• Published 30th Nov 2022
  • 407 Views, 3 Comments

Antipode Juxtaposition - Mokoma

Kindness, honesty, laughter, loyalty, generosity, and magic. According to stereotypes, the wielders of these elements aren't quite fitting. But one's species aren't the defining factor - are they?

  • ...

Chapter 2 - Into the Everfree

Twilight groaned - Spike was exhausted as he kept burning letter after letter. Yet, as each letter ended up falling back on Twilight's head, it became clear that his messaging power wasn't working whatsoever.

"Why isn't it working!?" Twilight groaned. "I know all the spells needed to stop her! But I just need at-least one skilled mage from Canterlot! Why aren't the messages sending!?"

"Maybe..." Spike huffed, engulfing another letter with his wing. "Maybe...her magic's blocking it...?"

The earth pony bit her lip with frustration. "That's not the worst thing she could've done as a draconequus...This is bad." She whimpered softly. "...What do we do? What do we do..."

"What about the elements?" Spike proposed.

Twilight blinked at the phoenix, and nodded. "Right - maybe...Maybe we can find them in the Everfree forest! Maybe...Yes! Okay, Spike - get ready; we're heading out to the Everfree Forest!"

"We're comin' with you!" Said Applejack as she ran into the library.

"Huh!?" Twilight gasped in surprise.

"Yeah!" Rainbow Dash slithered in. "You don't think we'll let you take all the glory of being the hero of Creatureville, are ya!?"

Twilight sighed at the creatures. As much as she hated to admit it - going with some help was the considerably wiser choice. She resigned to her fate, and nodded to them.


The group had waded into the woods - and despite how fearful they were, how the twisted branches and trunks had made them shiver in fear...their hooves, claws, paws and talons carried on moving forward. However, it was difficult to move forward - when fog had coated the ground.

"Y'all be careful." AJ said. "There's all sorts of hazards in the Everfree forest - barring the creatures and such."

"Pppft, hazards schmazards." Rainbow rolled her eyes. "A bit of a foggy ground never hurt anycreature."

As they kept walking, the irony of Dash's statement was felt by all - for every ten meters they went, the fog had raised for about an inch.

"How are we going to get through all this dreadful fog?" Rarity sighed.

The siren grunted. "I can barely see two meters ahead of--" DONK! Went her forehead as she bumped into a tree.

"Rainbow!" Fluttershy cried out. "Are you okay?"

"Ngh, I'm fine." The siren rubbed her forehead.

"With this fog being so intense..." Twilight softly spoke. "We can get ourselves really hurt..."

In that moment, the orange changeling blinked...And smiled. "That's it!" She said. "I'm gonna transform into something that can help us see further! Or at-least hear." Applejack said - before a wave of green washed over here...and in her place, was a bat. "I'll use echolocation to tell you the way!"

Twilight gulped. Could she really trust a creature she just met today?

As Applejack alternated between sitting on the shoulders of other creatures and guiding them, unease grew. Each step felt like it could be their last - and yet as AJ assertively said to move, they were met with solid ground. The uncomfortable feeling grew even more due to the prospect that the changeling never said to move directly, therefore there were some hazards worth avoiding.

And as Twilight's hooves moved on...they were placed right on a ridge, making her yelp and a step back. "Applejack!" She exclaimed. "There's a drop ahead of me!"

"You'll be fine, sugarcube!" The changeling exclaimed. "Just put your hoof forward and lean in!"

"Why would I do that!?" The earth pony cried out.

"Twi, please." Applejack said. "I'm being honest. Trust me - and you'll be safe. Please."

Twilight gulped. Was this really a good idea? But what choice did she have? She was the blind one here. With a whimper, she did as told, stepping forward...

And her hoof made contact with the ground once again. She blinked, and realized what she interpreted as a drop was just a minor shift in the ground's elevation, akin to a step. She then took a few steps more forwards, and smiled as saw that everycreature made it. Applejack transformed back into a changeling, and proudly smiled.

"Applejack!" Twilight exclaimed. "That was amazing! You navigated us all to safety!"

The orange changeling giggled. "Aw shucks. Now let's go, Twi - we got a draconequus to stop!"


Rarity hummed a cutesy tune as they waded along the path - before a yellow glint caught her eyes. The five heard a shrill scream of excitement as the Diamond Dog rapidly ran over to it, and the others turned her heads to what she was up to. She approached a rock, and cracked her knuckles in-front of it.

"Uh, Rarity? What're you doin'?" Applejack asked - partially annoyed that they're being sidetracked, yet curious to see what the canine was planning on.

"Just a moment, darling~!" Rarity called out. "I know we are in a situation that may decide the future of Equestria - however, that is no excuse to pass up on rare gems! This appears to be natural citrine! This would do WONDERS for my boutique! Just imagine how good it would look as the centerpiece of a ballroom dress~!" The dog grinned.

Twilight sighed. "Rarity, we don't have time!"

"I'll have it in ten seconds flat, darling, don't you worry!" The Diamond Dog exclaimed.

"That's my line!" Rainbow Dash objected.

However, her objection would prove to be challenged by what they saw. The Diamond Dog would once again crack the knuckles of her large paws. She spun around - and swung her club-like tail at the rock. It was a tremendous smashing force that with each strike would cause cracks at the rock that surrounded the gem. It looked as effortless as her using her tail as a brush - but this brush would shatter the stone with each strike. As she saw it was appropriately smashed, Rarity turned around once more, and started to rapidly punch through the rock; her paws like clockwork as they carved and chipped out the stone, with enough speed to let pebbles rain all around...

And once she turned to the girls, she triumphantly stood with a large piece of citrine in her paws, which she stashed into her vest. "Ten seconds flat, dears! All done! Let us go forth!"

The other five blinked at her with surprise, disappointment, and confusion...Before Rainbow Dash's agility allowed her to float away from a most terrifying force - a manticore that lunged at her.

"That's a manticore!" Twilight blinked in fear - her research giving her the unfortunate insight into just what was trying to make them into its dinner. She backed up, the Manticore aggressively walking towards them, one assertive paw at a time. It swiped its claw at them whenever they got too close, forcing them all into a corner of boulders and trees.

"What do we do!?" Rarity screamed in desperation, shielding her precious gem.

"We can't tussle with that!" Applejack fearfully said - still exhausted from her previous transformation after keeping it activated so long.

Rainbow Dash cleared her throat. "Laaaalaaaaa~--" She made a hen-like yelp as a claw nearly took off one of her fins, floating back into the corner. "Too angry to listen to me!"

"This is bad!" Twilight exclaimed - not noticing that Fluttershy's attention was not directed to the manticore.

"Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "Roar as loud as you can at it!"

"Just a moment..." The dragon whispered, the sound of rustling coming from her direction as she began to search for something.

"Use your breath!" Rarity yelped as she avoided its mighty jaws.

"What are you waitin' for!? You got the tools to send him runnin'!" Applejack asked as the beast was cornering them.

"Wait!" Fluttershy cried out, trying to see something through the leaves and bushes.

"Fluttershy!" The girls cried out in unison.

"There!" The dragon triumphantly said, and used one of her claws to harmlessly pick up the goal of her search; a baby manticore, who peacefully slept in the bushes. She used her claw to carefully bring it over to the Manticore - who seemed to smile wide. As the baby was placed on the adult's back, it leaned in to rub its head against Fluttershy's massive muzzle, and lick it like a grateful cat.

"Poor thing..." Fluttershy frowned. "It got separated from its child, and must've thought we abducted it...Aw dear, you're shyo kyoote!"

"Fluttershy?" Twilight blinked. "How did you know...?"

"I know when a parent animal is unhappy because it can't find its child." The dragon said in-between saying cutesy things to the manticore. "I take care of animals, after all."

"Yeah - and y'know, I'm glad things got resolved the way they did but..." Rainbow sighed. "Why didn't ya fight back!?"

Fluttershy patiently smiled at Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow, not all problems are solved with violence. In the end, we all need to be shown kindness...and a little patience." She giggled.

And so, the six continued.


As the group went deeper into the twisted and corrupted woods, unease began to fester. Optimism was being sapped from them as the terrible appearance of the woods...it intimidated them. It was imposing, and chilling. Their footsteps became smaller, and more wary - as if each of them was ready to turn tail...Except for Pinkie, as she bounced happily on her talons and paws.

"P-Pinkie..." The large dragon whimpered. "How can you feel so calm right now...?"

"Why shouldn't I be?" The griffon giggled softly, carefree as she entered the darkness - even with all the glowing eyes within. She harmlessly bounced into the light again - easily dodging a claw-shaped branch that tried to swoop at her.

"Because this place is so..." Applejack gulped.

"...So..." Twilight nearly yelped as she saw one of the tree trunks looking like an evil face.

"Unfashionable!" Rarity exclaimed.

"She means terrifying." Rainbow Dash coughed.

Pinkie Pie smiled. "Well - I don't gotta be! I learned you just gotta smile and laugh at the things that make you scared!" She explained with her bubbly intonation.

"I'm not...sure that's a good idea. You might make those things angry..." Fluttershy whispered as each time her massive claw broke twigs, it made her jump slightly.

The griffon smiled. "But it is a good idea! You wanna know the best way to prove it?"

"Oh!" Fluttershy cheered up, eyes lightening up. "A musical number where you describe how you are able to smile in the face of that which is scary?"

"Nope!" The griffon grinned.

"...Oh." The dragon whimpered.

Pinkie kept bouncing on. "We griffons aren't the musical kind so I never learned how to sing! But I got the second best thing."

"What is it?" Applejack tilted her head.

The griffon turned at her with a smile so bright it nearly reflected all nearby light - if there was any. "Jokes!"

"Jokes?" Twilight looked bemused.

"Twilight." Pinkie ahem'd. "What did the librarian say to the visitor who checked out 100 books?"

The earth pony sighed. "Pinkie this isn't--"

"Don't overdue it." The griffon flatly said - prompting Twilight to nearly sputter mid-sentence as she began to giggle like a schoolgirl.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "That's the joke that made you laugh?"

"Rainbow, why are sea creatures so good at singing?"

"Is this gonna be one of those jokes--"

"They can really carry...a tune-a!"


"Y'know, carry a tune - carry a tuna--"

The siren uncoiled all over the floor as she started to laugh almost in an exhaling kind of way...And the changeling began to laugh at the same sight as she saw Rainbow completely give into it.'

"Hey, Rarity." The griffon grinned. "What'dya call an awful dress made of paper?"

"An ecological travesty?" The Diamond Dog rose a brow.


"SNRK-- DARLING!" The Diamond Dog put a paw over her own mouth as she tried her hardest to do so while trying to hide an ugly laugh.

Pinkie giggled. "Fluttershy, got a knock knock joke for you - but you gotta start it."

"O-Oh. Okay. Uhm...Knock knock?"


The sound of a dragon trying not to laugh sounded like a muffled earthquake.

And as they made their way through, hearing Pinkie's jokes, no matter how groan-inducing or cheap they were...Twilight blinked. They made their way through the most wicked parts of the woods - and were now in a clearing...Now, things looked better. She smiled at Pinkie, who's jokes were even making Fluttershy open up with laughter.


Rarity hummed a soft tune as they went, checking her own reflection in the massive piece of Citrine she found. "Oh, once this is all over, I'll be able to make my little boutique go from underground and underground - to underground and mainstream~." She cooed.

"...That's a bit..." Applejack coughed. "...Materialistic?"

"Vain." Rainbow Dash coughed.

Rarity turned her head. "Hmph. You should know that I have a little sister to feed. And besides - finders keepers." She said. "Now, let me concentrate! I have so many design ideas to utilize as much of this stone's volume to maximize the--"

As rustling was heard, the creatures yelped and huddled up into a tighter group...The noise came from some bushes - and shortly afterwards...A pony ended up rolling through them, down a hill and at the hooves of Twilight, who blinked in surprise.

"...S-Sorry!" The little mare exclaimed, and straightened herself out. "I'm really sorry about that! I-I didn't mean to scare you!"

Rarity frowned as she took a closer look at the mare. She was quite young - yet so disheveled, wearing tattered clothes.

"Who are you...?" Twilight asked.

"I'm a forager..." The mare said. "I go deep into the Everfree to collect rare herbs and plants...But for whatever reason, my basket turned into a toad and just...leapt away...Some of my tools were in the basket, and now I don't know how I'll carry on...I'll come back home a shame who can't provide for my sister." She sniffled.

"Nightmare Moon..." Twilight hissed - understanding how the basket could've turned into a toad.

"The...The one who did it went that way." The mare pointed into a general direction. Twilight nodded - and prepared to run...Yet was stopped as she heard a shrill yell.

"STOOOOP!" Shouted Rarity.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Twilight asked.

The Diamond Dog looked at the poor mare, and sighed. "We can't leave her like this out in the middle of the most dangerous woods of Equestria." She said.

"But what can we do...?" Twilight frowned.

The Diamond Dog sighed, and looked at the massive Citrine in her paw. She sighed.

And the paw that held it extended to the disheveled mare. "H-Huh?"

"I want this stone, darling." Rarity said. "However, you need it. And no matter what it may do for me, it will do more for you. Please take it and sell it." The canine explained.

"Ma'am..." The mare squeaked. "I can't possibly..."

The Diamond Dog dog smiled at the mare with her sharp canine teeth. "Not too worry, dear. My business is afloat and I am more than capable of taking care of my sister. You need this."

The mare looked at Rarity...and sniffled, sobbing happily as she hugged the Diamond Dog. "Thank you!...Thank you so much!" She cried out.

"Not to worry, dear." Rarity hugged back. "Now go - your sister must be worried sick..."

"R-Right." The mare let go. "Oh! Before I forget! The "thing" that made my basket disappear...It went that way!" She pointed with her hoof - at a darker, foggier path.

"...Of course she did." Twilight gulped.


There it was - the ruined structure that allegedly contained the elements of harmony; dark, twisted and made with the crumbled, decaying constructions...However, the girls only saw the top of the structure - for between them and it was a thick fog...

And a large drop before. However - there indeed seemed to be a bridge...Which of course was cut from the other side.

"Seems that a very thick haze is ahead..." Twilight observed. "...And the bridge here's cut..."

"You feel that though?" Applejack asked. "Feels like...There's...Some kinda magic in the air."

Pinkie Pie carelessly smiled - and attempted to fly across the gap; before she yelped as she started to lose her balance mid-flight, and began to barrel back into the group. Applejack yelped, quickly transforming into a large bear - the first thing she could think of to softly break Pinkie's fall. The griffon blinked at the orange bear, and giggled.

Rainbow Dash slithered forward. "I got this." She grinned. "Conventional laws of aerodynamics don't apply to us sirens. I'll get the bridge fixed up."

"Okay..." Twilight nodded. "We'll wait for you!"

The siren grinned, and easily - without care, floated through the haze, and over the gap...

And as she made it to the other side...She heard singing. Very familiar singing...Like something she did - except so hypnotizing it could easily affect anyone, Rainbow Dash was lucky that she was immune to it.

"Who's there!?" She barked, the siren coiling to look behind her, only to see more fog...But in the distance, she saw three red glowing spots- slowly approaching.


She would see three sirens - each of them huge. One purple, one blue - and one orange. On their chests was a red gem, each proudly wearing it as it glowed.

"Hello, Rainbow." The orange one smiled.

"Who are you!? How do you know my name!?" The rainbow siren grit her sharp teeth.

"We are the best - the most enchanting, most renowned sirens of all time." Roughly spoke the purple one.

"The sirens beloved by all, the sirens who can make any bend to our whim." Excitedly spoke the blue one.

"We are the Dazzlings, Rainbow Dash. And we want you to join us." Calmly - with a sinister intent, spoke the orange one.

"Join you?" Rainbow Dash blinked...and in amazement. These sirens were massive - and maybe that meant they really meant business. And they were already offering to join? This would be much easier than trying to get into the Wondersirens! The siren happily nodded. "Okay! Let me just help my friends first--"

"Not so fast." Hissed the purple one. "If you want to join us, then you must decide now. There is no time for your friends. Joining the Dazzlings is a one in a lifetime opportunity. If you want to be taken seriously, give it your all." She barked.

The orange one nodded. "Yes - so tell me right now...Are you in - or are you...out?"

Rainbow Dash looked at the three mighty sirens...She could learn so much from them, she could develop so much...She looked back at the gap however, and her friends who waited for her help, who depended on her...She looked back at the Dazzlings...


"We have taco Tuesdays!" The blue one exclaimed - making the others narrow their eyes at her.

Rainbow Dash was biting her lip, eyes pacing back and forth...Before looking at the orange siren.

"...You..." She said.

The sirens had most massive grins.

"I mean, thank you for the offer. But nah. I don't leave my friends hanging. Besides...I'm more of a solo artist." The rainbow siren smirked, and quickly tied the bridge, before flying back.

The sirens looked at each other...and shrugged.

"She doesn't fit the vibe anyway." The blue siren flatly stated.

A most terrifying voice seeped into the area.

"You!" Said the voice. "You were supposed to convince her to join you! I dragged you out of another dimension because you sirens are so rare - and this is the result you get me!?"

The purple siren rose a brow at the source of the voice, and shrugged. "Look - honestly...We did not do our best. And we didn't feel like it."

"What!? But you wanted to return to Equestria!"

"Yes, well - not this Equestria." The orange one spoke. "We kind of figured out that the Princess Celestia of this world is a draconequus. So y'know, I'd rather take our chances in a world full of those bipedal furless things called "humans" with their opposable thumbs, than an Equestria where Princess Celestia is - of all things - a draconequus."

The blue one began to speak. "Not to mention--"

"No tacos. We know." The purple and orange groaned in unison.

"GGGRAH!" The maleficent force yelled - before transporting the sirens back to where they came.


The ruins were in sight, the earth pony in the lead anxiously sighed. "Okay girls." She said. "We must go in there and seek the Elements...Once we have them, we can stop Nightmare Moon..."

"We're with you, sugarcube." Applejack sweetly smiled, and the other mares nodded. Happy to have support - they ventured inside.

"Look at this place...Equal parts gorgeous and utterly depressing!" The Diamond Dog commented.

Fluttershy squeezed through, happy the area was big enough to let her to do with relative ease. She sat down where the chamber was widest, putting herself into the center of attention, as much as she didn't like it, to give room for the others.

"This is it." Twilight sat down, looking at six stone columns that apparently represented the elements. "Okay, now we just figure out how to draw them out so that we can stop Nightmare-"

"Moon?" Grinned a voice from the darkness, as the others gasped, grouping closer around Fluttershy - who was already hiding her face with her wings.

"Nightmare Moon!" Twilight called out.

"...That's what I said." The voice finally said, and materialized in-front of the throne room; the wicked draconequus that seemed to mirror Celestia in terms of animal limb positioning, and her dark color scheme. "Now, what're you doing here, little creatures? Well, and the big one. Don't you know it's rude to intrude?"

"We've come to stop you!" Twilight exclaimed, angrily eyeing down the draconequus as the other girls stood by her side, glaring the foe down - save of course Fluttershy.

"Oh, but how do you intend to do that?" The draconequus began to impressively fly between the columns, before landing in-front of Twilight; prompting Rarity and Fluttershy to take a step back. "These? These aren't the elements." She laughed.

"Wait..." Twilight blinked. "What?"

"Heh. Little bookworm, so obsessed with facts to see that the book you read led you into a rumor." She laughed. "There are no elements anymore. I made them disappear." She triumphantly hissed. "What say you to that, hm~?"

"No, it can't be..." Twilight whimpered, looking at the stone columns. They indeed depicted the elements, but...there was no indicator that it was really them.

"Yes, it can be." Nightmare Moon grinned. "So, I think you overstayed your welcome. I hope you enjoy the chaos dimension - mi casa es tu casa, as they say." She said, about to raise her paw to snap it...

Twilight shivered in despair. She failed - that much was obvious...But the way she felt about this failure...She didn't feel bad about failing herself...She felt that she failed the ones who came with her on this journey...

She failed...

Her friends.

And as hopelessness put its hand on Twilight's shoulder...a sparkle flickered in her eyes.

She smiled at Nightmare Moon. "You might want to think again. Because the elements of harmony? They're right here. All of them!"

The draconequus rolled her eyes. "Now isn't the time to say ridiculous things, earth po--"

"The element of Honesty, Applejack!" She pointed a hoof at the changeling, who blinked at her in surprise. "Who showed me that honesty and trust can overcome uncertainty!"

Nightmare Moon groaned. "She just had no idea how funny it'd be if she lie--"

"The element of Kindness, Fluttershy!" She pointed at the dragon, who eeped in surprise. "Who proved to me that kindness - not ferocity - can achieve more!"

The draconequus bit her lip with anger. "You call this house-sized beast kind!?--"

"H-half a barn sized." Fluttershy whispered.

"The element of laughter, Pinkie Pie!" Twilight pointed at the griffon, who waved a talon. "Who proved to me that cheer and joy can bring light to you in complete hopelessness!"

The foe groaned. "Those awful jokes and puns really gave you hope!? I've seen circus clowns who--"

"The Element of Generosity, Rarity!" She pointed at the Diamond Dog, who had already put herself into a pose worthy of a fashion journal knowing the spotlight was on her. "Who proved to me that to give what you want - to help those in need - is the greatest leap to improving the world!"

The antagonist slammed her animal limbs against the ground. "And now she missed her chance running a fashion mega empi--!"

"The Element of Loyalty, Rainbow Dash!" She pointed at the siren, who did a few triumphant whirls in the air, and tauntingly showed Nightmare Moon her sharp teeth. "Who proved to me that to stay by your friend's side until the very end is to show utmost bravery and guile!"

The draconequus nervously started to bite her talon. "And to think I went to that strange dimension to pull out those airheaded siren broads, thinking they'd convince--"

"The Elements of Harmony are HERE, Nightmare Moon!" Twilight stomped her hoof triumphantly - the earth pony strength enough to send a small shockwave towards the draconequus.

"NO! THIS IS THE END! I'M DOOMED! PLEASE - MERCY!" Nightmare Moon howled pathetically.

...And as the small shockwave hit the draconequus, it dissipated.

And from a face of woe and desperation, came a most wicked grin.

"...Is what I would've said." She chuckled. "But for such a smart filly - you seem to be poor at math. Seems somepony can't count to six...bwahahahahaha~..."

Twilight gasped - realizing she had gone over her head. "The sixth element..." She whimpered - and her friends too frowned, realizing that she was right; one element wasn't accounted for.

"I'll give you hint." The draconequus began to spin in the air. "The sixth element of harmony is "magic". Can you believe that, little pony?" She grinned. "Maybe you made your point with these five. But you!? Bwahahahahahahaha~! Sorry, little one - but for the element of magic...you're quite short in the horn department." She grinned, using magic to make a traffic cone appear on Twilight's head...

"Sorry." Nightmare Moon said in-between howls of laughter. "This is the closest I can give you. Alas, if only there was a way a hornless being could be the..."Element of Magic"."

At-least the traffic horn hid her tears...She whimpered. Was she really this stupid? Did she not study enough? What...What went wrong?



Twilight, with one swift motion, threw the traffic cone off of her face - and while tears still swelled in her eyes, she smiled defiantly.

"You're right..." Twilight sniffled. "I don't have a horn. And I don't need one..."

The draconequus rose a brow.

Twilight wiped her tears, and grinned. "Magic isn't all about spells. It's not about spells at all. The feeling that I felt with these five - the emotions that were triggered in me, the kinds of which I had never experienced before...It ignited a spark! A spark that I felt in my heart - because now...I realized that I finally have that which I sought."

"And what would that be!?" Nightmare Moon hissed as she noticed something wasn't right, getting into a defensive stance.

"That would be..." Twilight closed her eyes.

And opened them - as they glowed completely white.

"Friendship!" She exclaimed. A flash of white nearly blinded the draconequus - and rainbows began to surround the six - lifting them up, including Fluttershy who yelped. Odd necklaces began to appear around the necks of the creatures, each with different colored stones.

"Wait! This isn't right! No! No!" Nightmare Moon attempted to flee - but the force of the rainbows that swirled around her kept her in place.

"And Friendship?..." Twilight smiled wide, levitating higher and higher with her friends. "Friendship..."

"Don't you dare say it!" Rainbow Dash shouted.

"Is magic!"

And as the draconequus attempted to snap her finger to do something - her magic was completely powerless; as a blast of rainbows crashed into her.



The much smaller and much less intimidating draconequus now sat there, rolling her eyes as her sister giggled at the memory of it all.

"Sorry, Luna." Celestia said, sipping tea in her tea room. "I didn't mean to bring it up again." She giggled.

"I suppose it is a saving grace that it wasn't myself, as much as it was Nightmare Moon." Princess Luna sighed. "But it's nice to be able to sit in this room together after so long...How much has Equestria truly changed?"

"Creatures finally flocked here." Princess Celestia smiled. "Remember when we were two draconequus sisters ruling over a country full of ponies? Well, it seems that you can now see more than just a pair of hooves on the street." She said, turning her head to the shattered glass window. She would see the six creatures - all spending the time in Canterlot, as Twilight was giving them all a tour of her favorite streets. She smiled - and as Luna approached to look at what she was gazing at, smiled too.

"Indeed." Luna said. "I suppose Nightmare Moon was surprised that of all the creatures to take her down, none of them included a single unicorn."

"No need to be so hard on Nightmare Moon. Their diversity is what made them strong." Celestia spoke with an adoring smile as she looked at the ponies and creatures of Canterlot from her window. "Though I suppose it is funny, now that I considering who fit what element."


"A changeling embodying honesty, a dragon embodying kindness, a griffon embodying laughter, a diamond dog embodying generosity, a siren embodying loyalty, and of course - an earth pony embodying magic." Celestia said.

"...You're not one to believe in stereotypes, are you sister?" Luna rose a brow. "I wouldn't imagine these thousand years changed you that much."

"No, goodness, of course not." The rainbow-maned draconequus laughed. "But there are those who do. Perhaps the Elements of Harmony have their own little sense of humor. All opposites of what is largely believed by this world."

"Hm." Luna smiled. "I see. Antipode juxtaposition."


"Antipode meaning opposite. Juxtaposition meaning ironic positioning. Sister, has the tide of time corroded your lexicon?"

Celestia sighed - she had to modernize her sister's vocabulary. "Just say ironically opposite."

Comments ( 2 )

Your choice of race swaps was certainly an interesting direction, and I really enjoyed what you had. Though the rush to get it posted does show from time to time, especially in some points when it looks like sections of the story just aren't there (a lot of "..." where I'm guessing you intended to come back? I do a similar thing when writing).

I was a little confused in the first chapter when apparently Twi and Spike were seeing to the celebration preparations before finding Rainbow Dash, when they hadn't mentioned it at all up till that point, and Celestia seemed to make a point that the only reason Twi was being sent to Creatureville, was to make friends, and they seemed to be doing that when approaching Applejack. I thought it was a unique twist on the story, so it was a bit surprising when the rest of the introductions roughly followed the show plot (with the obvious changes).

I thoroughly enjoyed Draconequus Celestia, so I was really disappointed when Draconequus Nightmare Moon did so little with her chaos powers. She was a lot more snarky though, and that gave me a good chuckle.

It's a shame you felt rushed, because it shows so much promise, just lacking that last polish to make it really something. But what we did get was still enjoyable :twilightsmile:

Thank you so much for the great review! I do wish that things were a bit different surrounding the circumstances of the time I wrote this one, I'm glad to have committed to it in the first place to finish it. I'm glad with the concept and the species I chose, but not so glad with the execution of the story. Still, I'm happy that it's enjoyable to an extent either way!

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