may not physically be alone.

But she sure felt as if she was. Even after Nine generations, nearly ten now, she felt alone without Luna. It still hurt her heart to think about her sister in passing even as she went from meeting to meeting in a daze. She looked up from the scrolls in front of her, scrolls she couldn't read even if she wanted to due to whoever wrote them had the grammar skills of a foal, which she suspected was one of the nobels trying to increase their own wealth.

She watched as Prince Blueblood, her nephew who she secretly despised, and Nobel Fancypants, who was a fine gentlepony but his snobbish tendency did get in the way sometimes, argued over...what exactly?

"Which is why we should redirect the summer sun celebration to my mansion!" Blueblood barked with a large smile. "If the castle is off limits for the celebration, why not celebrate it at the next best location? Prince Blueblood's mansion!"

"That is ludicrous!" Fancypants retorted, he looked briefly to the eight other nobels in the room for help, who looked just about ready to gallop out of the room to a spa. "Your mansion is not the grand attraction you believe it is. Besides the general public must be allowed to attend the sunrise, which won't be possible at your mansion due to, let's see, you are a snobbish stuck-up unicorn who believes he is better than anypony else."

Ah, Celestia mentally nodded to herself, this is why they were having the meeting. Celestia had to put the castle off limits for the celebration, she needed to renovate a part of the castle for Luna, when she returns...hopefully. They were trying to find a new spot to hold the celebration and Blueblood, clearly, had the wrong idea. Unfortunately, no one else was tossing out any ideas.

"Oh please, we are nobels. We have a higher standing than the rest of those low lives. If they wanted to be like us, they could have tried harder!"

"I agree." A noble next to Blueblood piped up. Causing Fancypants to glare at the both of them as Celestia felt a headache coming on. Celestia glanced down at the mess in front of her. For the sake of doing something and looking even a little busy as those three nobels started arguing again and the rest spaced out to nothing, she shuffled the papers with her magic and paused when she glanced at the map of Equestria. Her eyes fell on the town of "Ponyville."

She sighed, damn. She nearly forgot, well, she supposed the truth was, she practically wanted to forget why Ponyville was so important. She had gone to secretly visit the town a few months ago, she knew her student Twilight Sparkle was an element of Harmony, a key to freeing her sister. Unfortunately, Twilight wasn't exactly a social pony. Canterlot itself wasn't helping anything as the ponies living in the city weren't the most accepting. So she went to the next best option, Ponyvillle. Very well known for being accepting of all ponies. Besides, it might have done some good for Twilight to travel outside of Canterlot.

While she was in Ponyville, she saw an already strong group of five friends. She sensed their dedication to their friendship, she knew they were the rest of the elements and for the first time in hundreds of years, her heartfelt hope. She found out their names and occupations, she had a plan.

Now, to only accomplish it.


Her ears perked up at the sound of a familiar fire popping in through the open window. She smiled as everyone paused when a flame of green fire came through the window and popped into existence a letter from her student in front of her. She grasped the letter and open it up, ignoring the annoyed glances of the Nobels around her as she began to read.

"My dearest teacher,

My continuing studies on pony magic have led me to discover that something really bad is about to happen! For you see, the mythical Mare in the Moon is in fact Nightmare Moon, and she's about to return to Equestria, and bring with her eternal night! Something must be done to make sure this terrible prophecy does not come true. I await your quick response.

Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle."

It's funny how plans seem to line up. Soon the conclusion to her plan gave her energy as she managed to mentally connect the puzzle pieces together to form the final picture. She rechecked the Equestrian map, mentally calculating the costs to send to the town for the Summer Sun Celebration. They could do it in two days correct? If they could end winter in one day with no magic, surely this should be alright.

"Princess Celestia? Your Highness?"

She looked back up to see everyone looking directly at her with confusion as she held the letter, and several other files, books and scrolls in the air with her magic, followed by a quill and ink. She cleared her throat, a little embarrassed with herself but pressed on no matter what.

"We will not be holding it at Prince Blueblood's estate," Celestia said with royal authority, giving a quick glare to Blueblood that he was on a thin line, don't break it. Which he rolled his eyes at and growled. "The Summer Sun Celebration has always taken place in Canterlot despite it being a nationwide event. The country as a whole should be able to celebrate, so why not change not just the location of the celebration, but the city itself."

"So, not Canterlot?" A noble anxiously said. She nodded.

"Correct. Canterlot has more than enough money, we are the capital after all. Let's say...Ponyville. Ponyville is a small town which could use the economic boost anyhow. It's not very far from Canterlot, and is a welcoming community." She argued. The nobles, probably having heard of Ponyville in passing, looked at each other in equal disgust as they clearly did not like the idea. But it wasn't as if they could argue with an Alicorn.

She began writing down instructions to the mayor of the town as she looked around the table, giving them looks of disappointment.

"I realize this is a large change than the usual celebrations. But frankly, we need to seem more open. Although based on this meeting, I can see you are all more closed-minded than I thought." Celestia scolded. Some had the self-awareness to look down at the table in shame. With a flare of her magic, she sent the letter to Ponyville. She started immediately writing another letter, one directed towards her own student. The letter to set the final plan in motion.

"The meeting is over. I will go make the announcement to the public."

Twilight Sparkle paced her house, which is truthful was more of a library that just happened to have a bed and some basic needs inside. She was anxious and nervous over the impending doom coming and Spike seemed more concerned with some...Birthday Party? Moondancer's birthday party. She paused, for a brief moment, feeling slight guilt for blowing it off so easily but she shook her head and started pacing back and forth again. Doom was more important than some Birthday party.

"Twilight, I wouldn't hold your breathe on this..." Spike spoke up behind her, she turned to face her small dragon assistant with a confident smile.

"Oh, I'm not worried, Spike. The Princess trusts me completely. In all the years she's been my mentor she's never once doubted me. She will see how truly important this discovery is."

Then, within a moment, Spike gagged and reacted as the fire came out of his mouth to reveal a letter from the Princess.

"See? I knew she would want to take immediate action." Twilight's smile grew bigger as Spike gently picked up the letter and opened it to read it for her.

"My dearest, most faithful student Twilight.

You know that I value your diligence and that I trust you completely. But you simply must stop reading those dusty old books!"

Twilight was now struggling to process what was happening as Spike seemed to be having too much delight in the response that came in as he read. Clearly trying to contain laughter as he read.

"My dear Twilight, there is more to a young pony's life than studying, so I'm sending you to supervise the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration in this year's location: Ponyville. And, I have an even more essential task for you to complete: make some friends!

Your teacher, Princess Celestia."

Twilight groaned in horror as Spike rolled the letter back up with satisfaction.