• Published 28th Dec 2022
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Ocellus gets stranded - Alank2

During an important diplomatic mission, Ocellus is stranded in a faraway land, a land in a desperate need of help. Away from friends and family, she has to prove herself to be a true Student of Friendship.

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Ocellus gets promoted

Ocellus made an unhappy sound as she woke up. Why was she not asleep? She felt like she run a thousand miles in her own body instead of changing to something more suited for it. She definitely strained most of her muscles, even those she never knew she had. Ouch.

She slowly lift her head, opening her eyes, only to see a tip of a spear right in front of her face. “Woah!” She jumped back, only to hit another sharp object with her back. It fortunately didn’t pierce her shell, but it slipped down and cut her leg. Ocellus fell on the ground, shaking, and holding her wounded limb. That was it, the monsters found her, she would die!

Only, nothing attacked her. She heard some whispering voices, but they didn’t sound like monsters. She knew these sounds!. She slowly opened her eyes, not even realizing she closed them moment ago, only to see a confused changeling looking at her with… worry? And it was an old-schoool changeling, with holes in their limbs!

“… are you alright?” The changeling asked, sounding so unsure and worried that if not for the pain and fear, Ocellus would actually try to help him. But now, such thoughts were far in the back of her mind.

“You cut me!” She shouted instead, shaking. “Why would you do this?! I’m not even armed!”

“You were supposed to just not move, not jump back!” The changeling defended himself. “How could I know you will jump back?!”

“I don’t know, maybe because you put your spear right in front of my eyes?” Ocellus tried to calm herself. Ouch, her leg still hurt, but now she managed to focus more on the changelings around her. She also noticed it was day, early morning. She slept for a while, it seems.

The changelings in front of her were definitely different than her old Hive before change. Not physically, but mentally. They all radiated confusion, most of them even worry. They seemed a little afraid, but that fear was barely there.

The one who cut her – and now, looking at him and feeling his emotions, she totally believed it was on accident – put the spear down and instead took some bandages off a small pouch he was wearing. He started slowly wrapping her wounded leg, avoiding looking her in the eyes. Now he seemed a little ashamed of himself.

“What kind of creature are you?” One of the other changelings asked, as everyone else put their weapons down. “We have never seen anyone like you. Are you a fairy?”

No, I’m a changeling! Just like you.” Ocellus instantly felt doubt around her. “You can feel my emotions, can’t you tell? I can tell by yours that you are changelings, and you didn’t really want to hurt me.” Now that her leg was hurting a little less, Ocellus looked around. She was still on a beach, with a small forest in front of her. Looking ahead, she saw more hills, slowly becoming taller and taller, until they became big, imposing mountains – maybe old volcanoes? – in the middle of the island. She was definitely on Greneclyf.

Now, if only her job as a de-facto ambassador from Changeling Lands did not start like this. She shook a little, despite her best effort to hide it, when she remembered the horrible end of her ship, and dire warnings of Princess Luna. She was truly alone.

Seeing her shake for a moment, and no doubt feeling her fear and loneliness, two changelings slowly came closer and helped her up. She could still walk on three legs if she had to, but she was still exhausted after her desperate escape, and she happily accepted their help.

“We need to come back to the village now. The elder should know what to do, but my best guess is, the Queen will want to see you.” Feeling Ocellus’s anxiety, one of changelings added, “Easy, easy. Queen Gytha will not hurt you. If you truly are a changeling from over the sea, she will just want to know what are you doing here, and if you need any help.”

Help. Oh, that would be actually very nice. Can she get Princess Twilight, with additional help of counselor Starlight Glimmer? And King Thorax? Because that would be great. Of course, she kept such thoughts for herself, as the changelings slowly guided her through the forest.

Fortunately, it seemed she landed close to one of their villages, as it only took a few hours to reach it. It looked… fresh. The buildings were relatively new, made out of a mix of stone and some sparse wood here and there. They reminded her a little of some Yakyakistan buildings she saw in her book once.

And it was full of changelings. Fishing, working on more houses, warehouses, and extending a little port in a small, natural bay. But when they saw her, most of them stopped working, changing back into their normal forms and whispering among one another.

“What is all this commotion about? Get back to work, everyling!” A strong voice sounded, and everyone stopped staring – at least overtly. An older, female changeling stepped out of the working crowd, eyeing Ocellus and her escort. To her credit, she hesitated only for a moment. “Welcome to Aisling, stranger. I must say, I have never seen anyone like you, but all peaceful creatures are welcome here. What happened to your leg?” She only now noticed the bandaged limb.

“Oh, I am a changeling, my name is Ocellus! And it’s nothing, really, just a scratch.” As tempting as it was, she was not going to allow a small thing like that to blow up their chance of peace.

It was obvious she didn’t believe him, and her eyes were laser-focusing members of the changeling patrol one by one, causing each to nervously flinch and avert their eyes. She finally nodded and continued. “I really do hope you come in peace. Everycreature, and lings especially, are welcome here. But I must say, you fell like a ling, but… different, somehow? Where do you come from?”

“I come from Changeling Lands, in the east. King Thorax sent me when he heard of changelings living on Gryphus, so we can learn from each other and become friends!” To her surprise, instead of relaxing, the atmosphere suddenly grew tense. It took her a moment that she was not the source of it – rather, the older changeling was now openly glaring daggers at the members of patrol, who looked like they wanted to change into stone and remain such for the next fifty years. Or maybe more.

“I see. If you forgive me for a moment, honored guest?” In normal situation, Ocellus would probably nervously chuckle at the title of ‘honored guest’. Or change into a rock out of embarrassment. But fortunately, everyling’s attention was on the poor changelings who brought her in.

“Cynipidae Vraks.” The older changeling said very, very calmly. “Do you remember what Queen Gytha herself told us when she visited us recently? About guests?”

One of the lings seemed to grow smaller and smaller under everyling’s gaze. “To, heheh, not fight them unless provoked?” She answered, laughing nervously. “But, she, she jumped on our spears, really!”

“A messenger of a Changeling King just appeared on the beach, unarmed and with intent of starting official negotiations and first diplomatic contact with us. And she, conveniently, jumped. On. Your. Spears.” The voice was colder than the air in Pingland Republic. In winter. “The Queen will make her judgment herself on you, Cynipidae. And pray that Ambassador Ocellus does not require something more. Like your head.”

Ambassador? Wait, head?! “No, no, it is not necessary!” Ocellus interrupted them. “It was an accident, as they said. They were all very sorry, and helped me get here after an accident stranded me on the beach. Please, do not punish them?” She finished unsurely, now having everyone’s attention on her again. Oh, she hated it! Why can’t she be charismatic like Silverstream? She had severe stage fright.

Fortunately, her words seemed to have a desired effect. “You are all incredibly lucky. Get the second shift on patrol, and take their place at work, so you do not, I don’t know, make River Swirl accidentally ‘fall on your spear’.” She turned to Ocellus. “Ambassador, if I may help you walk, my house is nearby. There, you can rest, and we can discuss some things before official audience with the Queen.”

“Thank you!” Ocellus and his guide slowly walked to one of the houses, whispers returning the moment she disappeared inside, rumor mill going full steam.

“I forgot to introduce myself with all that was happening back there, I am Ixodida Gorak.” The older changeling said as they both sat down. Her house was very spartan and utilitarian inside, with only some chairs, a desk, and a map of the island on the wall. “I am very happy to see an ambassador from foreign changeling lands coming to us. We heard rumors, but being very isolated makes verifying anything very hard.”

“Oh, do not worry, it’s the same for us! In fact, we just heard the rumors and King Thorax decided to send me to meet you. And please, no title, Ocellus is enough.” She answered, feeling the pain in her muscles go away. Even with help, walking to the village proved much harder in her current state. At least she was no longer the center of attention of the entire village anymore.

“But aren’t you an ambassador of King Thorax?”

“I… don’t think I am?” She thought for a moment. On the other hoof, she was the most experienced changeling on that ship when it came to friendship. And now she was the only one left. “There were many changelings with me on the ship, but… we had an accident.” She tried to keep herself together. “I was the only one who managed to escape.”

“By the Queen, I am so sorry. This must have been a harrowing experience. What kind of storm can kill a changeling, though?” She wondered, visibly surprised. “Or did you lose our ability to shapeshift?”

“Oh no, we can, it’s just… it wasn’t a storm. We were attacked by something. Some kind of monsters I have never seen. They were definitely magical, but I can’t even recognize the magic they used. They were scary.” She shuddered at the memory of the overwhelming fear.

“Dread League, no doubt.” Now the older changeling felt even sorrier for the poor Ocellus. Seeing things that could drive even the veteran Arcturian Knights to insanity… it must have been horrible.

“Dread League? You mean the Dread Peninsula?”

“Dread League, Dread Peninsula, dread anything. It’s your usual band of necromancers, sorcerers, vampires and what-have-you, stirring trouble. They never tried to attack anyone but the Order and some fools who tried to sail too close, though.” Ixodida felt worried. Was that a sign of darker things to come?

However, there was something else. Ocellus did not feel like any ling she ever knew, but there was something familiar. Something in the way she acted, she felt. “Forgive me for asking, but… how old are you, Ocellus?”

“I’m… technically not adult yet? But I'm close to being one!” Ocellus quickly added, aware of the way adults treat those they perceive as children.

Ixodida realized the situation now. A young ling, sent to get experience on a big diplomatic mission, and now the only survivor of a necromancer attack. But clearly old enough to be trusted, if she was sent on such important mission.
Poor kid.

“But I was the most experienced changeling on the ship.” Ocellus added. “That’s why King Thorax personally asked me to come meet you, he was hoping we can become friends and allies.”

Oh. Now that was interesting. It did not feel like Ocellus was lying or overexaggerating, and the way she tried to deescalate situation with the patrol – who just wounded her – also pointed out to someone who indeed had some experience. And if the King asked for her himself… there could be more to her then it seems. “Forgive me, but why is someone so young the most experienced diplomat? What happened to others?”

“That’s the thing, we… don’t really have others. Not sure about you, but until not long ago, we were, well, looking like you and acting way, way worse.” Ocellus explained. “We planned an attack on Equestria, Olenia, threatened Polar Bears… all that just to satiate our hunger for love. We kidnapped ponies, deer, everycreature we could find to use them as sources of food.”

“I see. That indeed sounds like what our ancestors were doing, before the Hillponies forced them to escape to the island. But it seems you found a… unique way of dealing with these issues?”

“Yes! King Thorax, well back then he wasn’t a king yet, challenged our queen to save ponies she kidnapped. He and Starlight Glimmer, who's a pony, tried to stop her, and almost failed. Queen Chrysalis, our old queen, was draining him of his love, when Starlight told him to share it instead of trying to hide it.”

“Share love? Just like that?” Older changeling listened with vast interest. How could it trigger this transformation? It should just allow this Chrysalis to drain Thorax faster.

“But that’s it! He shared his love, all of it, willingly! And when he did it, he broke through her magic, cracked her anti-magic throne even, and transformed right in front of everyone there! He and Starlight told the rest that they can also be free of hunger, so we all started sharing, and… here I am.” Ocellus smiled, always happy to tell this amazing story.

“Wait. You do not need to eat anymore?” That… was revolutionary. If Queen Gytha hears of it, and it turns out to be true, they will finally be free of hunger!

“We do, but much less than we did before. And we can make our own! And we can share it with other changelings, and we are never hungry thanks to that. Here, let me show you.”

“Wait, Ocellus, you are wounded, save your…” And then she felt it. It was an experience she could not explain with words, no matter how she later tried.

Every ling knew they could not generate their own love. Some tried, but it could never satiate themselves or others. But this, this was the truly love of Ocellus. Impossible to fake, and containing all that she loved and cared about.

It was the most fulfilling love Ixodida ever ate. She and other changelings from the island only ate love freely provided, but this was different. It felt like what love was supposed to be. Given freely in unlimited amounts.

Wait. Unlimited? She knew it cannot be, but it felt like it. And then it hit her. Ocellus was making her love on the spot as she was losing the miniscule qualities, and those miniscule qualities were enough to overwhelm the other changeling already! She remembered her friends, family, everyone she cared about, and her love was just refilling itself on the spot.

And with love, came trust, and sharing. She could feel Ocellus and her friends. King Thorax. Pharynx. Her teachers. She could not see details, even who they were, just feel the emotions. It was too much. Too much!

“Stop! Please, Ocellus, that’s enough.” She added, trying to not sound rude, as the stream of love ended. She was never so full, so… fulfilled. It felt like there was an emptiness in her, and it was filled. Not forever – she could already feel small parts of it slip away, used by her body to live – but giving her direction. Hope, that she may also achieve this one day.

“This is beyond anything I ever expected to see.” She simply said, knowing Ocellus could feel her emotions. No words could ever describe what she just felt. “The Queen will be ecstatic when she hears of it. We are already in your debt, and you showed this to us without asking for anything as well. We will be forever grateful.”

“Please don’t say that. Helping others requires no debt.” Ocellus protested. “Professor Rarity told me once of the idea of paying good deeds forward; if you truly feel in debt, do for others as much as I did for you. This way, we will all benefit.”

“She sounds like a very wise ling.”

“Oh no, she’s a pony. And yes, she is very wise.” Ocellus smiled, remembering her. “It is easy to underestimate her when you see her for the first glance, but she is very, very wise. She is the Element of Generosity, a teacher, a buisnessmare, always doing something.”

“A businessmare with such wisdom, and successful at that, I guess? Impressive, truly.” So much more made sense now. This school Ocellus was in was some kind of multi-cultural school for future diplomats and ambassadors. The young ling in front of her seemed unaware of it, but it was probably the most elite school in the country, with only the best of the best teaching there. Makes sense that King Thorax, having a very new and not well-known nation – or rather, known for horrible things they did before – chose someone too young to participate in any crimes and sent her to this school, to have a perfect ambassador for the most important situations.

And he sent her here. It seems he really wanted to meet them, and help them with their hunger, which made sense considering he fought a war to overthrow this Chrysalis and knew himself how horrible the love deprivation was.

The Queen needs to meet with Ocellus as fast as possible.

It still took some time for them to reach the capital. Ocellus was exhausted and wounded, and Ixodida wanted her to rest at least a day or two before going anywhere. She sent a messenger to Blosmport in the meantime, to give Queen some time to prepare and think about what this newest guest meant for Greneclyf. Obviously, another Hive, much bigger, with powerful allies and open to diplomacy was already a big thing. Probably one of if not the biggest in their history. But a way to not feel the hunger? It was a revolution that would turn their island upside down, in a good way.

Ocellus proved to be a very quiet and shy guest, but also unendingly curious. She was obviously a little out of her element, and at the same time wanted to ask questions about everything and was too nervous to do that. Ixodida helped her as much as she could, encouraging the younger ling to ask any questions she may have.

And as they were sitting in a boat taking them to the capital – it was much faster and less tiring then walking there – Ocellus asked a question she only now thought about. “You names are different then the changelings at home, but Queen Gytha’s is very similar to ours. Do you know why?”

“She is simply that much older. She told us few times that our language changed a lot since the days of Queen Dylis and the First Sharing.” The older changeling shrugged. “Honestly, the names you speak of sound alien to me. Chrysalis, Thorax, Pharynx, even you, Ocellus. It’s like reading about our ancient history.And the way you always say 'changeling', and never just 'ling'.”

“First Sharing was the day where Chief of Farbrook, Fingal, voluntarily give you his love to save you from dying, right?” Ocellus remembered their discussion about Greneclyf’s history. “It is so nice to see that even outside Equestria, ponies can still be forgiving to their former enemies.”

“Farbrookians are good folk. Most Hillponies are. They are wary of outsiders, but with neighbors like theirs, it’s understandable.” The slightly nervous silence returned. Ocellus was a little scared, and she knew why. Now was the moment she anticipated and dreaded equally since Thorax asked for her help. She will have to speak to the ruler of Greneclyf, by herself. How did she end up in this situation? She wasn’t even a full adult yet!

Ocellus tried to calm herself, again. She took a deep breath, and let it out. Breathe in, and out, in, and out. She focused on her lessons, and the history of the region. As always, focusing on what she knew instead of what she feared helped her feel better. She was as ready as she could be.

The docking and then going through the city was surprisingly normal. It really felt more like her hive then Ponyville, but also more like Ponyville then her hive. She couldn’t explain it, but that’s how she felt. She could see changelings buzzing around like in the hive, but the buildings and the way they worked reminded her more of ponies then the ever-changing life in her hive. It was the best of both her homes. Somehow, she felt at home here.

She guessed it was the result of hundreds of years of interacting with Hillponies. Greneclyf changelings were truly unique, not just an offspring of the mainland hive. They had they own culture, influenced by their history, race and neighbors, and Ocellus really wanted to find the closest library and read everything she could about them.

But for now, she had a mission before her. Reach the Queen Gytha, and make good first impression. Whether she liked it or not, she was now, in practice, representing the Changeling Hives. She really hoped she will manage it, somehow.

One great benefit of being back among changelings was how easy it was to understand each other. As close as her friends were to her, it still took considerable time and effort before they reached the level of understanding they had these days, and it was still very different then what changelings felt just by being next to each other.

In this situation, it especially worked in her favor. Everyling in the city was fascinated by her, and it was very overwhelming, but Ixodida was radiating authority and haste, and noling came close. And feeling that Ocellus was actually nervous and stressed, the surrounding changelings did their best to limit their emotions and curiosity, clearly trying to make her feel better. She really appreciated it. It was amazing, seeing Greneclyf changelings, still in old changeling forms, but capable of good and feeling empathetic on such level.

The guards standing in front of a larger – built not overwhelming – building could also feel the hurry emanating from Ixodida. They clearly recognized her, and let her in without problems, which led Ocellus to a right conclusion that her guide wasn’t just a village elder.

They reached a small room, equipped with multitude of chairs, sofas and other places to rest, with two small ornamental bells hanging on the walls. The furniture was clearly made with many races in mind, and Ocellus realized that this is probably a place for prepared for diplomats and other important guests waiting for audience. Like her right now.

“Please wait here, Ocellus. I will speak with the Queen first.” Ixodida said, and Ocellus nodded. It made sense that, if Ixodida was in fact someone who visited palace frequently, the Queen would like to speak her in private before the official audience.
Ocellus could only hope she made a good first impression. If Queen Gytha had as much authority as Thorax did, or more, she could decide to execute her on the spot at any moment.

“Do not worry, Ocellus. Queen Gytha is not like this ‘Chrysalis’ you mentioned before, not at all.” The older changeling assured the nervous de-facto ambassador. “I just have few things we need to consider in private. It should not take long. If you need anything, ring one of the bells on the wall and someling will come to help.” She smiled, and knocked on the quite normal-looking, wooden doors leading to the audience chamber.

“Come in.” Queen Gytha said from her throne, and smiled slightly as Ixodida entered and closed the door behind her. “It is nice to see you back, especially with good news. We could really use more of them these days.”

The advisor to the Queen bowed gently, before returning the smile. “I indeed bring good news. I learned even more about Ocellus and her Hive on our way here, since I sent the messenger.” She told the Queen everything she did learn, keeping it short for now. The ruler listened with fascination, and a spark of enthusiasm and hope that Ixodida worried she would never see again. Her Queen was getting back to her old self, the one who bravely decided to open the island after hundreds of years of isolation despite all the risks.

“I see. So this transformation is triggered by sharing all the love a changeling has?” The Queen pondered this revelation, as she did multiple times since the messenger arrived with news. “It sounds almost too good to be true.”

“Neither me, no any other ling could detect even the tiniest bit of lie in her words.”

“Unless her transformation gave her abilities we did not know. She is unlike anyling I have ever seen, and I can sense it even from here.” Queen sighed. “I am sorry, Ixodida, it’s just… all these recent events seem bent on proving me wrong. Nepidae is still convinced we made a mistake opening the island, and with the Bakaran issue, I sometimes think she may have been right.”

“But Ocellus and her Hive are a living proof we can coexist with others!” Ixodida protested. “If anything, your decision was the only correct one. If not for it, we would have never learned of the other changelings and the way they evolved!”

“Yes, that is true.” Queen agreed. “Sadly, he method she described doesn’t seem to work. Apterygota and Araneidae both tried to give all their love to me, then to each other. It didn’t do anything but exhaust them, to the point where I had to give their love back and then some to make sure they will not suffer from love deprivation.” Gytha seemed to slip back into her depressed self. “Either we are doing something wrong, or there is something wrong with us. Perhaps we are just too different for it to work.”

“I refuse to believe it. Gytha, my Queen, if you will allow me, I also wish to try it.” Ixodida answered with determination.

Gytha hesitated for a long moment. “Please, be careful. I do not want to risk you dying from love deprivation.”

“I will be.” Ixodida promised, and then focused on the love inside her. Both her reserves from before, and what Ocellus gave her. She sent all of it to her Queen, determined and hoping to succeed where others failed.

Gytha could feel the love flowing into her. She could feel Ocellus and her emotions, her admiration of others, her friends, family, teachers. But even with all this love flowing into her, nothing changed. Her advisor, determined to succeed at all cost, continued even as she begin to wither and got closer and closer to death.

Queen could not accept this. She was not going to see her advisor, and friend, just wither away in front of her. She forcefully reversed the process, feeding Ixodida her love back, and then some.

The exhausted changeling fell on the round, breathing heavily. She failed, just as others did. Why? Was she not worthy? She fought her hunger for her entire life, served her Queen and Greneclyf as best as she could. And now, she just failed, despite knowing it had to be possible. Why?

“Please do not think whatever it is you are thinking.” Gytha broke her train of thought with a commanding voice. “I forbid it. My advisor cannot think of her less then she should.”

Ixodida smiled, and almost laughed. “When was the last time you actually gave me an order, my Queen? It seems all this contact with the outside is really changing you. Are you sure you don’t have a sudden urge to become Great and Scary Emperor Gytha?”

Queen tried to keep a straight face, but her advisor changed into an old griffon with equally old crown on his head. “I command you, young people, to listen to everything I say, no matter how stupid it is! I am in power, and I must be right! Khe, khe, ignore my cough, it’s just from all this gold dust around me, khe, khe.”

She changed back, and both of them laughed. “If I ever get to meet Grover VI, remind me to keep you out of this meeting. I don’t want another political crisis on my head.” Gytha said, no longer trying to keep her royal face on. Instead, she was just smiling.

“I think it is a good moment to introduce our guest, my Queen.” Ixodida answered, already heading to the door.

“... Did you made me smile just to make our guest feel better?” Queen Gytha shook her head.

“You do keep me as advisor for a reason, my Queen.” Was the answer, as the smiling changeling reached the door and opened them. “Come in, Ocellus.”

Ocellus was surprisingly feeling much more relaxed then she expected. As she sat alone in the room, her mind kept bringing up all the bad scenarios, and political consequences of even the smallest mistakes she could make. But then, a wave of happiness spread from the throne room, and it felt so natural. It reminded her of Thorax and Pharynx, two changelings knowing each other so well and happy to be together.

But when the doors opened and she was invited, all the stress returned. Not waiting for her mind to make another grim scenario out of thin air, she quickly stood up and entered the throne room.

Queen Gytha was… much less imposing then Ocellus expected. Her skin was much less jagged, just like her horn was much smoother then any pre-transformation changeling she ever saw. She looked more like an exotic-looking, big unicorn then the Queen of changelings, at least at first glance. She also had a white mane, contrasting with her dark grey skin and red eyes. Ocellus could sense that this was not a shapeshifted image, but her natural form.

She did not remind her of Chrysalis at all. She was still taller than Ocellus, but the size was the only thing that she seemed to have in common… and then the young changeling realized she was rudely gaping at the Queen. She quickly bowed deeply, hoping to salvage her bad first impression. “You highness, I am honored to see you.” She really hoped these were the correct words. She read up on royal etiquette earlier, but who knew what traditions were different here?

“Ambassador Ocellus, please stop looking at the floor and look at me.” The Queen sounded amused, not angry. “And trust me, I am also happy to see you. Ixdodia told me about you, but seeing you myself, I can see why she trusts you so much.”

“Thank you, Queen Gytha.” Ocellus answered with relief.

“I heard about your journey here, and the monsters you encountered. Rest assured, this is not normal situation for ambassadors in Greneclyf. I will do all in my power to help you feel comfortable, and I will dispatch a messenger to reach King Thorax and inform him as well.”

“He already knows.” Ocellus answered. “Thank you for the offer, but I managed to reach Princess Luna, and she made sure to inform him. Someone if probably already on the way to Greneclyf.” Although it will take a while, Ocellus thought. Obviously, going through these monsters is out of the question, so whoever Thorax sends will have to go through entire Gryphus before reaching her. But she had no doubt help was already on the way.

“The Princess of Dreams? So it is true. You truly have powerful allies, then.” Queen Gytha sighed. “I can only wish we could find such allies of our own.”

“Well, you already have some! Hillponies are your friends, from what I heard, and now the Changeling Hives!” Ocellus answered without doubt.

“I thank you for your kind words, but we are not allies yet. It will probably take time before we build any trust with King Thorax.”

“Well, I wouldn’t be so sure. He trusts me a lot, and I haven’t seen anything bad on Greneclyf.” Ocellus answered, feeling much more in her element. This was almost like solving a friendship problem! “Do you have, I don’t know, some sort of evil secret? Hidden worshipers of evil sorcerer, or perhaps you take love by force?”

“No, of course not!” Queen seemed appalled by the idea. And with everyone in the room being a changeling, it was obvious she was not lying.

“Then you can be our friends, if you want, of course.” Ocellus smiled. Suddenly, she felt like she was the competent and not shy person in the room; both Queen and Ixodida seemed speechless. “I, um, I don’t know if I have any power to make it official, but if I do, then it is official. Changeling Hives and Greneclyf are now friends and allies.”

There was stunned silence in the room. Ocellus, her confidence quickly waning, started to feel nervous. Do they not want to be friends? Did she do the wrong thing? Started a war? Or something even worse that she can’t imagine?

“…You are quick to trust.” Ixodida managed to say after long, awkward silence. “We of course accept, but, are you sure? You haven’t even met the rest of royal advisors, or toured Greneclyf!”

“But, we are all changelings, right?” Ocellus answered shyly. “I can feel you, you can feel me. And you want to have more friends. Professor Applejack always says that honesty is a good sign in anyone, and you didn’t lie to me at all. Why would I say no?”

“I am starting to understand why King Thorax values you so high.” Queen Gytha answered with newfound respect. “You are truly something, ambassador. You are willing to accept others just because they are good and honest, without caring about their race or history. If only others were more like you.
I accept the alliance as the ruler or Greneclyf. Let our nations become the closest of friends, and grow and prosper together.”

Ocellus was only now hit by the full force of what happened. She just created and international alliance, by herself. She had no doubt King Thorax will agree… which means she did it. She’s going to be in history books now!

That was a little too much. She was torn between absolute awe at what she did, and the sudden realization of what she did. She just nodded numbly, trying to process all the emotions inside her and not shake as the weight of what she just did dawned on her.

“Ambassador, you seem tired. Please, get some rest.” Queen proposed.

It was tempting, but Ocellus could feel something in the air now. Concern, and not about her. She could not just go. She took a deep breath, and focused on her memories.
Gallus and his constant procrastination, but also loyalty and courage. Silverstream and her endless laughter and being amazed by everything, like every sunset was unique and special. Smolder and her self-confidence, and Sandbar bringing them all together despite their differences.

Queen Gytha could feel it. It was no substitute for actual rest long-term, but for some time changelings could just use love to avoid rest. And Ocellus was just… making love out of thin air. No, not air; out of her memories, of the bonds she created with others.
Just like every creature except her lings seemed to be able to. It was true love; she could feel it, and it tasted sweet and energizing. It was amazing, seeing, not just reading about, a ling just create love by herself.

Feeling the amazement of the Queen, and a little more energized now, Ocellus asked shyly: “Do you, um, err, want some? I have lot of love to spare, if you need it.”

“No, absolutely not. I will not be taking love from the official ambassador of an allied country, Ocellus. I shudder to imagine what King Thorax would say is I did something like this, and he would be right.” Queen sighed. “I am just envious. I wish my lings could no longer feel the hunger.”

“Have you tried sharing love? This is how we changed.” Ocellus asked, surprised. He would expect this to be the first thing they would try.

“We cannot change this way. My advisors tried, but all have failed. We seem to be cursed by our past sins to remain like this, forever.” Queen answered pessimistically.

“That… I’m sorry, but I don’t know how to help, then.” Ocellus said, surprised. “It never happened with our hive. Maybe it’s just a matter of a right situation? Pharynx changed much later than the rest of us, but he still did! I believe you can do this.”

Queen smiled. Ocellus and her optimism was definitely something. She truly had good teachers. “Maybe. For now, you should really go rest, ambassador. I have some matters that require taking care of.” She internally sighed. She did not look forward to what she will have to do now.

“Can I help?” Ocellus could feel the sudden change in the room. Both other changelings suddenly just felt so bad. “If it’s just a lot of paperwork, I can definitely help, I helped Headmare Twilight few times.”

“No, it’s not paperwork. It’s politics.” Queen Gytha hesitated, but in the end decided to tell Ocellus what was troubling her. She was now an official ambassador, she could know things like this. “One of our traders in Bakara was arrested. They say he murdered one of their citizens, and they are going to execute him.”

Ocellus swallowed nervously. That was indeed bad. “What are you going to do?”

“Nothing.” She answered sadly. “Greneclyf does not have power to rival River Federation, and we cannot risk antagonizing them. My advisors agreed that we cannot risk our future by protesting or sending someone to help defend him.”

“That… is wrong.” Ocellus said, now appalled. Just letting it happen? “You should at least send someone to make sure they are not saying it just because he’s a changeling!”

“But what if River Federation decides to cut our trade? We need an alliance with them, if we want to be safe.”

“That is still wrong.” Ocellus took a deep breath. She was going to put herself into more trouble, of course. Why was she acting like this? She could feel her courage seeping out. She was tired, and she already did so much, why not just let the Queen rule her own nation and not try to fix everything?

No. Come on, remember what professor Dash said, Ocellus thought. You must be loyal to your friends, if you want them to be loyal to you. That’s how friendship works. Even if it requires effort from you, that is no excuse to just leave a friend.

“I will go.”

Unknown to her, a different gathering was happening around the same time, far east from Greneclyf. In Aglossata, among Changeling Fjords, Thorax gathered an unusual group.

He finished telling what he knew about Ocellus from Luna, and sat down, allowing others to speak. There was a moment of silence, before someone did.

“I am sorry for your loss, King Thorax, but why did you gather us all here? If this is a rescue operation, why didn’t you invite Equestrians here?” Theo Malmkvist, prime minister of Pingland Republic, asked. “With all due respect, why is this a matter of international importance?”

“Because now we know something that we didn’t before.” It was Pharynx who responded, sitting next to Thorax. “Everyone in this room lost many ships to these waters. Every ship straying from the shore for too long simply disappeared without trace. Now we know why, and who did this.”

Someone else wanted to speak, but stopped as President Polar slightly moved is head. The stoic polar bear, with his magical smokeless pipe in his mouth, slowly look at King Thorax with his emotionless eyes. He very slowly took the pipe out, and asked with a stoic, calm voice: “Do you have any proof these… monsters are responsible for disappearing ships?”

“What else could this be? What can just take a ship and leave not race, nothing, no survivors even among races who could reasonably swim to reach land?” Pharynx asked in return. “We all know that Pingland sailors could swim around entire west coast, if they wanted to. What could make them disappear alongside their ships?”

“Magic.” President Polar answered calmly. “Perhaps the ocean west from our lands is simply plagued by unnatural, magical storms?”

“Pharynx is right.” A new voice said, and everyone turned to Queen Velvet, leader of the Deer Kingdom, and the last ruler invited to the conference. “These monsters are without doubt responsible for disappearances of our ships in the past.”

“How do you know that?” Theo asked, surprised.

“Since the threat of Changeling Hive’s invasion disappeared, our diviners returned to their normal duties of foreseeing the greatest dangers we could face.” Queen answered. Everyone here knew of the unique magical ability of the deer, allowing their seers to see small fragments and visions of the future. “They perceive a great threat coming soon. It will come from the west, and the dead will return to destroy all life. The lost ships will return, but not in joy, only to destroy. They feel this threat is a great danger to everyone in this room, and more.”

“That is truly disturbing.” Theo was visibly unhappy upon hearing this, moving nervously in his chair. “But what makes you think that attacking these monsters now is a good idea? Why not wait, fortify and prepare? And also, why not just ask Equestria to go and solve the problem lie they always do?”

President Polar nodded slowly. Queen Velvet seemed unsure what to say.

Surprisingly, it was Pharynx who took initiative now.

“There are two reasons why I believe we should solve this issue ourselves, without Equestrian help.”

“With the first reason being the fact that we are not equal in the Alliance. We all know that when it comes to conflicts, Equestria tends to act by itself to solve the problem, and they succeed. But that makes all of us just secondary, less important rules of equally unimportant countries. We are only in the Alliance because Equestria sees it as the best way of achieving lasting peace on the continent.” And he personally agreed. But that was not his point. “I want to show Equestria, and the world, that we are not helpless. That if some tyrant or magical threat attacks one of us, it will regret it. We need to show that we are not helpless targets of conquest.”

Everyone nodded at these words, even Polar, although everyone was also grimacing at his words. It was no secret that Equestria was the true power on the continent, and they were all small and inconsequential. Threats like Sombra or Tirek attacked Equestria and were defeated, but there was no guarantee some future monster won’t attack them first. With their reputation of being just rich targets, defenseless and forced to wait for Equestrian help, it was only a matter of time.

“And the second reason is economical.” Thorax took initiative. Now that Pharynx said his part of the plan, King was here to sweeten the deal. “Think about it. We trade with Equestria, true, but what do we sell? They are more technologically and magically advanced. They have such vast territory that they barely lack any resources. If not for the fact that Celestia makes sure pony traders are generous, we would be at massive trade deficit.
However, the eastern shores of Gryphus are not that advanced. In fact, we would be in Equestria’s position, able to sell most of what we produce without problems. Think about it; River Federation is almost as big as Equestria, and there are even other countries around them. Austruland, Kasa, and if we go south we have Macawia and north-east shores of Zebrica. Can you imagine the amounts of trade we can secure with all these places if we get there first?”

That was enough to convince anyone. Queen Velvet was first to voice her support, and other followed swiftly. But the most enthusiastic person was Pingland Republic’s High Admiral, Olov Hagg. Highest-ranking admirals on all sides were invited alongside the rulers, and now it was their time to shine.

“Finally! The only action our fleet did this year was saving some tourists who got their ship stuck in the ice. Ice! And they were surprised it happened, somehow. And last year, it was even worse, nothing happened!” The High Admiral always dreamed of using Pingland’s mighty fleet in combat, and his dream would be finally realized.

“I wish I had at least tourists to save. I will need to get our sailors in shape, they were rusting in ports for years.” Hivesadmiral Lysander smiled, and High Admiral Olov answered with an equal smile.

“Oh Celestia, there is two of them.” Thorax said to himself quietly as both energetic admirals with obsessions over big ships and equally big battles got lost in preparations for the combined fleet’s journey. Prime Minister Theo mumbled something similar to himself, and they looked at each other with perfect understanding of ‘you too have this overzealous admiral?’.

Ole Sunde, the highest-ranking Polar Bear admiral, joined the other navy commanders, his massive presence – twice as big as any of them - and calm behavior calming them down a little, and Deer Chief of Navy Meriassa Blule also helped to guide the discussion back to practical preparations for the expedition.

The multinational fleet gathered for a rescue operation, ready to face the dangers of the Pathalassic Ocean like no one before them.

And at the same time, in the old castle on Dread Peninsula, a creature stood in the window. It looked at the horizon, as if it could pierce it somehow and see Greneclyf with perfect clarity. It was smiling, as it prepared for the realization of an ancient plan.
Death was coming to the world, and the small island was a perfect place to begin.