• Published 6th Dec 2022
  • 546 Views, 1 Comments

Mico's Adventure:MLP(Season 1) - Swordfighter125

Mico, a hero of his own universe, unintentionally made his arch-nemesis send everyone to Equestria; now he has to help this world's heroes beat the villains to get back to his world and possibly beat the unbeatable.

  • ...


Featured Character: Justin Diamondhero, Razer

Warning: Fighting, so rated T(Actually 10+), also swearing

A tall pony covered in robe was walking towards Ponyville, seeing a large amount of smoke that was spreading. The cloud appeared to be originating from a high mountain off in the distance. Obviously, this seemed like something to be concerned about, so the robed figure started asking around town. From what they all said, the source of the smoke was, thankfully, not a raging fire.

The smoke was, in actuality, coming from a full-grown dragon.

Out of nowhere, Mico appeared after a blue blur as he walks towards the robed pony and said, "Hey buddy, long time no see."

"Oh hey Mico, have a problems to solve?"

Mico then responded, "Ofcourse. See the black clouds up there?..." The robed figure looked up to see the smokes in the sky as he responded, "Oh"

"Ofcourse we can do th-"

"Really? You can do it without me or Christian." The robed figure interrupted as his hood falls off on accident, thanks to Mico's extremely fast reflexes, he teleported away with the robed figure.

The duo reappeared behind one of the trees as the robed figure had his face revealed, he had almost black coat, atleast in his head, has a horn slightly longer than Mico's, green eyes and blue colored mane.

"That was a close call, my identity shouldn't be revealed to the ponies or princesses." The amber stallion said.

"WHY!?" Mico shouted quietly, the unknown pony quickly responded, "You don't wanna know." He shooked his head, earning a facepalm(hoofpalm in this case) from Mico.

"You know what, our friends and siblings are waiting." Mico said as he teleported away, leaving the amber pony alone.

(Insert theme song here please)

According to the townsponies, Twilight had received a letter from the princess informing her of this. Seeing an opportunity to possibly fight an actual, fully mature, real-life dragon, Macoy and his siblings went looking for Twilight immediately to ask for details. He found her, as well as the other girls, at the Golden Oaks Library. Twilight had been packing her saddlebags while everyone else was crowded around her. When Mico entered, all eyes turned to him.

"Mico, where have you been?! Shoudn't you be here already?" Twilight spoke up first.

"Sorry, just talking to an old friend of mine. I'm guessing you wanted to tell me about the dragon?" Mico said with a smile.

"Yes, we might need your help dealing with it. If we don't, it could cover all of Equestria in smoke!" She stuffed a rolled-up parchment into her bag as she spoke.

"What in the name of all things cinnamon swirl is a full-grown dragon doin' here in Equestria, anyway?" Applejack butted in, asking the question on everypony's mind.

"Sleeping." Twilight stated simply, her answer catching everyone present off guard. "According to Princess Celestia, he's taking a nap. His snoring is what's causing all this smoke." She explained as she placed a stack of books in her bag.

"He should really see a doctor. That doesn't sound healthy at all!" Pinkie commented.

"Well, at least he's not snoring fire! What are we meant to do about it?" Rarity added.

"I'll tell you what we're meant to do; Give him the boot!" Everyone looked to Rainbow Dash, who was flying above them even indoors. To emphasize her point, she bucked a wooden statue of a horse's head. Twilight stopped it from falling over with her magic, then lifted it out of the way just as Rainbow dive bombed towards it for a second strike. This caused the rainbow speedster to crash into Macoy, who protected the bookshelf while looking unfazed from the collision.

"We need to encourage him to take a nap somewhere else." Twilight corrected her. "Princess Celestia has given us this mission and we must not fail. If we do, Equestria will be covered in smoke for the next 100 years!" JR and Lloyd heard Fluttershy gasp in horror at those words.

'Wouldn't be the first time I've had to work with a time limit. Shouldn't be too hard. But then again, just a dragon that's the size of Grave Digger.' Macoy thought.

"Talk about getting your beauty sleep." Rarity remarked.

Twilight finished packing her saddlebags and levitated them onto her back. "All right, everypony, I need you to gather supplies quickly. We've got a long journey ahead of us. Let's meet back here in less than an hour."

"Okay girls and boys, you heard her! The fate of Equestria is in our hooves! Do we have what it takes!?" Rainbow pumped the group up, and they all cheered as they exited the library.

All except for Fluttershy, JR noted.

"Um...actually..." The shy pegasus seemed hesitant, but followed the others out of the library anyway.

'Wonder what that was about. Maybe she's afraid of the dragon? This is Fluttershy we're talking about.'

Not dwelling on it further, JR followed the rest out of the library. He didn't really need to pack much since he already had everything he needed with him. Still, it wouldn't hurt to double check. He stopped as he turned back around and poked his head into the library. "Oh, Twilight? Quick question."

"Oh? How can I help, JR?" Twilight smiled, happy to answer any questions her friend might have.

"I'm using my nature-based powers to get him to other places?"

"..." Twilight's smile dropped and was replaced with a deadpan glare. "I don't think it will work."

"Okay, then." With that, the nature protector left to double check if there was anything left he needed to pack.

When Mico and his 3 siblings go out of the library, JR expected his cave near Fluttershy's cottage to be normal after lefting it 5 minutes ago.

Instead, he found his cave glowing, a sun that's 2X the size of him is there, accompanied by another mini-star, Rigel, it is nearly 3X the size of the miniature sun. And other stars in the form of hoof-sized glowing balls.

His furnitures and other equipments are floating aimlessly in the air, defying gravity.

"Like what I've done with the place?" JR spotted the certain blue colored star, Rigel, where the voice came from.

"No, dad. It's actually cool, should I summon my 3 siblings here?" JR said.

"HUH? What do you mean 3 siblings?"

"Oh right. Christian and Justin's not still here. What about you? Where are you?" JR answered.

"Well, I am in the middle of the nowhere. Now if you don't have your weapons. Well too bad, atleast summon your siblings to gather their weapons."

"Okay." JR said as his eyes glowed yellow, in under a second, a yellow flash occured and Mico, Macoy and Lloyd are in the spot where the flash happened.

"OW." The 3 siblings shouted as they picked themselves up. The next second, they soon find themselves in JR's cave, what intrigued them the most was there re a lot of stars like Sun and Rigel. Atleast miniature versions.

"JR!! Why did you teleported us here?!" Mico shouted in annoyance.

"Well here." The voice coming from the blue sun Rigel said.

"Dad, is that you?" Mico, Macoy and Lloyd said in unison as Mico gave the 2 a deadpan look.

"Ofcourse my dear children. Oh wait, and also my students."

"So what brings us here?" Lloyd asked, the voice then the voice answered, "Your weapons back home."

Realization hits Mico, along with Macoy and Lloyd, "Ớ̸͔͕͌̔̏̓̓͋̚ͅͅM̵̪̫̖̠̩̲͙̏̀̄͂̿͠G̴̡̲̲̯͖̰̠̗̙̘̑́!̴͚̙̰̘͓̲̞̦̹̈́̆́͘ͅ!̶̠͉͎̬̮̰̤̈́̐ͅ ̸̅ͅW̵̨̢̬͍̤̘̩̤̭͊͜ͅḥ̵̢͍͙̠̮̭̦̮͂̍̋̐̂͊̅e̴̡̧͇̻͔͓̫̠̠̓̽͆̈̆̕͝͝r̶̨̾e̷̘̱̼͒ͅ ̴̺͗̆̐͛͂̈i̵̡͖̩͆͑̾̋̽̌s̸̢̲͓͍̲̙̳̲̮̙͛̃ ̵̨̨͍̞̠̗͉͊̓͒̆̓̓̚ͅm̵̖̺̜̀͌y̷̻̘̺͎̼͕͓̓͜ ̴̭̘͓͋́̆̏͑͊̄̓̕w̶̝͚̫̜͈̌̐̌́h̴̡̺̻̝̪͇̃̓̑̉͌̀̒͝ͅi̸̩̼͚̪̼͇̯͍͘p̷̼͎̥̅̅-̶̼͙̠͔̇͠l̸̢̦̻͔̲̩̤̠̱͆̎̌́̔̀̐̓̈́̎i̵̛̞̭̤̼̝̗̳̮̪̯̊̒̅̈͒̿͗͘͝͝k̷͓̥̱͐́͑͋̀ẹ̴͕̞̣͕́̕ ̴͖͙̲͚͇̭͈̃̀ŝ̷̛̌̎͜ẃ̵̨̠͉̫̲̘̝͂̈́̎̆́̋̿͌̄̋ͅͅͅo̵͍̲̠͌̓̔͆͠r̵̭̰͉̰̆͋́̈̍̂̀̆̍͜d̸̛͓̰̫̪͚̘͆̌̏͋̔͜?̴͔͖̜̺̹̠̽́̈́̑͌̾͗̐̚!̵̭̺̣̠̝̝̔̎̀̋" Macoy yelled so loud it was heard as far as Ponyville, while his 3 siblings covered their ears.

"Geez, your overacting." Mico responded after Macoy's earpiercing yell occured.

"Well what will we replace our weapons with until we find them?" Lloyd asked towards the Rigel.

"Something similar to your old weapons." The Rigel said as it's light along with the miniature sun and their fellow stars slightly dimmed, "I will be gone in a few seconds, and your weapons can be any type okay."

Those were the last words of the voice from mini Rigel before their light completely disappear. Mico, along with his 3 brothers look with a huge worry.

"Okay then, here's my weapons right guys?" Mico said as he pulled out a sword, along with dual daggers out of nowhere. The daggers' handle was made of wood with the blade being silver, it was also curved. The sword has wooden handle with dark grey metallic blade.

"I'm next." JR rolled his eyes as he pulled out an axe. It has wooden handle with the blade being blue.

"Now for mine." Lloyd joined in as he pulled a long stick. It was made of bamboo, and it was also an actual bo staff.

"And don't laugh at mine." Macoy sarcasticly said, "We know!" His brothers responded. He then pulled out a whip, it was light grey with brown handle.

Mico and co. was on their way to the meeting point, it occurred to Mico that the girls might wonder where they got those weapons from. They had to have come from somewhere, and Mico couldn't tell them about his dad. Instead, he came up with a simple but effective cover story for when they inevitably ask. Currently, he, his siblings and the other girls were lined up side by side in front of Twilight, listening to her give a briefing on their mission. Mico stood on the far left of the line up, and next to him was Fluttershy. After her was Pinkie Pie, Lloyd, Rarity, Macoy, Applejack, JR and finally Rainbow Dash.

"Alright everypony, listen up. I'm mapping out the fastest route, but we've all got to keep a good pace if we expect to make it up the mountain by nightfall." The purple unicorn paced back and forth in front of the group as she spoke.

"M-M-Mountain?" Mico heard Fluttershy whimper from beside him.

"The dragon is in that cave at the very top." Twilight continued, pointing to the mountain in question.

"Looks pretty cold up there." AJ commented.

"You bet it is! The higher you go, the chillier it gets!" Rainbow added.

"Good thing I brought my scarf." Rarity pulled out a pink scarf from her saddlebag and wrapped it around her neck, striking a pose.

"Oh yeah, that'll keep you nice and cozy." Rainbow chuckled sarcastically.

"And I don't even need those." Mico said with smug look. Making the 6 mare look at him with blank face.

"What do you mean?" Rarity asked, in which he answered, "I may feel cold, but I cannot freeze to death. I only wear scarf for looking cool." Mico said as he dabbed. Everyone then forget about it and focused on the main subject.

As Twilight began scanning the map for the best route, Fluttershy approached her looking rather nervous. More nervous than usual, anyway. "Um, e-excuse me, Twilight? I know you're busy, but-"

"Uh-huh... well, we could go this way." Twilight mumbled to herself, only paying half-attention to the shy pegasus.

"But if I could just have a second-"

"Uh-huh... No, we want to avoid that."

"So, um, I-I was thinking that, um... maybe I should just stay here in Ponyville."


"Oh, good! I'll stay here and-" As Fluttershy had just begun to walk away, Twilight finally seemed to process what the pegasus had been saying and snapped out of her reverie.

"Wait! You have to come! Your way with wild animals will surely come in handy." She stopped Fluttershy in her tracks.

"I-I don't think I-"

"Oh, and don't worry about your little friends in the meadow. Spike's got it covered while you're gone." As if on cue, Spike appeared next to Fluttershy, surrounded by several little critters.

"You can count on me!" The baby dragon flashed a smile. The bunny sitting on top of him then proceeded to stomp on his head repeatedly, both hurting Spike and causing the critters to scatter. Spike fruitlessly yelled for them to come back as he chased after them, showing that he was clearly the best candidate to watch over Fluttershy's pets.

"I don't really think he's up to the task. Maybe-" Before Fluttershy could argue further, Twilight had already rolled up the map and started approaching the others. "But-... But-..." Fluttershy squeaked as she curled up into a ball.

"Are you sure you want Fluttershy to come along?" Rainbow asked, clearly skeptical. "I mean, that pony's afraid of her own shadow. She's just gonna slow us down."

"Well, you remember what you said earlier RD, give him the boot incase she doesn't want to go with us." Mico said.

"Like I said before, we just need to ask him to sleep somewhere else. I'd prefer that we resolve this as peacefully as possible. Besides, Fluttershy's just a little nervous. Once we get going, I'm sure she'll be fine." The second Twilight finished her sentence, Fluttershy let out a yelp, drawing their attention. Apparently, Fluttershy had literally gotten scared by her own shadow, leaping into the bushes to hide from it.

Twilight turned to face the rest of the group once more. "All right everypony, move out!"

At Twilight's command, everyone started running in the direction of the mountain, even JR using his telekinesis forcibly carrying Fluttershy with them.

The group of 10 ponies had just about reached the base of the mountain when a loud roar echoed from the top. Fluttershy let out a fearful gasp as she leapt behind JR for cover.

"Woah! What was that?" Rainbow asked, staring wide-eyed at the top of the mountain.

"That is what it sounds like when a dragon snores." Twilight explained.

"It's- It's so... high." Fluttershy whimpered as she stared dreadfully at the mountain itself from behind the nature protector.

"Well, it is a mountain. I'm gonna fly up there and check it out!" Rainbow was about to take off, only for Applejack to bite down on her tail and pull her back. At this point, Mico and his brothers was starting to wonder if biting Rainbow's tail was a hobby for the farm pony.

"Hold on now. I think we should all go up together. Safety in numbers an' all." The others seemed to agree with Applejack, giving their own nods of approval.

"...Oh, alright." Rainbow crossed her hooves grumpily. The group started to follow the path up the mountain, beginning their long trek. About a minute had passed before Rarity decided to strike up a conversation.

"Pardon me, Mico, but why are you only carrying a small saddlebag?" To answer her question, Mico then pulled out his stone sword from a small saddlebag, along with other things such as an apple, a couple of bits(the currency), his 2 daggers, his green ball that prongs blue spikes when needed, and many more.

"Well, when I was young, I enchanted my, well cyan bag so that anything I put it in there will fit. No matter how big they are." Mico answered.

"Oooooooh! How many can you fit!? How many can you you fit!?" Pinkie bounced around, joining the conversation.

"Eh, I can store infinite amount ya know. I also brought my weapons incase the problem gets worse." Mico said as he gestured at his stone sword and dagger. "My brothers also brought weapons."

Macoy then pulled out his spiked whip from his saddlebag as he lash it on a random tree.

"Whoa... that's so cool!" Rainbow said, hovering above them.

"Where did you get those from?" Twilight eyed the weapons curiously.

"I put in a request to Celestia to have them built. We have something similar back home, only they are based on legendary weapons, so I was able to give them the plans to build them." Mico lied, using the cover story he had come up with earlier.

"So your weapons are based on legendary weapons? Fascinating!" The purple unicorn said in wonder. "But wait... why not use the legendary weapons you mentioned?"

"Because... me and my siblings probably broke them or lost them in exchange of..." Mico paused before continuing, "You know what, forget what they're exchanged for."

"WHAT!?!" All the girls present shouted in unison. Twilight was the first to ask for clarification. "B-but, that doesn't make any sense! You shouldn't live too long because your legendary weapons are probably more than a millennium!?"


The girls all stared at him in silent shock.

"...Oh come on, is it really that surprising? The 2 princesses lived for more than a millennium, how is me living as long as them any different?" The blue stallion pointed to Rarity. "Listen, it's not a big deal, so let's keep moving. We're on a time limit, remember?"

While it was obvious the girls wanted to ask more questions, they knew Mico was right. They didn't have time to stand around. They needed to reach the dragon as soon as possible. Reluctantly, they all turned around and continued their journey.

'Phew, close one. I'd rather not have to explain the reason why my 70,000+ years old weapon is missing in the first place. It would be an awkward conversation.' Mico thought.

The group continued walking along the path for a bit longer. The path was supposed to continue on for a while, but Twilight said their was a shortcut they could take to save them some time. When the stallions saw the shortcut though, caused confusion to them.

The shortcut was a steep slope that led up to a cliffside.

Mico was about to comment on how walking up something that steep would be physically impossible, only for the girls to start trotting on the incline like it was nothing. It took him a second to remember that they had hooves and could walk up mountains like this easily. Realizing this, he followed them up the slope, with his siblings following him as well.

'Is it me or the gravity here feels unreal?'

"I hear the only thing that sparkles more than a dragon's scales are the jewels they use to build their nests. Ooh! If I play my cards right, I might be able to convince him to part with a few." Rarity gushed at the thought. Despite the long hike, everyone seemed to be in good spirits. Well, all except Rainbow Dash, who seemed grumpy that she had to stick with the group instead of flying ahead. She hovered above the rest with her hooves crossed, clearly bored.

"Welcome to my cave, Rarity! Care for a diamond? RAARRR!!" Pinkie did her best dragon impression, which got both Rarity and Applejack to giggle.

"Girls! This is no laughing matter!" Twilight broke up their laughter just as they reached the top of the slope, stepping onto the cliff.

"Oh, lighten up, Twilight. They're just having some fun. I crack jokes about life-threatening events all the time. And I'm not called 'Mr. Jack-Of-All-Trades' for nothing." Mico defended them.

"We can't afford any distractions. The fate of Equestria depends on us. Fluttershy, you're the expert on wild creatures. What do you think the dragon will be like?" Twilight waited for a response, only to get silence as an answer. Everyone looked around in confusion, not seeing Fluttershy among the group. Rainbow spotted her further back down the mountain, hiding in some bushes.

"Hey, what are you waiting for? An invitation?" The rainbow speedster called out to her.

"Ooh! I think I have one in my bag!" Pinkie pulled out said invitation from her saddlebags, triggering an explosion of confetti. The confetti explosion ended up covering JR and Lloyd in the bits of confetti alongside Rainbow and Rarity. Mico was able to dodge it on time to avoid embarrassment(well, not actually embarrassment, he just hate being covered by many things).

"I-It's so... so... steep." Fluttershy cowered behind the bush.

"Well, it is a cliff. You could just, oh I don't know, fly up here!" Rainbow Dash suggested, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Come on, Fluttershy, you can do it! Flap those wings!" Pinkie cheered supportively.

"Uh... okay..." Fluttershy did as told and began flapping her wings. She lifted herself off the ground and managed to reach the same elevation as the rest of the group. Unfortunately, that was when the dragon snored once again. The low, booming growl echoed through the air.

The second Fluttershy heard it, it took only a second for the fear to spread across her face. She was so scared that her wings locked up and she began to plummet back to the ground. Thankfully, she landed safely in a bush, remaining unharmed. Fluttershy climbed out of the bush and attempted to open her wings again, but it didn't seem like they were budging.

"Ugh, we don't have time for this!" Twilight groaned. Hearing this, Applejack snagged the map from Twilight's bag. "What are you doing?"

"I'll need this if I'm gonna take her 'round the mountain another way." The farm pony explained while she searched the map for an alternate route.

"Around the mountain? That's gonna take them forever!" Rainbow also let out an annoyed groan. Applejack slid back down the slope to join Fluttershy. Once she reached the bottom, she looked back up at Twilight.

"Don't worry, Twi. We'll be there lickety-split." Applejack reassured her as she led Fluttershy down a different path.

"Guess we're waiting on them, then." Macoy sighed with hesitation. The group made themselves comfortable while they waited for Fluttershy and Applejack to catch up. In the meantime, Pinkie had convinced Rarity to play tic-tac-toe with her. JR spectated their game for what little entertainment it provided.

Some time passed, and the pink pony had the fashionista beat 9-0. Rarity still had yet to accept defeat as they began another round. The golden stallion let out a yawn as the spectating started to grow boring.

'Man, if those two don't hurry up, I might just die of boredom. I kinda wish something exciting would happen, like-'

JR's thought was cut off when he heard a familiar sound. He caught a glimpse of flames in the corner of his eyes, he turned to see a wall of fire there, with Naeus behind them before being gone in a flash.

The skeleton reappeared a few meters in front of him as walls of red colored rocks trapped the group excluding JR, with the ground surrounding everyone being transformed into the same red colored rocks. The next second after the occurrence, fires begin appearing in random spots of red rocks, as skeletons with black or white colored bones rise up from the rocks.

'-ask and ye shall receive.'

The girls all gasped at the sight as Mico uses his void power to make the red-colored walls blocking him and the group disappear in purple ashes, further shocking the girls but focuses on the main subject. "JR, need some-"

"Help? Sure thing with Macoy. And stay back girls, protect them Lloyd." He cut Mico off as he approached the horde of skeletons. Three skeletons; 2 white and 1 black armed with bow, sword and spear respectively dashes towards JR(Well except for the bow-wielding one).

(Starts on the very beginning, pretty obvious)
"Mico, Macoy, LET'S DO THIS!!" JR shouted as Mico positioned himself in the middle, JR in right and Macoy on the left. They pulled out their respective weapons while Lloyd in the background protecting the girls pulled out his bamboo bo staff.

Mico then addressed the skeletons and Naeus. "Hey, you guys don't mind helping me test out my OG weapons, right?" The skeletons all pointed their weapons in response.

With a smirk, Mico hurled his stone sword into the sword-wielding skeleton, shattering it's rib cage by the middle, he then enveloped his sword with cyan aura while it goes back to him. Just as he got a hold of his sword, the skeleton holding a bow released the string, homing in to Mico. Thanks to his extremely fast reaction speed, he then leaped upward and landed to the approaching arrow as he leaped again, only going to the skeleton as he striked it with his horn, demembering it completely. The spear wielding one hurled it's spear to him, but was interrupted as a spiked whip from Macoy striked the spear, destroying it and going for the skeleton who threw it.

Naeus then fired 2 horizontal flaming crescent shaped blade; one is higher while the other one is on the bottom towards Mico, but he dodged it by jumping and positioning himself between the 2 flaming blades. He then landed as 3 skeletons fired their bow at him, but cuts the arrows in halves with his stone sword, he then proceeds to shoot a bunch of fire from his horn like a flamethrower, turning the 3 skeletons into char.

JR then slammed his axe to the nearest black skeleton, shattering its skull, another black skeleton dashes to him, but got its rib cage sliced by his axe. 2 skeletons then charged each on his side, he turned to the left skeleton and collide his axe with its sword, he then kicked the one in his right, causing it to get knockbacked and it's body parts to fall off. JR turned to the left one as he retreated his axe, enveloped it in icy aura and slam it to the skeleton, freezing it.

Macoy then dodged a flaming arrow fired at him by a white skeleton, he then dodged it's second shot, but this time he landed on it and jumped again while swinging his whip to the skeleton, dismembering it. A black skeleton holding a spear charged at Macoy, but launched himself while his hind legs hit it in it's body, dismembering it as well. A 4 meters tall black skeleton charged at him while wielding a war hammer, the skeleton slammed it down where Macoy stood, but dodged it in the blink of an eye as he striked it a few times with his spiked whip, before delivering the last one, this one hitting it on the top of its skull, dismembering it.

Back to Mico, he was clearing a small horde of skeletons;black and white alike, without even using his abilities. Suddenly, a another 4 meters tall skeleton wielding a spear leaped and tries to obliterate him, but Mico leaped as well as he sliced its bones with his sword. He landed as the remains of the big skeleton falls around him, with him reaching out for it's spear.


The remaining skeletons(atleast around 50) surrounds him and pounces, attempting to overwhelm him. But his time perspective around him has gotten into stand still. Mico then proceeds to throw the large spear on one of the skeletons, he then hurled his 2 daggers on 2 random skeletons. When he realized that he run out of throwing weapons, he instead sliced his way until he made sure that the skeletons are going to be dismembered.

When the time goes back to normal, the girls were shocked that the skeletons charging towards Mico, had their bones and body parts spreading everywhere, until Naeus was the only one left, much to his dismay as he teleported away.

(music ends in 1:28)

The instrumental music faded away as the fires everywhere and the strange red-colored rocks did the same, freeing the girls. 'Still works like my old ones.'

"That was AWESOME!!! You've gotta show us what else you could do with those weapons!" With the dust having settled, Rainbow Dash flew over to Mico, getting an up-close look at his swords, then to Macoy's spiked whip, then to Lloyd's bamboo bo staff and finally, to JR's axe.

"Heh, maybe some other time. Don't wanna spoil the surprise when I got my old weapons back." Mico replied, and the rainbow speedster pouted. Ignoring her pout, Mico then enveloped his stone sword in a burst of flames, causing it to disappear as he went back to where he was sitting to continue watching Pinkie and Rarity's ongoing battle of tic-tac-toe.

'Now that freezed my boredom, but that won't last for long.' Mico thought.

And it's true, his boredom has broken out of its icy prison.

"WOOHOO! I win again!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Ugh, that's 35 games in a row. Best of 71?" Rarity challenged.

Mico was just about at his limit. If this went on any longer, he'd just charge up the mountain and kick it twice as high as the skies. Twilight and Rainbow seemed to be growing impatient as well. Twilight was pacing back and forth, while Rainbow did the same, only by flying instead of trotting.

Their attention was drawn to the sound of hoofsteps approaching and someone grunting in effort. They all turned to see Applejack approaching from the alternate route while carrying Fluttershy by her tail. The shy pegasus herself seemed to be frozen stiff from fear.

"We...made...it..." Applejack managed to wheeze out before flopping on the ground, panting heavily.

"Told you it was gonna take them forever." Rainbow muttered to Twilight.

After letting Applejack catch her breath, the group finally continued forward up the path. They continued on for a bit longer before running into a small gap in the path. Both Mico and Rainbow Dash leapt over it first, not even a second of hesitation from either of them. Everyone else promptly followed their lead, hopping over the gap with little effort.

Everyone except for Fluttershy, that is.

"Your turn, Fluttershy." Twilight called out to her.

"But it's so... wide." Fluttershy took a few steps back from the gap.

"Oh, come on, it's like only 2 feet Fluttershy!" JR complained.

"Come on Fluttershy, we should be much farther along by now!" Twilight insisted.

"You could just leap on over." AJ added. Fluttershy took a glance at the gap, looking down at the far drop below.

"...I-" Fluttershy was cut off by another roar from the dragon's snoring. "...I don't know."

"There's nothing to be afraid of! It's just a hop, skip, and a jump!" Pinkie Pie cut in, then proceeded to leap back across the gap. "See?"

It was at that moment that Mico and his siblings heard music beginning to play.

'Oh heavens no-', He thought before Pinkie starts singing.

"It's not very far, just move your little rump~! You can make it if you try with a hop, skip, and a jump~!" Pinkie began to sing to the music as she leapt back and forth over the gap, and Mico resisted the urge to rip his ears off in exaggeration.

"We don't have time for this." Twilight said, though made no effort to stop it.

"A hop, skip, and a jump~! Just move your little rump~! A hop, skip, and a jump! A hop, skip, and a jump! A hop, skip, and a jump! A hop, skip, and a jump! A hop, skip, and a JUMP!" Pinkie mercifully finished the song by landing on the side opposite of Fluttershy. The shy pegasus took another nervous look at the gap before readying herself to mimic what Pinkie did. "Okay... here I go."

"A hop..." She hopped.

"A skip..." She skipped.

"Just don't look down!" Twilight encouraged her, though it would prove to have backfired in a second.

Fluttershy heard Twilight's words just as she reached the jump portion of the mantra. Fluttershy looked down mid-leap, and terror entered her eyes in less than a second. She let out a quiet yelp as she fell forward...

Her front hooves landed on the other side safely, while her hind legs remained on the side they had come from. The gap was so small, that it was almost impossible to fall through without trying. Like Nero said, the gap wasn't even 2 feet, and could have been stepped over if you stretched your hooves out far enough.

Still, Fluttershy found herself wedged between the gap. Rainbow groaned as she flew behind Fluttershy and gave her a little push, putting her safely on the other side.

"I guess I forgot to jump." Fluttershy said sheepishly, flashing an embarrassed smile.

"Let's keep it down. According to my map, we're entering an avalanche zone. The smallest peep could cause a huge rockslide." Twilight whispered.

They were well past the gap now, and had continued further on up the mountain. Just as Twilight said, Mico could tell that the whole area was very unstable. He made sure to keep his footsteps light in order to avoid making any noise(This is because a light kick he delivers to his enemies could already break platinum).

"An ava-... ava-!"

"SHH!" Fluttershy's nervous stammering was cut off when Twilight shushed her. The group resumed their pace, though with much more caution. Everyone treaded lightly, not daring to make a peep. The only sound that could be heard was the light clopping of hooves.

Everything was completely silent.




'...Don't tell me Memphis Tennessee is next to try to rekt me.'

Mico caught Rainbow Dash in the corner of his eye, her wing having brushed past the branch of a nearby tree. Though her wing had barely touched it, it had been enough to knock a single leaf from the branch. Normally, this wouldn't have concerned Mico. There was, however, one problem.

The leaf was about to fall on Fluttershy.

Considering how on edge she had been this entire time, even the lightest touch from that leaf would most likely freak her out. Thinking quickly, he uses his magic to telepathically say something to his siblings.


Mico took action almost immediately, dashing forward with speed not even Rainbow Dash would be capable of. He managed to grab the leaf with his teeth just an inch away from landing on Fluttershy. The pegasus herself didn't seem to have noticed, continuing on as if nothing happened.

"Oh, thank God." He gave a relieved sigh, only realizing his mistake a second too late as the girls all turned to him with wide eyes. Everyone remained frozen in place, waiting to see if Mico's voice had been loud enough to trigger an avalanche. His siblings looking at them with horror.

A second passed.

Then another.

Then another.




Nothing but dead silence.

Twilight sent a hard glare his way, making a zipper motion over her mouth with her hoof as if to say 'Keep your mouth zipped shut.'

She didn't have to tell Bluey twice.

The group carried on, not making a single peep. Eventually, they made it through the avalanche zone with no further incidents. Once they made it, Twilight gave the all clear, and everyone let out a sigh of relief.

"What was that about!? You almost triggered an avalanche!" Rainbow Dash flew up in Mico's face.

"Look, it was an accident, ok? A leaf was about to fall on Fluttershy, and I was worried it would freak her out, so I stopped it. Can you blame me for feeling a little relieved?" Mico explained himself.

"Oh, I-I'm sorry, I didn't notice it." Fluttershy apologized from the side.

"Don't worry about it, it's not your fault. Look, let's just be glad we got through that safely, ok?"

"He's right. We don't have time to stand around and argue about it." Twilight cut in. "According to the map, we should be at the final stretch. We'll have time for chit-chat after we've convinced the dragon to leave."

Everyone gave a round of determined nods in agreement. They all followed Twilight as she pressed on, ready to finish their quest.

'Looks like it's finally time to meet another dragon after waiting for generations... well, not counting Spike, anyway.' Mico thought, the same for his 3 brothers.

"We're here." Twilight stated as she gazed upon the massive opening to the dragon's cave. Smoke poured out of the entrance, and the low rumble of the Dragon's breathing could be heard even from outside the cave. If Mico had to describe the size of the entrance, he would say it was about as large as the Grave Digger had been, if not larger.

"Rainbow Dash, you'll use your wings to clear the smoke. Rarity and Pinkie Pie, you'll create a diversion to distract the dragon if things get a little hairy in there. Mico, you'll keep the dragon at bay in case he decides to attack because you're the strongest here. Applejack, you're ready with the apples to provide assistance to Mico if he needs it. JR, you're going for Mico's assistance. Macoy, Lloyd, provide support to Rarity and Pinkie respectively." Twilight listed off everyone's tasks, and they all prepared to carry out their part of the plan.

"Hopefully, it shouldn't come to that, because Fluttershy will do what she needs to do to wake him up. Between the two of us, we should be able to get him to understand why he needs to go. Is everypony ready?" Everyone, save Fluttershy, gave their own affirmation in response. "Okay, then. We're going in!"

Twilight did as she said she would and marched straight into the dragon's cave. She didn't seem to notice that Fluttershy hadn't followed her. Instead, the shy pegasus had her head buried in the dirt in a feeble attempt to hide. A few seconds later, Twilight came back out, a deadpan expression on her face.

"Come on!" She bit down on Fluttershy's wings and gave them a tug, pulling her out of the dirt. "We have to do this!" She gave Fluttershy a push, but the shy pegasus did not budge. "Now!"

As Twilight continued to push, Rainbow Dash joined in to help, who was followed by Rarity. After her, AJ joined in, and Mico figured he might as well pitch in too. He wished he had waited a second longer before helping when Pinkie smacked into him from behind, also aiding in the group push. "Every second longer that dragon sleeps is another acre of Equestria that is covered in smoke!" Twilight grunted with effort between her words. Surprisingly, even with Mico's strength to destroy trees, Fluttershy managed to keep herself dug firmly into the dirt.

"I...I... I can't go in the cave." Fluttershy finally answered. Everyone groaned as they stopped trying to push her.

"Oh great. She's scared of caves now, too." Rainbow complained.

"I'm not scared of caves. I'm scared of dr..."

"What's that, sugar cube?" Applejack asked, unable to make out what she said.

"I'm scared of drag..."

"What?" Twilight also asked, still not able to hear her.

"I'm scared of dragons!" Fluttershy admitted.

The dragon snored once more, causing a huge puff of smoke to emerge from the cave. It clouded around the group of ponies, causing them all to start coughing, well except for Mico and siblings. After the smoke had cleared, Mico found Fluttershy huddling behind him once again.

"But Fluttershy, you have such a wonderful talent dealing with all kinds of animals!" Twilight said, somehow surprised by this new revelation.

"Yes, because they're not dragons." Fluttershy emphasized, still hiding behind the unicorn.

"Oh, come on! We've seen you walk right up to a horrible manticore like it was nothing!" The rainbow pegasus reminded her.

"Yes, because he wasn't a dragon." She repeated.

"Spike is a dragon, and you're not scared of him." Pinkie added.

"Yes, because he's not a huge, gigantic, terrifying, enormous, teeth-gnashing, shark-scale-having, horn-wearing, smoke-snoring, could-eat-a-pony-in-one-bite, totally all-grown-up dragon." The dragon snored once more after Fluttershy's rant, which provoked her to whimper in fear.

"But if you're so afraid of dragons, why didn't you say something before we came all the way up here!?" Twilight questioned.

"Because I was afraid to."

"Oh, for God's sake, is there anything she's not afraid of!?" JR joined.

"All of us are scared of that dragon-"

"I'm not." Both Mico, his siblings and Rainbow Dash objected simultaneously, cutting Applejack off.

"... Almost all of us are scared of that dragon, but we've got a job t' do. So get in there with Twilight an' show 'er what yer made of." After AJ finished, all eyes were on Fluttershy, waiting for her answer.


Everyone leaned in.

"...I just...can't." Fluttershy hung her head low, completely downtrodden. She moved behind a large rock that was portruding out of the ground to hide herself. Whether it was to hide from the dragon or her shame.

"Poor Fluttershy. I actually feel kinda bad for her." JR said.

Everyone else present felt the same way as him, but they couldn't dwell on it for too long. They still had a job to do, and their target was right in front of them. All that was left was to get the dragon out of the cave. Considering Fluttershy was no longer taking part, Twilight had to enter the cave alone.

"I'm going in. He... probably just doesn't realize what he's doing... right?" Twilight, who was now a few feet into the cave, looked back at her friends for encouragement. All of them, save for Mico and his siblings were hiding around the corner of the cave's entrance.

"O-Oh, yeah, of course." Rainbow scratched the back of her head.

"S-Sure, if you say so." Applejack gave a forced smile. JR said the same thing she said.

"O-Of course, heh heh..." Rarity chuckled nervously. Macoy repeated it.

"Easy-peasy!" Pinkie seemed to be the most genuine of them. Lloyd also repeated.

While Twilight was clearly skeptical of their encouragement, she trudged forward through the cave anyway. A couple minutes passed as they waited for Twilight before a loud roar could be heard within the cave. Twilight came trotting out while coughing and hacking through a cloud of smoke.

"No hit?" Mico said, his eyes looking like peeping in a small hole while approaching his head to Twilight.

"So much for persuading him." Rainbow coughed as some of the smoke got in her lungs.

"So, anyone else got any ideas, or can I finally do my thing?" Mico looked between each of the girls, waiting for an answer as he pushed his left hoof to his right hoof like cracking knuckles, he also did the same to his left hoof with right one.

"Obviously, this situation just calls for a little... pony charm." Rarity stepped up and strutted into the cave, carrying the confidence of a lady. Judging by the look on her face, she had no doubt she would succeed.

She came sprinting out of the cave about a minute later.

"So much for that 'pony charm'." Macoy chuckled as Rarity leaned on a rock, pouting.

"I was this close to getting that diamond!" The fashionista complained.

"You mean, 'Getting rid of that dragon'?" Twilight sent a look Rarity's way.

"Oh, yeah, sure." She corrected herself. Their attention was drawn away by the sound of a party noise maker. Lloyd turned to see-

Pinkie Pie was wearing the weirdest getup Lloyd had ever seen in his entire life. Her torso was hidden inside a wrapped present, bow and all, while she wore swimming flippers on each of her hooves. A few balloons floated behind her, their strings tied to her tail. She wore balloon animals on her head and a pair of cartoonishly large fashionable glasses over her eyes. The final addition was the party noise maker she held in her mouth.

"Darling, you look ridiculous!" Rarity looked appalled by the insult to fashion that Pinkie was wearing.

"Exactly! Sharing a laugh is a surefire way to get someone on your side!" The pink pony waddled into the cave with a bright smile on her face.

From outside, they heard Pinkie greet the dragon with a "Hi!". This was immediately followed by the sound of crashing and balloons popping. Pinkie limped out not two seconds later, her balloons having been popped and deflated, while her present-torso thing had been ruffled and beat up. "Apparently he doesn't like laughing... or sharing."

At this point, Rainbow Dash had reached her limit and was ready to take matters into her own hooves. "All right, that's it! We've tried persuasion, charm, and... whatever it is Pinkie Pie does. It's time to stop wasting time! I'm going in! C'mon, Mico, let's kick this dragon's butt!" The rainbow pegasus zoomed into the cave gesturing for the blue unicorn to follow.

"I thought you'd never ask." he followed the rainbow speedster into the cave, ignoring Twilight's protests. Thanks to his super speed, Mico was able to keep up with RD, if not faster and they quickly found themselves in front of the dragon. The dragon itself was huge. It looked to be nearly the size of Grave Digger, if not bigger. Mico could tell it wasn't as powerful as the dragons in his world, but it could probably challenge him a bit.

Rainbow flew up to its face, rearing her hind legs. Mico leapt up next to her, while aiming his teal-colored horn.

"GET OUT!!!" They both shouted in unison before delivering a hard buck to the dragon's snout. Mico's strike causes a small blue shockwave upon impact while landing in the ground, while Rainbow continued to fly in place. The dragon recoiled from the strike, clutching its snout in pain before sending a vicious glare at them, snarling. Though Mico remained unphased, Rainbow seemed to realize she bit off more than she could chew. "Heh, uh, sorry?" She chuckled nervously.

The dragon let out a mighty roar, its breath creating a large gust of wind. Mico managed to keep his hooves planted firmly in the ground as the tail of his coat blew around wildly. Rainbow, unfortunately, was unable to do so, and the roar sent her flying out of the cave, crashing into the other girls.

"Rainbow!" he called out to her. He turned back to the dragon, an annoyance present on his face. "Hey you big, red, monster freak! You wanna pick on someone, why don't you try me on for size?" In response, the dragon let out another roar, smoke pouring out of its mouth. Mico coughed as he wafted it away. "Jeez, and I thought Anancites smells bad. your breath stinks! go consume some mint!"

This time, the dragon inhaled, taking in a large gulp of air before letting out a roar even more powerful than the previous two. This one had been strong enough to send Mico flying out of the cave as well, sending him crashing into the rock that Fluttershy had been hiding behind, though the impact hadn't been enough to hurt him. The rock crumbled as Mico stood back up, and the dragon finally emerged from its cave, angered by the annoying intruders. Mico then had a glowing blue eyes as he shouted, "A̶̧̜̪̲̻̤̬̎l̸̜̺̭̰͇͋́̆̌̔r̸͍͇̽̃̐̑̑̈́͂͝i̴̟͔͎̠̅g̶͔͇͖̬͎͕̻͈͓͍͑̐̊̌̏̽͐̚̚͠h̵̨̬͇͆̓̀t̷̢͙͈̠̻̐̂́͐͒̔̈̍͘͘͜ ̸̩̌ş̷̡̹̦̇̐͊̒̇̚m̸̨͔̗̳̭͇̞̼̞̯̎̈́̉̏̾̚ö̴͖͕̲́͂̌́̾̓̕k̸͉͍̯̙͍̱̜̒̈́̓͐̔̚̕e̵̡̳̤̦̓̀͌̎͜ỳ̵̛̲̼͇̩̟͒̃̑̏̋,̵̧̟͎̣͓̙̙̝̯͒̓̓̌͌͘͘͠͝ͅ ̴͉̟̠̭̪͆͂̌̊̾̈́̏̓͊͘̚ȳ̵̠͙͕͉̤̮̜̖̪͂̈́̆̀̽̇̉͒͝ơ̸̡̡̝̖̬̼͊̉̕͜͝u̸̗͚͚̙̣͎͇͎̰̞͊͊̇͊ͅ ̴̞̖̤̬̫̌a̴̛͈̫̮̰̞͗̿̿͗̏͊̃̆s̵̨̛͉͓̯̱̳̳͉̗͝ͅk̴̲̮̮̜̞̣̣̘̗̝̍͘͘e̵͕͚͓͉̣̬̼͊̀̎͘d̴̗͉̓͂̑͛̆͌ ̶̧̡̘̹̠͚̣̃̎̔f̷̜̼̹̹̪͊ṍ̴̲̮̝̞̈̌̒̆̓̕ŗ̶̛̰̰̻̼̀͆͐̄̂͗̚͜ ̴̟̥̬̠̍̉̿̆̒̓͑͌̚i̴͇̦͒t̷͓̋!̸̹̦̜͖̱͔̒̈́̂̾͐̅̈̓̇͜͠ ̴͉̟̱̇͗̉Y̶̹͍͙̩̲͔̖̟͓̟͆̄̆̕͠ͅo̵̩͕͕̯͉͐̎̈̑͋͒̈́͐̆̋ų̸̹̟͎̣͔̼̇͋̏ ̵̻͉̱̝͚̝̻̪̓̑͌ͅͅw̸̨̧̛̪̣̙̗̣̯͛́̐̓̅́̾ͅͅà̵̧̮̫̆͒n̴̨̳̿̈́̈́̐̈́͆̇t̵̤̙̠̗̿̅̎́͊̉͠͠ ̴̠̠͇͌́̐̎̅̅͘ä̶͎͈́͊́͂̄̆̃̚ ̸̰̪̦̯͓̘͚̗̪͕̅͝f̴͓̘̣̫̱͍̱̭͔̞̱̈́̌̂͝͠ȋ̸̧̧̢̬̼̘͗g̸̺̅̒h̵̡̥͍̦̔͂̏t̴͎̞̭͎̠̩̆́͒̂?̵̨̳̳͉̱̂̉̿̂̽̓͒̃̓̕̚ ̶͍͓͍̩̼̫̱̫̝͋̑̓͒́́͐̕͘̕͝I̷̗͒'̵̬̐͆͌̒̀͝l̶̻̬̬̹̖̻̦̭̉̈̅̃̈́̇̌͌̆l̸̡̜̙̤̯̯̦̈̈́̿͒̐́̒̑́ͅ ̷̼̻͖͍̜̮͓͐͐̿̓͐̔̃̚͠͠g̵̹͒͊͑́͛͑͘i̸̧̨̛̛̻̙̫̝̭̜̹͉͓͆͂̒̋͛͒̒̂̚v̷̤̝̼̻̠̊͐̌̃͆͆̓͠ę̶̡̳͚̣̼̱̀̆͜ ̴̧̛̤͖̬̹̬͕͖̗̫͒̄́̀̈̿͑y̵̨̠͚͕͚͙̳̣̗̅ͅọ̷͙͚̠̼̩̇̉̓̏͗͗̎͊̈́͝ų̵̹͔͚̻̙̔̍́̚ ̸̼͕̪̳͉̦̫̳̥͖͙͠a̴̧͓̦͇̠͈̋̈́̿̄͜͝ ̴͖̉͑̚̕f̸̢̞͓̹̦̱̯̜͇͂͒̔́̈́͛͌̉͘͘͜͝ḯ̷̢̜̤̮̦͑͑͆͂̊̈̽͠-̷͉̟͙̀̓͛̚!̷̛̛̛͉͉͖͍͑̓̄͋͛̓"

"How dare you..." A familiar voice spoke up from behind him.

'...Or not.' he continued in thought.

Mico turned his head to see that Fluttershy had come out of hiding and was now glaring up at the dragon. "HOW DARE YOU!?" Fluttershy yelled.

His eyes widened as he watched Fluttershy fly up to the dragon and land on its snout, glaring daggers into its eyes. Everyone present watched in complete shock as Fluttershy began to chastise the dragon. Even the dragon himself looked surprised. "Listen here, mister! Just because you're big doesn't mean you get to be a bully! You may have huge teeth and sharp scales and snore smoke and breathe fire, but you do not, I repeat, you do NOT! HURT! MY! FRIENDS! You got that?"

Everything was silent(Except for Macoy, JR, and Lloyd because the already predicted it) for a few seconds before the dragon started whimpering. "...But that rainbow one and the one in blue kicked me, and then the blue one started making fun of me and calling me names." The dragon pointed to Rainbow Dash and Nero respectively.

"You deserved that cuz-"

"MICO!" Fluttershy interrupted as she harshly glared at him, but Mico's expression was bored. After she finished scowling at him, Fluttershy turned back to the dragon. "And I am very sorry about that, but you're bigger than they are, and you should know better. You should also know better than to take a nap where your snoring can become a health hazard to other creatures."

"...But I-"

"Don't you 'but I' me, mister. Now what do you have to say for yourself?" Fluttershy asked, and the dragon remained silent. "I said, what do you have to say for yourself?" She repeated, this time more firmly.

The dragon winced before crying his eyes out, giant tears streaming down his face and splashing onto the ground. Some of them got on Mico, soaking him.

'Isn't that just wonderful.'

"There, there. No need to cry." Fluttershy stroked the dragon's snout, comforting it. "You're not a bad dragon, you just made a bad decision. Now go pack your things. you just need to find a new place to sleep, that's all." As Fluttershy flew back down to the ground, the rest of the group cheered for her.

"You did it! I knew you could do it!" Twilight congratulated her. Mico couldn't help but smile as the other girls continued to praise the shy pegasus. It seemed things were wrapping up with another happy ending. His siblings ran up besides him and the girls.

...At least it did, until he found Mephiles in the corner of his eyes.

Mico levitated his stone sword from his saddlebag and prepared to use electrokinesis, his horn filled with blue electricity. The others noticed this and gave him worried looks. "Mico what is it?" Twilight asked.


just before he can explain, a black cloud of smoke rammed into him, he was then enveloped by it and lifted upward. The smoke formed itself and is revealed to be Mephiles while holding him in the middle part of his body.

"MICO!!" Lloyd shouted as he pulled out and threw his bamboo bo staff with all his might, but just when it hits Mephiles, it bounced off, going for Twilight. Good thing he was fast enough to catch it in blue aura.

"I've been waiting for this. You're not from Equestria. We are from Earth." He spoke to Mico. "It means I get a piece of you." Just as Mephiles said the last words, Mico then punches him in his face, making him groan. He repeated it a few times before they landed to the ground while they are scattered. The impact they cause creating a crater as big as 10 meters.

After Mico taking in his surroundings, he found himself in a clearing in the middle of a forest. Judging by the mountain's location and how far he and the dark figure flew. He assumed it was White Tail Woods. After a few seconds, Mephiles came out of the smoke in front of Mico.

Mephiles then summoned a shadowy orb in his hands. "That was for displacing us here in this pathetic world. Now show me how much you changed in this coloring book horses world." He said as he dashes forward to Mico and tried to punch him, but Mico blocked it thanks to the golden legring he is wearing. Mephiles punches again, this time it was powered by his dark manipulation, Mephiles' 2nd fist not only knocked Mico back, but also causes him to get thrown on random tree. Thankfully he blocked it again. "Can't fight without your big guns? Coward." Mico and Mephiles traded kicks and blows a few times before the latter grabbed the former and delivers a darkness-empowered punch, knocking Mico back a few feet.

Mico then said, "I did not seek that fight with Black Entity or whoever is also there."

"I don't care."

The 2 traded blows again, with Mephiles sometimes throwing dark-based attacks and Mico using magic, elemental and even using the songs. "You insult me holding back like this." Mephiles laughed as he was able to hit Mico with dark-based powers without giving him a chance. Mico then delivers a hard blow to Mephiles' stomach with his unicorn horn, but Mephiles sent a wave of darkness that causes the unicorn to painfully shout.

Mephiles then teleported a few feet away and sends few dark waves to Mico, but protected himself thanks to Protesphere, Mico then fought back by sending blue lightning bolts towards him, but dodges it effortlessly. Mephiles sends a dark ball that's very fast it caught Mico off guard, resulting him in getting hit. "How were you ever called the 'God-humiliator'."

Mephiles charges a powerful blast that could severely injure even a god, preparing to end the fight. He released it, heading to Mico's direction, thanks to Mico's focus and reaction speed, he rolled out of the way in time. The blast instead destroyed a few trees behind Mico's previous position. Mico then kicked Mephiles several times before Mephiles dodges the 8th kick. "You're damn hopeless." Mephiles said as he throw several dark-balls, all are tanked by Mico.

"Nightmare Moon just lost to Macoy, all because he has both type of magic, and JR beat that bear without getting hit." Mephiles said as they traded blows, kicks and blasts once again. Mico then sends a few punches and kicks to Mephiles before the former uses his legring as shield to ram it in Mephelis, the 2 were trying to push each other. Mico was able to knock him on the tree behind.

"You know my past?" Mico questioned.

"The 'Worst Thing Alive'? Yeah." Mephiles said as he pushed Mico, successfully making him tumbling the ground a few feet before Mico got back to his hooves.

"Then you know what I'm capable of."

"Show me." Mephiles said as Mico lit up his horn with cyan aura while his stone sword was summoned besides him while Mephiles charges a dark laser again. Mico's sword being enveloped by lightning aura.

Mephiles then fired a massive beam towards him, and Mico deflected it. With no other choice, the former instead charged, but got his body slashed, causing Mephiles to back away a few feet.

"Now we got a fight." He said as he fired a laser, but Mico fired a laser made of blue energy to counter it. Their lasers dissipated as Mephiles released a wave of darkness causing Mico to get knocked back at least 7 meters.

"Was hoping to see your Excalibur and the other one... guess they don't come when you call." Mephiles said as he released a wave of darkness again, knocking Mico to a random tree again. He got back up as he enveloped himself in blue aura and releasing a burst of energy. "What's THIS? I didn't seen you do this." Mephiles said as he was knocked back a few feet from the blast.

Mico then dashes as he delivers a bunch of kicks and punches, creating small shockwaves in their position, Mephiles then teleported away and shoots another dark laser, Mico also did, only a blue one. Both of their laser were evenly matched, until Mico's laser instantly overpowers the dark laser, causing Mephiles to get knocked back.

"That's all? Back on Earth you don't go full power." Mephiles laughed as he punches Mico, knocking him to a random tree again. Mico got back up like it was nothing as he dashes and slashes Mephiles. However, it only make him grunt in pain for each hit until he dodges the 6th slash and fired a dark ball. Mico then rolled out of the way just in time.

Mico then teleported behind Mephiles, who turned around a little bit too late as the former swings his sword upward, flinging Mephiles into a tree. He got back up as he fired a wave of darkness to Mico's direction. But instead of dodging it, he countered it with a wave of flames. He stepped back a bit while Mephiles said, "Let me see the monster inside." He dodged Mico's hurled sword as Mico generated a spectral blue shield in his left legring and blocked the incoming attack. Mephiles punchs his shield twice before punched it in different angle. With now an opening, Mephiles sends a wave of darkness to him, knocking him back a few feet.

They then traded blows, kicks and blast several times before Mico punches Mephiles upward. Mico collided his sword while Mephiles uses his arm. Unfortunately, the latter hits Mico, hurling him so far that his only option was to make a large tree grow where he was going to land.

Mico then crashed into one of the branch as he dodges a dark beam from Mephiles. The former looked up to see Mephiles charging at him. Mico then dodged a purple spectral hammer about to hit him, destroying the uppermost part of the tree. "Do better!" Mephiles said as Mico swinged his stone sword and hits Mephiles in his body while Mico hurled both of them to the ground while spinning and hits a random tree. They eventually crashes into the ground from a few meters high, when the dust clears, Mephiles had pinned Mico down to the ground by his head. He then kick Mephiles in his face, causing him to grunt and let go of his head.

"Sorry about your new tallest tree, Mico." Mephiles laughed as he looked to the 60 meters tall tree, which was cut in half thanks to Mephiles' beam. He was so distracted that he failed to realized that Mico got back up to his hooves as he picked up a large branch of tree and swing it to Mephiles, causing him to fall face first in the ground. He then recovered from it as he pick himself up.

"If you're not fighting dirty, you're not fighting. Right?" Mephiles said.

"I do not."

They then resumed their fight, exchanging non-physical attacks. With Mephiles throwing insults occasionally, and Mico sometimes using nearby fallen trees and branches to deal heavy damage to Mephiles. But confirmed to be futile thanks to him regenerating repeatedly. Unfortunately, when Mico charged without a second thought, Mephiles had him in his neck and slammed him to the ground and throwing him a few meters away as he said, "Was it luck? Did my fellow allies lose to a crappy luck?"

Mico then blocked the incoming laser from Mephiles with his bare hooves, though it pushed him back a little, he then dodged it on left side, avoiding his demise and proceeds to run towards Mephiles with his horn ready to stab...

...And a purple orb of darkness hits him in the back of his head. "Really!" Mephiles laughed as Mico looked in his direction and was met with Mephiles' claws, thankfully he reacted quickly and blocked him with his bare hooves.

"You think you can adapt to this new world, reunite with your family, forget about your nemeses?! It ain't how it works." Mephiles laughed as Mico struggled to push him back, "You cannot get some peace... Forever." He then pushed Mico as he punched him while his fist was charged with darkness, knocking Mico out cold.

"Good riddance."

Mephiles laughed in victory for finally killing Mico...

...At least until a green magic bolt hits him out of nowhere and knocked him to a random tree.

It was the same robed pony Mico talked to before meeting with Twilight and friends, it then pulls out a scythe out of nowhere.


It then presses the scythe's heel in Mico's chest as the scythe was enveloped in green aura along with supposedly-dead Mico. The aura disappeared as Mico's eyes shot open and breath heavily as he questioned how he was revived. His gaze was meet by the robed pony's green pupils.

"Uh, Justin what are you-"

"We need to give him the boot, now." The robed pony now named Justin said as he enveloped his scythe with blue, icy aura. "Let's go." Mico responded as he summon his sword and enveloped it in blue, electrical aura.

"Look who's joining the uninvited fight." They turned to see Mephiles getting up. "Perhaps 2 against 1 isn't going to end too bad." Justin then dashed with his scythe ready to slice, Mephiles teleported a few feet away, avoiding being chopped as he sends a purple orb, Justin didn't have time to react. Despite rolling to the right, he got hit.

He then crashed to a random tree, Justin looked up to see a wave of darkness going straight to him. Thinking quickly, he rolled in correct timing as Mico slammed his sword on Mephiles, making him grunt in pain, followed by another 3, which are dodged as Mephiles created a shockwave of darkness, sending both Mico and Justin at least 6 meters from Mephiles.

"Should have stopped holding back." He laughed as he didn't have time to react to Mico's stone sword striking him to his head, the sword going back to Mico's possession. He and Justin exchanged blows, blasts and kicks with Mephiles. With him throwing insults to the 2 ponies. Justin then slammed down his scythe as waves of spiky ice sends Mephiles off the ground a few feet. "Afraid of getting your hooves dirty?" He laughed.

Mico and Justin continued fighting Mephiles, "This is the man that humiliated a pantheon 'cause they're going to hurt his family?" He laughed, getting an opening for Mico and Justin, the former then grabbed the dark figure's neck as his left hoof punched him, he then go for the second one, unfortunately Mephiles wouldn't fall for that and choked Mico instead, Justin tried to help him, but was blasted instead. Mephiles then soared through the skies with Mico's neck in his right arm, fortunately, Mico was able to get out of his grip and punches Mephiles 7 times, with each blows creating a small, blue sparks. When Mico goes for the 8th punch, Mephiles caught it and hurled him to the ground. Knowing that Mephiles will have the advantage, he summoned his stone sword as he stabbed it to the ground, cancelling the impact while sliding.

"You're going to pay for putting us in this world!!" Mephiles shouted as Justin's scythe was caught by Mico and uses it to throw it to Mephiles, who generated a purple spectral axe and hurled it at the incoming scythe. The 2 weapons collided, making a blue and purple lightning sparks from the scythe and spectral axe respectively. With the purple axe slowly pushing back the scythe.

"That's because Black Entity cast it first." Mico said as both of them are walking sideways.

"What did you say?" Mephiles said.

"I made it went awry ya know."

"Oh we got an ADOPTIVE Father here!" Mephiles taunted as he and Mico retrieved their weapons and slammed it into one another, causing a mixture of blue and purple shockwave that send them into air.

Mico looked to his back and sees Justin, with his robe no longer on his body, his full body was revealed; Justin had a dark grey coat, green bare hooves, black horn slightly longer than Mico's, his mane and tail looked like wet, but the most shocking feature is that he had bat wings.

(Justin Diamondhero, Right side)

(Left side)

"Okay... I expected you to be an alicorn." Mico said.

"You both talking doesn't matter." Both Mico and Justin heard Mephiles' voice as they faced him, they continued fighting the dark figure, with Mephiles throwing dozens of insults. When Mephiles punched Justin in the face, he threw him on a random tree and punches him, the latter fighting back with a few punches before Mephiles grabbed his head and throw him again, this time on a distance.

Justin's time perspective slowed down as he summoned his scythe with icy blue aura enveloping it and hurled it to the tall tree behind Mephiles, however he was smart, "Clever!"

Mephiles blasted the tree falling down on him and said, "Clever won't beat me!" Justin retrieved his scythe and continued the fight along with Mico. They also used physical and magical attacks while Mephiles uses a dark one. This is until Mico foolishly charged at Mephiles, who dodges it as he summoned a purple spectral hammer while Mico summoned a blue spectral shield from his left legring and shielded himself. Mephiles then slammed down his hammer a few times before breaking it and choked Mico while their respective spectral weapons disintegrate. Justin tried to help him, but was blasted and crashed into a tree by Mephiles.

"I see why you are stronger than Black Entity." Mephiles said, "Even this, lesser version of you." He then glanced at Mico's back and continued to stare him, "But I am not like him. And your family? The 3 has a plan for them."

Mico then held his neck with his hooves and headbutted him, catching Mephiles off-guard. Mico then charged up his right hoof with blue electric aura and punched Mephiles in the face, sending him into the air, probably landing in the middle of Everfree Forest. "Auugghhhhhhhh!!"

"Ahhh! Finally we beat him... now let's meet our 'new' friends." Justin said, approaching Mico.

"Sure thing."

Both Mico and Justin, who was wearing his robe again returned to their friends. After reassuring them that both parties were unharmed (for the most part), they said their goodbyes as the dragon took off, flying away to find a better place to take his nap. The group, save for Twilight, stood outside of the Golden Oaks Library. Rainbow Dash was bouncing a ball covered in a star pattern on top of her head. Apparently, she was trying to break Equestria's ball-bouncing record.

"342, 343, 344, 345..." Rainbow Dash continued to count each bounce.

"Twilight! Ya gotta come see this!" Applejack called the purple unicorn's name. Hearing it, Twilight stepped out onto the library's balcony to see what the commotion was about. "She's just five away from a new pony record!"

"...347, 348-"


"DRAGON!" Rainbow's counting was cut off by a loud roar, and she quickly played dead on the floor. Everyone laughed at her reaction, even Justin got a chuckle out of it. "W-Why are you laughing!? That awful dragon is back!"

Rainbow's fearful expression faded once she saw that it was Pinkie who had been responsible for the roaring, the pink pony continuing to do so again. Instead, her fear was replaced with aggravation. "Pinkie Pie, you scared me!"

"Oh, did she now?" Lloyd chuckled.

"I-I mean, uh... you broke my concentration." She corrected herself.

"It's okay, Rainbow Dash." Fluttershy flew down beside her, a smug grin on her face. "Not everypony can be as brave as me."

A stray leaf flew down from the library's branches, and Rainbow blew it away with a breath. The breeze carried the leaf until it landed on Fluttershy's back, causing the shy pony to yelp and play dead just as Rainbow had done a few seconds ago. Just like before, everyone couldn't help but laugh.

'Well, even if Black Entity or White Entity show up, I get the feeling things will work out fine.' Justin thought as he licked his lips, his scythe's blade on his hoof having a glowing green rune languages around them.

Author's Note:

This took more than 1 month, a week and few days delayed. But still I did it.:ajsleepy:

The next chapter should be uploaded next month or so...

1). Mico and Justin vs Mephiles near the end of this chapter was inspired by Kratos vs Thor in the game "God of War Ragnarok". Only their first fight.

2). Mico saying "No hit?" was a reference to this meme.

...Oh wait, about my OCs' info, they will be uploaded in my blogs after publishing "Swarm of the Century" onwards.