• Published 30th Dec 2022
  • 562 Views, 6 Comments

Dreaming of a Perfect Gift - AndwhatIseeisme

Spike needs to think of the perfect gift to give to somepony special. Will he be able to before Hearth's Warming is upon him?

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“Spike, can you grab my copy of 'Starswirl’s Art of Magic' from the bookcase over there?” Twilight Sparkle asked her number one dragon.

Spike was sitting across the room from Twilight, staring out the window, watching the snow fall onto the streets of Ponyville.

“Spike? My book?” Twilight asked again.

The purple dragon offered no response, apparently not hearing her.

“Spike? SPIKE!” Twilight shouted.

“Huh? Wha-?” Spike finally responded, aware for the first time that his name was being called. “Did you say something, Twi?”

“Well, I was asking if you could grab a book for me, but now I’m more concerned with you,” she replied. “You seem really out of it, Spike. Is everything okay?”

“Hmm? Oh, yeah… I guess I just kind of got lost in thought,” Spike explained. “Sorry.”

“Anything I can help with?” she offered. “Sometimes the best way to work through a problem is to think it through with a friend.”

“Thanks Twi, but this is sort of personal. I appreciate the offer for help, but I think I need to figure this one out on my own,” Spike said. “I think maybe I’ll just go to bed and try to sleep on it. Maybe I’ll think better in the morning.”

“Well… okay,” Twilight said, her brow knitted as she gave Spike a long, concerned look. She knew better than to pry too hard into Spike’s personal problems, but it still bothered her to see him look so forlorn.

Spike made his way to his room and flopped down onto his bed. Burying his face in his pillow, he groaned in frustration as anxiety flooded his brain. When did Hearth’s Warming turn from the most exciting time of the year to the most stressful? Was this what growing up was like? He felt like he could understand Twilight’s habit of Twilighting better than ever before.

It all came down to finding the perfect gift to give. This year, it had to be special. After all, he wanted to make an impression on the mare he was crushing on. As the years had passed, he’d matured enough to accept that he and Rarity would never work out, the age gap was too great and she was never going to see him as anything but her ‘little Spikey-wikey’, more a little brother than a potential lover. But, in his time spent chasing after her, he’d gotten closer and closer to a certain other mare living at the Carousel Boutique.

Sweetie Belle was everything he loved about Rarity and more. She was smart, funny, talented, generous, and, while perhaps not quite as refined as her older sister, still had a certain grace about her that Spike admired. Plus, they were about the same age and shared many of the same friends and hobbies. Now all he had to do was to convince her to see him the same way. And the first step toward doing that was to find her the perfect Hearth’s Warming gift.

If only he could figure out what that was.

There were only a few days left before the holiday, and he had nothing to show for it. He had no idea what to get her that would be special enough to grab her attention, but whatever gift he got had to be perfect.

He didn’t dare ask Twilight or any of the girls. Sure, they’d probably be better able to recommend what a filly Sweetie’s age might like. Well, most of them, at least. Twi would probably just recommend books. She always recommended books. But, if he let them know he was getting something for Sweetie, and then she ended up rejecting him, he might never hear the end of it. He still got teased about his attraction to Rarity from time to time, and he hadn’t seriously courted her since before he got his wings.

No, this had to be kept secret from everypony until he could deliver his gift. But keeping it a secret meant that he couldn’t ask any of them for help. And not asking for help meant he wouldn’t be able to get her the perfect gift. Argh! Why did this have to be so hard!?

Spike rolled over onto his back and stared up at the ceiling. Ideas flashed through his mind, but he rejected every idea he came up as not good enough. He was going in circles trying to think up a gift, and not making any actual progress figuring anything out.

Maybe what he’d said to Twilight was right after all. A good night’s sleep would surely help get his head straight and sort out his ideas. At the very least, it would be a few hours that he wouldn’t have to stress out about his gift. That had to be worth something, right?

Determined to get some sleep and hopefully wake up with a brilliant idea in mind, he pulled his covers over himself and promptly went to sleep.

“Spike? Spike?... Spike!” a voice called out to the young, sleeping dragon.

“Huh? Wha-” Spike lifted his head and looked around, trying to see who was calling to him.

The dragon was somewhat alarmed that his bedroom was no longer surrounding his bed. He seemed to be floating in the center of a sphere as black as the night sky, with small pins of light shining through the velvety darkness like stars. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, but the surreal scenery surrounding him stayed still.

As he stared into the endless night surrounding him, he noticed one of the pinprick lights growing larger and closer, racing toward him until a small moon was suddenly floating next to his bed. In a flash of magic, a familiar pony stood atop the spheroid.

“Hail, Spike! Good evening to you,” Luna greeted him. Spike sheepishly waved back.

“Umm, hello Princess Luna. Nice to see you,” he spoke. He took another look around, the reality of what he was seeing clicking into place, before addressing her again. “I’m guessing this is inside one of my dreams?” he asked.

“Forsooth, young Spike. I was scouting through the dream realms when I was drawn to yours,” she explained. “I fear that I sense great dread and worry carrying into your sleep from the waking world.”

“Really? Aw, geez. Sorry to worry you, it’s really not anything serious,” Spike said, blushing due to bothering the princess with his concerns.

“Nonsense, Spike. Anything that would concern you enough to carry into your dream-space must be dire indeed. Has something happened between you and Twilight, or any of her friends?” Luna asked.

“No, no, no,” Spike vigorously shook his head as he tried to assuage Luna’s concerns. “Like I said, it’s nothing serious. I’m just, I guess I’m just having trouble thinking up a gift for somepony.”

“I see,” Luna mused. “Many ponies within Equestria suffer similar troubles during the time of Hearth’s Warming. However, for you to fret so that it would transcend your conscious awareness and carry to your dreams, it must be a gift for somepony very special to you.”

“More like a pony who I’d like to be a special somepony,” Spike admitted. “But I’m not having much luck thinking of a gift that would make her think of me like that, as you can probably guess.”

“Indeed,” Luna murmured. “Well, if you are having such difficulties thinking of an appropriate gift for this pony, have you considered perhaps asking for assistance from your friends?”

“I mean, I could, I guess,” Spike confessed, “but I don’t really want them to know about it until after I’ve confessed to her, ya know?”

“I see,” Luna considered. “You wish to keep your courtship secret from them until you’ve deduced whether the mare of your fancy reciprocates your feelings?”

“Uh, yeah, I guess,” Spike replied.

“Well, then perhaps you might confide in me the identity of this secret somepony of your desire, that I might offer counsel in secret from them,” Luna suggested.

“I don’t know…” Spike said.

“Worry not, young Spike. I swear upon the moon itself that your secret will be safe with me. May it fall from the sky and crush the earth beneath its might should I ever prove false!” Luna proclaimed.

“That, uh… that seems a bit extreme,” Spike observed. “But, I get the point. I guess I can trust you with who it is, if you agree to help me think of a gift.”

“Of course I shall aid you as best as I can, Spike,” Luna assured him. “After all, though I admit it has been some time, I too was once a young filly. I’m certain I can offer ideas that you will find satisfactory to your quandary. Now, speak. To whom dost thou carry a flame for within thine heart?”

“Umm, her name is Sweetie Belle,” Spike confessed.

“Ah! The younger sister of Rarity! I am well acquainted with the young filly, and find the idea of your union with her most compelling!” Luna exclaimed excitedly.

“Um, thanks? But can we maybe just stick to gift ideas and not talk about ‘unions’ so much yet?” Spike requested, blushing profusely.

“Ah, of course. No sense speaking of galloping before learning to trot, as they say,” Luna agreed. “Hmm… allow me a moment to ponder on a gift worthy of warming this worthy filly’s hearth.”

Luna closed her eyes and lowered her head in thought, thinking deeply on a gift for Spike to get for Sweetie Belle. Spike watched her silently, desperately optimistic that Princess Luna would be able to solve the issue that had been haunting him for days.

“Well… perhaps it would be best to keep things simple and traditional,” Luna suggested. “I admit it is somewhat cliche for a holiday present, but have you considered defeating an enemy of hers in single combat and presenting the beaten body beneath her Hearth’s Warming tree?”

Spike stared at Luna for a moment, unsure if he was supposed to laugh at her suggestion or not. After watching her face for a moment, he was more than a little horrified to realize that she was being serious.

“I, uh, I don’t think Sweetie really has any enemies, your highness,” Spike replied. “Plus, even if she did, I’m not sure she’d really appreciate me, you know, beating up somepony and displaying them in her house.”

“Truly?” Luna asked with genuine surprise. “Back in my adolescence, nothing attracted a mare to a potential suitor more than a display of a stallion’s willingness to join in her battles and of his strength in a fight.”

“Yeah…” Spike muttered, trying his best not to imagine Sweetie’s reaction to seeing a beaten pony her house. “I don’t think that’s really high on anypony’s list anymore.”

Luna sighed.

“Yes, perhaps. I do admit that I have forgotten how soft the mares of this age have grown compared to the olden days of Equestria,” Luna conceded. “Blood feuds are not quite in vogue so much these days as they were in my fillyhood.”

“Maybe if I was trying to impress another dragon that idea might be a bit better,” Spike stated. “Besides, Rarity would never forgive me if I tracked blood over her floor.”

“Haha, indeed. That mare can be quite finicky with the aesthetics of her domicile,” Luna laughed. “I suppose practical gifts such as weaponry and battle armor are also less sought after these days?”

“Considerably less, yeah,” Spike advised.

“War chariots?”

“I don’t think so…”

“Cursed magical trinkets of ancient black magic capable of transforming the user into a nightmare being of unimaginable power?”

“Okay, now I’m pretty sure you're just messing with me.”

Luna smiled and laughed loudly into the black void where they both still floated.

“Perhaps,” she teased. “Though the ponies of ancient Equestria were quite different from those you’re acquainted with under my sister’s rule. Back in my youth, a mare might have squeed with joy at the sight of her very own war chariot in front of her hearth, complete with an oversized bow atop it.”

“Well, do you think you might have any suggestions more appropriate to a mare living now?” Spike asked desperately. He was beginning to lose hope that Luna would be able to help him after all. Maybe if he was trying to impress Ember or Smoulder these suggestions could help, but Sweetie was almost certainly going to need a less… violent gift.

Luna regained her serious and regal demeanor, though her eyes remained filled with warmth as she looked the young dragon over.

“Dear Spike, I will admit that tastes have changed significantly since my youth,” she said, “however, the basic truth of hearth warming has not changed in that time. If you truly desire to bestow upon young Sweetie Belle a gift worthy of your love for her, than I can offer the same advice that held true in those days.”

“Which is…?” Spike prodded.

“Give her something that shows her how well you know her, and understand her passions and interests,” Luna recommended. “Nothing makes a mare’s heart swell with gratitude than to be surprised with a present that she absolutely desires, but never even knew she wanted before it is given.”

“Well, I mean, that sounds nice and all, but isn’t that kind of easier said than done?” Spike asked, sounding a bit dejected.

“Is it?” Luna asked. “Think hard Spike. If you truly believe yourself worthy of this dear filly’s love, than you should be able to come up with such a gift if you think on it for long enough.”

“But-” Spike began, but was silenced by Luna gently pushing a hoof to his mouth.

“Silence now, Spike,” Luna coached. “Close your eyes and picture Sweetie Belle in your mind, smiling, happy, and gushing with joy. Now, consider what you might present her with that would elicit such a response from her, and you’ll have your answer.”

Spike wanted to protest further, to argue that that was exactly what he’d been doing for days, but somehow he couldn’t find it within himself to argue with Princess Luna’s words. Instead, he closed his eyes and did as she advised. He imagined Sweetie Belle standing in front of him, smiling warmly as he handed her a present. He watched as she slowly opened it, her eyes widening with glee as she realized what it was. Her smile widened, her eyes brightened, and there was such a beautiful expression of pure wonder and awe that flashed in her eyes that Spike felt his heart jump just seeing her so happy. He forced his eyes away from hers and looked down to her hooves, seeing the gift she held in them.

Of course.

It was so simple, he couldn’t believe he’d struggled to think of it earlier. It was the perfect gift, exactly what she’d want. He couldn’t wait to give it to her for real, to see that joy expressed by the real Sweetie Belle, and not just the imaginary one in his dream. His eyes shot open, ready to thank Princess Luna and tell her that he knew exactly what to get Sweetie now.

Spike awoke to the familiar sights of his bedroom. Luna was gone, taking the bizarre dream-space along with her. Outside his window, the morning sun shone brightly. Apparently he’d been asleep all night, but what a productive sleep it had been. He’d never been so excited to wake up. He hopped out of bed and ran out his door. After all, he had a gift to buy.

The perfect gift for the perfect filly. And he couldn’t wait to give it to her.

This was going to be the best Hearth’s Warming ever!

Author's Note:

This year's Jinglemas, I was granted the honor of writing for an author I greatly enjoy: ScarletRibbon. I've been beaten by them in enough contests to be very familiar with their work, and so was quite excited for the chance to write something for them.

Their exact prompt was for:

Spike's crush on Rarity has long past, but now his sights are set on someone closer to his age and maturity. Now he wants to get Sweetie Belle a Hearth's Warming present, but doesn't want anyone else to find out about it. The only issue is, he's not even sure what to get for her.

Doesn't need to be super sappy, but I'll take super sappy if that is what you want to write.

And to be perfectly honest, I may have cheated a bit by A)adding Luna, 2) not really featuring Sweetie Belle much and III) not actually revealing what the gift was.

I kind of struggled with this one a bit, and in the end used my own experience thinking of what to write as inspiration for Spike thinking of what to get. I didn't get a magic dream visit by a horse princess, though. I never actually figured out what gift Spike should get Sweetie Belle, but isn't it more fun for you as the reader to imagine it yourself? Hopefully so.

Anyway, hope you all enjoyed the fic, especially you, Scarlet. Happy Hearth's Warming to all.

Comments ( 6 )

Gotta churn content out for the non-mature viewing fimfic users too, right?

That's a thing?

Oh wait, I mean, uh, "Yeah, that's a thing." *whistles*

Thanks so much for the gift. I truly loved this a lot.

Glad to hear you liked it. Merry Jinglemas.

I know it's a bit conventional.....
But I think, how about a letter written by the ponies who were helped by the CMC? The envelopes are printed with the corresponding cute marks and sent to the members of CMC. There is a rose and a love letter to Sweetie Belle in her envelope, which will be sent by Spirke himself.
Incidentally,good story,happy holidays:)

Gotta churn content out for the non-mature viewing fimfic users too, right?

Forget them. We want smut :flutterrage::pinkiecrazy::trollestia:

Huk #5 · Jan 2nd, 2023 · · 1 ·

Nice little flick, but... not revealing the gift? Come on, man! Now my perverted mind gonna be wondering... :unsuresweetie:

That was a good story.

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