• Published 1st Dec 2022
  • 1,221 Views, 112 Comments

Nicholas & The Crystal Star - DanishDash

It is but a few days until hearth's warming eve, and lately Nicholas has been feeling restless. Haunted by dreams about a Crystal Star, Nicholas and Applejack travels north to find answers. It is time for Nicholas to find out who he is meant to be.

  • ...

Chapter 10: The Big Night

Howdy Apple Family!

I know it hasn't been that long since my first letter, and I am not sure this one will reach you in time. But I wanted to let y'all know what has been happening these last few days. I also wanted to let you all know I will be home on Hearth's Warming Eve, although you will probably be sleeping by then. Don't worry about me, I will be there in the morning when you get up.

Last time I told you everything that had happened. I know it is hard to believe, and sometimes I have to make sure my hat isn't too tight, just to be sure I ain't dreaming.

Nicholas has been hard at work, there is a lot he needs to learn. Flying is still a bit tricky, but Blitzen is impressed and has told him he is a fast learner. He should be ready for Hearth's Warming Eve, I don't doubt that for one hot minute. As for magic, well, it is a bit more tricky. Aurora, Bori, and Alice all do what they can, and he is slowly picking things up. I'm sure if Twilight was here, she would be fuzzing all about, with books, scrolls and whatnot. I'm not sure Nicholas would be able to keep up.

Aurora, Bori, and Alice seem to know what they are doing. They kind of remind me of Celestia. Not in the way they act, or look, but how patient they are as teachers. Twilights has talked a lot about her time with Celestia, and I am kind of reminded of those stories when I see them teach Nicholas about magic.

He is doing well, and can start levitating things with his own magic. However, what they are really trying to teach him is teleportation! Twilight would have had a fit, I am sure, but they are determined to teach him. Apparently it isn't like unicorn teleportation, at least that's what they say, and I haven't seen it for myself.

I've done my best to help Nicholas get used to his new body. He is picking it up pretty quickly, and he can finally go up and down stairs without falling. Other than that, I've been getting to know Gift Givers Grove a bit better. It is a lot like Ponyville, and the residents here sure are hospitable, I think you would all like it here.

There ain't much in terms of farming, but they do have a mint mine. I have no idea how that works, but their breaths sure are fresh! They ain't afraid of hard work either, the workshop has just finished the last batch of toys, so everyone is getting ready for some vacation time. It reminds me of the orchard, how we work hard, and when we are done, we finally get to relax a bit. I can respect that.

The whole town is excited for Hearth's Warming Eve, all of them convinced this will be the biggest event ever. With Nicholas here, I am sure they are right.

Nicholas is pretty excited, and I think everything is going well. He is pretty nervous, but in a good way. We will celebrate Hearth's Warming Eve here, apparently they always have a big feast here, and afterwards we will leave. Nicholas wants me to be with him on his first night, and I don't think I want to be anywhere else on that big night.

Our last stop will be back at Sweet Apple Acres, and by the sweetest apple, I have quite the stories to tell you all!

I'm not sure if this letter will reach you before Hearth's Warming, but if it does, just know we are both doing great, and we will be seeing you soon. Give Apple Bloom a big hug from her big sister!


Evening Before Hearth's Warming.

It had been four days of endless practice and lessons, Nicholas felt exhausted, but in a good way. While everything felt so overwhelming at times, he felt pretty good as they ended their lesson on the last evening before the big night. Aurora, Bori, and Alice all smiled to him, all seeming very pleased with themselves, or rather, pleased with him and his progress.

Nicholas had been an excellent student, and while he was still miles and miles behind any normal unicorn his age, he still showed a remarkable aptitude for magic. For now, they had focused on levitating, and teleporting. One spell was easy, the other very complicated, but they had shown him one the unicorns did not know, a spell they were sure only he could master.

"I think that will do it for today, Nicholas." Bori said with a smile.

"You have done very well these past few days." Aurora agreed.

Alice smiled. "You will only get better from here on out."

Nicholas blushed a bit with embarrassment, but smiled back at them. "Thank you... I still can't believe I am really using magic."

There was a knock on the door, and Aurora called out for whoever was out there to come in. Blitzen trotted inside, bowing his head respectfully when he came to a stop. "Sorry for interrupting, I thought the lesson would have ended by now."

"It has, captain." Alice said with a smirk. "What's on your mind?"

"I just wanted to invite Santa to a party the team and I are throwing back at the club." They turned their gazes on Nicholas, who looked back at Blitzen in surprise. He had been invited before, and he had heard of this club, but never went. "Applejack is invited too, of course." Blitzen added.

"Oh, I don't know. We have practice again tomorrow, right?"

Bori shook her head. "We don't train on the day of the big night, Nicholas." She said, nodding towards Blitzen. "Go on, I think you deserve it. You have a big night ahead of you tomorrow."

Nicholas smiled, nodding. "Alright, Blitzen. Sounds fun, I will ask Applejack if she wants to come too."

Blitzen grinned. "Great, the others will be so excited to hear that." He then looked at the three others, and smiled sheepishly. "You are all welcome to attend too."

Aurora waved her hoof. "Nah, we'd rather relax back home, sonny. We have a lot to do tomorrow anyway."

Alice nodded. "We've seen plenty of parties anyway, we will catch up tomorrow."

"We will see you tomorrow, Nicholas." Bori cut in, stepping closer to the door, along with Aurora and Alice. "Good work today, have fun at the party."

Nicholas smiled as he waved goodbye. "Thank you, and thank you for the lessons."

Blitzen let out a small chuckle. It was fun to see others be tutored by Aurora, Bori and Alice. "I think they have a new favorite student." The buck teased, making Nicholas roll his eyes.

"Very funny, Blitzen. But really, they have been really good teachers, and amazingly patient with me." Nicholas smiled as he stretched a bit. "But those books can be a bit dry..."

"Tell me about it." Blitzen smiled as the two of them made their way towards the door. "It was like that for me too."

"They taught you magic too?"

Blitzen nodded. "Yeah, they are pretty much teaching everybody here how to use magic. They have years of experience. Alice might not look like it, but she is very old." The two shared a small friendly laugh, when Blitzen eyed him. "So, how has your teleportation magic been coming along?"

Nicholas smiled, showing just a bit of pride in that smile. "I think I got the basics down now." They came up to a closed door, Blitzen was about to open it, but Nicholas stopped him. "Watch this." He focused his magic, and in a gentle flash of light, Nicholas vanished before Blitzen's eyes. The only thing he saw was a collection of sparkling lights making its way under the door, and a few seconds later the door opened, revealing Nicholas on the other side. "Ta-daa!"

"Jingle bells! You really have gotten better at it!" Blitzen smiled.

"I like to think so." Nicholas answered as the two continued their walk down one of the many hallways. "It will make the whole night easier."

Blitzen nodded. "This will be our first real night doing this," he said, sounding a bit more serious now. "I'll admit, I was starting to think it might never happen..."

Nicholas looked at his companion, frowning for a moment, but then put on an encouraging smile. "But it's finally time, and we are going to do great, I just know it!"

Looking at Nicholas for a moment, Blitzen grinned. "Looks like somepony has gotten a bit more confident."

Nicholas chuckled, giving him a challenging look. "Did you ever doubt me?"

Blitzen stopped and came to attention, saluting with his hoof. "No sir, Santa sir!"

"Haha, alright alright, enough of that." Nicholas grinned. "It's so weird being called Santa and sir. Someone even called me my lord yesterday."

"My lord?" Blitzen let out a minor chuckle, shaking his head in disbelief. "Okay, that one might have been a little too much, but otherwise you better get used to it." Once again Blitzen's voice got a little more serious, but there was still a positive tone underneath it. "We've all been waiting for this day for a very long time, we've been waiting for you."

"I understand that, but-"

"No buts." Blitzen cut in, his voice a little firm now. "With all due respect, sir." He then quickly added. "But, we have been preparing this for years, waiting for you so we could finally fulfill our role as gift givers." The two came to a stop, looking at one another with an intensity Nicholas had never seen from Blitzen before. "Everybody expects great things from you, Nicholas. You're destined to do so, and we can't do this without you, even if we wanted to."

There was a moment of silence, with Nicholas feeling a bit out of place. "Sorry, I didn't mean to sound ungrateful... It is just a lot to take in, suddenly being the head of a whole town, and such..."

Blitzen smiled, shaking his head. "Don't worry, Santa. I didn't think you sounded ungrateful, and I know it is a lot to take in. Now come on, my lord."

Nicholas shook his head. "Stop that."

"Sure thing, my lord."

"Blitzen, enough."

"As you command, my lord."

"It's not funny."

"Not at all, my lord."

"Okay one more time and I throw you in a candy cane cell or something!"



"....My lord.

Applejack had never been good at sitting still for very long. Sure she liked to relax after a long day of work, but for the past few days she had little to do. Or at least that would have been the case, if not for Applejack's ability to find work for herself with ease. She wasn't a member of the staff, or anything official for that matter, but she managed to find herself places to contribute to the work.

The reindeer didn't complain, and soon found her work ethic and good mood to be quite charming. There was still a lot for Applejack to learn about Gift Givers Grove, so for now she mostly helped in the kitchens of Santa Castle. It was a large kitchen which even rivaled the royal kitchens back in Canterlot. It wasn't that surprising, since the kitchen not only had to cook for the guards around the castle, but for the reindeer in the workshop.

All of that amounted to a lot of food, which required a lot of preparation, and thus a lot of work. While it wasn't apple bucking, Applejack found herself enjoying the work, and got to know several of the staff working there. They in turn got very close to her, and enjoyed having Applejack around, as well as her hard work attitude. Not to mention an extra pair of hooves were always good.

Today however there was little to do, as the reindeer in the workshop had finished all preparations and the clean up. So the kitchen only had to feed the guards, and of course Santa himself, along with Applejack obviously. All of this required much less work, and so Applejack was hardly needed to show up.

So she spent her day exploring the town, enjoying the sights, and doing some reading back at the castle library. She had found a book she knew she enjoyed when she was younger, and brought it back to Nicholas's apartment. She let out a content sigh, smiling as she turned to the next page, enjoying the warmth of the fireplace cracking only a meter away from her.

It was then that the door opened, and in trotted Nicholas himself. Applejack looked up, and smiled. "Well, look who we got here, if it isn't Santa himself."

Nicholas chuckled, rolling his eyes. "Stop it."

"I'm sorry, it's just so fun to tease ya." She chuckled, putting down the book and made her way over to him. The two shared a nuzzle when Applejack looked at her now coltfriend. "How were your lessons?"

Nicholas beamed a bit, his eyes doing that twinkle she always found so endearing. "It went great! I think I am ready for tomorrow!"

Applejack smiled wider. "That's great, sugarcube!"

They shared another nuzzle, with Nicholas grinning. "By the way, Blitzen and the others from the flying squad have invited us to some sort of club to celebrate."

"Well, there is a lot to be celebrating, that's for sure." Applejack agreed, thinking about it for a few seconds before nodding. "Shucks, why not? It could be a lot of fun!"

"I thought so too." Nicholas smiled, trotting inside. "Blitzen told me to meet him in the entrance hall in an hour."

"That should get me enough time to shine up." Applejack teased, having never been one of those fancy ponies who loved to dress up. However, a nice bath and so on would be good before they left.

So for the next hour the two of them chatted about this and that, talking about tomorrow, and how much Applejack looked forward to seeing her family again, and so did Nicholas. As the hour passed and the two got themselves ready, Nicholas took Applejack hoof, and smiled.

"You know, after all that has happened... I can't say how lucky I feel to have you by my side, Applejack..."

Applejack blushed, shaking her head. "Gosh, you know how to make a mare feel special..." She giggled, then leaned in and pecked him on the cheek. "There is nowhere else I rather be than by your side, Nicholas." The two spend a moment looking into each other's eyes before Applejack winked. "Now come on slowpoke, Blitzen is probably already downstairs waiting for us."

The Dash Away club was the most popular place in the whole of Gift Givers Grove. It was a place for flyers, and other reindeer who had made a name for themselves. There was music, great food and drink, and if you want to dance, the Dash Away is the best place to shake it.

As the flying squad arrived, they were already being waved at, and asked for autographs by the still waiting deers outside of the club. The bouncer of course let them all in as soon as he saw who they were. The flying squad's popularity had only skyrocketed in the last few days, as everybody knew it was tomorrow their first official mission would begin.

"I don't know about this." Cupid said, looking back at the entrance as the seven of them made their way to their usual table.

"Lighten up, Cupid." Vixen smirked, winking to a pair of bucks they passed by. "We are already regulars, and we can't help it if deers find us more interesting than ever before."

"She's right!" Dancer grinned, nodding towards some does, who giggled and shook their heads at him. "We are like those ponies in Equestria!"

Prancer giggled. "You mean those Wonderbolts?"

"Yeah, those guys!"

Dasher snorted. "Wonderbolts, please, as if they could even get close to our speed."

"That might be true, but you forget that speed is not their main function." Donner reminded them. "They are not only meant to be fast, but to respond to emergencies if need be."

Again, Dasher snorted. "So what? We do the same!"

Donner sighed. "Again, true, but I still don't think it's fair to compare us to the Wonderbolts."

"Will you guys cool it?" Comet grunted, leading the way to a long booth, and found his usual spot. "I agree with Dasher, those Wonderbolts have nothing on us."

Cupid let out a sigh, seeing the conversation had taken a whole other direction. "Where is Blitzen anyway?" Dancer asked as he took his seat.

"Oh, he is escorting Santa and Applejack here." Cupid informed them, sitting down too. "They should be here any minute, oh, there they are!" Cupid smiled, seeing Blitzen leading both Nicholas and Applejack inside. Cupid stood up again, waving them over.

Vixen giggled. "Honey, I don't think you need to wave them over, Blitzen knows where we usually sit." With a blush, Cupid quickly sat down again.

Blitzen smiled at Nicholas and Applejack, taking them between the many tables towards their regular table. Both Applejack and Nicholas looked around pretty impressed. The club was as big as a theater in Canterlot, with one section being for dinner tables, and the bar, and the other section being a dance floor. At the end of the great hall was a large stage, with a band playing music for the dancing deers.

As they finally approached the table, the flying squad all bowed their heads in respect, but all of them had a grin on them. "Well, nice to see you finally decided to join us." Vixen smiled at Nicholas. "You too, Applejack. I hear you have been quite helpful at the castle."

Applejack looked at Vixen, and already got Rarity vibes from her, if Rarity was a bit more playful. "Thank you kindly."

"Vixen is right," said Cupid. "It's really nice of you to join us tonight."

"Thanks, Cupid." Nicholas smiled, and took a seat next to Applejack, while Blitzen sat down next to Cupid, making the doe blushing a bit brighter. "So this is where you come to spend your evenings." Nicholas commented as he scanned the large menu.

Dancer grinned. "Yeah! We come here a few times a week, it's pretty sweet. Great music, and great food, what more could a buck want?"

"Then there is the dancing too." Cupid smiled sheepishly.

"Yeah, that too!" Agreed Dancer. "You should all go out and rock out when I get up there."

"You're going on stage?" Applejack asked, looking up from her menu.

Comet rolled his eyes. "He goes up there every few times a week to sing and play... I hate to admit it, but he is actually pretty good."

"Indeed," Donner agreed. "It is quite surprising."

"What do you mean by that?!" Dancer asked.

"Nothing, nothing."

The table shared a small chuckle, and soon enough they had ordered food and drinks. "So," Vixen then said. "Santa, tell us about yourself, it must have been interesting to grow up alongside ponies." She glanced at Applejack. "No offense meant."

"None taken," replied Applejack.

Nicholas scratched the back of his head with his hoof. "I admit, it was pretty strange when I was growing up." He then smiled at Applejack, who smiled back at him as the two thought back to their childhood. "Luckily, I have made a lot of great friends over the years, and everypony accepted me for who I was." He looked back at Vixen, but explained the whole table. "My adoptive parents found me when I was just a baby, they took me in, fed me, gave me a place to call home. Even Celestia herself accepted me, and life just kept giving."

Blitzen nodded, smiling. "So you decided to give back?"

"Hm? Oh, yeah, I started out pretty early."

Applejack chuckled. "He would sneak around every Hearth's Warming evening, putting small wooden carved toys in all the houses that had foals." She shook her head. "Back then we thought we were being really clever about it, but of course everypony knew who had done it."

"But nopony ever said anything," Nicholas chuckled. "We didn't find that out until a few years later. Though thinking back, I probably should have realized when ponies stopped locking their doors at night, and leaving out cookies and milk for me."

"You never could leave those cookies alone, sugarcube." Applejack teased, poking him in the side. Nicholas blushed, and smiled sheepishly.

Soon enough the food and drinks arrived, and the conversation turned to more general things. Nicholas and Applejack learned a lot of things about their companions. Prancer was the youngest of the flyers, and she was much like Pinkie Pie in a lot of ways, although way more toned down. She liked parties, and fun. She had wanted to work in the workshop in the wrapping department, but apparently she was so naturally gifted at flying she had been recruited straight onto the squad for training.

Cupid was also such a case, she had originally wanted to be a nurse, or a teacher, but somehow she had ended up on the flying squad instead. Nicholas and Applejack found out she and Blitzen were childhood friends, having been neighbors when growing up, and being classmates. The two had pretty much stuck together all their life. Blitzen had always known he had wanted to be a flier, and seeing how Cupid was looking his way every so often, it wasn't hard to imagine why she became a flier. She was like Fluttershy in the ways of her gentle and nurturing nature, but she wasn't as shy.

Dasher was, well, she was like Rainbow Dash, a comparison she didn't like. After all, she was over a hundred and twenty years old, so if anything, Rainbow Dash was like Dasher, or so she insisted. She was stubborn, energetic, passionate, and like Blitzen, had always known she had wanted to become part of the flying squad. She was the fastest of the eight, no question about it. Applejack had to admit, it would be pretty interesting to see her race against Rainbow Dash.

Vixen was a whole other caliber, one would think someone like her would have wanted to do something in designing, or showbiz, or at least something more flashy. She was clever, no doubt about it, playful, and such a flirt it would make Rarity blush. However, there was a certain fire inside of her, that told Nicholas she was perhaps the most driven out of all of the reindeer. Even though he wasn't a buck himself, he could easily imagine Vixen be the kind of doe that never had to work if she wanted to. She could have just smiled at some bucks, and she would have been given stuff. Instead, she chose to work her rear off, and try out for the elite flying squad. That was dedication, and she was clearly quite pleased with her achievements.

Comet was the big strong buck of the group, the strongest likely, okay, definitely. He had wanted to be a guard, but truth be told, there was no crime here, and so the prospects of anything exciting happening seemed low for a member of the tiny guard force they had. So instead he tried his luck at getting into the flying squad, and he was lucky alright. Comet, despite the name, was probably the slowest of the eight, and he wasn't as elegant when flying on his own. That being said, he was the muscles that made the whole pulling a sleigh thing much easier for the rest. He was a solid foundation for the rest to build on, and truth be told, he seemed like the guy who would stand by your side no matter what.

Donner and Dancer were actually brothers, which was a bit hard to believe. Donner was the more quiet, and reserved older brother, speaking only when he felt he had something to add, unlike his younger sibling. He mostly listened, but not out of distaste, or shyness, he was gathering information, listening. Dancer on the other hoof was energetic, loved the sound of his own voice, and enjoyed activity, instead of stuffing his head in books like his brother. They didn't really make it clear how they came to join the squad, the details were a bit mixed. Although Nicholas didn't doubt it had to be an interesting story.

That left Blitzen. He was likely the most disciplined of the group, but not in a way that made it seem he had a stick up his flanks. He'd known what he had wanted to do ever since he was a kid, and had devoted himself to study for the entrance exam, training hard, and doing everything he could to get in. He could be flexible, playful, but also stern when he needed to be. He treated the rest of his squad like family, and looking at them all from the outside, Nicholas could tell that they really were a form of family.

It was a good squad, and Nicholas felt safe in their hooves when the night was to come.

The food gradually faded, however the good mood and high spirits certainly didn't. They laughed as they told stories, Nicholas in particular enjoyed reliving his time in Ponyville when he was a kid. While he and Applejack weren't trouble makers, they still got into a lot of troublesome situations.

At some point during the evening, Dancer looked up from their table, and over at the large stage. He smirked, and his brother glanced that way too. "That time already?" He asked his younger brother, and Dancer gave him a nod with this huge grin.

"Time? Time for what?" Nicholas asked as Dancer was making his way out of the booth. The others smiled amused and knowingly.

"Well, this place also allows other singers and bands to perform. Dancer has his own little time whenever we get here." Vixen smirked, leaning back in her sea.

"All right does and stags, please give a your usual warm welcome to our usual flying star. Dancer!" The announcer said from the stage, as Dancer slid in from the side and grabbed the mic. The reindeer on the dance floor, as well at the tables all cheered, and clapped their hooves together.

Dancer grinned. "Alright everyone, I have a special one for you tonight." He glanced behind him at the band members and smirked. "Boys, let's rock!" And just like that, the music began, and Dancer sang as Nicholas had never heard before.

Soon enough all the dancers on the grand dance floor started to swing and dance, it all looked lively and so much fun. Cupid eyed Blitzen Nicholas noticed, and he could tell Blitzen tried to hide a small blush. He coughed. "Say, Cupid, would you like to da-"

"Yes!" Cupid instantly said, and before Blitzen even had a chance to be surprised or answer, his hoof was seized by the doe, and rushed to the dance floor.

The table shared a laugh, before Nicholas eyed Applejack, who looked back at him knowingly. He nodded towards the dance floor, and she smiled at him playfully. Soon enough he and Applejack joined the rest of the dancers out on the floor, having the night of their lives.

The evening came to an end, and a tired, but good spirited Nicholas trotted out of the club, along with his friends. They all made their way down on the roads to get to the main town square. They talked about the evening, and how much fun it was, and how they should all do it again once Hearth's Warming Eve was over.

They had barely made it into the square however, when a strange loud, and eerie sound stopped all conversation. It almost sounded like thunder, but in slow motion. As they looked around for the source, they all noticed other reindeer were also looking around, but soon enough found themselves looking up.

It was then that they saw it. The veil, which had been invisible to them all, had great glowing cracks running along it. The cracks moved slowly, as the veil tried to repair itself. Blitzen frowned, stepping forward a little with a serious expression.

"It's the Windigos, they are breaking down the barrier..."

Nicholas looked startled. "Will it hold?"

Blitzen nodded. "For now. Once the Crystal Star can feel more love and kindness between all kinds, it should regain much of its lost magic." As he spoke, Nicholas and Applejack noticed all of the reindeer, not just the ones from the flying squad, but all who were near, were looking at him. Blitzen turned as well, looking up at Nicholas. "We are counting on you, Santa." He bowed, and so did every reindeer present, from young to old, everyone was bowing to him.

Nicholas felt the huge responsibility landing on his shoulders, as he understood how much bigger this task of his was. Of course he knew it already, but it was like it only truly sank in now. He looked up again at the great cracks, watching as the veil mended itself, fighting a losing battle against the monsters outside. Everybody counted on him, and he knew this wasn't just for their sake, but perhaps the sake of the whole world.

Nicholas steeled himself, and nodded. "We will succeed." He promised them all, and he could see hope sparkle in their eyes. Nicholas went to bed that night, worried about what he had seen, determined to do his duty, and comforted by a lover's warm embrace.

As he laid in his bed, watching the window, looking at the crack flowing across the sky. He felt Applejack's steady heartbeat, and he was reminded he wasn't alone, and tomorrow, she would be by his side, as she had always been. With that soothing thought, he gave the window one last look, and then fell into a deep sleep.

The next day there was a mix of excitement, anticipation, and trepidation in the air. Everyone went about their day with far more reserve than what they usually did, Nicholas's couldn't blame them. It was hard to act all cheerful when the magical veil that protects your home is being destroyed by monsters from the outside.

Despite this, everyone carried on with a determined grit. Nicholas felt almost out of place, having nothing to do other than wait for the big night. He wasn't the only one. The workshop had done its job, the sleigh was ready and packed, and now the only thing they could do was wait, and reflect.

Nicholas decided to go back to the great hall of the crystal star. He was quite alone up there, but it still felt as if he was with someone. Like the crystal star was actually a pony, or a living being. Strangely enough, he felt comforted by it. He spent a few minutes just walking around, talking out loud, letting his voice echo in the great hall.

"It just seems so unreal..." He sighed, kicking at the air absently. "My whole life not knowing who I am, or why I am here. Then suddenly, I am to guard you, and bring joy and hope to all children of this world." He couldn't help but let a small chuckle of disbelief out.

"Feeling nervous?" A familiar voice suddenly asked. This time, Nicholas was hardly surprised as he saw his future self trot out from behind the crystal star. "I had a feeling you might be here."

Nicholas looked at his older self for a moment, trying to imagine himself being so at ease with everything. "How do you do it?" Nicholas asked.

"How do I do what?"

"Sorry, what I meant to say was, how do we do it?"

Santa chuckled warmly, sitting down on the steps to the small podium for the star. "You mean how do we dedicate our immortal life to an endless task?" Nicholas hadn't really thought about it that way, but he nodded, trotting closer and sat down beside his future self. Santa smirked a little. "I know its scary now, I remember feeling just as terrified."

"Easy enough, I am your past." Nicholas said, gaining another chuckle out of the older alicorn.

"True enough, but to answer your question, let me just say you will find out soon enough." Nicholas smiled as he looked around a little. "This task of ours, important as it is, it is nothing to the joy we feel when someone opens up a present of their wish." Nicholas looked at him. "Their eyes light up with wonder, and we get to be part of something that will inspire so much good in all sorts of creatures, not just ponies."

Nicholas smiled, nodding a little to himself. "That does sound nice..."

"That's an understatement." Santa said playfully. "You might not be a ruler like Celestia and Luna, but your domain will be just as important."

"I don't like being considered a ruler." Nicholas said, frowning a little.

"Like it or not, they do admire you as such." Santa nudged him. "It comes with a lot of cookie perks."

Nicholas laughed. "Like my power can be bought cheaply." He teased, and the two of them shared a chuckle.

"But hey," Santa then said. "Be yourself, ease into it, and you will do just fine." He winked at Nicholas, who felt somewhat more at ease now. "I better go, I have a big night ahead of me, and so do you."

Nicholas nodded. "Yeah, you're right." The two stood, and shared a look of understanding. Nicholas was going to put his all into this, save gift givers grove, and hopefully save hearth's warming eve!

Later that evening, the entire grove seemed to have gathered in a massive hall in the castle. Several tables were filled with reindeer young and old, and even more was filled with foods and treats of every kind. Nicholas himself sat at the very end of the hall, in the middle of a long table, with Aurora, Bori and Alice on his left, and Applejack and the flying squad on his right. Mina herself pretty much also sat in the middle, but she was so tiny she just sat on the table and ate near Nicholas and Applejack.

The great hall was decorated beautifully, and a band was playing all manners of hearth warming songs, some of which he knew, and some he didn't. Had their circumstances not been so dire, the mood might have been higher, but as it stood, with the enemy at the gates, the mood was a little subdued.

It was only the children, who seemed to find any joy in their gifts, their toys, and forget about the dark reality. Nicholas couldn't help but admire that.

At some point, Aurora, Bori and Alice stood, and the great hall went instantly silent. Aurora smiled. "Tonight, we make history."

Bori nodded. "For years we have been waiting for this very moment."

"And now it is time." Aurora finished.

Alice grinned. "So let us not worry about those jerks beyond the veil. Santa is going to kick some butt, and bring joy back into the crystal star, and save the grove, and hearth warming!"

The hall let out a loud cheer, and Aurora and her companions made their way to Nicholas's side. "It's time, sire." Aurora said. The many guests had not heard her, but they knew it too, and had already started to move outside where the sleigh was waiting.

Nicholas gulped a little, feeling his heart pounding with anticipation. "Right..." He only said, standing himself, and only then found out that the flying squad had already left.

Mina jumped onto Nicholas's back, and Applejack trotted up beside him as they made their way into another room. The room itself was small, there was a small podium, and a big mirror, it reminded Nicholas of the fitting room in Rarity's boutique. Inside stood two maids, one of which was Sugar Dust. She smiled knowingly, and inclined her head as the door closed behind them. "Santa," she greeted.

"Sugar Dust." Nicholas greeted back, "Guess it's time." He smiled nervously.

The two maids giggled, and Nina jumped from Nicholas's back to Applejack's. Nicholas stepped onto the small podium, and the two maids levitated a red coat towards him. He sat back a bit, and lifted his forelegs so he was better able to slip into it. It was very soft, and fit really well. Sugar Dust closed it at his chest, while the other maid got him a red cap. Looking at himself in the mirror, Nicholas was stunned. He felt so warm, open, even majestic.

"I've always said red looks good on you." Applejack said with a big and proud smile.

Nicholas looked at her, smiling back to her. "As usual, you are right..." He admitted, his eyes twinkling.

The two maids walked to the door, "we will see if they are ready, Santa." Sugar Dust said, trotting out, leaving both Nicholas and Applejack alone. Mina too seemed to have snuck out without either of them noticing it.

"Are you nervous?" Applejack asked as she trotted closer, inspecting Nicholas's suit absently.

"A little..." He hesitated, then let out a nervous laugh. "Okay, a lot." Nicholas chuckled. "But also determined, they are all counting me out there."

"You will do great, sugarcube." Applejack assured him, looking up into his eyes. "I know you will."

Nicholas smiled back, leaning closer and planted a soft kiss on her lips. She kissed back, feeling her whole body becoming warm. "Thank you, Applejack. You always believed in me, and stood by my side."

Applejack grinned. "Don't think it was only me who did that, Nick." She said, poking his chest. "You were always there for me too." Her expression grew a little somber, and her smirk shrunk into a sad smile. "You were there for me when my parents died, you were always around to hear me out, or cheer me up." She placed a hoof on her heart, letting out a breath she hadn't known she had been holding. Then she looked up at him, her smile growing a bit. "I knew I loved you way back then, and I knew I would always be by your side."

"Applejack, I..."

"No, don't say it." Applejack said, holding up her hoof. "You don't need to, I already know." Nicholas smiled, moving closer and embraced her. The two stayed in each other's hooves for a few moments before a gentle knock at the door brought their attention back to the present.

Sugar Dust looked inside. "Santa, it's time."

The grand double door opened to the plaza outside. Reindeers were lined up along the path, all of them looking up at Nicholas as he stepped out, with Applejack by his side. No one spoke or cheered as they descended the stairs. At first Nicholas thought it was the rumbling above them, the reminder that the veil could break soon, but as they passed the first reindeer, he noticed they started to bow their heads.

As soon as they passed a reindeer, they bowed their heads in respect. Nicholas's first instinct was embarrassment, however his second understanding. They had waited years for this very evening, so yes, they bowed to him, but also to the symbol he had suddenly become. Meaning to or not, he had given them hope that what they had worked towards for so long had never been a waste of time, or a futile attempt to bring more joy into the world. This was just as much their night as it was his.

Holding his head high, Nicholas trotted along the path they had created for him, all the way to the open plain. There a beautiful wooden red painted sleigh waited for him. Blitzen and the rest of the flying squad were already hitched up and waiting for the time for them to fly. Even Mina was already in the sleigh, waiting dutifully.

Aurora, Bori and Alice were there too of course, but they stood to the side, giving the final word to Nicholas himself. When he approached the sleigh, he looked back, only to see the entire town had come out to watch him, all of them looking at him expectantly. There was another thunder-like sound above them, and a flash of fear and trepidation moved through the entire crowd.

That only made Nicholas more determined, he wasn't about to let them down. He took a deep breath, then felt a strange calm come over him. This was where he needed to be, where he was always meant to be. He smiled, looking at Applejack for a moment, then at the crowd.

"Even though we have many hills and mountains to climb."
"And there's no easy road and we haven't very much time."

They all looked confused at Nicholas as he started to sing, but he just smiled back. Looking at Applejack, who started to smile back as he guided her to the sleigh. The flying squad smiled too.

"We gotta stick together, we can hold on forever."
"We can make it, we can make it if we try."

Nicholas got in, and gave a confident nod to Blitzen, who smirked and nodded back. A silent signal passed between them all, and soon enough they zoomed down a long snow filled path.

"Even though the snow will come, falling down from the sky."
"We can overcome any troubles and towers too high."

They started to rise into the air!

"No matter how the winds may blow,"
"and though it may be touch and go."
"We can make it, we can make it if we try."

They flew higher and higher, above the now cheering crowd. Nicholas smiled at Applejack, and she smiled back at him with a proud look in her eyes.

"There are times when you're down and you've given up on your dreams."

They moved closer and closer to the veil, and the windigos! Nicholas's eyes narrowed in determination, as he moved closer to the side of the sleigh.

"We have to face the storm 'cause things are not as bad as they seem."

He let himself drop out of the sleigh. Quickly Nicholas spread his wings, and flew up to the front of the sleigh, and his reindeer.

"You got to go to extremes!"

Nicholas wasn't sure how he was doing it, but he reached deep inside himself, pulling out every emotion and connection he had. Applejack, his family, the elves, the reindeer, every pony in Ponyville. This was for them! His horn lit up, and a silvery glow emanated from him, seeming to cut its way through the veil, and right into the windigos.

"Even though it's dark, blue skies are comin' your way."
"And by tomorrow it'll be a sunnier day."

They cleared the veil, and Nicholas's face grew more determined, as he let out everything he got! A massive display of magic burst from him, like waves upon waves of silvery light pulsed from him, each wave hitting the windigos like the waves of the sea, pushing him away from them, and the veil itself!

"As long as you're by my side, we'll survive this stormy ride!"
"We can make it, we can make it if we try!"

Blitzen let out an encouraging cheer to the rest of his squad, and they all gritted their teeth, pushing themselves to stay close to Nicholas and clear the windigos!

"Oh, we have to face the storm 'cause things are not as bad as they seem."
"You've got to go to extremes!"

One final push, Nicholas gave it his all, remembering everybody who counted on them tonight! It worked, it felt like every positive emotion he had ever felt went through him. He could see them all, everybody he cared for, everybody who cared for him. It was all the motivation he needed to keep going, and soon enough, the storm of windigos thinned, until Nicholas and the others were clear of them, the sky cleared, and they faced an open and star filled sky!

They had done it, they had made it through, and made the windigos flee for now!

"Even though it's dark, blue skies are comin' your way."
"And by tomorrow it'll be a sunnier day."

Nicholas smiled as his magic subsided, and he let himself be overtaken by a cheering flying squad. A little shaky, he still managed to land gently back in the sleigh beside Applejack, and pulled her close with his wing. Not that he needed to, she embraced him as soon as she could.

"As long as you're by my side, we'll survive this stormy ride."

They all sang happily, and determined as they went faster and faster!

"We can make it, we can make it if we try."
"We can make it, we can make it if we try."
"We can make it."

"We can!"

They all laughed, and cheered, all feeling more motivated now that they had passed the worst of it. They had actually done it! Nicholas wasn't about to let the momentum drop, and neither was Blitzen.

Nicholas took the reins, and gave them a gentle tug. "Let's do this guys! Dash away!"

It was all his loyal flying squad needed to hear! The sparks started to come out under the reindeers hooves, and the air grew thick, as suddenly the world around them seemed to vanish! Maybe it was because Nicholas felt more confident this time, or maybe it was because of his new Alicorn body, but as the world around them turned into pure light, he felt far more comfortable as they raced to their first destinations!

It wasn't very often Lucky Strike woke up in the middle of the night, but when he did it was usually to go to the bathroom, or like tonight, he needed a glass of milk. the colt's parents were already fast asleep of course, it had been a great and long evening for them all. Family dinner, great food, songs, games, snacks. All the while the many presents under the tree had seemed so tempting, but it would still be a few more hours until he and his sister could run downstairs to unwrap them all.

Lucky yawned, making his way down the stairs of their cottage, moving through the living room. The fireplace had almost died out, only a few lightly burning embers made it clear there had been a healthy fire burning inside just a few hours ago. Going to the kitchen, he got himself a glass of milk, and one or two cookies for good measure.

Carrying the glass and the cookies on a small tray on his back, the colt made his way through the living room, intending to get to the staircase. But just as he was making it past the fireplace, something caught his attention. A strange, yet not unpleasant sound. His ears moved around, trying to locate the sound. Was it, bells?

There was a thud above him, like something hit the roof. For a moment he frowned, thinking some snow must have slid off. Then he realized the sound of the bells had stopped. Lucky stayed silent for a few moments, trying to listen closely, wondering where the sound had come from.

Then something else caught his attention, a strange breeze on his cheek. It came from the fireplace, and just as he turned to look in that direction, his eyes widened. Several tiny stars seemed to fly down the fireplace, and move out, gathering in one spot. They seemed to glitter brighter for one moment, and then with a sudden poof, a white male alicorn appeared out of nowhere, dressed in red, and a small velvet sack at his hooves.

The colt was so mesmerized he completely forgot to be startled by the sight. Perhaps he should have been scared, yell out, but when the alicorn looked at him with warm twinkling eyes and a welcoming smile, it somehow calmed the colt. The alicorn chuckled at his openly shocked expression.

"Don't be afraid, Lucky Strike." The alicorn said, his voice gentle and almost fatherly.

The colt hesitated for a moment. "H-how do you know my name..?"

The alicorn chuckled again, a pleasant chuckle. "Oh, I know you have been a really good colt this whole year. I know you have been very brave for your little sister when she was in the hospital." The alicorn said, sitting down. "Your letter touched me a lot, Lucky Strike... Not many foals would ask for nothing more than to make your sister healthy."

Lucky looked confused for a moment, then his eyes widened in realization. "You're, you're.... But I thought!"

"Hoho, yes, I have changed a bit..." The alicorn smiled cheekily. "Your sister is all better now, right?" He asked knowingly.

The colt nodded. "Yeah, much! The doctor said she is all better now."

The alicorn's smile seemed to grow even warmer. "I'm glad. You've done really well, Lucky." Then he winked at him. "Which is why," using his magic, the sack levitated a bit, opened up, and two very large wrapped presents floated out, and landed near the tree. "I think you both deserve these."

The colt's eyes widened, just as his smile did. "Wow, t-thank you so much." He almost dropped the tray as he moved, but the tray was caught by the alicorn's magic.

"Careful now." He chuckled. "You better get back to bed and sleep, I still have a long night ahead of me." The tray was levitated to a small table next to the couch.

"Wait!" Lucky said quickly, then moved to the table, and took the tray with the milk and cookies. He trotted back to the alicorn, and placed it in front of him. "For you, Santa."

Santa grinned. "Thank you so much, Lucky Strike." Taking the glass, he downed it and then ate one of the cookies. He smiled in delight. "Mmhm, your mother makes amazing cookies!" Santa complimented, and took the other cookie. "For the road." He winked at the colt, and he grinned.

Somepony moved upstairs, and Lucky looked towards the stairs, then back at Santa. "Happy Hearth's Warming, Santa."

"Happy Hearth's Warming, Lucky Strike, to you, and your family."

Then, just as suddenly as he had arrived, the alicorn vanished into tiny stars, which proceeded to fly into the fireplace, and up the chimney. Almost instinctively, Lucky hurried to the window as he heard the bells again. He just managed to see a sleigh pulled by eight reindeer race across the sky!

Wow, wait until he told his sister!

Unknown to every creature of this world, except for a select few, Nicholas moved across the entire world. To those who might see him in the sky, he looked like nothing more than a shooting star. Every house he visited, every family of child he saw, Nicholas could feel the joy it brought him. Those who woke as the sun came up to find their presents, their joy made its way back to the Crystal Star.

The veil mended soon after, making the many reindeers cheer, and celebrate, knowing Hearth's Warming had been saved, and so had their town!

Of course, by his side throughout the entire night was Applejack. At this point she had gotten used to flying, and to the speed. She didn't mind sitting in the sleigh, seeing Nicholas vanish into each home, and then come back. With each house they visited, Applejack knew Nicholas had helped make others happy.

Now as they flew across the sky, she learned into him, Nicholas looked at her, smiling. "Its okay if you sleep," he told her gently.

Applejack chuckled, shaking her head a little. "I don't want to miss this..."

Nicholas chuckled. "It's okay, we only have one more stop."

She let out a happy sigh, nodding a little. she could feel his warmth, it was so embracing she could not help but relax even more. Her eyelids were so heavy, and each time she blinked it became harder and harder to open them. That was okay, she was right where she wanted to be...

"Applejack! Applejack, you're back!"

Applejack's eyes shot open as she suddenly felt herself being shaken awake. The sound of her younger sister's voice brought her mind into focus, as she found herself not in the sleigh with Nicholas, but in her own room at Sweet Apple Acres. She looked around confused, and then looked at her sister.

"Apple Bloom?" She asked, almost in a whisper.

Apple Bloom smiled, then leaped into her, her small hooves wrapping around her neck. "We've missed you so much!" She exclaimed.

It took a moment for Applejack to realize she really was back home. Once that settled in, she focused on her sister, and smiled. Her hooves moved around her, and hugged her back. "I've missed you too, Apple Bloom." Of course she had, she had missed her entire family. Still, that didn't take away from the confusion she was feeling.

How had she ended up here in her bed? Where was Nicholas? Had he gone back to the north pole?

Apple Bloom snapped her out of her thoughts as she slid off the bed, and looked up at her. "Come on, Granny is making breakfast, and then we can open presents! There is a bunch from Santa!" Apple Bloom almost squealed in excitement. Applejack couldn't help but smile, and then nodded.

"Sure, AB, be right down." Apple Bloom nodded, and left the room. It gave Applejack time to collect herself, organize her thoughts. What happened yesterday, flying across the world, it felt so real, and yet so vague, like it had all been a dream. Of course she knew it hadn't been a dream, she knew it had happened, but even so, she wasn't sure what to do now.

If Nicholas had gone back to the grove, did that mean he had to stay there until next year?

She heard her family downstairs, and she smiled a little. She reminded herself she could not think like this, not now. She got up, and found her Stetson hat lying where she usually placed it when she slept. Putting it on, she made her way downstairs. The whole house smelled of Granny's cooking, it was a welcoming scent. Granny was moving around dishes, making the table, along with Big Mac, who had chosen to wear a green sweater.

The sight made her smile. Granny and Mac looked her way, both smiling. "Well it was about time fer ya to show up!" Granny grinned. "Glad ya made it back in time!"

Mac nodded. "Eeyup."

"Breakfast is almost ready, Mac, help me set the table." Granny said as she went back into the kitchen. Applejack chuckled, about to follow them when she was stopped by a knocking sound. Somepony was at the door. "Applejack, mind seeing who it is?!" Granny Smith called from the kitchen. "I've got my hooves full!"

"On it!" Applejack called back, trotting towards the front door. For a moment she considered it being one of her friends, but they were all away to celebrate with their own families. Trotting to the door, she slowly opened not sure who it could be. The answer made the mare smile.

Nicholas stood outside, still dressed in the suit he had been gifted, smiling. "Morning," he said cheerfully. "Sorry I'm late, I had to organize my home, and the rest of the elves." He chuckled, but was soon pushed back a little as Applejack leaped into him, embracing him tightly! "Whoa, missed me that much already?"

"I thought you had gone back." Applejack said, letting out a sigh of relief.

Nicholas chuckled. "I did go back, back to my old home. I also went to see my family." He explained, holding her close. "You fell asleep, so I thought it would be nicer if you got to sleep in your bed." He gave her a loving squeeze. "I would never leave you behind." He promised.

"I know..." She nodded, leaned up and kissed him.

The two stayed like this for a moment, and then by reflex moved to the pouch, and sat down side by side. This had been something of a tradition ever since Nicholas started to deliver gifts. Every morning, the two would meet out here for a cup of warm cocoa. They didn't have any cocoa this time, but they had each other, which was even better.

After a moment, asked, "where is Mina?"

"She is organizing the rest of the elves, making them ready to go to the gift givers grove." Nicholas explained. "Took them a while to believe I was, well, me."

Applejack chuckled. "What about your family, how did they take the news?"

"Surprisingly well, actually." Nicholas said. "I mean, yeah, they were shocked to see me as an Alicorn, but once they got used to it, and I explained everything that had happened, they were pretty fast to accept it." He blushed a little embarrassed. "Ma told me she always knew I was meant for great things."

"Well, she wasn't wrong, was she?" Applejack grinned, then let out a happy sigh, and leaned into him. Suddenly, she chuckled, making Nicholas smirk.


"You know, I just remembered. Twilight still hasn't met you, imagine her shock when she finds out you're an alicorn."

The two started to laugh. So much had happened over the last week, it was kind of crazy. It had been quite the adventure to be sure. "I wonder if I can relax a bit now." Nicholas mused. "I'm not sure I can handle another adventure right now."

Applejack giggled. "In my experience, there is always another adventure right around the corner."

"Well," Nicholas said, turning to her. "As long as you're by my side, I think I'll be okay with that."

Applejack smiled, nodding. "Always." Their lips met in another loving kiss. "I love you, Nicholas..."

"I love you too, Applejack." He smiled, and the two shared a nuzzle.

"Applejack, breakfast is ready!" Apple Bloom called from inside the house.

"We probably should go inside." Applejack said and stood up. "If you think you're ready to face my family." She grinned.

Nicholas stood, smirking. "You'll protect me, right?"

"Well, you did make me miss our family feast, and you also have to tell them we are together. I'm not sure how much protection I can give you, sugarcube." The two laughed as Applejack opened the door. Then she stopped, looking back at him with a smile. "Happy Hearth's Warming, Nicholas."

Nicholas smiled. "Happy Hearth's Warming, Applejack."

And with that, the two entered the Apple family home. What would be ahead of them? Well no matter what it was, they would face it as they always had, together.

Happy Hearth's Warming everybody!

Author's Note:

Aaaand, there we have it! It is done, and really delayed! XD

Sorry about that, but things have been crazy, and my time limited. I am really happy with how this story turned out, and I am glad I scrapped the original to make this one. I hope you guys have enjoyed it, and I hope it was worth the wait. ;)

Comments ( 13 )

And so, Nicholas finishes his training and fulfills his destiny and thus, he manages to escape the wendigos' wrath and deliver his presents on his big night. In which the story comes to an end, I love the story so much, DanishDash.

A good ending dude. Thanks for all the hard work! :pinkiehappy:

Side Note: Maybe an extra chapter someday where the Deer meet all of the mane6?

A wonderful ending for this story! Can’t wait to see if you will do Rudolph since it would be cool if his band of friends had a Windego as a friend. Thank you for the wonderful story!

A good ending and now dog days... I wonder what Luna and Celestia is thinking about Nick~
Grand sorry~

Aww, its done already, bummer... but yeah it was worth the wait and I hope you continue this story. I also love the Cupid and Blitzen ship.

Excellent work well done hop you make a sequel for this story for next Christmas

A wonderful ending! Glad to see this hasn't been relegated to the dustbin!

I hope you can make a 3rd story on this, I love this and the first one as well.

I would love to see Lucky Strike reaction on what he received

Will this be another sequel?

Comment posted by Madness18 deleted Apr 12th, 2023

*this is just me having fun as this just poped up after reading this story*

Beyond the veil where time itself goes to die where it is eternal now, where light and dark collide exist a chessboard and two occupied thrones, the one on light side is made of gold and royal purple seats on it sits a white Alicorn with four wings and three eyes from her center eyes shins a golden light as a halo of silver behind her head intermingle with her red ethereal hair and a silver crown and a matching peytral adorning her, a pair of draconic fangs as well a maternaly body,
she looks down and see her white pice occupying where a black pice once stood threatening her king, smiling from the other side of the board a black as void alicorn male red reptilian eyes and his skin looks more some one has stretched it over a skeleton as he is wearing an iron crown and peytral siting on a throne of obsidian and red velvet seats, around his head is a halo of jaged blood redness, as a lightning strikes in the oppressive darkness behind him and a shriek from a wendigo is heard,
he opens to speak and frost comes from his mouth and his voice sounds like ice flows grinding to each other

Darkness: "i have other pawns my dear~"

and one of his pices for a brief secund flashes a image of a upcoming trial for the defenders of light, lights voice is soft and musical sounding like a harp and should any mortals hear her they will die from its butiful sounds

light: "you have not won yet"

as she looks to the pice that protected the king a flash and a small image of the newest Alicorn but for a few secunds untill it fades out with darkness moves one of his pices on the board

Comment posted by Madness18 deleted Apr 12th, 2023
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