• Published 23rd Nov 2022
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My Little Pony: When Friendship Shimmers - Reboot - RobtheMorpherPony

What if Sunset Shimmer became a surrogate sister to Twilight Sparkle?

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Season 2: Episode 5 - Scars

"Thanks for letting me use your shower." Raiden said. He was currently in Fluttershy's house taking a shower.

"Oh it's no big deal. I could wash your back for you. I'll be gentle." Fluttershy said.

"I'd rather do it myself." Raiden said. As he got up and walked away, Fluttershy suddenly gasped. "...Oh. Looks like you saw." Raiden said.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR BACK?!" Fluttershy exclaimed.

"That is from when I tanked that lightning strike meant for the mayor of Lightning Town's house. Honestly though, I've tried every known ouitment, and nothing has worked." Raiden said.

"Oh you poor thing. Here, I may have something to dull the pain at least." Fluttershy said before she started making something.

"...Your mixing carrots, cawliflower, and tea leaves together?" Raiden asked.

"It's my own herbal remedy." Fluttershy said before she started applying the mixture to Raiden's back.

"Hey watch it's--" Raiden started to say, but he felt no pain. "...Still sore? I don't understand..." Raiden was confused to say the least.

"There you go." Fluttershy said. "Now you should really think about that shower." She added.

And while Raiden Showered, he found that he could actually brush his back using his tail much more effectively now. "Wow. That stuff really works. I barely felt a thing." Raiden said.

"Well I take care of a LOT of animals. Most ponies come to me when they have a problem with them." Fluttershy said. Suddenly there was a bear behind her.

"! Look out, bear!" Raiden said but soon found the bear hugging Fluttershy.

"Aw...it's good to see you too, Mr. Grizz." Fluttershy said.

"Bwah?" Raiden was utterly stumped.

The next day, Fluttershy and Raiden were at the Golden Oaks Library as Throsten was there. So was his wife Gloria who was still nursing their daughter. "So, you finally did it huh? Got yourself a child of your own. First of many no doubt." Raiden said.

"Yeah. I'm expecting more then just the one to be honest. And I couldn't be more excited." Throsten said.

"Geez, you really CAN'T feel fear anymore can you?" Raiden asked.

"Nope." Throsten said.

"You know, you did once mention that you froze up when you were confronted with physical manifestations of your worst fears created by some living weapon." Sunset said.

"Yeah. I'm not ashamed to admit it. Before that point, I was carrying around some scars of my own. And not the kind you can see on the surface." Throsten said. "When I was still an Eevee, I was scared about just about everything. And one of the things I was afraid of was the Dark." He started.

"But wait, weren't you the Starview Vally royal?" Twilight asked for conformation.

"I was the son they had yes, but I had grown scared of the dark. My cowardice was so great, that they were threatening to disown me, send me back up to the Eevee Dojo, and then I would get replaced from there. But I didn't want that. So I ran away from all that fear. I didn't want to return until I became the bravest ever." Throsten said.

"Is there really such a thing as being the bravest ever?" Raiden asked.

"I think there is now. Because I litterally can't feel fear anymore. I've basically psyched myself up so much after having delt with things that would've made these ponies run scared that I basically can't feel fear anymore. Being a dad? That's not scary to me. I'm excited for it. But I'm not scared. Nor am I even nervous." Throsten said.

"How can you not be nervous?" Sunset asked.

"Because to become nervous, you have to be able to feel fear. And I can't feel fear anymore. Being a father? The journey of being the best dad I can be? The prospect of siring many children? That's not scary to me." Throsten said. "And it's because of that living weapon. When I faced it, it had drugged up the memories of what had caused me to run away. And initially, I just froze up. But once I started to really think about it, up to that point, I had delt with several legendary Pokemon; one of whom had gone crazy in the head because of another one wanting to cause darkness to rule the world; and faced a giant artificial Pokemon that could've destroyed half of an entire ship at sea. Compared to that, what awaited me back home? It was nothing. I've already been up against some of the scariest things imaginable since I ran away from home. So I decided to stop running away. No longer would I run scared, I would confront everything head on with gusto. Because I've already been through enough to call myself brave. And this? This was my turning point." Throsten said.

"Oh no!" Twilight said. "I just realized, I haven't learnt any new friendship lessons this week!" She said.

"Twilight, Princess Celestia never gave us a deadline." Sunset said.

"I know, but I don't want to think I'm not learning anything in regards to friendship." Twilight said.

"Well it's not a friendship lesson persay, but you could write to her about how you learnt about scars. Both physical and mental." Raiden said.

"Yeah. Sometimes it's the simple lessons that go a long way." Throsten said.

"...Wow. I never thought of that." Twilight said.

Dear Princess Celestia,

While I have been unable to find out anything new about Friendship this week, what I learnt instead from two individuals is that sometimes, we all carry scars with us; whether they be physical or mental.

And it seems that no matter what, we can learn from our friends how to deal with those scars if we ever find ourselves carrying scars of our own.

And while I've already learnt something similar to this, it's sometimes nice for these things to be reaffirmed.

Your student, Twilight Sparkle.

Princess Celestia smiled. Twilight Sparkle had come a long way if she was writing about this simply because it was something she had learnt before, needing reaffirmation.

The sun princess then took off her own crown. Magically etched into it was a single thing.

My Failures

Princess Luna, my sister

Celestia then sighed before she decided to magically etch in a second name.

Sunburst; Brother of Sunset

Author's Note:

So AN here: The part at the end of Celestia's Crown was something I remember seeing in a fanfic once where Celestia put in the names of those she failed with. So I decided to use that here since I liked it enough for it.

Anyways, wow. I wrote a lot of chapters today. It's still July 18th, 2023 as of writing this AN. I think I'm going to take a break for the rest of the day before I write any more chapters. And I doubt this'll be my last bulk chapter update.

It's not that I want to speed through Season 2, it's that I have a lot of ideas I want to write down, but I really should stop making more of these or I'll run out of them before I've come up with more.

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