• Published 24th Sep 2012
  • 4,762 Views, 169 Comments

An odd family: The foundations. - EdBoii

A human becomes entangled with the demented machinations of a god, which results in having to care for three mythological children. His actions however, lead to more trouble than he can handle.

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Weekend At Fluttershy's

Bunny Power

I bid farewell to all three of them, Snowflake and Thunderlane were going to play pool for the rest of the morning before setting off to do whatever ponies did around here.

Flintlock wanted to get an early start on the weapons and Snowflake offered her a room in his mansion where she could stay for as long as she wanted.

I on the other hand, had some pending issues back at Twilight's...

Three pending issues.

But before I could leave, I had something else I wanted to ask Flintlock.

"Hey Flint, come over here a second." I beckoned to the golden mare.

She nodded and walked over to where I was standing, away from the others so they didn't hear me.

"What is it Iron? Is there something wrong?" She looked at me, slightly confused at my sudden change of mood, one moment cheerful and enjoying a drink among friends, the next discreet and silent.

I looked at her, she seemed trustworthy, and so far she had shown a certain affection towards me, I wasn't sure if it was merely because I helped her find the meaning of her mark or if it was something else, but still the question remained.

Would she help me?

"I need you to do something for me. Can you keep a secret?" I knelt down and took a quick look at Snowflake and Thunderlane. They were laughing at some joke and drinking.

"I guess. What do you need?" Confusion shrouded her face, but she seemed willing despite the secrecy of it all.

There was something to this mare, something different than what I had ever seen, she barely knew me yet here she was, not only helping me in a fight against impossible odds, but also trusting me without knowing what I wanted.

I smiled, she would prove a very valuable ally and friend in the near future, but I couldn't dwell on the happy ending that was still quite far away from the present.

Despite my superiority when compared to ponies, I was still in a great disadvantage when it came down to raw numbers, I couldn't let my enemies gain any more advantage over me.

I couldn't let my enemies nor my friends become as strong as I.

"Make only one weapon."

She frowned and took a step backwards, her golden face was covered in confusion.

"What? Why? We would stand a better chance at winning if we all had one."

My smile was gone by now, replaced by a dark expression, one of conspiracy and secrets, one that was determined to keep everyone I cared for safe and sound in the only way I knew of protecting them.

By being the strongest.

The most dangerous.

But she would not believe that depriving the world of her talent would be a good thing, who would? After years of not being able to do what she was good at she wouldn't like to keep in hiding. But I needed to remain as the stronger species and she needed to be convinced.

"Flintlock," I smiled and looked her in the eyes. "You have to trust me, I care about you and everyone in this town, and I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to them, if anything happened to you."

She looked into my own eyes and a slight, almost invisible blush appeared in her golden cheeks, her expression changed almost immediately, she believed me, she had no reason not to, after all, I was the one who saved her from ignorance wasn't I?

I was her savior and she trusted me.

"You have to promise me that you will not let anyone take advantage of you, or your gift." I placed both hands on her shoulders, my eyes locked in hers. "You have to promise me that you will keep your talent hidden and only allow me to use the weapons you create, they are too dangerous to be trusted to just about anyone, I'm the only one that can truly keep them from harming everyone in this world."

I would have been worried if Applejack had been there, she could sniff a lie before it came out of one's mouth, but white lies had never hurt anyone right? I was doing this to keep everyone safe after all, my kids and the town wouldn't be safe if firearms made it to the local market.

I couldn't let what happened back home happen here. I was not going to let my kids grow up as I did, in a town torn apart by gunfire.

Flintlock looked at me with her pale blue eyes, her smile could have pierced valleys and mountains alike with the sheer force of it's honesty, it was the kind of smile that is forged in the deepest reaches of one's soul, and I didn't know if I deserved it.

I smiled back, but it was shaken, hiding secrets from anyone can tear you down eventually, but hiding them from someone who trusts you completely can instantly destroy you.

Flintlock took it as a sign of concern and quickly placed a hoof on my arm.

"Don't worry about me Iron, I promise not to let anyone use my talent." She smiled gently and continued. "I will make an excuse up so the others don't ask and the design of the weapons won't let anypony use them."

I smiled back and patted her shoulder lightly.

"Thanks, it means a lot to me."

She trotted off to her room after that, with the excuse of starting on the 'weapons' early.

I bid farewell to the others and left, walking out of Snowflakes house and into the street, the rising sun announcing the arrival of daily life in the calm town of Ponyville.

As I walked through the cobblestone road that connected all homes and buildings in this strange town, I felt the weight of the many stares and looks that fell on me as the residents of Ponyville gazed at me, still nervous and afraid.

It wouldn't be easy to change their opinion of me, but I had to try, otherwise I would live an outcast for the rest of my lonely and miserable years in this land.

Worse yet, my sons and daughter would suffer just like me when they were older, and that was something I was not going to let happen.

So I removed the hood that covered my head, smiled and waved at whichever pony passed close by me, some smiled faintly and kept on walking, others actually returned the wave, a few acted like they hadn't seen me and walked away.

I moved through the town at a hurried pace, it made me nervous being surrounded by so many frightened ponies, and the male pegasi that flew close by made me anxious and caused my fists to clench and my eyes to dart from side to side, as if expecting to be ambushed.

I knew no one in this town, any of the flying bastards could be plotting to attack me and I wasn't taking chances.

Suppressing an urge to pick up a fallen branch and keeping it as a weapon, I stuck to the shadows of the taller buildings and made my way to Twilight's library unseen.

As I moved closer to it I noticed that the place was still quiet, which meant the kids were still asleep. I walked towards the door and knocking gently on it, I waited for Twilight or the lizard thing she kept as a pet to open.

The sound of voices inside the library reached me after a few seconds of quiet waiting, and a moment later the door opened to reveal a rather cheerful Twilight.

"Oh, hey Iron! Come in!" Twilight smiled and stepped aside to let me in.

"Hey Twilight, why so happy all of a sudden?" I smiled curiously and walked into the library.

Damn! The place was neat!

Every shelve and book was clear of dust or stains, the walls even shone a little! This was the perfect picture of what my room would never look like!

"Wow, you've certainly got a thing for cleanliness..." I looked around in amazement, the place was stunning.

"Huh? Oh that, it wasn't me, Spike cleaned up for today." She smiled and nodded to the lizard thing called Spike.

He smiled proudly and walked into the kitchen, marching like a goddamn trooper after a heroic battle.

"Something special going on today?" This was weird... No one cleans up like this for nothing...

Twilight blushed and looked away.

"Nope! Nothing! Nothing at all!" She smiled nervously and tried to back away.

Nah-uh Twilight, something's going on here and I'm gonna find out!

"Really? Then what's that?" I pointed to a neatly adorned table in the middle of the room, hard to miss when it's just sitting there doing nothing after all...

"That? Oh it's nothing! Really! It's just an old table!" She laughed weakly and tried to end the conversation.

"Uh huh... Yeah, well where's the kids? Where's the foods too? And where's them shower? I kind of need the last two and the first kind of has me worried..." I looked around and walked over to the kitchen, there was some cheese and bread on it, as well as a small glass of apple juice. "You mind?"

"No, not at all." Twilight smiled, happy to have gotten off the interrogation chair. "They were for you actually, you know, before you went out?"

"Ah yeah, about that..." I scratched the back of my head and smiled sheepishly. "I may or may not need a few moneys to pay for what I may or may not have kind off taken with or without permission..."

Twilight looked at me with the 'Are you fucking kidding me' look on her face, then sighed and went to her room.

"Fine... You're a lost case Iron, just don't do something that can't be fixed ok?"

"Sure thing fluffy pony!" I smiled and shot both fists up in the air, victory!

Twilight stopped dead in her tracks and looked at me with a blush on her face.

"What was that?"

"Err... Nothing?" I shrugged.


She walked out of sight and I headed towards the kitchen, more specifically, towards the food.

"Hehe... Nothing to keep us apart my darling..." My hungry gaze loomed over the poor unfortunate food, how long could it have lived had I not crossed its path? Who knows...

Who cares?

Devouring the cheese and bread like a beast, I smiled grandly, lifting up some of the lettuce from before I decided to make myself a cheese and lettuce sandwich. Not too fancy but still good enough.

"Damn... What I wouldn't do for a slice of bacon..." I sighed and took a bite out of my mutant meal.

"What's bacon?"

I almost choked on the bread as the lizard Spike thing spoke behind me.

Oh shit, time to explain how I eat poor unfortunate creatures... This ought to be fun!

Turning around revealed a small purple whatever he was, looking at me with its green serpent like eyes.

"Bacon is... um..." I placed a hand on my chin and thought of the best way to phrase it. "You know how some creatures eat others right?"

The small monstrosity before me simply shook his head, curious eyes looking at me the whole time.

Was this thing a kid? Had to be a kid... Few others can be so naive or irritating in their way of asking random questions...

"Well... Sometimes when a man gets hungry he... Err... Puts to good use the excess population of another species... By umm... Consuming their bodily form... Does that make sense?"


"Doesn't matter! You learned!" I quickly made a dash out of the kitchen with the food in my arms, not gonna explain that to Twilight's kid! She might slap me for child perversion and whatnot...

I ran into the main room and finished my meal, quite quickly and I didn't get to enjoy it as much as I could have, but meh...

Twilight came back from her room with a bag full of moneys, she handed them to me and made me promise not to do anything stupid with it.

"And get a job Iron, you can't expect us to pay for your every little disaster!" Twilight said sternly and stomped her hoof on the ground, I smiled and tipped an imaginary hat to her.

"Anything else honey?"

She facehooved and rolled her eyes, exasperated at my awesomeness, I chuckled lightly and asked if I could use the bathroom.

"Up the stairs and down the hall to the right, sorry if there isn't any more shampoo but I haven't had a chance to go shoping in a while."

"K, No prob." I shrugged and went to take a shower, badly needed too.

The morning dragged on for a little while longer before it was gone, I took my shower, played with the kids when they woke up, changed a few diapers, and went to the store for some shampoo, food and other shit, nothing too exciting aside from a pony who got a little carried away and started screaming, and I quote...

"The horror! The horror!"

Then she fainted and all the ponies gave me an awkward look, I simply shrugged and walked back to Twilight's, haters gonna hate aye?

The kids had played throughout the entire day, running around the library, or trying their hands at drawing or sculpture making with books.

All in all, I ended up in such a huge debt with Twilight because of all the shit they broke that prostitution was actually considered as a liable way of earning coin to pay her back...

Ahem... Whatever... I cleaned up their mess and they ate some baby food thing that babies ate... Spike said Fluttershy gave him the recipe so there would be no shortage of it.

Now the day was at its end, the beautiful sunset appearing on the horizon, signaling the end of the sun's reign over the blue skies, and marking the appearance of something way more beautiful, more mystical and shunned by everyone.

"The moon... So gentle and beautiful... Protecting everyone from the scorch and heat of the burning sun, but never neglecting its light." I gazed at the orb of silver beauty as it rose into the sky, forever feared and neglected, yet so loving and protective.

Twilight looked at me and smiled a little.

"You seem to like the moon a lot."

"It's the most mystical of all the astral bodies, so many stories and poems have been written around it, but still we treat it like a villain, keeping away from its shine and light for fear of the dark, we fail to see its true meaning, to protect us through the darkness and guide us towards the day."

"Wow... That's really beautiful Iron." She smiled and looked at me, then back at the sky. "You should say that to the princess, I'm sure she would appreciate it..."

Her eyes lit up with a glimmer of something... Was it glee?

"Iron! I just had the best idea ever!" Her face was immediately occupied by a bigass gigantic smiley face. "I can write special friendship reports about you and how you cope with pony society! I'm sure princess Celestia would like to know more about you!"

I arched an eyebrow. More? Did this princess already know about me? It would make sense since she is the ruler of this pony place, knowing about an alien that barges into a town is something a ruler tends to hear about.

Another more sinister thought appeared in my mind though.

"Twilight, how come I'm allowed to roam freely?"

"What do you mean?" She seemed confused by the question.

"I'm not a pony, and no one has ever seen something like me, so how come I'm not strapped down to an operation table with scientists poking me and running tests?"

"You were strapped down to a table Iron, and we did run a few tests to see if you were a magical creation of Discord's." She frowned and looked at me curiously. "As a matter of fact, we didn't find any magic in you at all."

I was a bit shaken by what Twilight had revealed so far, I already knew that she had examined me to find out more about my anatomy, but it still felt weird to know that a bunch of ponies poked me around.

When her later statement reached me, I couldn't help but smile and shake my head.

"Yup, no magics here! Humans don't have that kind of stuff." I smiled and turned around to walk back into the treehouse.

Twilight followed and we walked downstairs.

"You mentioned the princess right? What does she have to do with the moon? Is she an astrologist?" I asked as we entered the main library room.

"Well, sort of, you see princess Luna raises the moon each night, and she also places the stars and dark night sky using her magic." Twilight picked up a book from one of the nearby shelves and handed it to me with her magic. "Chapter six, page two hundred and twenty four."

Quickly flipping through the pages I found the one Twilight mentioned, and there it was! A nice children's tale of how an alicorn... dafuq is that? Whatever... The tale said that the princess, alicorn, thing, raised the moon after her sister lowered the sun.

Smiling I closed the book and looked at Twilight.

"Nice try Sparkle, now really, you can't expect me to believe that a pony can move the moon and the sun aye?"

"It's a proven fact Iron, you cannot deny it." Twilight huffed and held her pony nose high in the air, obviously offended at being doubted.

Still smiling I walked towards a chalkboard by the end of the room and started drawing my completely hideous and inaccurate model of how the earth orbits the sun and the moon does the same to the earth.

Twilight looked at me and at my finished model curiously , her ever hungry pony brain scanning the information, devouring it like a starved man would a slice of bread.

"See? The gravity of the earth forces the moon to remain closer to its orbit, but the moon's own gravitational field keeps it away from the earth and makes it go around it forever!" I smiled smugly and looked at the bewildered pony. "Same thing with the sun, except that the sun doesn't move at all! I think..."

Twilight examined the drawings, she was clearly interested at the complexity of how it worked, she had been taught that it was moved by magic all her life after all...

"This... Is this how it works in your world?" She looked back at me, curious as ever.

I facepalmed, no way she was going to see the light that her princess had lied to her since forever... No one can move the sun...

"Yes Twilight, that's how it works..."


"Yeah..." A knock at the door broke through my epic disappointment of Twilight... How can someone so smart be so stupid?!?

"Oh horseapples! I forgot about him!" Twilight threw her hooves in the air, annoyed at forgetting about him... him?

"So that's what the table is for! Aha! Gotcha pony!" I pointed a victorious finger at Twilight and smirked as she made a dash to the door. "I'm actually surprised, I didn't think you'd be in for a wild night today since you're so obsessed with books."

She looked back, blushing madly.

"N-no! It's not like that! He's just coming over for dinner and... Err... Ah! The door!" Twilight straightened her mane and opened the wooden door, revealing her date.

"I will be damned and thrown over a cliff into a cactus filled hole piece of motherfucking shit!" I whispered and stared at the pony that entered the library.

"Hey Twilight, how's it going?" The pegasus smiled at her and walked into the room.

"Hello Thunderlane! You're early, I... Um... I made some food if you want to... Err..." Twilight stammered and the bastard smiled smugly, certain of his success over such easy prey.

"Thank you Twi, I'm sure it will be great, like everything you do." Twilight practically swooned at his words, getting all buttery in a matter of seconds.

I looked coldly at the pegasus, this was the same asshole that had been checking out Flintlock's ass earlier this day and now it turns out he has something going on with the innocent pony librarian that has probably seen as many dates in her life as I had seen elves...

"Good night... Thunderlane..." The words came out like daggers, sharp, cold, and straightforward.

The shameless bastard froze and his eyes went wide, he looked around until he saw me glaring at him from the other end of the room.

"You know each other?" Twilight asked but her query went unnoticed by both of us.

"H-hello Iron... How's it been?" He attempted to smile but the fear wouldn't let him.

"It's been nice... How are Snowflake and Flint? Seen much of her lately?"

He gulped and shook his head, the faint smile on his lips quivering, Twilight seemed confused and I didn't want to ruin her dinner, it wasn't my business anyway.

But I still had to deliver a warning.

"Well, good." I walked closer to him and looked at his eyes. "Seeing is not a sin, but doing is, and doing some things can have consequences, especially if those things are done to someone I know, aye?"

He nodded and I left the house, Twilight had arranged for me to stay at Fluttershy's for the weekend, it would keep everyone safe from the mafia if I didn't stay at one place for a long time.

I sighed, the kids weren't coming, Fluttershy had enough on her hands-err hooves to help me care for three babies tonight, Twilight would take them to Fluttershy's cottage in the morning, after her 'dinner' with Thunderlane, hell, even Spike was sent away for the night! He was at Rarity's place, cutie mark crusaders sleep over or some shit like that was going on over there and Twilight suggested he joined in or something.

"Poor Twilight... Getting it on with the wrong bastard at the wrong time..." I sighed after putting some distance between the library and myself, didn't want the librarian hearing me say shit like that about her guy.

I frowned and started moving towards the outskirts of town, towards Fluttershy's cottage.

The chill in the wind was strong, and I felt my skin and body shiver slightly as the air brushed my flesh, it must have been mid October.

I perked up at the thought and chuckled lightly.

"Halloween's coming up bro, whatcha gonna be this year?"

The buildings of Ponyville started to decrease in number as I moved west, towards the dark forest that bordered the town, the tree line looming spookily over the grassy fields before it.

It was a pure sea of grass that lay at the mouth of the threatening forest, pure except for a few trees and one small cottage.

Fluttershy's cottage.

I smiled at the sight and broke into a jog, happy to finally be able to rid myself of the cold air.

The path to the cottage was rocky and unkept, it obviously wasn't used by many ponies so it had fallen in ill repair.

As I got closer to the small house I began to notice the multiple bird houses that hung around it, there were also a lot of holes and animal burrows all over the place.

"Damn, she must take her vet job seriously..." I climbed up the dirt path that led to her front door and knocked gently, wouldn't like to frighten the shy pegasus.

I waited patiently for a couple of seconds before the door opened slightly and a really pissed off rabbit looked at me like I was some dishwasher salesman.

I stared at the angry rabbit, he stomped his foot impatiently and waved a tiny clock in the air, but before I could tell him to fuck off and let me in, a soft gentle voice interrupted my rising anger.

"Angel? Who is it?" Fluttershy asked from inside the house, I was about to reply when the rabbit closed the door in my face and left me without words and out in the cold.

"Hey! What the hell dude?" I knocked again after the initial surprise of being told to fuck off by a rabbit passed. "Fluttershy? It's me, Iron! It's kinda cold out here!"

I could hear Fluttershy's muffled voice from behind the door, she seemed to be having a discussion with someone called Angel, her boyfriend maybe?

"Come on you guys! I've had a weird day..." I sighed and leaned against the door.

After a few minutes of shivering in the cold night air, the door finally opened and a smiling Fluttershy welcomed me in.

I smiled at her and walked into the cottage.

Only to be greeted by the angry rabbit from before, he was holding a large wooden spoon.

Fluttershy looked at him sternly.

"Angel... Put. That. Down."

The bunny shook his head.

"Angel! If you do to Iron the same thing you did to poor Mr. Scruffy-"

She didn't get enough time to finish her threat though, the rabbit charged, I raised my fists to meet him.

A Battle Of The Gods Took Place...

Or A.B.O.T.G.T.P. for short