• Published 23rd Dec 2022
  • 147 Views, 1 Comments

VERDANT.Sunset_Err - omegasnowfall

Michael is an intelligent, albeit a little absent minded middle schooler. Ellie is a sweet and kind first grader who cares deeply about her friends. What both of them have in common is they were both hit by a flash of light and turned into Pokémon…

  • ...

A New World


My first thoughts upon waking up were, Jeez, what did I drink!?

A hangover was a fair assumption, considering my body felt weird, my head was pounding with what felt like a hangover, and my mouth felt like I had eaten sand, like what was under me.

Upon realizing that sand was under me, I jolted up, and opened my eyes, which was a complete mistake, as a sandstorm of beautiful glass specks started up right after I did so, and I got to witness a brilliant array of lights right before I went through excruciating goddamn pain.

As I kneeled in the glass sand, rubbing my eyes in a futile attempt to rub the glass out and stop the horrible pain, I came to a realization.

My hands did not feel like hands.

I ran in a random direction, managing to find an area without blinding glass, and cleared out my eyes.

Once I did, I opened my eyes and took a look at myself and the surrounding area.

The first thing I noticed was that the safe area I was in was a shallow pocket in a hill of the sand-glass combo.

The second was that, when my eyes weren’t being murdered by the “glass-storm” outside, it was actually pretty.

The last thing really threw me for a loop. I was no longer human.

I had pale green arms and body fur, plus darker green legs and a cape with arm segments.

My hands were thinner than the rest of my arms, and the finger tips were green. With a little bit of flexing, I was able to unsheathe claws in between my fingers, which, for the record, felt really fucking weird. I stopped looking at that, because I realized that there was something attached to my rear.

Feeling there, I very quickly realized that I had a tail, and was able to move it around.

I attempted to feel my face, and discovered a mask-like object on it. Further investigation revealed that, yes, it was a part of my face, and was not coming off anytime soon.

There was also a flower necklace around my neck, which was, of course, attached to it.

All in all, I was pretty sure what I was after looking at myself.

A Meowscarda.

I don’t know why, but it took me until then to break down crying in a ball on the floor.

All I could think of was how I was never going to see another birthday, never going to make another friend, and worst of all, never going to get to go to my favorite restaurant and stuff myself with Chips and Queso Dip.

I clearly had my priorities straight, shut the fuck up.

Anyways, I don’t know how long I was curled up on the ground, only that I was there long enough for it to become dark.

I managed to convince myself to get up and look for food, and noticed the sandstorm had ended. However, the silhouette of something quadrupedal was approaching, and I wasn’t ready for a fight.

Despite this, I steeled my courage, and tried my best to look intimidating.

Which really I think just was me puffing my fur up and getting in a really stupid defensive position.

The being approaching me noticed my actions, and put one of their forelimbs up, saying with a feminine voice, “Hey, don’t worry, I’m not dangerous! I was just looking for any survivors!”

I lowered my fists, and my fur lowered, and I was just hoping for something friendly, so I let her approach.

A light appeared, and I got a good look at my savior.

I immediately recognized her as a pony from that one show, the one with the “Elements Of Harmony”, but she didn’t resemble any I had heard about.

Her coat was a pinkish-purple, and her mane was purple with teal stripes. Above her horn, a pair of goggles were strapped to her head, with said horn being the source of the light.

She was wearing a cloak, and had what I assumed was the pony version of a backpack, which was interesting enough for my brain to forget that I was in a strange world and no longer human.

She looked at me, and said, “Well, I don’t think I’ve seen anything like you, asides from some summons. My name’s Starlight Glimmer, who are you?”

I briefly wondered about the implications of that statement, before responding with, “Uh, I’m a Meowscarda, and do you know where I am?”

For a second, she looked at me strangely, before asking, “Is Meowscarda all you can say?”

All I could think to say was, “Shit.”


When I woke up, I immediately freaked the frick out.

For one thing, I was in a clearing in the middle of a weird mutated jungle, with greenish blue grass, very tall thorny purple roses, and trees as tall as some skyscrapers.

For another thing, the sky outside was covered by so many different colored clouds I thought it was a mosaic at first.

And the worst thing?

A six legged cat with a long neck and rabbit ears, but no eyes, was nuzzling me to see if I was dead so it could eat me.

Upon me jumping in fright, the thing took off, although not before I noticed it was my height.

I tried walking away to look around, but fell over on an entirely new pair of legs, which immediately sent me into even more of a panic as I realized I was no longer a normal girl.

Looking at myself, I saw I had orangish fur, six tails, and a long, fox-like face.

I immediately realized I was a Vulpix, which stalled my panic attack as I got a bit excited to be turned into my favorite evolution line, although it didn’t last forever.

Before I could sink back into panic, I heard something in the bushes.

Looking over, I saw some pink bipedal thing looking at me from the shadows, almost resembling some strange inbetween state of Mew and Mewtwo, if it had no face and was glitching.

I was so busy staring at the strange thing, that I didn’t notice something sneaking up behind me until it was too late.

I saw it teleport away as a cage slammed down on top of me, and was picked up by someone.

I stood up on my four legs and looked at my capturer. A two-legged feline in a ratty coat and pants with a torn bowler hat on her head stared up at me, her left eye full of insanity, her other being blind, with a scar over it.

In fact, the clearly old she-cat had many cuts, burns, and scars on her, some even looking recent.

She leered in close to me, mewling happily before saying in a high-pitched, scratchy voice, “Well well well! Isn’t this a nice catch! You’ll be a great pet, just like the rest of my prettys! I’m sure you’ll learn to love eventually, my sweetie!”

As the cat lady carried me off in my cage, I could only wonder where the heck my life went wrong.


As it sat in the treetops, watching the Visitor get carried off by the Tragedy, it wondered who they were, or what brought it here.

It left the vicinity after checking the Visitor’s origin, not wanting the Tragedy to try and capture it again. As it did so, it moved to it’s central body, deep, deeper, yet deeper in the ground, where nothing was moving… At least, nothing living.

The ‘ was most definitely NOT living. It saw from both it’s vessel’s eyes, as the Visitors met new beings.

It did not care about these events, they were inconsequential to it’s plan, however…

No, it was fine, as long as they didn’t free it’s vessels or discover it’s anchors too early, everything would be fine, it had to be.

It thought about what it was doing, if it was really worth this for retribution on one being, just one.

But, eventually, he would have to pay. For what he did.

It’s segments shifted, moving to and from points, resembling a Spirograph before becoming a more comfortable tesseract.

It still thought the Visitors might be a problem, although, with a bit of nudging, maybe they could aid it’s goal.

It would have a stern talking to with the two Deities once it was free and had done what was needed, however. They didn’t just get to throw a wrench in it’s plans, accidentally or not.

It rumbled, shifting into a vague trapezoid. Only a little bit longer.

Then, it would be free.

Then, it would have justice.

Discord sighed, wishing he had restricted the light to just the one room, as his cell mate yelled at him about it hitting even more people.

Where did this extra landmass even come from anyway?

Author's Note:

This is the first chapter! If you have any feedback, art (SFW), or spelling corrections, let me know!

Comments ( 1 )

Certainly interesting. Don't worry about the Abyssinians (the cat people). I established them as canon a long time ago. I know you aren't exactly following the Eeveeverse's canon to the letter, but that bit fits anyway.

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